W.M.F. v. Alaska


1986 | State Juristiction

W.M.F. v. Alaska

Keywords juvenile sentencing; due process; amenability; waiver to adult court


This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a juvenile who was charged with murder and tried in adult court. The juvenile appealed and the Court found that there was sufficient evidence to show that the juvenile would not be amenable to treatment before the age of 20, rejecting the appeal.

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This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a juvenile who was charged with murder and tried in adult court. The juvenile appealed and the Court found that there was sufficient evidence to show that the juvenile would not be amenable to treatment before the age of 20, rejecting the appeal.


The Alaska Court of Appeals reviewed a case involving a juvenile charged with murder and tried as an adult. The Court determined that sufficient evidence existed to support the conclusion that the juvenile would not be amenable to rehabilitation before reaching the age of 20. Consequently, the Court rejected the juvenile's appeal.

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This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a juvenile who was charged with murder and tried in adult court. The juvenile appealed and the Court found that there was sufficient evidence to show that the juvenile would not be amenable to treatment before the age of 20, rejecting the appeal.


The Alaska Court of Appeals addressed a case involving a juvenile charged with murder and tried as an adult. The juvenile appealed the decision, arguing that they should have been tried in the juvenile court system. However, the Court found sufficient evidence to support the trial court's decision that the juvenile would not benefit from treatment in the juvenile system before reaching the age of 20. Consequently, the appeal was denied.

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This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a juvenile who was charged with murder and tried in adult court. The juvenile appealed and the Court found that there was sufficient evidence to show that the juvenile would not be amenable to treatment before the age of 20, rejecting the appeal.


This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a teenager accused of murder. The teenager was tried as an adult, but appealed the decision. The Court reviewed the evidence and found that there was enough to show the teenager wouldn't respond well to treatment before reaching 20 years old. The appeal was denied.

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This case in the Alaska Court of Appeals involved a juvenile who was charged with murder and tried in adult court. The juvenile appealed and the Court found that there was sufficient evidence to show that the juvenile would not be amenable to treatment before the age of 20, rejecting the appeal.


This case was about a young person who was accused of murder. The young person was tried as an adult in court. The young person appealed the decision, but the court found that there was enough evidence to show that the young person would not be able to be helped before they turned 20. The court decided to reject the appeal.

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Footnotes and Citation


723 P.2d 1298, 1299 (Alaska App. 1986)
