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Braking and Accelerating of the Adolescent Brain

Keywords Adolescence; brain; development; fMRI; risk; incentive; cognitive control; connectivity

Buffering Social Influence: Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition Predict Driving Safety in the Presence of a Peer

Keywords Driving; Teenagers ; Risk taking ; Control ; Brain scans ; Safer choices

But Is Helping You Worth the Risk? Defining Prosocial Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Prosocial risk taking; Prosocial; Risk taking; Social sensitivity; Adolescence; Social brain; Teenagers ; Social behavior ; Brain development

Can Adolescents Learn Self-control? Delay of Gratification in the Development of Control over Risk Taking

Keywords Teenagers; Risk taking ; Impulsivity ; Reward; Adolescence; Sensation seeking; Delay of gratification; Delay discounting; Future time perspective; Substance use

Brain Development, Social Context, and Justice Policy

Keywords Adolescent brain development; social context; juvenile crime; mitigating factors

Age-related Differences in Emotional Reactivity, Regulation, and Rejection Sensitivity in Adolescence

Keywords Emotion regulation; Adolescent development; Rejection sensitivity; Perspective; Age; Reactivity; Stimuli; Reappraisal

Adolescents Let Sufficient Evidence Accumulate Before Making a Decision When Large Incentives Are at Stake

Keywords Impulsivity; Incentives; Teenage behavior; Reward; Adolescent decision-making; Choice evaluation

Adolescents in Peer Groups Make More Prudent Decisions When a Slightly Older Adult Is Present

Keywords Brain development; Risk taking; Decision making; Peer influence; Adult figure; Adolescent development; judgment; intergroup dynamics

Adolescent Substance Use and the Brain: Behavioral, Cognitive and Neuroimaging Correlates

Keywords Impulsivity; Risky behaviors; Drugs; Addiction; Adolescence; Brain development; youth; addiction; drug; abuse psychology; special population

Adolescent Psychopathology: the Role of Brain-based Diatheses, Sensitivities, and Susceptibilities

Keywords Adolescence; Stress; Brain development; Impulsivity; Rewards; Peer influence; Chronic health conditions; health condition

Adolescent Neurological Development and Implications for Health and Well-being

Keywords Adolescence; Brain development; Chronic health conditions; Impulsivity; Rewards; Prefrontal cortex; Neurological development

Child Sexual Abuse Victimization Amongst Detained Adolescents and Incarcerated Young Adults: Findings from an Australian Population-Based Birth Cohort Study

Keywords incarceration; youth detention; custodial; sexual abuse; maltreatment; adverse childhood experiences; administrative data; linkage

Adolescent Maturity and the Brain: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience Research in Adolescent Health Policy

Keywords Adolescent; Health policy; Neuroscience; Neuroimaging; Judgment

Adolescent Impatience Decreases with Increased Frontostriatal Connectivity

Keywords Impulsive behavior; Impatience; Adolescence; Delayed rewards; Immediate rewards; Reward; Self-control; connectivity; delay discounting

Adolescent Engagement in Dangerous Behaviors Is Associated with Increased White Matter Maturity of Frontal Cortex

Keywords adolescent brain development; risk-taking; white matter development