Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adult Crime: A Prospective, Population-Based Study
William E. Copeland
Shari Miller-Johnson
Gordon Keeler
Adrian Angold
Jane Costello


This study found that childhood psychiatric disorders, particularly conduct disorder, can predict criminal behavior in young adults. Early intervention and treatment could help reduce crime rates.


Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adult Crime: A Prospective, Population-Based Study

Keywords childhood psychiatric disorders; criminal behavior; young adult offenders; at-risk children; conduct disorder; psychopathology; early intervention


Objective: While psychopathology is common in criminal populations, knowing more about what kinds of psychiatric disorders precede criminal behavior could be helpful in delineating at-risk children. The authors determined rates of juvenile psychiatric disorders in a sample of young adult offenders and then tested which childhood disorders best predicted young adult criminal status. Method: A representative sample of 1,420 children ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake were followed annually through age 16 for psychiatric disorders. Criminal offense status in young adulthood (ages 16 to 21) was ascertained through court records. Results: Thirty-one percent of the sample had one or more adult criminal charges. Overall, 51.4% of male young adult offenders and 43.6% of female offenders had a child psychiatric history. The population-attributable risk of criminality from childhood disorders was 20.6% for young adult female participants and 15.3% for male participants. Childhood psychiatric profiles predicted all levels of criminality. Severe/violent offenses were predicted by comorbid diagnostic groups that included both emotional and behavioral disorders. Conclusions: The authors found that children with specific patterns of psychopathology with and without conduct disorder were at risk of later criminality. Effective identification and treatment of children with such patterns may reduce later crime.


The prevalence of mental illness among persons involved with the juvenile and criminal justice systems is known to be particularly high (1 – 5). For instance, in an ethnically diverse sample of 1,829 youths 10–18 years of age in juvenile detention, Teplin and colleagues (6 – 8) found that 6-month prevalence rates for any psychiatric disorder were 63.3% for boys and 71.2% for girls, three to four times higher than rates in general-population samples. In the same study, half of all juvenile detainees met criteria for a substance use disorder, and about a quarter had conduct disorder. Comorbidity rates for boys and girls were higher than those observed in community samples even after excluding conduct and substance use disorders—disorders whose symptoms overlap with criminal behavior. In general, studies of incarcerated or adjudicated youths find that girls have higher rates of both individual and comorbid psychiatric disorders than boys (1, 3, 4). Although most of this difference is attributed to higher rates of affective and anxiety disorders (1, 3, 5), in some studies, incarcerated or adjudicated girls have been found to have higher rates of conduct disorder than boys (4).

Although such studies show that there is a strong link between criminal behavior and psychopathology, they are cross-sectional in design and do not indicate which disorders precede criminal behavior. Furthermore, data based on incarcerated youths, a highly selected sample, cannot tell us which children in the general population are at the highest risk of criminal behavior. Prospective studies point to hyperactivity (9 – 11), conduct problems (12 – 17), and early substance use (18 – 20) as predictors of later delinquency and criminal behavior. Conduct disorder and criminality overlap such that relations between conduct problems and later criminality may be attenuated when controlling for juvenile offending (21). Hyperactivity appears to predict criminal behavior independent of conduct problems (21) but may best predict criminality when comorbid with conduct problems (22). Despite the strong correlation between substance use and delinquency, substance use appears to predict criminal behavior only in children with early-onset and persistent substance use (18, 23, 24). Many of these prospective studies have focused on high-risk samples of urban boys and measured broad indices of psychopathology rather than specific diagnoses. Other studies that used population-based samples with detailed assessments of psychiatric phenotypes did not test for the effects of various comorbidity profiles between emotional and behavioral disorders. Combinations of such disorders may be more specific indicators of the risk of criminality than single disorders.

In this study, we used data from a population-based, longitudinal sample followed from childhood to early adulthood (ages 16–21) to examine the relationships between a range of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders and young adult criminal offenses. Full psychiatric assessments were conducted in multiple waves using a well-validated structured interview that assesses all common childhood DSM-IV disorders. We looked backward to examine the burden of childhood psychiatric status in young adults with or without any criminal offense, then tested whether distinct childhood psychiatric profiles predict different young adult offense categories.



The Great Smoky Mountains Study is a longitudinal representative study of psychiatric disorder, impairment, and service use in 11 predominantly rural counties of North Carolina (6, 25). The two-stage sampling design and methods have been described in detail elsewhere (26). Briefly, a household equal-probability accelerated cohort design was used to recruit three cohorts of children, ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake, from a pool of some 20,000 children. The externalizing problems scale of the Child Behavior Checklist (27) was administered to a parent (usually the mother) of the first-stage sample (N=3,896) by telephone or in person. All children who scored above a predetermined cutpoint (the top 25% of the total scores), plus a 1-in-10 random sample of the rest (i.e., of the remaining 75% of the total scores), were recruited for detailed interviews. Ninety-five percent of families contacted completed the telephone screen. Of those recruited in this way, 80% (N=1,070) agreed to participate.

Approximately 8% of the area residents and the sample are African American, and fewer than 1% are Hispanic. American Indians make up only about 3% of the population of the study area but were oversampled to constitute 25% of the study sample by using the same screening procedure but recruiting everyone irrespective of screen score. Of the 456 Indian children identified, screens were obtained for 96%, and 81% (N=350) participated in the study, for a total sample of 1,420 participants. All participants were given a weight inversely proportional to their probability of selection, so that the results presented are representative of the population from which the sample was drawn.

