Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: Neural Processing of Social Feedback and Links to Social Motivation in Adolescent Girls
Megan M Davis
Haina H Modi
Haley V Skymba
Megan K Finnegan
Katherine Haigler


Brain scans show how mid-teen girls react to social feedback. Negative feedback fired up areas for fear & judgment, while positive feedback boosted reward areas, suggesting girls' brains are influenced by both feedback & social goals.


Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: Neural Processing of Social Feedback and Links to Social Motivation in Adolescent Girls

Keywords adolescence; neuroimaging; social goals; social evaluation


Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychological development, characterized by increasing emotional reactivity and risk-taking, especially in peer contexts. Theories of adolescent neural development suggest that the balance in sensitivity across neural threat, reward and regulatory systems contributes to these changes. Building on previous research, this study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and functional connectivity in the context of social threat and reward in a sample of mid-adolescent girls (n = 86, Mage = 16.32). When receiving negative peer feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in, and amygdala connectivity with, social processing regions [e.g. medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]. When receiving positive feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in social and reward (e.g. mPFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex) processing regions and less striatum-cerebellum connectivity. To understand the psychological implications of neural activation and co-activation, we examined associations between neural processing of threat and reward and self-reported social goals. Avoidance goals predicted elevated amygdala and striatum connectivity with social processing regions [e.g. medial temporal gyrus (MTG)], whereas approach goals predicted deactivation in social processing regions (e.g. MTG/TPJ and precuneus), highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward in adolescence.


Adolescence is a period of significant physical, psychological and social change, with associated increases in emotional lability and impulsivity (Crone and Dahl, 2012; Romer et al., 2017; Rapee et al., 2019). Theories of adolescent neural development link heightened neural reactivity in threat avoidance and reward motivation systems, in conjunction with less effective regulatory control, to these increases in emotional distress and risk-taking during adolescence (Steinberg, 2008; Powers and Casey, 2015). In the present study, we developed a novel social feedback task (authors omitted for masked review) that allowed us to examine neural responses to peer evaluation of personally salient decisions. This task maps onto a common, but understudied, experience of adolescence, namely, receiving feedback about peer opinions, and can therefore provide insight into processing of daily peer encounters. This study extends current theory and research by exploring both neural activation and functional connectivity (FC) in the context of negative and positive peer feedback, allowing us to expand beyond knowledge about regional activation to understand integration across systems engaged in social feedback processing. Furthermore, this is the first study to examine how these patterns of neural processing differ as a function of individual differences in social avoidance and approach motivation, advancing our understanding of the psychological implications of social feedback processing in adolescents.

The triadic neural systems model (Ernst et al., 2006; Ernst, 2014) proposes that adolescent emotion and behavior are linked to the balance in sensitivity across three nodes of neural function: (a) an avoidance system, which processes threat and is centered in the amygdala; (b) a motivation system, which includes regions involved in reward processing [e.g. ventral striatum (VS), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) including the ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)]; and (c) a cognitive control system, which includes regions involved in multiple aspects of attention and inhibition [e.g. dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC)]. Relative activation in threat, reward and control regions and connectivity across these systems may help explain heightened negative affect and sensitivity to social reward, which are thought to lead to emotional distress and impulsive risk-taking as well as increased social reorientation and exploration during adolescence.

When viewing threatening images, adolescents are less effective than children and adults at regulating their affect and show heightened activation in the amygdala, a key region in the avoidance system (Hare et al., 2008; McRae et al., 2012). The threat of social exclusion or rejection may be especially salient for adolescents, who are particularly attuned to their social networks (O’Brien and Bierman, 1988; Knoll et al., 2015). A growing body of research probes neural processing of social threat using tasks that evoke experiences of social exclusion, rejection or negative evaluation (Somerville et al., 2006; Guyer et al., 2009; Jarcho et al., 2016). Consistent with the triadic systems model, these studies reveal that adolescents show elevated amygdala reactivity when anticipating evaluation from peers (Lau et al., 2012) and that pre-adolescent children (Achterberg et al., 2017) but not young adults (Achterberg et al., 2016; van de Groep et al., 2021) show elevated amygdala activation when receiving negative (relative to positive) peer feedback, suggesting developmental trends in these patterns. Expanding beyond this model, negative social evaluation and exclusion also activate regions involved in social processing and salience detection that are considered sensitive to the pain of social rejection [e.g. anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insula] in adolescent (Masten et al., 2009; Will et al., 2016) and young adult (Somerville et al., 2006) samples. Social evaluation also activates regions involved in mentalizing about the self and others [e.g. temporoparietal junction (TPJ), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and superior temporal sulcus (STS)] in adolescents (Bolling et al., 2011a) and young adults (Cassidy et al., 2012), and activation in these regions is stronger in adolescents than adults in response to threat (McRae et al., 2012). The mPFC, which is considered a node of the motivation system, also shows elevated activation to rejection in adolescents (Sebastian et al., 2011) and to cues signaling social threat in addition to reward in children (Achterberg et al., 2018) and young adults (van de Groep et al., 2021) and thus may play a broader role in social status monitoring (Crone et al., 2020).

