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Commonwealth v. Olds

Keywords LWOP; second-degree murder; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment; potential for rehabilitation of youth; Miller v. Alabama; retroactive application of new law

Brief Amicus Curiae of Professors of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Constitutional Law in Support of Petitioner

Keywords special care; voluntariness analysis; vulnerable persons; psychological coercion; intellectual impairment; juvenile confessions; suggestibility; confession reliability

Application for Leave to File Amici Curiae Brief and Proposed Brief of Amici Curiae ACLU, ACLU of Northern California, et al., in Support of Petitioner Tony Hardin

Keywords youthful offender; race; mass incarceration; racial disparity; overincarceration; super predator myth; black youth; people of color; excessive sentences; death sentence; LWOP; felony murder; de facto life sentence; parole eligibility; strict scrutiny; Equal Protection; suspect classification; first degree murder

Amicus Curiae Brief of Columbia Legal Services

Keywords youth of color; unsealed juvenile records; record sealing; rehabilitation; reintegration into society; Ishikawa factors; racial disparities

Amicus Curiae Brief of Alaska Family Action

Keywords minors; abortions; Parental Notification Law (PNL); parental involvement laws; sexual exploitation; developmental differences; immaturity; psychological risks

Brief of Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan

Keywords LWOP; life without parole; Eighth Amendment; deterrence; rehabilitation; retroactive application; felony murder; under age 18; aiding and abetting; vulnerabilities of youth; decision-making; future orientation; long-term planning; decision-making; disproportionate sentences; intent to kill

Amended Brief of Juvenile Law Center on Behalf of Petitioners

Keywords nonhomicide offenses; de facto life sentence; meaningful opportunity for release; intent to kill; juveniles; Miller; Graham

Brief of Juvenile Law Center on Behalf of Appellant

Keywords Miller; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole; murder; Graham; intent to kill; felony murder; juvenile culpability; juvenile blameworthiness

Brief of FSU Public Interest Law Center, Juvenile Law Center, ACLU of Florida, CFFSY, The Center on Children and Families at UF, Children and Youth Law Clinic at UM, FACDL, FCF, FJRRP at FIU, et. al., as Amici Curiae on Behalf of Petitioner

Keywords juvenile offenders; Graham; Henry; Gridine; Miller; Roper; early release; adolescent development; recidivism; lengthy term-of-years sentences; meaningful opportunity; maturity; rehabilitation; capacity for change

Brief of Amicus Curiae Children’s Law Center, Inc., et al. in Support of Appellant Matthew Aalim

Keywords deterrence; mandatory bindover; juvenile; youth; mandatory transfers; automatic transfers to adult court; risk of recidivism; adolescent development

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center and National Juvenile Defender Center on Behalf of Appellant Matthew Aalim

Keywords automatic transfers to adult court; transfers; due process; mandatory bindover; individualized determinations; minors; risk of recidivism; unique characteristics of youth; Fourteenth Amendment (U.S.); juveniles; Kent v. United States

Brief of Current and Former Prosecutors as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords mental states; police interrogation techniques; juvenile confessions; juvenile false confessions; suggestibility; age; minor; Reid Technique; self-gratification; perception of time; adolescents; mental disability

Brief of The Innocence Network as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords false confessions; juvenile confessions; mental disability; police interrogation; minors; police coercion; special caution; special care

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc., and Professor Brandon Garrett in Support of Appellee and Affirmance

Keywords police pressure; police interrogations; police training; disabilities; youth; false confessions; social science research; vulnerability to false confessions; coercion; juvenile; child false confession

Brief for Amici Curiae Citizens for Juvenile Justice, Committee for Public Counsel Services, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice et al., in Support of Petitioner

Keywords meaningful opportunity; mandatory life sentences; LWOP; individualized sentencing; juvenile offenders; rehabilitation; diminished culpability; heightened rehabilitative capacity; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; maturity; underdeveloped sense of responsibility; vulnerability to external influence; peer pressure; parole board