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Substance use-related alterations of social decision-making in a longitudinal cohort of young adults

Keywords Adolescent psychiatry; Longitudinal study; Neurodevelopmental impact; Prosocial behavior; Social decision making; Substance use

The relationship between mental health and risky decision-making in children and adolescents: A scoping review

Keywords Risky Decision-Making; Adolescent Mental Health; Internalizing Problems; Externalizing Problems; Scoping Review

The Miller Trilogy, Jones, and the Future of Juvenile Sentencing and Constitutional Interpretation in the Post-Jones America

Keywords juvenile sentencing; extreme punishment; Miller; Jones v. Mississippi; sentencing reform; United States

The association between delinquent peer affiliation and disruptive behavior interacts with functional brain correlates of reward sensitivity: A biosocial interaction study in adolescent delinquents

Keywords biosocial criminology; childhood arrestees; conduct disorder; delinquent peer affiliation; disruptive behavioral disorder; fMRI; reward sensitivity; ventral striatum; amygdala; mPFC; DISC; youth delinquents

Competence, Culpability, and Punishment: Implications of Atkins for Executing and Sentencing Adolescents

Keywords Supreme Court; blameworthiness; capital punishment; proportionality; death penalty; developmental impairments; older adolescents; Atkins v. Virginia; judgment; impulse control; psychological characteristics; developmental characteristics; reduced culpability; mitigating factors

Developmental trajectories of legal socialization among serious adolescent offenders

Keywords legal socialization; adolescence; juvenile offenders

How beliefs around peers’ risk preferences get incorporated into adolescents’ decision making

Keywords Risky decision making; peer influence; adolescence; peer preferences; prosocial behavior; risk attitudes; perspective-taking; computational model; expected utility; age-related changes

Social influence in adolescence: Behavioral and neural responses to peer and expert opinion

Keywords Adolescence; Normative influence; Informational influence; MEG; FRN

Expanding understanding of adolescent neural sensitivity to peers: Using social information processing theory to generate new lines of research.

Keywords Peer influence; FMRI; Adolescence; Individual differences; Behavior

Decoding Adolescent Decision Making: Neurocognitive Processes, Risk Perception, and the Influence of Peers

Keywords Adolescent Risk-Taking; Dual Process Model; Reward System; Cognitive Control; Prefrontal Cortex; Neuroimaging; Adolescent Brain Development; Peer Influence; Decision Making; Risk Perception

Responding to the Trauma That Is Endemic to the Criminal Legal System: Many Opportunities for Juvenile Prevention, Intervention, and Rehabilitation.

Keywords Trauma; Juvenile; Racism; Trauma-informed care; Prevention

From Suspension to Mass Incarceration: Punishment of Students with Special Needs and the School-To-Prison Pipeline.

Keywords Zero-tolerance policies; School discipline; School-to-prison pipeline; Students with disabilities; Marginalized students; Racial disparities; School-based arrests

Differential item functioning in reports of delinquent behavior between Black and White youth: Evidence of measurement bias in self-reports of arrest in the adolescent brain cognitive development study

Keywords Differential Item Functioning; measurement bias; delinquency; racial group differences; adolescent brain cognitive development study

Black Girls and the Pipeline from Sexual Abuse to Sexual Exploitation to Prison

Keywords child sexual abuse; black girls; juvenile justice; abuse to prison pipeline; trauma

The Role of Social Determinants in Explaining Racial/ethnic Disparities in Perinatal Outcomes

Keywords Pregnancy; Environment; Race; Ethnicity