When viewing threatening images, adolescents are less effective than children and adults at regulating their affect and show heightened activation in the amygdala, a key region in the avoidance system (Hare et al., 2008; McRae et al., 2012). The threat of social exclusion or rejection may be especially salient for adolescents, who are particularly attuned to their social networks (O’Brien and Bierman, 1988; Knoll et al., 2015). A growing body of research probes neural processing of social threat using tasks that evoke experiences of social exclusion, rejection or negative evaluation (Somerville et al., 2006; Guyer et al., 2009; Jarcho et al., 2016). Consistent with the triadic systems model, these studies reveal that adolescents show elevated amygdala reactivity when anticipating evaluation from peers (Lau et al., 2012) and that pre-adolescent children (Achterberg et al., 2017) but not young adults (Achterberg et al., 2016; van de Groep et al., 2021) show elevated amygdala activation when receiving negative (relative to positive) peer feedback, suggesting developmental trends in these patterns. Expanding beyond this model, negative social evaluation and exclusion also activate regions involved in social processing and salience detection that are considered sensitive to the pain of social rejection [e.g. anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insula] in adolescent (Masten et al., 2009; Will et al., 2016) and young adult (Somerville et al., 2006) samples. Social evaluation also activates regions involved in mentalizing about the self and others [e.g. temporoparietal junction (TPJ), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and superior temporal sulcus (STS)] in adolescents (Bolling et al., 2011a) and young adults (Cassidy et al., 2012), and activation in these regions is stronger in adolescents than adults in response to threat (McRae et al., 2012). The mPFC, which is considered a node of the motivation system, also shows elevated activation to rejection in adolescents (Sebastian et al., 2011) and to cues signaling social threat in addition to reward in children (Achterberg et al., 2018) and young adults (van de Groep et al., 2021) and thus may play a broader role in social status monitoring (Crone et al., 2020).

Adolescence is also a stage of heightened reward seeking and reward reactivity (Steinberg, 2008; Telzer, 2016). Compared to adults, adolescents show both more activation in motivation system nodes (including the VS and OFC), and more willingness to take risks, in the presence of peers (Chein et al., 2011). Adolescents are especially sensitive to social rewards, such as inclusion and positive peer evaluation (Galván, 2010; Quarmley et al., 2019). Consistent with the triadic systems model, studies reveal elevated activation in the VS, mPFC and OFC in response to inclusion in adolescents (Gunther Moor et al., 2010) and in response to positive feedback in pre-adolescents and adults (Achterberg et al., 2016; 2018; van de Groep et al., 2021). Expanding beyond this model, regions outside the motivation system that are involved in social processing and salience detection (e.g. ACC, insula) and mentalizing (superior temporal gyrus) show greater activation to peer acceptance than rejection in adolescents (Guyer et al., 2012).

Although the triadic systems model emphasizes the importance of balance across the avoidance, motivation and cognitive control systems (Ernst, 2014), previous research on social threat and reward processing largely focuses on localized patterns of activation within discrete brain regions. To test assumptions of this model, it is important to examine whether nodes of the avoidance (e.g. amygdala) and motivation (e.g. VS) systems exhibit differences in patterns of FC with the PFC or other regions that may serve a regulatory function in social contexts (e.g. mentalizing regions) during social threat and reward processing.

Studies examining FC within the context of social threat reveal greater amygdala-ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) connectivity during an emotion regulation task after (vs. before) rejection in adolescent girls (Miller et al., 2019), as well as stronger connectivity within and across mentalizing (Schmälzle et al., 2017) and social pain (Bolling et al., 2011b) networks during social exclusion relative to inclusion. These findings indicate that social threat may elicit functional integration across threat and social processing networks. However, one study found less amygdala-mPFC and amygdala-ACC connectivity during exclusion relative to inclusion in adolescents (McIver et al., 2019), highlighting the need for further examination of FC during social threat. Within the context of reward, connectivity studies (Robinson et al., 2012), including those using monetary reward tasks (Cho et al., 2013), suggest greater connectivity between VS and a diverse network of frontoparietal regions as well as the insula and other limbic structures across development. However, patterns of connectivity across both avoidance and motivation systems within a social context (which is especially salient during adolescence) remain to be explored.

