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Rational Choice and Developmental Influences on Recidivism Among Adolescent Felony Offenders

Keywords Teen crime; developmental limitations; risk evaluation; severity of punishment; procedural justice; mental health

Raging Hormones: Why Age-Based Etiological Conceptualizations of the Development of Antisocial Behavior Are Insufficient

Keywords Developmental neuroscience; modern legal system; antisocial behavior; puberty; hormones; brain plasticity

Racism and Health: Evidence and Needed Research

Keywords race; ethnicity; mental health; physical health; racism

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home: the Role of Life Course Transitions, Socioeconomic Resources, and Family Connectivity

Keywords Teenagers; young adults; race; ethnicity; environment; correlation

Put the Juvenile Back in Juvenile Court

Keywords rehabilitation; juvenile justice; age of majority

Psychosocial Stress Reversibly Disrupts Prefrontal Processing and Attentional Control

Keywords Stress; prefrontal cortex; brain scans; fMRI; attention span; experiment

Prosocial Development in Adolescence

Keywords Prosocial behavior; adolescence; social adjustment; social brain development; environmental influences; COVID-19 pandemic; COVID-19

Problems with Access to Adolescent Mental Health Care Can Lead to Dealings with the Criminal Justice System

Keywords Mental health; young people; early identification; early intervention; mental health care; justice system; incarcerated youth

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Comorbidity in Detained Youth

Keywords Children; teenagers; juvenile; juvenile justice; trauma; stress; PTSD; mental health

Positive Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Adolescents; children; adults; risk taking; positive risk; negative risk; decision making; adolescence; adolescent risk taking

Positive and Negative Risk-Taking in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Citizen Science Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keywords sensation seeking; risk-taking; COVID-19; prosocial behavior; contributing to society; life satisfaction; citizen science; participatory research

Polygenic Risk Scores and Brain Structures Both Contribute to Externalizing Behavior in Childhood: A Study in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Cohort

Keywords Externalizing behaviors; Late childhood; Adolescence; Gray matter volume; White matter integrity; Polygenic risk scores; Magnetic resonance imaging; MRI

Phasic Dopamine Neuron Activity Elicits Unique Mesofrontal Plasticity in Adolescence

Keywords Brain development; mental health; brain activity; teenagers; adolescents; adults; brain scans; neuroscience; neuroplasticity; adolescence; dopmaine; frontal cortex; in vivo imaging; optogenetics; phasic activity

Persistent and Distressing Psychotic-Like Experiences Using Adolescent Brain Cognitive Developmentā„  Study Data

Keywords Childhood psychotic-like experiences; PLEs; distress; developmental delays; brain structure

Perceived Discrimination, Ruminative Subtypes, and Risk for Depressive Symptoms in Emerging Adulthood

Keywords Racism; Discrimination; Depression; Adolescents; Perceived Discrimination; Rumination; Emerging Adulthood