Across annual assessments, 83% of the possible interviews were completed, with a range from 75% to 94% across each of the waves. This study draws on data from 6,674 parent-child pairs of interviews carried out when participants were in the age range of 9–16 years. Data were thus collected on one cohort at ages 9 and 10, on two cohorts at ages 11, 12, and 13, and on all three cohorts at ages 14, 15, and 16.


Children and their primary caregiver were interviewed separately at home or at a convenient location by trained bachelor’s-level interviewers. Interviewers were local residents and received 1 month of training and constant monitoring for quality control. Before the interview began, parent and child signed informed consent or assent forms. Each parent and child was paid $10 for their participation.


Psychiatric disorders were assessed using the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment. Symptoms were coded using an extensive glossary, and diagnoses were generated by computer algorithms. A symptom was counted as present if it was reported by either the parent or the child, as is standard clinical practice. Two-week test-retest reliability of diagnoses based on the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment in children 10–18 years of age is comparable to that of other highly structured interviews (kappa values for individual disorders range from 0.56 to 1.0). To minimize recall bias, the time frame of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment for determining the presence of most psychiatric symptoms is the 3 months immediately preceding the interview. For this study, we included any diagnosis for which the child met full diagnostic criteria by age 16; thus a child would be considered to have multiple disorders even if the disorders were not diagnosed concurrently.

A dichotomous poverty status variable using U.S. Census Bureau thresholds based on income and family size was coded according to whether the family met the Census Bureau poverty threshold at any of the assessment points (28.9% of families).

The outcome measure for all analyses was late adolescent and young adult arrest status, or arrests that occurred when the participant was between 16 and 21 years of age. In North Carolina all arrests after one’s 16th birthday are under the jurisdiction of the adult criminal justice system. Criminal histories were harvested through systematic searches of the public access database of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. The database covers charges in North Carolina, including those occurring on American Indian reservations. Juvenile court records were also retrieved from each of the 11 counties’ courthouses with the permission of the juvenile court judges.

Participants were categorized into four mutually exclusive groups according to the individual’s most serious charge: no offenses; minor offenses, such as disorderly conduct, trespass, and shoplifting; moderate offenses, which are primarily property crimes that do not involve serious harm to a person although the potential for harm may be present, such as simple assault, felony larceny, and drug-related offenses; and severe/violent offenses, which are primarily offenses involving violence against persons or significant potential for violence, such as sexual assault, armed robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Data Analysis

In all analyses, measures of childhood psychiatric status (cumulative prevalence rate prior to age 16) preceded those of young adult criminal status (ages 16–21). Prospective associations between childhood psychiatric disorder status and young adult criminality were analyzed first. Next, models were used to test bivariate relations between individual and comorbid child psychiatric profiles and charges for minor, moderate, and severe/violent offenses. Finally, these bivariate models were retested with adjustment for poverty and juvenile justice status, two potential confounders of the relationship between childhood psychopathology and adult crime. All models tested for the presence of diagnosis-by-sex interaction effects.

All analyses used logistic regression with sampling weights to account for the two-phase sampling design, and robust variance estimates were generated using the generalized estimating equations approach implemented in SAS PROC GENMOD. Robust variance estimates (i.e., sandwich-type estimates), together with the sampling weights, were used to adjust the standard errors of the parameter estimates to take account of the multiphase sampling design. The prevalence estimates and comparison effects therefore reflect the population from which the sample was drawn.


Descriptive Information

Of the total sample of 1,420 children, 473 (31.5% weighted) were arrested between ages 16 and 21. As expected, more males (42.8%) than females (19.6%) were arrested (odds ratio=3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.1–4.6). Among those arrested, slightly more than half (N=241, 55.1%) were arrested for minor offenses, 26.7% (N=145) were arrested for moderate offenses, and about one in five (N=87, 18.3%) were arrested for severe/violent offenses. The total number of offenses per individual differed significantly across the arrest severity groups (z=10.8, p<0.001), with the mean rates ranging from 2.3 (SD=1.9) for the minor offense group to 10.5 (SD=15.3) for the moderate offense group and 15.1 (SD=18.9) for the severe/violent offense group. As expected, offense category was strongly predicted by male sex (minor offenses: odds ratio=2.5, 95% CI=1.8–3.3; moderate offenses: odds ratio=2.4, 95% CI=1.6–3.6; severe/violent offenses: odds ratio=14.0, 95% CI=6.4–30.3). Given the small number of females arrested for a severe/violent offense (N=13), these participants are grouped with the moderate female offenders in all further analyses. No between-groups differences in ethnicity were observed between whites and American Indians (minor offenses: odds ratio=0.8, 95% CI=0.5–1.1; moderate offenses: odds ratio=0.7, 95% CI=0.4–1.1; severe/violent offenses: odds ratio=0.8, 95% CI=0.4–1.3).

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adulthood Arrest Status

Figure 1 compares the prevalences of overall childhood diagnoses among those with no arrests, those with arrests in young adulthood (ages 16–21) only, and those with arrests as juveniles (through age 15) and in young adulthood. Cumulative rates of DSM-IV disorders for children (through age 16) with no young adult offenses were 33.6% (SE=3.7) for boys and 26.3% (SE=3.0) for girls, compared with rates of 51.4% (SE=4.6) for male offenders and 43.6% (SE=6.9) for female offenders (male offenders: odds ratio=2.2, 95% CI=1.1–4.1; female offenders: odds ratio=2.1, 95% CI=1.3–3.4). This discrepancy remained even in analyses controlling for juvenile history of criminality (male offenders: 47.8% versus 31.6%, odds ratio=2.0, 95% CI=1.1–3.4; female offenders: 45.3% versus 24.5%, odds ratio=2.6, 95% CI=1.3–5.2). The likelihood of an adult arrest was not higher for youths who had a juvenile criminal history in addition to a childhood psychiatric disorder than for those with a childhood psychiatric disorder and no juvenile criminal history.

