Multiple Accounts of Adolescent Impulsivity
Laurence Steinberg
Jason M. Chein


Adolescence presents challenges due to immature brain development, limiting impulse control and fostering risky behaviors such as unhealthy relationships and substance use.


Multiple Accounts of Adolescent Impulsivity

Keywords Adults; teenagers; impulsivity; brain scans

Adults have been concerned about adolescent impetuosity for centuries. The rashness of youth has been blamed for many teenage indiscretions, from juvenile delinquency to unprotected sex and substance use. At the turn of the 21st century, research on the development of self-control in adolescence added functional brain imaging as a complement to behavioral tasks and self-report questionnaires, but the essential question has remained the same: Why do teenagers have so much difficulty controlling their impulses? As a report in PNAS by van den Bos et al. (1) attests, the question continues to be of interest. Although we discuss some potential limitations, the study these authors describe adeptly and cleverly incorporates the broad armamentarium of tools, including self-report, behavior, brain function, and both structural and functional connectivity measures, to move us toward a more complete answer to the question.

It is important to put the contributions of van den Bos et al. (1) in historical context. Ten years ago, the pat explanation for adolescent impulsivity was the immaturity of the prefrontal cortex. Adolescents behave impulsively, it was thought, because the brain circuitry necessary to exert top-down control over urges originating in the limbic system was still developing. Studies of brain anatomy revealed important changes over the adolescent decade in both gray and white matter volumes in prefrontal regions, suggesting that synaptic pruning and myelination were enabling more efficient and more effective self-regulation.

As adolescent brain science progressed, scientists interested in adolescent self-regulation began to turn their attention to regions other than the prefrontal cortex. One possibility, some suggested, was not simply that cognitive control was immature, but that this immaturity was accompanied by a temporary intensification of urges to pursue novel and rewarding experiences (2, 3). This so-called “dual systems” or “maturational imbalance” perspective on adolescent decision-making has not gone uncriticized (4), but it remains a widely used theoretical model guiding the study of adolescent risk-taking.

More specifically, we and others have proposed that adolescents’ disposition toward risk is because of a maturational imbalance between a brain network involved in deliberative, planful, and goal-directed behavior and one involved in affective processes, including the anticipation and valuation of incentives (2, 5). Shortly after puberty, the affective processing system undergoes rapid development, producing increased sensitivity to (and motivation for) reward that declines through late adolescence and into the early 20s. In contrast, structures of the cognitive-control network that inhibit impulses and direct motivation toward goal-relevant behaviors show continued gains into the 30s.

If adolescent risk-taking is the byproduct of an easily aroused incentive-processing system and a still-immature cognitive-control system, it is reasonable to ask how important the contributions of each are to teenagers’ impulsive behavior. Many risky situations force a choice between taking a gamble to receive a highly salient immediate reward (e.g., the sensation of unprotected sex) and waiting for a safer but less-rewarding one (e.g., using a condom). Is choosing the immediate reward because of teenagers’ difficulties regulating their desires, or is it because their desires are especially intense?

Although the authors frame the problem in slightly different terms, distinguishing between these two accounts is the focus of the van den Bos et al. (1) paper. It is an important question, but it is an exceptionally challenging one because simply observing an individual’s behavior does not provide a clear-cut answer. Consider, for example, a child who has been given the famous Marshmallow Test (6), in which he is asked to choose between receiving one marshmallow immediately or waiting for two. Does the child who chooses the delayed reward of two marshmallows have especially strong self-control, or is he just not particularly fond of marshmallows? Observing the child cannot answer the question. Perhaps looking into his brain can.

To address this issue, van den Bos et al. (1) use an intertemporal choice task in which individuals must choose between a small monetary reward given sooner and a more generous one given later. As we and others have reported in previous studies (7), van den Bos et al. (1) find that adolescents are more likely than adults to opt for smaller rewards sooner (SS) than larger ones later (LL). The authors posit that the extent to which individuals are inclined toward SS choices indexes impatience, which they view as one of three aspects of impulsivity (the other two are acting without thinking and sensation-seeking). There is some debate about how best to define impulsivity and its underlying factors (8), and to us it makes more sense to view impatience not as a third aspect of impulsivity, but as the byproduct of poor self-control and high reward sensitivity (in this framing, impatience can be either hasty or considered). Nevertheless, in a realm of inquiry where nomenclature is muddy, the distinction between volitional processes that invoke cognitive control and motivational processes fueled by reward-seeking is helpful.

