State v. R.G.D.


1987 | State Juristiction

State v. R.G.D.

Keywords juvenile sentencing; aggravating factors; mitigating factors; individualized sentencing


This case involved two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the issue of sentencing guidelines for juveniles convicted of serious crimes. The Court emphasized the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors when sentencing juveniles, such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's prior record, and any psychological or social factors. The Court stressed the need for individualized sentencing, taking into account the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.

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This case involved two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the issue of sentencing guidelines for juveniles convicted of serious crimes. The Court emphasized the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors when sentencing juveniles, such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's prior record, and any psychological or social factors. The Court stressed the need for individualized sentencing, taking into account the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.


This case involved the sentencing of two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the specific issue of applying sentencing guidelines to juvenile offenders convicted of serious crimes. The Court articulated the need for a balanced approach in sentencing juveniles, considering both aggravating and mitigating factors. The Court highlighted the necessity of individualized sentencing, acknowledging the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.

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This case involved two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the issue of sentencing guidelines for juveniles convicted of serious crimes. The Court emphasized the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors when sentencing juveniles, such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's prior record, and any psychological or social factors. The Court stressed the need for individualized sentencing, taking into account the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.


This case involved two juveniles accused of aggravated sexual assault, prompting the New Jersey Supreme Court to examine sentencing guidelines for minors convicted of serious offenses. The court highlighted the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors during sentencing. These factors include the severity of the crime, the defendant's prior criminal history, and any relevant psychological or social circumstances. The court emphasized the need for individualized sentencing tailored to the specific circumstances of each juvenile case.

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This case involved two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the issue of sentencing guidelines for juveniles convicted of serious crimes. The Court emphasized the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors when sentencing juveniles, such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's prior record, and any psychological or social factors. The Court stressed the need for individualized sentencing, taking into account the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.


This case focused on two young people accused of a serious crime. The New Jersey Supreme Court examined how to determine appropriate punishments for young people convicted of serious offenses. The Court emphasized that judges must consider both good and bad points when deciding punishments for juveniles. These points include things like how severe the crime was, the young person's past behavior, and any mental or social issues they may face. The Court stressed that each young person's situation should be considered separately when deciding their punishment.

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This case involved two juveniles charged with aggravated sexual assault. The New Jersey Supreme Court addressed the issue of sentencing guidelines for juveniles convicted of serious crimes. The Court emphasized the importance of considering both aggravating and mitigating factors when sentencing juveniles, such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's prior record, and any psychological or social factors. The Court stressed the need for individualized sentencing, taking into account the unique circumstances of each juvenile case.


This case was about two young people who were accused of a very serious crime. The highest court in New Jersey had to decide how to punish them.

The court said that when punishing young people, it's important to think about all the things that might have made them do it. This includes how bad the crime was, if they got in trouble before, and any problems they might have in their life.

The court also said that every young person's case is different, so their punishment should be different too.

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Footnotes and Citation


527 A.2d 834 (N.J. 1987)