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Given the overlap between conduct problems and criminal behavior, the analyses were repeated with conduct disorder diagnoses excluded. As expected, the prevalence of childhood psychiatric disorders decreased across all arrest status groups, and more so for males than for females. However, childhood diagnoses other than conduct disorder remained significantly higher for participants who had been arrested in young adulthood, irrespective of whether they had also been arrested as juveniles (male offenders: 40.4% versus 23.4%, odds ratio=2.2, 95% CI=1.2–4.1; female offenders: 40.7% versus 22.4%, odds ratio=2.4, 95% CI=1.1–5.2).

We computed the population-attributable risk (31) of crime in this sample—that is, an estimate of the proportion of adult crime in this study that is attributable to child psychiatric disorder exposure: 19.5% of crime among females and 28.7% of crime among males in this study is attributable to juvenile mental disorders. Adjusted for juvenile justice status and conduct disorder, the population-attributable risk estimates for females and males are 20.6% and 15.3%, respectively.

Table 1 presents the cumulative prevalence rates of single diagnoses and common comorbid diagnostic categories for each arrest group. Cumulative comorbid diagnostic groups were derived by determining whether children met diagnostic criteria for more than one disorder during their time in the study (not necessarily at the same time point). Table 2 presents the odds ratios for the associations between childhood psychiatric disorders and criminal offense status in young adulthood, comparing those who had not been arrested with those who had been arrested for minor, moderate, and severe/violent offenses in separate analyses.

Only psychiatric histories involving a substance use disorder, either alone or comorbid with another psychiatric disorder, predicted subsequent arrest for minor offenses in young adulthood. While arrests for both moderate and severe/violent offenses were predicted by conduct and substance use disorder, arrest for severe/violent offenses was also predicted by comorbidity groupings involving conduct disorder, substance disorder, and emotional disorders.

Sex-by-diagnosis interactions were tested for each disorder, and few were statistically significant. All significant sex differences were observed for associations between emotional disorders and moderate offenses. For male participants, emotional disorders did not predict arrest for moderate offenses (anxiety disorders: odds ratio=0.7, 95% CI=0.3–2.0; depressive disorders: odds ratio=0.6, 95% CI=0.2–1.8), nor did they predict lower offense status (comorbid anxiety and depressive disorder: odds ratio=0.1, 95% CI=0.1–0.8). For female participants, in contrast, comorbid anxiety and depression did not predict offense status (odds ratio=2.6, 95% CI=0.5–13.9), but depressive disorders showed a nonsignificant trend toward predicting offense status (odds ratio=3.1, 95% CI=0.9–11.4, p=0.08) and anxiety disorders significantly predicted arrest for moderate offenses (odds ratio=3.1, 95% CI=1.0–9.6).

Finally, we examined the association between each childhood psychiatric diagnosis and young adult criminality, controlling for two childhood variables that have been shown to have an effect on offense status—poverty and juvenile arrest status. Sex was also treated as a covariate because of differences in rates of disorders and offense groups between males and females. Childhood psychiatric disorders that were significantly related to young adult offense status in the bivariate analyses (see Table 2 ) were retested, including the control variables. In the few cases in which sex-by-disorder interactions were observed, models were tested separately by sex.

As Table 3 shows, psychiatric predictors differed by offense group and by sex. Two of three bivariate predictors continued to predict minor offense status, and both involved substance use disorders. Moderate offense status was predicted only by emotional disorders, but the effect of these disorders was sex specific: in females, childhood anxiety was a risk factor, and in males, childhood anxiety and depression were protective factors. Four of seven possible bivariate predictor combinations predicted severe/violent offenses, and each involved a comorbid group. While conduct and substance use disorders were involved in each significant predictor of severe/violent offenses, neither conduct nor substance use disorders alone was a predictor.


Nearly half of the young adults with a criminal record in our sample had a history of mental illness, as compared with one in three male or one in four female young adults with no criminal history. This rate was only slightly lower among young adults who had no involvement with the juvenile justice system, and the added risk of childhood psychopathology for young adult criminality remained after analyses controlled for childhood conduct disorder. That this effect remained after controlling for conduct disorder is consistent with findings from studies of community and juvenile detention samples suggesting that conduct disorder rarely occurs alone (3, 32). After appropriate controls were applied, 20.6% of female crime and 15.3% of male crime in this study was attributable to childhood mental disorders. This is a substantial level of attributable risk; consider, for instance, that the population-attributable risk of myocardial infarction from being overweight (body mass index >25) is only around 11% (33).

Psychiatric profiles were identified for all offense groups; they all included conduct and/or substance use disorders, but some also involved emotional disorders, such as anxiety and depression. After analyses controlled for childhood poverty status and juvenile justice status, severe/violent offender status was predicted by four comorbid profiles: anxiety and substance use disorders; anxiety and conduct disorders; depression and substance use disorders; and depression and conduct disorder. While both conduct and substance problems have been shown to predict criminality and violence, neither disorder alone predicted arrest for the serious/violent offenses after controlling for poverty status, juvenile justice status, and sex. This suggests that the patterns of risk associated with these disorders are more specific than in previous findings.