The chief contribution to the literature in the van den Bos et al. (1) study is its examination of the link between age differences in intertemporal preferences and patterns of structural and functional connectivity. Through an elegant series of analyses that combine task performance, self-reports, diffusion tensor imaging-based tractography, and functional activation and connectivity measures, this single study ties together past findings and helps to narrow the gap in our understanding of how brain development affects the inclination and ability to think toward the future. Specifically, having demonstrated that adolescents are more likely than adults to choose SS than LL offers, van den Bos et al. then ask whether teenagers’ tendency to discount the future is because of their greater reward sensitivity or weaker self-control. The authors examine this in three ways: (i) they correlate subjects’ intertemporal preferences with self-reports of “present hedonism” and “future orientation,” (ii) with patterns of brain activity, and (iii) with measures of structural and functional connectivity. Because van den Bos et al. find that intertemporal preferences are correlated with self-reported future orientation but not hedonism, that the choice of LL over SS rewards is associated with increased engagement of frontoparietal control circuitry, and that improvements in frontostriatal connectivity mediate the link between age and intertemporal preferences, the authors conclude that adolescents’ intertemporal preferences are driven by weak cognitive control rather than heightened reward sensitivity.

We think the evidence in support of this conclusion is intriguing, but that some potential limitations should be acknowledged. One problem concerns the self-report measure of reward sensitivity. In the van den Bos et al. (1) study, reports of present hedonism and age are uncorrelated, which is both surprising and at variance with a large literature on age differences in reward sensitivity. Many previous studies, including our own, have found a strong, curvilinear relationship between reward sensitivity and age, with sensitivity increasing between preadolescence and mid-adolescence and declining thereafter (9). We have demonstrated this pattern using behavioral measures of reward sensitivity (subjects’ rate of change in choices from advantageous decks during the Iowa Gambling Task) and self-reports of sensation-seeking (10), both in an American sample and in a recently completed study of more than 5,000 individuals from 11 countries (Fig. 1). The curvilinear relationship between reward sensitivity and age is also well documented in the developmental neuroscience literature, in which most (though not all) studies show that activation in the brain’s reward centers is greater during adolescence than before or after (11). The lack of a relationship between self-reported hedonism and age in the van den Bos study (1) is compounded by the limited variability in scores on this subscale, unlike future orientation scores, which are predictably and linearly related to age (see figure 1D in ref. 1). Intertemporal choices may be more strongly correlated with self-reported future orientation than hedonism simply because there is variability in the former but not the latter.

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Fig. 1. Age differences in reward sensitivity (from the Iowa Gambling Task) and self-reported sensation seeking in a sample of more than 5,000 individuals from 11 countries.

A second issue regards the way in which van den Bos et al. (1) examine brain activity as a function of intertemporal preferences. The analysis of functional activation, which produced the coefficient values and regions that were used in further analyses, was based on a contrast of trials in which participants chose the LL option versus those in which they chose the SS option. Although this is an informative strategy to identify the brain regions that contribute to intertemporal preference, there is a catch: the SS offers came in two flavors, split evenly: those in which the reward could be earned immediately (on the day of the session) and those in which the participant would still have to wait 14 d. As a result, the comparison of all LL trials to all SS trials (including both types of offer) is biased to pick up on regions that are influential in the selection of larger delayed rewards (i.e., cognitive control areas), and will not readily detect regions that activate selectively in response to immediately available rewards (i.e., limbic regions that signal reward sensitivity/present hedonism). It therefore is not surprising that the van den Bos et al. identified only regions that were more strongly active when the LL option was chosen, and none that were more strongly active when the SS option was taken, a finding that shapes their conclusion that the maturation of self-regulatory processes is more explanatory of age-dependent changes in impatience. In an earlier study of adult intertemporal choice, by one of the article’s authors, the critical involvement of limbic areas in guiding choice was made apparent by contrasting trials for which an immediate reward was available to all other trial types (12). This is an important analysis that didn’t make its way into the current paper (1). The authors conclude that it is “increased control, not sensitivity to immediate rewards, that drives developmental reductions in impatience,” but the latter construct may not have been adequately assessed (1).

