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Capital sentencing and neuropsychiatry

Keywords aggravation; capital punishment; criminal sentencing; death penalty; ethics; forensic neuropsychiatry; intellectual disability; juvenile offenders; risk assessment; psychopathy; mitigation

Neuroendocrine mechanisms in the links between early life stress, affect, and youth substance use: A conceptual model for the study of sex and gender differences

Keywords adolescence; HPA; HPG; mood; substance use; stress; adversity; sex differences; gender differences; early life stress

Youth Are More Vulnerable to False Memories Than Middle-aged Adults Due to Liberal Response Bias

Keywords False memory; Brain development; Adolescents; Young adults; DRM; development; Youth

Mandatory Sentences as Strict Liability

Keywords Mandatory Sentences; Sentencing Disparity; Strict Liability Crimes; Mens Rea; Criminal Intent

Same Crime, Different Time: Sentencing Disparities in the Deep South & A Path Forward Under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Keywords Mass Incarceration; Racial Discrimination; Sentencing Disparities; State-Level Sentencing; Carceral State

Neuroscience and the insanity defense: Trying to put a round peg in a square hole.

Keywords Insanity defense; Neuroimaging; Legal responsibility; Legal capacity; Mental state

A Case for Changing the Age of Majority From 18 to 22 Years of Age in Massachusetts

Keywords Age of majority; Juvenile; Justice system; Neurological development; Recidivism; Rehabilitation; Massachusetts; Youthful offender

Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS): A team science effort to predict societal trajectories in adolescence and young adulthood

Keywords Youth development; Self-regulation; Brain imaging; Delinquency pathways; Socioeconomic status; Societal trajectories; Adolescents; Young adults

Examining Associations Between Genetic and Neural Risk for Externalizing Behaviors in Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Keywords Externalizing; neurophysiology; polygenic score; P3 amplitude

The effects of a defendant's childhood physical abuse on lay support for sentencing: The moderating role of essentialism

Keywords Childhood abuse; Sentencing; Social essentialism; Biological essentialism; Rehabilitation; Restoration

Past, Prologue, and Constitutional Limits on Criminal Penalties

Keywords Criminal punishment reform; Rehabilitation-focused sentencing; Proportionate-penalties clause; Constitutional law; Sentencing proportionality; Restorative justice; Mass incarceration

Distorted Burden Shifting & Barred Mitigation: Being a Stubborn 234 Years Old Ironically Hasn’t Helped the Supreme Court Mature

Keywords Capital Punishment; Adverse Childhood Experiences; Mitigation; Health Law; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Law; Biopsychosocial Development; United States Supreme Court

Reprieves Return: Minnesota's Decision to Awaken the Reprieve

Keywords Reprieve; Pardon; Youthful Offender; commutation

The relationship between cognitive and affective control and adolescent mental health

Keywords adolescence; affective control; cognitive control; depression; mental health

Mapping potential pathways from polygenic liability through brain structure to psychological problems across the transition to adolescence

Keywords Polygenic score; brain structure; general factor of psychopathology; externalizing