Moderate offenses include a range of property crimes and offenses involving possession of illicit substances, yet the only significant diagnostic risk factor was anxiety disorder status in females. There was some evidence that emotional disorders serve as a protective factor against moderate offense status for males, but not for females. Further research to retest this effect will need to pay careful attention to the issues of comorbidity and seriousness of offenses. The least serious offenses were predicted by substance use, alone or comorbid with anxiety disorders.

Our findings are consistent with other studies that have identified the important roles of conduct and substance disorders in later criminality (9, 24, 34), yet all but one significant psychiatric profile association in our study (substance use disorders with minor offenses) involved either an anxiety or a depressive disorder. This observation supplements the conclusions of some studies of high-risk youths that have focused primarily on behavioral and substance use disorders. Our study also suggests an almost pervasive role for comorbid behavioral and emotional disorders in understanding the risk of criminality and a more limited role for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To some extent, these discrepancies are not surprising, given the differences between high-risk and population samples (32). Fortunately, a number of representative longitudinal studies have collected the information on psychiatric and criminal functioning necessary to retest our findings. In some cases, these studies looked at a wide range of risk factors associated with criminality without focusing primary attention on the role of childhood psychopathology. Our findings strongly support assessment of DSM-IV disorders (including cumulative comorbidity) in future studies of criminal risk.

Methodological Considerations and Limitations

The study participants lived in a rural area, and the study oversampled for American Indian children, with very few African Americans (8%) and no Latinos or Asian Americans. Thus, the sample is far from representative of the U.S. population. Comparison of the Great Smoky Mountains Study with other studies indicates similar rates of cumulative childhood disorders in representative samples from other counties, other regions of the United States, and samples involving greater proportions of Hispanic and African American youths (35). Studies of detained and incarcerated youths generally find higher levels of psychopathology in non-Hispanic white youths than in African-American and Hispanic youths (3, 5). It will be important in future research to test racial/ethnic differences in rates of psychopathology and criminality and associated risk models in community samples.

Although rural crime rates, particularly for violent crime, tend to be lower than in urban areas (36), crime trends and correlates of criminal behavior are similar in rural and urban areas (37, 38). For example, social disorganization, a primary construct in criminologists’ understanding of urban crime, was also implicated in a recent five-state study of rural crime in which residential instability, ethnic diversity, and family disruption predicted violent crime to the same degree as in urban samples (38). While these findings require replication, they suggest that there are fewer differences between urban and rural correlates of criminality than is sometimes supposed.

In this study, criminal activity in young adulthood was coded from official arrest data rather than self-reports of offending behaviors. Use of official records is most likely to have a conservative effect on the analyses by underestimating criminal activity, since not all crimes lead to arrest. Juvenile arrests and young adult arrests that occurred in other states or countries were not identified in this study. Another limitation in the focus on arrests is that some of the alleged offenses may not have occurred. Arrest data are, however, preferable to conviction data for analyses, because conviction status is often contingent on circumstances unrelated to the criminal event, such as the offender’s prior criminal history and willingness to admit guilt, as well as the standards of the local criminal justice system.

Clinical Implications

Clinicians are already attentive to the risk of criminal activity in youths with conduct disorder, and our results support this stance. However, psychiatric diagnoses other than conduct disorder, particularly when comorbid with conduct or substance use disorders, may also indicate an increased risk of subsequent criminality. Both male and female participants with childhood psychiatric disorders other than conduct disorder were twice as likely to be involved with the criminal justice system as young adults than those with no childhood disorder, and their criminal activity is far from insignificant, with risk concentrated on the most serious forms of offending. Particular attention should be paid to youths with a history of multiple diagnoses, even if they did not occur simultaneously.

If childhood psychiatric status is, as this study suggests, a common risk factor for criminality, effective treatment of childhood psychiatric disturbance may reduce the subsequent burden on the criminal justice system. Childhood treatment may also be cost-effective: a recent study estimated average annual mental health service costs across seven service sectors at $4,500 to $7,000 for children with diagnosable disorders (39), whereas the direct costs of adult incarceration are approximately $23,000 a year in federal facilities (40). Yet less than half of children with multiple psychiatric disorders receive any mental health services (39).

The mental health and criminal justice systems would both benefit from improved identification and treatment of children with psychiatric disorders. However, addressing the mental health needs of children and adolescents would not alone be sufficient to divert all young adults from criminal activity. More than half of those in our sample who had a criminal record in young adulthood had no history of childhood psychopathology, and most participants with a childhood diagnosis did not get arrested in young adulthood. This suggests that childhood psychiatric status may mark only one of various paths to criminality.

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Objective: While psychopathology is common in criminal populations, knowing more about what kinds of psychiatric disorders precede criminal behavior could be helpful in delineating at-risk children. The authors determined rates of juvenile psychiatric disorders in a sample of young adult offenders and then tested which childhood disorders best predicted young adult criminal status. Method: A representative sample of 1,420 children ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake were followed annually through age 16 for psychiatric disorders. Criminal offense status in young adulthood (ages 16 to 21) was ascertained through court records. Results: Thirty-one percent of the sample had one or more adult criminal charges. Overall, 51.4% of male young adult offenders and 43.6% of female offenders had a child psychiatric history. The population-attributable risk of criminality from childhood disorders was 20.6% for young adult female participants and 15.3% for male participants. Childhood psychiatric profiles predicted all levels of criminality. Severe/violent offenses were predicted by comorbid diagnostic groups that included both emotional and behavioral disorders. Conclusions: The authors found that children with specific patterns of psychopathology with and without conduct disorder were at risk of later criminality. Effective identification and treatment of children with such patterns may reduce later crime.