Finally, van den Bos et al. (1) argue that, because the degree of frontostriatal connectivity observed is correlated with a stronger preference for LL choices, and that this connectivity increases with age, it must be weaker cognitive control that accounts for adolescents’ relatively greater propensity for SS choices. The authors provide evidence in support of this hypothesis by showing that there is a significant indirect pathway linking age and intertemporal preferences that is mediated by the strength of connectivity between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the medial striatum. This finding is certainly consistent with the authors’ argument and, in our view, is an especially interesting and important finding in the paper. Still, we don’t know whether the direct relationship between age and discounting is eliminated—or merely diminished—when connectivity is taken into account. If it is the latter, it is possible that the connection between age and temporal discounting may be partially mediated by changes in cognitive control, but partially mediated by changes in reward sensitivity as well; as the authors acknowledge in their introduction to the study, it does not have to be one or the other.

Our understanding of the neural underpinnings of adolescent impulsivity is an important topic with both scientific and practical implications, an understanding that has been meaningfully advanced by the van den Bos et al. report (1). The authors are to be commended for venturing into waters that are conceptually very muddy. In the final analysis, they have certainly helped to clarify these waters but, of course, a good amount of sediment still remains to be sifted through.

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The research by van den Bos et al. (1) explores the neural basis of adolescent impulsivity, specifically focusing on the interplay between cognitive control and reward sensitivity in decision-making. This study utilizes a combination of behavioral tasks, self-report measures, and neuroimaging techniques to investigate the relationship between brain structure and function, and individual differences in temporal discounting.

Historical Context

For centuries, researchers have recognized the heightened impulsivity of adolescents. The prevailing explanation for this phenomenon, until recently, has centered on the immaturity of the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that adolescents lack the necessary brain circuitry for top-down control of impulses.

The “Dual Systems” Perspective

Recent research has shifted the focus beyond the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that adolescent impulsivity might be due to a "maturational imbalance." This theory proposes that adolescence is characterized by a temporary increase in sensitivity to reward and novelty, alongside a still-developing cognitive control system.

Investigating the Contributions of Cognitive Control and Reward Sensitivity

The van den Bos et al. (1) study aims to elucidate the relative contributions of cognitive control and reward sensitivity to adolescent impulsivity. The authors employ an intertemporal choice task, where participants choose between smaller, immediate rewards and larger, delayed rewards. The authors hypothesize that the preference for immediate rewards reflects "impatience," which they conceptualize as a component of impulsivity.

The Role of Brain Connectivity

The study investigates the association between age-related differences in temporal discounting and patterns of structural and functional connectivity within the brain. By integrating self-reports, diffusion tensor imaging, and functional connectivity measures, the authors explore the relationship between intertemporal preferences and brain activity. Their findings suggest that adolescent impulsivity, as measured by a preference for immediate rewards, is primarily driven by a weaker cognitive control system, rather than heightened reward sensitivity.

Potential Limitations

Although the study provides compelling evidence for the role of cognitive control in adolescent impulsivity, several limitations deserve consideration. The authors' use of self-report measures of reward sensitivity does not align with previous research showing a curvilinear relationship between reward sensitivity and age. Additionally, the analysis of brain activity might be biased towards detecting regions associated with cognitive control, potentially overlooking those involved in reward sensitivity. Finally, while the study demonstrates a correlation between frontostriatal connectivity and a preference for delayed rewards, it does not rule out the possibility that reward sensitivity also plays a role in temporal discounting.


The van den Bos et al. (1) study provides valuable insights into the neural underpinnings of adolescent impulsivity, highlighting the importance of cognitive control in driving age-related differences in temporal discounting. While the study's findings are intriguing, further research is needed to address the limitations and to fully understand the interplay between cognitive control and reward sensitivity in adolescent decision-making.

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The study by van den Bos et al. (2015) investigates the neural underpinnings of adolescent impulsivity by examining the relationship between age differences in intertemporal preferences and patterns of structural and functional connectivity in the brain.

Historical Context

For centuries, the impulsivity of adolescents has been a topic of concern. The traditional explanation for this behavior was the immaturity of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for top-down control of impulses. However, recent research has expanded beyond the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that adolescent impulsivity might also be influenced by heightened sensitivity to rewards.

The Dual Systems Model

The “dual systems” or “maturational imbalance” model posits that adolescent risk-taking results from a temporary intensification of urges to pursue novel and rewarding experiences, combined with a still-developing cognitive control system. This model proposes that the affective processing system matures rapidly after puberty, leading to increased sensitivity to rewards, while the cognitive control network that inhibits impulses continues to develop into adulthood.

