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Brief of Amicus Curiae Juvenile Sentencing Project in Support of Appellant Corey Grant

Keywords meaningful opportunity; juvenile LWOP; incorrigible; incapable of rehabilitation; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; juvenile offender; beyond rehabilitation; non homicide offenses; children

Brief of Amici Curiae: Juvenile Sentencing Project and Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

Keywords meaningful opportunity; parole review procedures; mitigating circumstances of youth; rehabilitation; post-crime maturity; Miller factors; youth; parole

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center et al. in Support of Petitioner-appellant Cyntoia Brown and Reversal

Keywords adolescent development; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole; penological purpose; capacity for change; brain maturation; future planning; prefrontal cortex; impact of stress on brain development; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder; FASD; juvenile stress; retribution; deterrence; incorrigibility; irreparably corrupt; Eighth Amendment (U.S); incapacitation

State v. Hauschultz

Keywords access to counsel for youth; youth interrogation ; Miranda warnings; adolescent brain development; juvenile justice; juvenile rights; custodial interrogation

G.T. v. Board of Education of Kanawha

Keywords Individualized Educational Plans; special education law; class-action lawsuit; educational rights of children; least restrictive environment; Individuals with disabilities; kids with disabilities

In re S.D.

Keywords juvenile delinquency ; juvenile justice; juvenile rights; subject-matter jurisdiction; Miranda warnings; delinquency proceeding; custody during questioning

State v. Houston

Keywords LWOP; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); juvenile life without parole; cruel and unusual punishment; rehabilitation potential of juveniles

In re J.G.

Keywords LWOP; juvenile life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment; capital murder

State v. Standard

Keywords juvenile offender; LWOP; juvenile life without parole; burglary

Thomas v. Stitt

Keywords United States Court of Appeals; fair sentencing of youth; juvenile offender; homicide; mandatory life sentence

Garcia v. State

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); juvenile offender; murder; cruel and unusual punishment; LWOP; juvenile life without parole; Miller v. Alabama

United States v. Grant

Keywords juvenile offender; Miller v. Alabama; youth tried as adults; de facto life sentence; United States Court of Appeals

In re William M.

Keywords youth tried as adults; juvenile court; Nevada Supreme Court; clear and convincing evidence; substance abuse; presumptive certification ; Right against self-incrimination

Keefe v. State

Keywords LWOP; juvenile life without parole; Miller factors; juvenile life without parole; juvenile offenders

State v. Patrick

Keywords offender's youth as a mitigating factor; juvenile offender; cruel and unusual punishment; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)