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State v Lyle

Keywords juvenile offenders; mandatory minimum sentencing; cruel and unusual punishment; Eighth Amendment; individualized sentencing

State v. R.G.D.

Keywords juvenile sentencing; aggravating factors; mitigating factors; individualized sentencing

State v. Pratt

Keywords juvenile sentencing; murder; diminished culpability of children; waiver to adult court

Abdul-Kabir v. Quarterman

Keywords death penalty; sentencing; mitigating factors of youth; Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act

Johnson v. Texas

Keywords juvenile sentencing; future dangerousness; mitigating factors of youth

Developmental trajectories of legal socialization among serious adolescent offenders

Keywords legal socialization; adolescence; juvenile offenders

“Some Mother's Child Has Gone Astray”: Neuroscientific Approaches to a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Model of Juvenile Sentencing

Keywords adolescent brain development; therapeutic jurisprudence; retribution; rehabilitation

Detecting Mens Rea in the Brain

Keywords mens rea; knowing; reckless; model penal code; criminal law; fMRI; neuroscience

Neuroscience and the Model Penal Code's Mens Rea Categories

Keywords Neurolaw; Neuroscience; Criminal Law; Model Penal Code; Brain Imaging; Behavioral Science; Psychology

Adolescent Decision Making: Reduced Culpability in the Criminal Justice System and Recognition of Capability in Other Legal Contexts

Keywords cognitive control; adolescence; fMRI; socioeconomic status; parental monitoring; parental warmth; latent growth modeling

Thompson v. Oklahoma

Keywords juvenile sentencing; Roper v. Simmons; death penalty; Oklahoma

State v. Null

Keywords juvenile sentencing; Miller v. Alabama; Graham v. Florida; Iowa Supreme Court; life without parole; juvenile life without parole

People v. Chavez

Keywords juvenile sentencing; resentencing; juvenile justice reform; Miller v. Alabama

People v. Lozano

Keywords Juvenile sentencing; life without parole; juvenile life without parole; JLWOP; resentencing; Eighth Amendment; Miller v. Alabama; California

Fletcher v. Alaska

Keywords Juvenile sentencing; Eighth Amendment; Proportionality principle; juvenile justice reform; cruel and unusual punishment