This study built on previous research by using whole-brain analyses to examine neural responses to social threat and reward within the same social feedback task. Moreover, to test assumptions of the triadic systems model, which posits that communication across neural systems is integral to emotional experience and behavior, we used FC analyses to identify regions that show co-activation with key nodes of the avoidance (i.e. amygdala) and motivation (i.e. VS) systems during social threat and reward processing.

Individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward

To understand the psychological significance of neural activation to social feedback, we also examined associations with psychological indexes of social threat and reward motivation, as reflected in self-reported social goals. Social goal theory (e.g. Elliot et al., 2006; Gable, 2006; Rudolph, 2021) distinguishes between performance-avoidance goals (i.e. demonstrating competence by minimizing negative social judgments) and performance-approach goals (i.e. demonstrating competence by gaining positive social judgments and prestige). Performance-avoidance goals are associated with more fear of negative evaluation (Jeanne Horst et al., 2007) and a tendency to ignore or minimize conflict following peer aggression (Rudolph et al., 2011), suggesting that youth with higher avoidance goals may be more reactive to the receipt of negative peer feedback. Performance-approach goals are associated with less prosocial behavior and more aggression (Rodkin et al., 2013), and more disengagement when victimized (Rudolph et al., 2011). Youth with higher approach goals thus may show both hyper-reactivity (e.g. aggression) and hypo-reactivity (e.g. disengagement) in the context of peer feedback.

Despite a lack of research on social avoidance goals, previous work examining the avoidance-related trait of behavioral inhibition (characterized by anxiety and withdrawal in novel social situations) suggests that behavioral inhibition predicts more activation to negative peer feedback in the right vlPFC in adolescents (Guyer et al., 2015). Social reticence, a construct closely related to behavioral inhibition and characterized by hesitancy in social situations, predicts more insula and dorsal ACC activation and less insula-vmPFC connectivity when pre-adolescents anticipate feedback from unpredictable relative to nice peers (Jarcho et al., 2016), suggesting that temperamental avoidance may predict more reactivity in, and less integration across, social and salience processing regions. Findings for reward processing have been more mixed, with behavioral inhibition predicting more activation of the caudate to positive peer feedback in adolescents (Guyer et al., 2014) but less activation of the VS to monetary reward in young adults (Simon et al., 2010).

Limited research exploring the approach-related trait of behavioral activation (characterized by the tendency to seek out rewarding situations) reveals that high behavioral activation predicts more activation in the VS and mPFC to monetary reward in young adults (Simon et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2015), suggesting that approach goals may be associated with greater neural reactivity to reward receipt. However, these studies involved a monetary reward and examined general approach motivation; motivation to demonstrate social competence, as in the case of high social performance-approach goals, may show different patterns of association with neural activation to social threat and reward.

Although theories of adolescent neural development implicate neural processes that may shape motivated behavior, studies have not yet examined how neural responses to social threat and reward differ as a function of social goals. Thus, the second aim of this study was to elucidate the psychological implications of neural sensitivity to social threat and reward by exploring how patterns of activation and connectivity are associated with individual differences in social avoidance and approach goals.

Study overview

This study explored neural activation and connectivity in threat avoidance and reward motivation systems using a novel social feedback task in which adolescents indicated their preferences in a variety of relevant daily life domains and received feedback indicating whether other teens ostensibly agreed or disagreed with their preferences or were neutral (i.e. half agreed and half disagreed). This task replicates realistic experiences of social threat and reward (finding out that other teens approve or disapprove of one’s personal preferences) using a robust control (neutral feedback) and requiring minimal deception, making it well-suited to the study of social processing in adolescents.