Childhood Psychiatric Disorder and Young Adult Arrest Status: A Population-Based Longitudinal Investigation

The high prevalence of mental illness within juvenile and criminal justice populations is well-documented. However, existing research primarily utilizes cross-sectional designs and incarcerated samples, limiting the understanding of temporal relationships and generalizability. This study investigates the link between childhood psychiatric disorders and young adult criminal offenses using a longitudinal, population-based sample.



Data originates from the Great Smoky Mountains Study, a longitudinal investigation examining psychiatric disorders, impairment, and service utilization among 1,420 youth (ages 9-16) in 11 primarily rural North Carolina counties. The sample, representative of the region's population, employed a two-stage design with oversampling of American Indian children.


Annual interviews were conducted with children and their primary caregivers at their homes or convenient locations. Trained interviewers utilized structured assessments to collect data on psychiatric diagnoses and criminal justice involvement.


The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment (CAPA) determined DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses based on parent and child reports of symptoms experienced within the three months prior to the interview. Socioeconomic status was determined using U.S. Census Bureau poverty thresholds.

Official arrest records, obtained from the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts and county courthouses, provided information on criminal charges between ages 16 and 21. Offenses were categorized as none, minor, moderate, or severe/violent.

Data Analysis

Logistic regression models examined the relationship between cumulative childhood psychiatric diagnoses (by age 16) and young adult arrest status (ages 16-21). Analyses controlled for potential confounders: poverty, juvenile justice involvement, and sex.


Descriptive Information

Of the sample, 31.5% were arrested between 16 and 21 years old. Males exhibited a significantly higher arrest rate (42.8%) compared to females (19.6%). Offense severity differed by sex, with males more likely to be arrested for severe/violent offenses.

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adulthood Arrest Status

Young adults with a criminal record had notably higher rates of childhood psychiatric diagnoses (males: 51.4%, females: 43.6%) compared to their counterparts without criminal records (males: 33.6%, females: 26.3%). This disparity persisted even after accounting for juvenile criminal history and conduct disorder diagnoses.

The population-attributable risk analysis revealed that 15.3% of male crime and 20.6% of female crime in the sample could be attributed to childhood mental disorders, even after adjusting for juvenile justice involvement and conduct disorder.

Specific psychiatric profiles, all encompassing conduct and/or substance use disorders, were associated with different offense categories. Notably, severe/violent offenses were linked to comorbid profiles including conduct disorder, substance use disorder, and emotional disorders.

Sex-specific associations emerged between emotional disorders and moderate offenses. While childhood anxiety predicted moderate offenses in females, it appeared to be a protective factor in males.

Multivariate Analyses

Controlling for poverty, juvenile arrest status, and sex, the relationship between specific childhood diagnoses and adult crime varied:

  • Minor Offenses: Predicted by substance use disorders (alone or with comorbid anxiety).

  • Moderate Offenses: Predicted by anxiety disorders in females only. Childhood anxiety and depression were protective in males.

  • Severe/Violent Offenses: Predicted by four comorbid profiles involving conduct disorder paired with either substance use, anxiety, or depressive disorders. Neither conduct nor substance use disorders alone were significant predictors.


This study's findings highlight the substantial association between childhood psychiatric disorders and subsequent involvement in the criminal justice system. Almost half of young adults with a criminal history had experienced a childhood mental illness, a rate notably higher than those without criminal involvement. Notably, this association remained significant even after controlling for conduct disorder and juvenile criminal history.

While previous research emphasized the role of conduct and substance use disorders, this study underscores the importance of considering comorbid emotional disorders (anxiety and depression) when assessing risk for criminality. The presence of emotional disorders, particularly in conjunction with conduct or substance use disorders, significantly increased the likelihood of severe/violent offenses.

Several methodological considerations should be acknowledged. The sample's rural setting and overrepresentation of American Indian children limit the generalizability of findings. Reliance on official arrest records may underestimate the true prevalence of criminal activity.

Clinical Implications

Early identification and treatment of childhood psychiatric disorders, especially those co-occurring with conduct or substance use disorders, are critical for mitigating the risk of future criminal behavior. Clinicians should be particularly attentive to youths presenting with multiple diagnoses, even if not concurrently. While this study underscores the importance of addressing mental health needs, it is essential to recognize that childhood psychiatric status represents one pathway among many leading to criminal involvement.

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Objective: While psychopathology is common in criminal populations, knowing more about what kinds of psychiatric disorders precede criminal behavior could be helpful in delineating at-risk children. The authors determined rates of juvenile psychiatric disorders in a sample of young adult offenders and then tested which childhood disorders best predicted young adult criminal status. Method: A representative sample of 1,420 children ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake were followed annually through age 16 for psychiatric disorders. Criminal offense status in young adulthood (ages 16 to 21) was ascertained through court records. Results: Thirty-one percent of the sample had one or more adult criminal charges. Overall, 51.4% of male young adult offenders and 43.6% of female offenders had a child psychiatric history. The population-attributable risk of criminality from childhood disorders was 20.6% for young adult female participants and 15.3% for male participants. Childhood psychiatric profiles predicted all levels of criminality. Severe/violent offenses were predicted by comorbid diagnostic groups that included both emotional and behavioral disorders. Conclusions: The authors found that children with specific patterns of psychopathology with and without conduct disorder were at risk of later criminality. Effective identification and treatment of children with such patterns may reduce later crime.

