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Brief of The Sentencing Project as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords parole; child; parole; child; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); lesser culpability; transfers; mandatory transfers to adult court; felony murder; immaturities of youth; diminished culpability; children; mandatory life sentence; Miller; inadequacy of parole; transfer statutes; transfer laws; Montgomery

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Civitas ChildLaw Clinic, and Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth in Support of Petitioner-Appellant James Walker

Keywords Miller; children; juveniles; life without parole; LWOP; youth; mitigating factor; individualized sentencing hearing; homicide; diminished culpability; lesser blameworthiness; heightened capacity for rehabilitation

Brief of Juvenile Law Center as Amicus Curiae in Support of Appellants Darien Vasquez and Brandon Valentin

Keywords Graham; youth-specific characteristics; geriatric release; meaningful opportunity for release; children; Miller; de facto life sentences; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); non-homicide crimes

Brief of Amicus Curiae Juvenile Law Center in Support of Petitioners

Keywords meaningful opportunity to obtain release; Graham; Miller; juvenile offenders; children; non-homicide; consecutive term-of-years sentence; de facto life sentence; geriatric release; brain science; sentence review; recidivism; behavior control

Brief of the Center for Children's Advocacy and Juvenile Law Center in Support of Defendant B.B.

Keywords due process; juveniles; transfers; adolescent development; transfer to adult court; youth

Brief of the Center for Children's Advocacy and Juvenile Law Center in Support of Defendant David A. Fernandes

Keywords due process; juveniles; transfers; transfer to adult court; youth; adolescent development

Brief of Loyola Civitas Law Center, Children and Family Justice Center, Juvenile Law Center, and National Juvenile Defender Center as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner-Appellant Austin M.

Keywords least restrictive placement of a child; juveniles; plea offers; guardian ad literm; children; delinquency proceeding; right to counsel

Brief of Juvenile Law Center, the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts, the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, et. al., as Amici Curiae in Support of Defendant/Respondent

Keywords Sixth Amendment (U.S.); right to a jury trial; juvenile court sentencing; amenability hearing; Apprendi

Brief of Juvenile Law Center; The Center on Children and Families; The Central Juvenile Defender Center; The ChildLaw Center et al., as Amici Curiae in Support of the Respondent-Appellee

Keywords right to counsel; minor; EJJ; Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction; transfer; Juvenile Court Act; vagueness; brain; adolescent development; Fifth Amendment (U.S.); neurological research; adolescent psychology

Amicus Curiae Brief of American Civil Liberties Union of Washington and Juvenile Law Center

Keywords child pornography; adolescent; sexual identity; sexting; rehabilitation; rehabilitation; sex offender; minor; statutory interpretation; risk-taking behavior; immaturity; identity development; juvenile records

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center et al., Supporting Appellee Songster

Keywords juvenile offender; murder; homicide; retroactivity; resentence; Miller; mandatory life without parole; mandatory LWOP; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); child; adolescent development; Teague; watershed rule

Brief of the Colorado Juvenile Defender Center as Amicus Curiae on Behalf of Respondent

Keywords Miller; Graham; meaningful opportunity for release; LWOP; life without parole; individualized sentencing; demonstrated maturity and rehabilitation; retroactive application; collateral review; children; mitigating attributes of adolescence; juvenile sentencing; resentencing; homicide; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); impulsivity; underdeveloped sense of responsibility; adolescent development

Amicus Brief of the District Attorneys for the Second and Eighteenth Judicial Districts

Keywords collateral review; Miller; mandatory life without parole; watershed rule; retroactive application; resentencing; juvenile offenders

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center on Behalf of Respondent

Keywords retroactive application; Miller; collateral review; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); attributes of youth; resentencing; LWOP; life without parole; juvenile offender; Graham; immaturity; brain; behavior control; reduced culpability; lesser blameworthiness

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, et al. Supporting Petitioner Gary L. Griffin

Keywords juvenile homicide; children; adolescent development; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; collateral review; resentencing; cruel and unusual punishment; mandatory life without parole; LWOP; Teague; watershed rule; juvenile life without parole; reduced culpability; lessened blameworthiness; attributes of youth; brain; vulnerability to negative influences; peer pressure; immaturity