We conducted whole-brain voxel-wise analyses to examine activation to negative and positive (vs neutral) feedback. Additionally, we conducted connectivity analyses using the amygdala seed region in the context of negative (vs neutral) feedback and the VS seed regions in the context of positive (vs neutral) feedback. To understand the psychological implications of neural processing of social threat and reward, we examined how activation and connectivity were associated with individual differences in social performance-avoidance and performance-approach goals. In line with previous studies, we hypothesized that negative feedback would be associated with more activation in regions involved in threat (i.e. amygdala) and social (e.g. mPFC, insula, ACC, and STS) processing, whereas positive feedback would be associated with more activation in regions involved in reward processing (e.g. VS, mPFC, and vmpFC). Drawing on the triadic neural systems model and informed by a limited number of studies examining FC in the context of social evaluation, we hypothesized greater amygdala connectivity with cognitive control system nodes (e.g. lateral PFC) and those involved in social processing (e.g. STS) in response to negative feedback and greater VS connectivity with cognitive control system nodes in response to positive feedback. We further sought to explore whether individual differences in social goals would predict variability in activation and connectivity, such that higher performance-avoidance goals would predict more activation and amygdala connectivity in regions involved in threat and social processing, especially in response to negative feedback, and performance-approach goals would predict more activation and VS connectivity in regions involved in social processing, especially in response to positive feedback. Our study focused on neural processing of feedback specifically in mid-adolescent girls. Mid-adolescence is characterized by elevated sensitivity to social threat and reward (Romer et al., 2017) and increasingly complex social demands (Brown and Larson, 2009; Schriber and Guyer, 2016), especially for girls (Hankin et al., 2007; Charbonneau et al., 2009), highlighting the value of focusing on social processing in girls at this stage.


Participants and procedures


Participants included 86 adolescent girls (Mage = 16.32, standard deviation = 0.84, range: 14.85–17.73) who completed the Social Feedback Task while undergoing a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan in the summer following 9th, 10th or 11th grade (see Supplementary Table S1 for additional demographic information). Of the 90 girls who completed the study, two were excluded due to issues with fMRI data collection and another two were excluded due to excessive movement during the scan, leaving a final sample of 86 girls.


Participants attended a laboratory session in which they first completed several questionnaires, including a measure assessing social performance goals, and then completed fMRI tasks, including the Social Feedback Task. Participants were compensated $50 for completion of the study. Parents provided written consent, and adolescents provided written assent for all study procedures. All procedures were approved by the [omitted for masked review] Institutional Review Board.


Social feedback task

Adolescents completed the Social Feedback Task (authors omitted for masked review) during an fMRI scan (Figure 1). This task was composed of 60 trials lasting approximately 11–14 seconds. During the Decision phase, adolescents were shown two options from a variety of domains (e.g. music genres, school subjects and activities) and used a button press to indicate which one they preferred. In the Anticipation phase, adolescents were shown a screen, indicating that the computer was retrieving peer feedback. In the Feedback phase, participants received feedback indicating whether or not other teens who had completed the task ostensibly agreed or disagreed with their choice. They saw a thumbs up (indicating that the majority of teens agreed with their choice), a thumbs down (indicating that the majority disagreed), or a thumb pointing to the side (indicating that roughly half of other teens agreed and half disagreed). In reality, the feedback was randomly generated so that adolescents saw 20 trials each of positive (thumbs up), negative (thumbs down) and neutral (sideways thumb) feedback, with the constraint that participants never saw more than two trials of any feedback type in a row. The present analyses focus on the Feedback phase of the task.

Social performance goals

Youth completed two subscales assessing social performance goals (Rudolph et al., 2011): performance-avoidance, focused on demonstrating competence by avoiding negative peer judgments and performance-approach, focused on demonstrating competence by gaining positive peer judgments. Participants received the prompt ‘When I am around other kids…’ and responded on a 5-point scale (Not at All to Very Much). Scores were calculated as the mean of the items within each subscale; additional measure information and descriptive statistics are provided in Supplementary Table S2. Construct validity of the measure has been established in a community sample of youth (Rudolph et al., 2011).

