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White v. Premo

Keywords LWOP; juvenile offender; juvenile life without parole; retroactive application of new law; Miller v. Alabama; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment

Commonwealth v. Felder

Keywords LWOP; juvenile life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment; Miller v. Alabama ; de facto life sentence

Kinkel v. Laney

Keywords mental illness as a mitigating factor; Miller v. Alabama; aggregate sentence; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

People v. Buffer

Keywords Illinois Supreme Court; potential for rehabilitation of youth; juvenile offender sentencing; vacated sentence; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment

Commonwealth v. Lugo

Keywords juvenile offender; parole eligibility; judicial discretion; mandatory minimum sentence; second-degree murder

Commonwealth v. Blount

Keywords LWOP; juvenile life without parole; juvenile resentencing; mandatory minimum sentences

Bonilla v. Iowa Board of Parole

Keywords mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines; procedural protections; meaningful opportunity for release; procedural protections in parole hearings; rehabilitation potential of youth

Newton v. Indiana

Keywords Indiana Supreme Court; LWOP; consecutive sentences; Indiana Post-conviction Relief Rules

Commonwealth v. Lee

Keywords Pennsylvania Superior Court; attempted robbery; LWOP; shooting death; characteristics of youth

People v. House

Keywords LWOP; Eighth Amendment; cruel and unusual punishment; mandatory life sentence; proportionate penalties clause; Illinois Constitution; age; culpability

Howard v. Coonrod

Keywords Eighth Amendment; new sentencing procedures; cruel and unusual punishment; meaningful opportunity for release; juvenile offender

Commonwealth v. Sharma

Keywords youth convicted of second degree murder; juvenile second degree murder conviction; retroactive application of law; Miller v. Alabama; second-degree murder; juvenile offender; potential for rehabilitation

State v. McDougald

Keywords North Carolina criminal law; LWOP; retroactive application of sentencing law ; juvenile life without parole

People v. Matias

Keywords history of youth sentencing; black and brown youth; race; LWOP; juvenile life without parole; age at crime; cruel and unusual punishment

State of Ohio v. Graham

Keywords LWOP; black youth; JLWOP; life without parole; juvenile life without parole