Van den Bos et al.'s Research

Van den Bos et al.'s study utilized an intertemporal choice task, where participants were asked to choose between a smaller, immediate reward and a larger, delayed reward. The authors explored the link between intertemporal preferences and patterns of structural and functional connectivity in the brain.

Key Findings

The study found that adolescents were more likely than adults to choose smaller rewards sooner, suggesting that they have weaker cognitive control rather than heightened reward sensitivity. This conclusion was supported by correlations between intertemporal preferences and self-reported future orientation, brain activity patterns, and measures of structural and functional connectivity.

Potential Limitations

Despite the study's significant contributions, there are several potential limitations to consider. One limitation concerns the self-report measure of reward sensitivity, which did not show a significant correlation with age. This contrasts with previous research that has consistently demonstrated a curvilinear relationship between reward sensitivity and age.

Another limitation involves the analysis of functional activation, which focused on brain regions associated with cognitive control and may not have adequately captured regions related to reward sensitivity. The authors' conclusion that weak cognitive control is the primary driver of adolescent impulsivity may be influenced by this limitation.

Finally, the authors' interpretation of frontostriatal connectivity as a mediator of age-related changes in intertemporal preferences is supported by the study's findings, but it is important to acknowledge that the direct relationship between age and discounting may not be entirely eliminated by connectivity.


The study by van den Bos et al. provides valuable insights into the neural mechanisms underlying adolescent impulsivity. However, further research is needed to fully understand the complex interplay between reward sensitivity, cognitive control, and brain development during adolescence.

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For a long time, people have been curious about why teenagers often make impulsive decisions. Researchers have been studying the teenage brain to figure out why teenagers sometimes act without thinking, take risks, and make choices that might not be in their best interest.

The Prefrontal Cortex and Impulsivity

One early explanation for this behavior focused on the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is a part of the brain that helps us control our impulses and think about the future. Scientists thought that teenagers' prefrontal cortex wasn't fully developed, so they had trouble controlling their impulses.

The Dual Systems Model

Over time, research pointed to a different idea, called the "dual systems" model. This model suggests that teenagers' brains are not just immature, but they also have a stronger drive to seek out new and exciting experiences. This drive is linked to a part of the brain that processes rewards and emotions.

Understanding Teenagers' Choices

The study by van den Bos et al. looked at how teenagers make choices between getting a smaller reward immediately or a larger reward later. They found that teenagers are more likely to choose the smaller, immediate reward. This finding suggests that they may be more focused on immediate rewards and less concerned about the long-term consequences.

Cognitive Control vs. Reward Sensitivity

The researchers examined how this tendency to choose smaller, immediate rewards might be related to different parts of the brain. They found that teenagers who made choices that involved delaying gratification showed more activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in controlling impulses. They also found that better connections between the prefrontal cortex and other brain regions were associated with making choices that involved waiting for a larger reward.

Potential Limitations

While this study provides valuable insights, it's important to note that there are some limitations. The researchers found no association between self-reported reward sensitivity and age, which contradicts findings from other studies. Additionally, the study didn't completely rule out the possibility that differences in reward sensitivity might also contribute to teenagers' impulsive choices.

Continuing the Research

This study helps us understand the complex interplay between brain development, impulsivity, and decision-making during adolescence. Future research will likely continue to explore these connections, providing us with a deeper understanding of how we can help teenagers make healthier choices.

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A new study looked at how teenagers make choices about getting something small right away or waiting for something bigger later. This is important because teenagers are often known for wanting things now, even if it means they might get in trouble. Scientists used brain scans to see what was happening in teenagers’ brains when they made these choices.

Brain Power

The study found that teenagers’ brains are still developing, especially the parts that help them control their impulses. This means that they are more likely to choose the smaller reward right away, because they don't have as much brain power to think about waiting for the bigger reward later.

Impulses and Rewards

The study also found that teenagers are more sensitive to rewards, which means they are more likely to want things that feel good right now. This makes it harder for them to resist the smaller reward even if they know it's not the best choice in the long run.

What it Means

This study helps us understand why teenagers might make impulsive choices. It's not just that they don't think about the consequences, but that their brains aren't fully developed yet and they're more sensitive to immediate rewards. This information can help adults better understand teenagers and help them make better choices.

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Footnotes and Citation


Steinberg, L., & Chein, J. M. (2015). Multiple accounts of adolescent impulsivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(29), 8807-8808.