fMRI data acquisition and analysis

Functional neuroimaging data were collected using a 3 Tesla Siemens Trio MRI scanner. T2*-Weighted echoplanar images were collected during the task; structural scans consisted of a T2*-weighted, matched-bandwidth anatomical, high-resolution scan and a T1* magnetization-prepared rapid-acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE) (see the Supplement for scanning parameters). The fMRI data were pre-processed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM8; Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, London, UK). Images were spatially realigned to the mean to correct for head movement. Functional data were co-registered to the structural MPRAGE and transformed into standardized stereotactic space as defined by the Montreal Neurological Institute. Normalized functional data were smoothed using an 8-mm full-width-at-half-maximum Gaussian kernel to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. High-pass temporal filtering with a cutoff of 128 seconds was applied to remove low-frequency drift in the data. For each participant’s data, a general linear model (GLM) was created using regressors that corresponded to the entire duration of each phase (i.e. Decision, Anticipation, and Feedback) of the task. Trials with excessive head motion (over 2.5 mms absolute displacement in any direction) were de-weighted using a regressor of no interest in the GLM. Two participants were dropped from analyses due to head motion greater than 2.5 mm absolute displacement in over 25% of trials. In the remaining sample, overall motion was very low: only 0.22% of trials were censored across all included participants. Inter-trial intervals and trials in which participants did not respond were not explicitly modeled and are therefore included in the implicit baseline. For all analyses, Monte-Carlo simulations using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages (AFNI) updated (2016) 3dFWHMx and 3dClustSim programs were used to determine the cluster size necessary for a voxel-wise bi-sided threshold of p < 0.005 and a family-wise error rate of p < 0.05 for each analysis (Cox et al., 2017). Smoothness was estimated with the -acf option, which used an average of individual-level autocorrelation function parameters (obtained using each participant’s residuals from the first-level model).

To compare activation to feedback receipt based on valence, separate regressors were created for positive (20 trials), negative (20 trials) and neutral (20 trials) feedback. Parameter estimates resulting from the GLM were then used to create linear contrasts. We used whole-brain voxel-wise one sample t-tests to assess neural activation during two contrasts: negative feedback > neutral feedback and positive feedback > neutral feedback.1 In order to examine overlapping activation in the negative feedback > neutral feedback and positive feedback > neutral feedback contrasts, we conducted a conjunction analysis using 3dcalc in AFNI (Cox and Hyde, 1997). We used a logical AND approach (Nichols et al., 2005), which requires that overlapping clusters exceed statistical threshold in the original contrasts and surpass a family-wise error rate of 0.05 in the conjunction analysis.

To assess differences in connectivity between regions during threat and reward processing (i.e. the interaction of physiological connectivity and psychological context; Friston et al., 1997), we conducted psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses using the amygdala and VS as seed regions. The seed regions were created by combining across right and left anatomical regions as defined by the Harvard Oxford atlas (Frazier et al., 2005). The gPPI toolbox in SPM8 (McLaren et al., 2012) was used to (1) extract the time series from each region of interest to create the physiological variable, (2) convolve each trial type with the hemodynamic response function to create the psychological regressor and (3) multiply the physiological and psychological variables to create the interaction term. We explored functional connectivity using the amygdala seed region in the negative feedback > neutral feedback contrast and the VS seed region in the positive feedback > neutral feedback contrast.

To examine patterns of neural activation associated with youths’ tendencies to avoid negative peer evaluation or seek out positive peer evaluation, we used scores on the social performance-avoidance and performance-approach subscales as predictors of activation (using whole-brain voxel-wise regression analyses) and connectivity (using PPI analyses) during the negative feedback > neutral feedback and positive feedback > neutral feedback contrasts. Social performance-avoidance and performance-approach scores were standardized and entered into whole-brain regressions in order to examine patterns of activation and connectivity associated with each goal type controlling for the other.


Neural activation to negative social feedback

To examine neural processing of social threat, we compared activation to negative versus neutral feedback (Table 1). In response to negative (vs neutral) feedback, adolescents showed greater activation in the mPFC, bilateral TPJ, PCC, right posterior STS (pSTS), bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), dorsal caudate and cerebellum and showed less activation in the left supramarginal gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus, left dlPFC, medial cingulate cortex and right pre-central gyrus (Figure 2). An exploratory analysis comparing negative to positive feedback revealed largely similar patterns, including increased activation in mPFC, bilateral IFG, TPJ, cerebellum and right caudate (Supplementary Table S3).

Amygdala connectivity during negative social feedback

We used a bilateral amygdala seed to examine functional connectivity to negative versus neutral feedback (Table 1). This analysis revealed greater FC between the amygdala and the left dlPFC, left IFG, thalamus, left TPJ and mPFC to negative (vs neutral) feedback (Figure 2).

Neural activation to positive social feedback

To examine neural processing of social reward, we compared activation to positive vs neutral feedback (Table 2). In response to positive (vs neutral) feedback, adolescents showed greater activation in the mPFC and vmPFC and nodes of the motivation system, as well as in the right cuneus and left cerebellum, and showed less activation in the bilateral inferior temporal gyrus, right dlPFC, right inferior parietal lobule and right IFG (Figure 3). An exploratory analysis comparing positive to negative feedback revealed greater activation to positive feedback in the striatum, the central node of the motivation system and several other regions including the left IFG, bilateral dlPFC, right precuneus, bilateral supramarginal gyrus, medical cingulate gyrus and bilateral cerebellum (Supplementary Table S3).