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adult Arrest Charges: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study


It's widely known that there's a strong connection between mental illness and involvement in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Studies have shown that young people in these systems have much higher rates of mental health issues than the general population. However, most of these studies were snapshots in time, meaning we couldn't tell if the mental health problems existed before the criminal behavior. This study tries to address that gap by examining the link between various childhood psychiatric disorders and later criminal activity in young adulthood.



This study used data from the Great Smoky Mountains Study, which followed a large group of kids from childhood to young adulthood. The study focused on eleven mostly rural counties in North Carolina and made sure to include a diverse group of participants. They oversampled Native American children to get a good representation.


Every year, the researchers interviewed both the children and their primary caregivers separately. These interviews were conducted in person, either at home or a convenient location, and covered a range of topics related to mental health and well-being.


The main tool used to assess mental health was the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment. This tool helps identify a wide range of DSM-IV disorders common in children and adolescents. To understand the link between childhood experiences and adult outcomes, the researchers also collected data on socioeconomic status (poverty) and any interactions with the juvenile justice system (arrests before age 16).

For the young adult period (ages 16-21), the study focused on arrest records as the primary indicator of criminal behavior. These records were obtained from the North Carolina court system and classified into four categories based on the most serious offense: no offenses, minor offenses (disorderly conduct, trespassing), moderate offenses (property crimes, simple assault, drug offenses), and severe/violent offenses (assault with a weapon, sexual assault, armed robbery).

Data Analysis

Researchers used statistical techniques to investigate the connection between childhood psychiatric disorders and young adult arrest records. They looked at factors like the presence of single or multiple disorders, gender differences, and the potential influence of poverty and early contact with the juvenile justice system.


Descriptive Information

Out of all the kids in the study, about a third were arrested by the time they were 21. As you might expect, more males were arrested than females. Most arrests were for less serious offenses.

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adulthood Arrest Status

Young adults who had been arrested, regardless of whether it happened before or after they turned 16, were significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental disorder in childhood. This was true even when the researchers accounted for conduct disorder, a diagnosis closely linked to criminal behavior. Importantly, this connection persisted even when researchers factored in poverty and previous involvement with the juvenile justice system.

When looking at specific diagnoses, the study found that having a history of substance use disorder, either alone or in combination with other disorders, was a strong predictor of arrest for minor offenses in young adulthood. For more serious offenses, conduct disorder and substance use disorder were again strong predictors, especially when combined with emotional disorders like anxiety and depression.

Interestingly, there were some differences between males and females. For instance, anxiety disorders during childhood were linked to a higher chance of moderate offenses for females but not for males. In fact, for males, having anxiety or depression seemed to slightly decrease the chances of being arrested for a moderate offense, although this finding wasn't statistically conclusive.


This study emphasizes the significant overlap between mental health and the criminal justice system. It suggests that childhood mental health problems can be a strong indicator of future involvement in criminal activity. Notably, even when taking into account factors like conduct disorder, poverty, and previous run-ins with the law, having a history of mental health issues during childhood was still associated with a higher likelihood of being arrested as a young adult.

Importantly, this study suggests that the combination of conduct and substance use disorders, particularly when occurring alongside emotional disorders, may be a stronger predictor of future serious offenses than either of these disorders alone.

While previous research highlighted the role of conduct and substance use disorders in predicting criminal behavior, this study underscores the potential influence of emotional disorders, like anxiety and depression, especially when they occur alongside other mental health challenges.

These findings emphasize the need for early identification and treatment of mental health issues in children and adolescents, potentially mitigating future involvement with the criminal justice system. While this study focuses on mental health, it's crucial to remember that it's just one piece of a complex puzzle. Many factors contribute to criminal behavior, and a comprehensive approach addressing various social, economic, and environmental factors is essential.

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Objective: While psychopathology is common in criminal populations, knowing more about what kinds of psychiatric disorders precede criminal behavior could be helpful in delineating at-risk children. The authors determined rates of juvenile psychiatric disorders in a sample of young adult offenders and then tested which childhood disorders best predicted young adult criminal status. Method: A representative sample of 1,420 children ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake were followed annually through age 16 for psychiatric disorders. Criminal offense status in young adulthood (ages 16 to 21) was ascertained through court records. Results: Thirty-one percent of the sample had one or more adult criminal charges. Overall, 51.4% of male young adult offenders and 43.6% of female offenders had a child psychiatric history. The population-attributable risk of criminality from childhood disorders was 20.6% for young adult female participants and 15.3% for male participants. Childhood psychiatric profiles predicted all levels of criminality. Severe/violent offenses were predicted by comorbid diagnostic groups that included both emotional and behavioral disorders. Conclusions: The authors found that children with specific patterns of psychopathology with and without conduct disorder were at risk of later criminality. Effective identification and treatment of children with such patterns may reduce later crime.

Kids With Mental Illness Are More Likely to Be Arrested

We know that a lot of people in the justice system have mental health problems. For example, one study looked at almost 2,000 young people (ages 10-18) in juvenile detention. They found that 63% of boys and 71% of girls had at least one mental health problem in the past six months. That's three to four times higher than other kids their age! In the same study, half of the kids had a substance use problem, and a quarter had conduct disorder (a disorder where kids break rules and violate others' rights). Even when researchers didn't count conduct disorder and substance use (because those problems are often linked to crime), kids in detention still had more mental health problems than other kids. Studies usually show that girls in the justice system have more mental health issues than boys. This seems to be mostly because girls are more likely to have anxiety and depression, but some studies have found girls to have higher rates of conduct disorder too.

