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Development During Adolescence of the Neural Processing of Social Emotion

Keywords Brain scans ; Emotions ; Basic emotions ; Social emotions ; Teenagers ; Adulthood

Daring and Distress: Insights on Adolescent Risk Taking and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation from a Network Analysis Perspective

Keywords risk-taking behavior; self-harm; emotion regulation difficulties; personality; attachment styles; maladaptive psychological functioning; adolescent behavior; network analysis

Current Understanding of Developmental Changes in Adolescent Perspective Taking

Keywords perspective taking; adolescence; development; mentalizing; cognitive empathy

In re Monschke

Keywords mandatory LWOP; juvenile justice; juvenile life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment; Washington State Supreme Court; judicial discretion in sentencing; brain development in young offenders; adolescent brain development; neuroscience

Contribution of Brain Cortical Features to the Psychological Risk Profile of Juvenile Offenders

Keywords Cortical thickness; Cortical surface area; Juvenile offenders; Childhood trauma; Psychopathy

Contextualizing Adolescent Structural Brain Development: Environmental Determinants and Mental Health Outcomes

Keywords Brain structural development; Adolescence; Individual differences; Environmental factors; Mental health

Considerations for Imaging the Adolescent Brain

Keywords Brain scans ; Brain development ; Teenage years ; Insights ; Behavior ; Factors ; Puberty ; Sleep patterns ; Pregnancy; Developmental neuroscience; Adolescent brain development; MRI

Commentary: A Behavioral Scientist Looks at the Science of Adolescent Brain Development

Keywords Adolescent brain development; puberty; reward-seeking; sex differences; dopamine

Cognitive Control in Adolescence: Neural Underpinnings and Relation to Self-Report Behaviors

Keywords Adolescents; Prefrontal cortex; Impulsivity; Monte Carlo method; Attention; Questionnaires; Semantics

Cognitive and Affective Development in Adolescence

Keywords Teenagers ; Grow ; Develop ; Scientists ; Adolescent behavior ; Brain development ; Vulnerability ; Changes ; Reorganization ; Well-being

Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Executive Function in Childhood and Beyond

Keywords Socioeconomic status (SES) ; Health Well-being ; Thinking abilities ; Executive function (EF) ; Cognitive skills ; Children ; Adults ; Performance

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adult Crime: A Prospective, Population-Based Study

Keywords childhood psychiatric disorders; criminal behavior; young adult offenders; at-risk children; conduct disorder; psychopathology; early intervention

Childhood Adversity and Neural Development: a Systematic Review

Keywords Tough experiences ; Stress ; Childhood ; Brain development ; Teenagers ; Emotions ; Attention ; Memory; early-life stress; neurodevelopment; amygdala; hippocampus; adverse childhood experiences

Childhood Adversities and Adult Psychopathology in the Who World Mental Health Surveys

Keywords Difficult experiences; Childhood ; Mental health disorders ; Family problems ; Neglect ; Abuse ; Development

Child Poverty and Adult Success

Keywords Low incomes ; Effects ; Financial struggles ; Basic needs ; High-quality education ; Living situations ; Poverty Data; Families; Children