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Current advances in digital cognitive assessment for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease

Keywords clinical assessment; clinical trials; cognition; computerized assessment; digital cognitive biomarkers; home-based assessment; preclinical Alzheimer's disease

Development of the triadic neural systems involved in risky decision-making during childhood

Keywords Risky decision-making; childhood; adolescence; Triadic Neural Systems Model; fMRI; Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART); prefrontal cortex; striatum; functional connectivity; neurocognitive development

The role of sibling aggression during childhood in decision-making during adulthood

Keywords Sibling Aggression; Decision Making; Cognitive Development; Childhood Experiences

Substance use-related alterations of social decision-making in a longitudinal cohort of young adults

Keywords Adolescent psychiatry; Longitudinal study; Neurodevelopmental impact; Prosocial behavior; Social decision making; Substance use

The relationship between mental health and risky decision-making in children and adolescents: A scoping review

Keywords Risky Decision-Making; Adolescent Mental Health; Internalizing Problems; Externalizing Problems; Scoping Review

How beliefs around peers’ risk preferences get incorporated into adolescents’ decision making

Keywords Risky decision making; peer influence; adolescence; peer preferences; prosocial behavior; risk attitudes; perspective-taking; computational model; expected utility; age-related changes

Social influence in adolescence: Behavioral and neural responses to peer and expert opinion

Keywords Adolescence; Normative influence; Informational influence; MEG; FRN

Expanding understanding of adolescent neural sensitivity to peers: Using social information processing theory to generate new lines of research.

Keywords Peer influence; FMRI; Adolescence; Individual differences; Behavior

Decoding Adolescent Decision Making: Neurocognitive Processes, Risk Perception, and the Influence of Peers

Keywords Adolescent Risk-Taking; Dual Process Model; Reward System; Cognitive Control; Prefrontal Cortex; Neuroimaging; Adolescent Brain Development; Peer Influence; Decision Making; Risk Perception

Responding to the Trauma That Is Endemic to the Criminal Legal System: Many Opportunities for Juvenile Prevention, Intervention, and Rehabilitation.

Keywords Trauma; Juvenile; Racism; Trauma-informed care; Prevention

From Suspension to Mass Incarceration: Punishment of Students with Special Needs and the School-To-Prison Pipeline.

Keywords Zero-tolerance policies; School discipline; School-to-prison pipeline; Students with disabilities; Marginalized students; Racial disparities; School-based arrests

International Conformity to the Standard Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility: Comparing the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility to the Minimum Legal Age of Marriage

Keywords Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (MACR); Minimum Legal Age of Marriage (MLAM); Child Rights; Juvenile Justice; Child Protection; International Law

A Meaningful Life: The Future of Juvenile Justice in Washington After Anderson

Keywords juvenile sentencing; de facto life sentence; Miller v. Alabama; Eighth Amendment; juvenile brain development; racial bias; Washington Supreme Court; Anderson; Miller factors; youthful offenders

Ten is Too Young: South Dakota's Need for a Legislative Amendment Raising the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility to Fourteen

Keywords Criminal Responsibility; Juvenile Justice; Juvenile Justice Reform; ACEs; South Dakota

Neuroscience and the Criminal Legal System: A Humanitarian Application Framework

Keywords neuroscience; mass incarceration; free will; retribution; recidivism; neurolaw; humanitarian application framework; neurorights