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Earlier Development of the Accumbens Relative to Orbitofrontal Cortex Might Underlie Risk-Taking Behavior in Adolescents

Keywords accumbens; adolescent; reward; development; orbital frontal cortex; risk-taking

Drugs, Guts, Brains, but Not Rock and Roll: The Need to Consider the Role of Gut Microbiota in Contemporary Mental Health and Wellness of Emerging Adults

Keywords microbiota; emerging adult; adolescent; mental health/ethnology; gut–brain–microbiota axis; environmental exposure

Does Perceived Racial Discrimination Predict Changes in Psychological Distress and Substance Use Over Time? An Examination Among Black Emerging Adults

Keywords Race; Discrimination; Alcohol use; Smoking; Mental disorders; Depression; Anxiety; Substance Use

Distinct and Similar Patterns of Emotional Development in Adolescents and Young Adults

Keywords Emotions; Young adults; Mental health issues; adolescence; emotional development; ex-Gaussian; reaction time; variability; young adulthood

Digital Peer Interactions Affect Risk Taking in Young Adults

Keywords Social media; Risk taking; Peer influence; Texting; Teenagers; Digital

Differential Effects of Adult Court Transfer on Juvenile Offender Recidivism

Keywords Adult transfer; Juvenile justice; Sanctions; Propensity scores; Recidivism

Differential Correlates of Positive and Negative Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Risk taking; Rewards; Outcomes; Teenagers; adolescence; positive risk taking; school engagement; dual systems

Development of the Social Brain in Adolescence

Keywords Brain development; Brain scans; Children; Adults; Theory of mind

Development of the Emotional Brain

Keywords Emotions; Control; Brain development; Children; adolescence; development; emotion; limbic; prefrontal cortex

Development of the Adolescent Brain: Implications for Executive Function and Social Cognition

Keywords Brain scans ; Teenagers ; Decision making ; Social policy ; Education

Development During Adolescence of the Neural Processing of Social Emotion

Keywords Brain scans ; Emotions ; Basic emotions ; Social emotions ; Teenagers ; Adulthood

Daring and Distress: Insights on Adolescent Risk Taking and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation from a Network Analysis Perspective

Keywords risk-taking behavior; self-harm; emotion regulation difficulties; personality; attachment styles; maladaptive psychological functioning; adolescent behavior; network analysis

Current Understanding of Developmental Changes in Adolescent Perspective Taking

Keywords perspective taking; adolescence; development; mentalizing; cognitive empathy

In re Monschke

Keywords mandatory LWOP; juvenile justice; juvenile life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment; Washington State Supreme Court; judicial discretion in sentencing; brain development in young offenders; adolescent brain development; neuroscience

Contribution of Brain Cortical Features to the Psychological Risk Profile of Juvenile Offenders

Keywords Cortical thickness; Cortical surface area; Juvenile offenders; Childhood trauma; Psychopathy