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The second look movement: A review of the nation's sentence review laws

Keywords Mass incarceration; life sentences; mandatory minimums; deterrent effect on crime; ineffective parole system; judicial review; sentencing reconsideration; second look movement; Graham v. Florida; Miller v. Alabama; juvenile life without parole; JLWOP

Criteria and Procedures for Meaningful Parole Review for People Sentenced as Youth

Keywords Juvenile life without parole; JLWOP; Eighth Amendment jurisprudence; parole hearings; youth as a mitigating factor; post-crime maturity; rehabilitation

Shrinking the Footprint of the Criminal Legal System Through Policies Informed by Psychology and Neuroscience

Keywords legal system (U.S.); criminal behavior; neuroscience; policy change; solitary confinement; legal definition of insanity

The Slow Drip of Decarceration: Reversing the Flood of Mass Incarceration and Its Racist Impact

Keywords racial disparities; mass incarceration; decarceration; rehabilitation; clemency; release; post-conviction relief

The Case for Second Chances: A Pathway to Decarceration in Maine

Keywords mass incarceration; decarceration; parole; clemency; Maine Criminal Code

Adolescents Engage in More Risky Decision Making

Keywords neuroscience; adolescence; neurobiological maturity; self-control; social influence

The Life-Course of Juvenile Lifers: Understanding Maturation and Development as Miller and Its Progeny Guide Juvenile Life Sentence Release Decisions

Keywords Juvenile life without parole; prisoner maturation; reentry; life sentence; rehabilitation; second look sentencing.

Amending New Jersey’s Expungement Law to Reflect the Historical Treatment of Juveniles: Juveniles Deserve a Second Chance

Keywords juvenile delinquency; rehabilitation; human and social costs of incarceration; expungement; juvenile expungement; New Jersey expungement statute

Aligning Justice System Processing with Developmental Science

Keywords emerging adulthood; human and social costs of incarceration

Black Girls and the Pipeline from Sexual Abuse to Sexual Exploitation to Prison

Keywords child sexual abuse; black girls; juvenile justice; abuse to prison pipeline; trauma

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study: Imaging Acquisition Across 21 Sites

Keywords Brain scans; Brain development; children; addiction; adolescence; development; impulsivity; memory; reward

"Children Are Different" and Their Lawyers Should Be Too

Keywords In re Gault; right to counsel; ineffective counsel; reforms to right to counsel

Advancing Racial Justice Through the Restatement of Children and the Law

Keywords Restatement of Children and the Law; racial bias; disparate treatment; juvenile justice system; adolescent development; racial justice; procedural protections

The Miller Trilogy, Jones, and the Future of Juvenile Sentencing and Constitutional Interpretation in the Post-Jones America

Keywords juvenile sentencing; extreme punishment; Miller; Jones v. Mississippi; sentencing reform; United States

What Goes Up but Never Comes Down? Juvenile Punitive Practice Within the United States

Keywords Youth; solitary confinement; neglect; education; counseling; prison conditions for youth