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Perceived Discrimination Among African American Adolescents and Allostatic Load: a Longitudinal Analysis with Buffering Effects

Keywords Adolescents; Black; Racism; Stress; Health; allostatic load; development; discrimination

Peers Increase Adolescent Risk Taking by Enhancing Activity in the Brain’s Reward Circuitry

Keywords Teenagers; Risk taking; Brain scans; Reward

Peer Passenger Norms and Pressure: Experimental Effects on Simulated Driving Among Teenage Males

Keywords Risk taking; Teenagers; Driving; Peer influence; Teen Driver; Risky Driving; Behavior; Simulated Driving; Hazard Perception; Social Influences; Injunctive Norms

Pathways for Engaging in Prosocial Behavior in Adolescence

Keywords adolescence; social sensitivity; brain development; prosocial experiences; perspective taking

One-Year Predictions of Delayed Reward Discounting in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

Keywords delayed reward discounting; ABCD study; MRI; machine learning; prediction

Neuroscience, Mental Privacy, and the Law

Keywords Ethics; Law; Neuroscience; Brain scans; Privacy; law and neuroscience; neurolaw; mental privacy; lie detection; memory detection; brain; EEG; fMRI

Neurocognitive Bases of Emotion Regulation Development in Adolescence

Keywords Adolescence; Emotion regulation; Prefrontal cortex; fMRI; Psychopathology

Neurobiology of Addiction: a Neurocircuitry Analysis

Keywords Drug use; Decision making; Neuroscience

Neurobiological Development in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: Implications for Positive Youth Adjustment

Keywords Adolescence; early adulthood; neurobiological development; brain development; positive youth adjustment

Neural Substrates of Inhibitory Control Maturation in Adolescence

Keywords response inhibition; development; executive function; neurophysiology; fMRI; antisaccade; prefrontal

Neural Processes During Adolescent Risky Decision Making Are Associated with Conformity to Peer Influence

Keywords Adolescents; Risk taking; Peer influence; Driving; fMRI; BART

Neural Plasticity of Development and Learning

Keywords Brain development; Learning; Adolescents; plasticity; development

Multiple Accounts of Adolescent Impulsivity

Keywords Adults; teenagers; impulsivity; brain scans

Motivated to Compete but Not to Care: The Fundamental Social Motives of Risk-Taking Behaviors

Keywords risk-taking; teens; young adults; social pressure; kin care; social motives

Modulation of Reward-related Neural Activation on Sensation Seeking Across Development

Keywords Reward; Brain scans; Brain development; Adolescents; Sensation seeking; Development; fMRI