These studies show a strong link between mental illness and crime, but they can't tell us everything. They only tell us about a single point in time, so we don't know if the mental health problems came before the criminal behavior. Plus, these studies are done with people already in the justice system, so they don't tell us which kids in the general population are most at risk.

Studies that follow people over time show that kids with lots of energy (hyperactivity), behavior problems, and early substance use are more likely to get into trouble later. The connection between conduct disorder and crime is so strong that it can be hard to tell if one causes the other. Hyperactivity seems to lead to crime even without behavior problems, but it's even more likely to lead to crime when kids have both hyperactivity and behavior problems. While substance use and delinquency often happen together, it seems that substance use only leads to crime in kids who start using substances early and continue to use them.

Many of these studies have focused on boys who live in cities and are already at risk for getting in trouble, and they don't always look at specific mental health diagnoses. Other studies that have looked at different groups of kids haven't examined what happens when kids have both emotional problems (like anxiety and depression) and behavioral problems (like conduct disorder). Having both types of problems might be a better predictor of criminal behavior than having just one or the other.

In this study, scientists used information from a group of people who were followed from childhood to early adulthood (ages 16–21). This allowed them to look at the connection between a range of childhood psychiatric disorders and criminal offenses in young adulthood. They used information from well-designed interviews to look at all the common mental health disorders in childhood. They wanted to know two things: 1) Do young adults with criminal records have more mental health problems in their past than those without? 2) Do certain mental health problems in childhood make it more likely that a person will commit specific types of crimes as a young adult?



The Great Smoky Mountains Study is a long-term study looking at mental health problems, difficulties caused by those problems, and mental health service use in 11 mostly rural counties in North Carolina [6, 25]. The scientists used a special method to choose a group of kids that would represent all the kids in those counties (for more details, see [26]).

First, they contacted parents of about 4,000 kids (ages 9, 11, and 13). We asked parents questions about their child's behavior, focusing on problems like breaking rules and acting out [27]. Then they invited all the kids whose scores were in the top 25%, plus 1 in 10 of the rest of the kids, to participate in interviews.

About 8% of the people in the counties we studied are African American, and fewer than 1% are Hispanic. American Indians make up about 3% of the population, but the scientists used a special strategy to make sure we included enough American Indian kids in their study.

The scientists interviewed kids and their caregivers every year. This study uses information from 6,674 interviews that were conducted when participants were 9-16 years old.


The scientists interviewed children and their primary caregivers separately. The interviewers were trained community members. Parents and children provided consent, meaning they agreed to be in the study, and everyone was paid $10 for their time.


The scientists used a structured interview to diagnose mental health problems. This interview has been shown to be reliable, meaning that different interviewers using the interview at different times will get similar results. We asked kids and parents about symptoms that occurred in the three months before the interview. We included any diagnosis that a child met the criteria for by age 16, even if they weren't diagnosed with every disorder at the same time.

We also looked at whether families were living in poverty (28.9% were).

The main thing we were interested in was whether kids were arrested between the ages of 16 and 21. We looked at official records to see who had been arrested in North Carolina (including on American Indian reservations).

We divided offenses into four groups based on how serious they were: no offenses; minor offenses, like trespassing; moderate offenses, like stealing something valuable; and severe/violent offenses, like assault.

Data Analysis

They used special statistical techniques to account for the sampling strategy and to make sure the results would apply to the whole population.


Descriptive Information

Of the 1,420 kids in the study, 473 (31.5%) were arrested between the ages of 16 and 21. More boys (42.8%) than girls (19.6%) were arrested. Most arrests (55.1%) were for minor offenses, followed by moderate offenses (26.7%), and severe/violent offenses (18.3%). Kids who were arrested for more serious crimes were arrested more times in general. Boys were much more likely than girls to be arrested for a severe/violent offense, so we grouped girls in the moderate and severe/violent offense categories together for most of the analyses. American Indian youth were no more likely to be arrested than white youth.

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders and Young Adulthood Arrest Status

33.6% of boys and 26.3% of girls with no criminal record had at least one mental health diagnosis. Those numbers were much higher for kids who were arrested as young adults (51.4% of boys and 43.6% of girls). This difference remained even when we looked only at kids who were arrested for the first time as young adults.

About 19.5% of crimes committed by girls and 28.7% of crimes committed by boys in this study can be explained by childhood mental health problems.

Having a substance use problem (alone or with other problems) was linked to minor offenses. Moderate and severe offenses were linked to conduct disorder and substance use disorder. Severe/violent offenses were also more common in kids with conduct disorder, substance use, and mood problems (anxiety or depression).

The study found some interesting differences in the way emotional problems were related to moderate offenses. For boys, anxiety and depression either had no effect or made them less likely to be arrested for moderate offenses. For girls, anxiety made them more likely to be arrested for moderate offenses, and depression seemed to have a similar effect (though that finding wasn't quite statistically significant).

Finally, the scientists looked at the relationship between each childhood mental health diagnosis and arrest status, controlling for poverty and being arrested before age 16. Substance use problems were still linked to minor offenses. Anxiety was a risk factor for moderate offenses in girls and a protective factor for boys. Severe/violent offenses were only predicted by combinations of disorders (anxiety and substance use; anxiety and conduct disorder; depression and substance use; depression and conduct disorder).


Almost half of the young people in the study who had been arrested had a history of mental illness. That's a lot higher than the rate of mental illness in young adults who weren't arrested (about 1 in 3 boys and 1 in 4 girls). Importantly, this difference remained even when we didn't count conduct disorder, and even when we only looked at young people who were arrested for the first time as adults. This tells us that mental illness is a risk factor for criminal behavior, even if the person doesn't have conduct disorder and even if they haven't been in trouble with the law before.

