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Individual Differences in Frontolimbic Circuitry and Anxiety Emerge with Adolescent Changes in Endocannabinoid Signaling Across Species

Keywords Genetics; Adolescents; Anxiety; Brain development

Individual Differences in Accumbofrontal Tract Integrity Relate to Risky Decisions Under Stress in Adolescents and Adults

Keywords Stress; Decision-making; DTI; Adolescence; Accumbofrontal; Diffusion tensor imaging

Individual and Environmental Correlates of Childhood Maltreatment and Exposure to Community Violence: Utilizing a Latent Profile and a Multilevel Meta-analytic Approach

Keywords Trauma; Community; Maltreatment; Mental health; Risk taking; Adolescents

Increased Striatal Activity in Adolescence Benefits Learning

Keywords Learning; Risk taking; fMRI; Adolescents; Brain development

Impulsivity, Attention, Memory, and Decision-Making Among Adolescent Marijuana Users

Keywords Marijuana; Cannabis; Adolescence; Impulsivity; Memory; Attention

Impulsive and risky decision-making in adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Need for a Developmental Perspective

Keywords Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; ADHD; Adolescence; impulsive decision making; risky decision making

Impact of Socio-Emotional Context, Brain Development, and Pubertal Maturation on Adolescent Risk-Taking

Keywords Risk taking; Adolescence; Puberty; Decison-making; Socio-emotional influences

Impact of Family and Friends on Antisocial Adolescent Behavior: The Mediating Role of Impulsivity and Empathy

Keywords family; friends; antisocial behavior; impulsivity; empathy; adolescence

Imaging Brain Development: The Adolescent Brain

Keywords Neuroimaging; MRI; fMRI; social brain; functional connectivity

Image Processing and Analysis Methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

Keywords ABCD; Longitudinal study; fMRI; Adolescents; Guideline; magnetic resonance imaging; data sharing; processing pipeline

How Important Is Developmental Maturity in Assessing Whether Adolescents Will Share True or False Accounts of a First Offense in Legal Interactions?

Keywords Adolescence; Delinquency; Psychosocial maturity; Perceptions of procedural justice

Homicide and Criminal Maturity of Juvenile Offenders: A Critical Review

Keywords Criminal maturity; Murder; Homicide; Juveniles; Life without parole; Sentencing; Recidivism; Forensic assessment

Heritability and Longitudinal Stability of Impulsivity in Adolescence

Keywords Impulsivity; Teenagers; Genetics; Environment; Adolescence; Longitudinal; Heritability

Healthy Adolescent Development and the Juvenile Justice System: Challenges and Solutions

Keywords adolescent development; juvenile justice; reform

Giving to Others and Neural Processing During Adolescence

Keywords fMRI; Brain development; Decision-making; Adolescence; Prosocial behavior