The study found that different mental health problems were linked to different types of offenses. Not surprisingly, substance use problems were linked to minor offenses. Anxiety seemed to be a risk factor for girls and a protective factor for boys when it came to moderate offenses. This might be because girls and boys express their anxiety in different ways, or because girls' anxiety is more likely to be noticed and punished. Severe/violent offenses were the most complex - they were only linked to combinations of disorders that included both emotional and behavioral problems.

The findings are consistent with other studies that have shown the important roles of conduct disorder and substance use problems in crime. However, we also found that emotional problems, like anxiety and depression, are important to consider. This is something that hasn't been studied as much, especially not in studies of young people who are not already at high risk for criminal behavior. The study also found that ADHD was not as strongly linked to criminal behavior as some other studies have shown. This might be because the study included a more diverse group of young people.

Methodological Considerations and Limitations

The study has some limitations that are important to keep in mind. First, it only included young people from 11 rural counties in North Carolina. The sample included a lot of American Indian youth, but not very many African American youth, and no Hispanic or Asian American youth. So the findings might not apply to other groups of people.

Second, the study only looked at arrest records, not self-reports of criminal behavior. This means it probably missed some criminal activity, since not all crimes lead to arrest. It also didn't count arrests that happened in other states. Finally, just because someone is arrested doesn't mean they're actually guilty.

Clinical Implications

The findings suggest that it's really important for mental health professionals to pay attention to kids with conduct disorder, substance use problems, and emotional problems like anxiety and depression, especially if kids have more than one of these problems. These kids are at higher risk for getting in trouble with the law as young adults.

If we can get kids the mental health treatment they need early on, we might be able to prevent some of them from engaging in criminal behavior. Treatment is also likely to be less expensive than the costs associated with incarceration.

Of course, mental health problems are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to criminal behavior. Many kids with mental health problems don't engage in criminal behavior, and many kids who engage in criminal behavior don't have mental health problems. It's important to consider all the factors that might contribute to a young person's risk for criminal behavior, not just mental health.

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Objective: While psychopathology is common in criminal populations, knowing more about what kinds of psychiatric disorders precede criminal behavior could be helpful in delineating at-risk children. The authors determined rates of juvenile psychiatric disorders in a sample of young adult offenders and then tested which childhood disorders best predicted young adult criminal status. Method: A representative sample of 1,420 children ages 9, 11, and 13 at intake were followed annually through age 16 for psychiatric disorders. Criminal offense status in young adulthood (ages 16 to 21) was ascertained through court records. Results: Thirty-one percent of the sample had one or more adult criminal charges. Overall, 51.4% of male young adult offenders and 43.6% of female offenders had a child psychiatric history. The population-attributable risk of criminality from childhood disorders was 20.6% for young adult female participants and 15.3% for male participants. Childhood psychiatric profiles predicted all levels of criminality. Severe/violent offenses were predicted by comorbid diagnostic groups that included both emotional and behavioral disorders. Conclusions: The authors found that children with specific patterns of psychopathology with and without conduct disorder were at risk of later criminality. Effective identification and treatment of children with such patterns may reduce later crime.

Kids With Mental Illness Can Grow Up to Break the Law

A lot of people who get in trouble with the police have mental illnesses. Scientists wanted to learn if kids with mental illnesses are more likely to break the law when they grow up. It's hard to know for sure because just looking at whether someone broke the law doesn't tell us if they had problems before.

This study looked at a bunch of kids for many years. The scientists talked to them and their parents about their mental health and kept track of if they ever got arrested as adults.

How They Did It

The scientists studied a group of more than 1,000 kids, ages 9 to 16, who lived in North Carolina. Every year, they interviewed the kids and their parents to see if they had any problems with their mental health, like feeling sad, worried, or having trouble following rules.

When the kids were between 16 and 21 years old, the scientists checked if they had been arrested by the police. They put the kids into groups based on whether they had been arrested for not doing anything wrong, small crimes like stealing candy, medium crimes like stealing a bike, and big crimes like hurting someone.

What They Found

Almost half of the people who got arrested had some kind of mental illness when they were younger. Kids with mental illness were twice as likely to get arrested as adults. Kids with more than one mental health problem were even more likely to break the law. This was true even if their problems weren't happening at the same time.

The study also found that:

  • Having problems with drugs or alcohol was linked to breaking the law, especially for small crimes.

  • Feeling worried or sad was linked to more medium crimes for girls but not for boys. For boys, feeling worried or sad made them less likely to commit a medium crime.

  • Kids with both behavior problems and drug or alcohol use were the most likely to commit big crimes.

What Does This Mean?

This study tells us that kids with mental health problems are more likely to break the law when they get older. This doesn't mean that every kid with a mental health problem will break the law, but it does mean we should try to help kids who are struggling.

Helping kids with mental health problems when they are young might stop them from getting into trouble with the police later. It's much cheaper to help a kid than to send an adult to jail.

This study looked at a small group of kids, so we need to do more research to know if this is true for all kids.

What Can You Do?

It's important that we can help kids who might be at risk by learning about mental health. When we understand the long-term effects of mental illness and how it can change lives, we can help support kids who might be struggling so they don't break the law and have problems later.

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Footnotes and Citation


Copeland, W. E., Miller-Johnson, S., Keeler, G., Angold, A., & Costello, E. J. (2007). Childhood psychiatric disorders and young adult crime: A prospective, population-based study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(11), 1668-1675.