Conjunction analysis

In order to examine the overlap between patterns of activation to negative (vs neutral) and positive (vs neutral) feedback, we conducted a conjunction analysis of these two contrasts. Results of the conjunction analysis revealed an overlapping region within the mPFC that showed heightened activation to both negatively and positively valenced social feedback (Supplementary Figure S1).

VS connectivity during positive social feedback

We used a bilateral VS seed to examine FC to positive versus neutral feedback (Table 2). No regions showed greater VS connectivity, but the right cerebellum showed relatively less FC with the VS to positive (vs neutral) feedback (Figure 3).

Patterns of neural activation associated with social performance goals

Whole brain regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between social performance goals and patterns of neural activation and co-activation to threat and reward. Separate analyses were conducted for social avoidance and social approach goals, controlling for the other goal type.

Social avoidance goals

When receiving negative (vs neutral) feedback, social avoidance goals were not associated with supra-threshold activation in individual regions but did predict relatively greater amygdala-left anterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG) connectivity. When receiving positive (vs neutral) feedback, social avoidance goals were not associated with supra-threshold activation in individual regions but were associated with relatively greater connectivity between the VS and both the left anterior MTG and right cerebellum (Table 3; Figure 4).

Social approach goals

When receiving negative (vs neutral) feedback, social approach goals were associated with less activation in the left precuneus, left medial frontal gyrus/dlPFC and right MTG/TPJ but were not associated with amygdala connectivity with any regions. When receiving positive (vs neutral) feedback, social approach goals were associated with less activation in the left PCC, right parahippocampal gyrus and left precuneus and were associated with more VS-cerebellum connectivity and less VS-left IFG connectivity (Table 4; Figure 5).


The triadic neural systems model (Ernst et al., 2006; Ernst, 2014) proposes that elevated reactivity in avoidance and motivation systems, coupled with less downregulation by the PFC, contributes to increases in emotional lability, reward sensitivity, social exploration and risk-taking characteristic of adolescence. Drawing on this model, the present study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and connectivity involving avoidance and motivation systems in response to social threat and reward in adolescent girls. Unique and overlapping findings for negative and positive feedback and associations with social goals highlight the importance of studying activation and co-activation across threat and reward processing systems within a social context.

Neural activation and FC in the context of social threat

Adolescents, compared to children and adults, show elevated emotional and neural reactivity to social threats, such as rejection and exclusion (McRae et al., 2012). Contrary to hypotheses based on the triadic neural systems model, we did not find evidence of amygdala reactivity to negative feedback, which may suggest that receiving negative feedback in the context of this task was less immediately threatening than direct rejection. However, we did observe elevated reactivity to negative relative to neutral feedback across several regions involved in mentalizing about the self and others (e.g. mPFC, TPJ, pSTS, and PCC) as well as regions implicated in emotion processing (e.g. IFG and dorsal caudate) and the cerebellum. The mPFC (Amodio & Frith, 2006) and PCC (Johnson et al., 2006; Leech and Sharp, 2014) are thought to play a role in monitoring one’s own internal states, and the mPFC, TPJ and pSTS are activated when reasoning about others (van den Bos et al., 2011; Patel et al., 2019). During social monitoring, these regions also show increasing activation with age that is thought to reflect more in-depth processing of others’ cognitive states (Bolling et al., 2011a; Crone and Dahl, 2012). The IFG is often activated during emotion regulation (Frank et al., 2014) and shows increasing activation with age (Vara et al., 2014) in response to cognitive control demands. Although the cerebellum has typically not been the focus of studies on social-emotional processing, some research has found cerebellum hyper-reactivity to threat (e.g. Bolling et al., 2011b), suggesting that patterns of cerebellar activation warrant further investigation.

In contrast to previous studies (e.g. Guyer et al., 2009; Jarcho et al., 2016; Achterberg et al., 2017), we did not observe increased activation in regions involved in salience detection (e.g. ACC and insula) in response to negative (vs neutral) feedback. This may result from differences in task design. Specifically, several previous social evaluation tasks have focused on global negative feedback about the individual, potentially eliciting more processing in regions involved in salience detection and social pain. The task used in the present study involved the receipt of feedback about specific preferences, which may lead to more mentalizing and other-focused processing. Interpreting negative peer feedback about specific preferences may require perspective taking in order to understand the discrepancy between one’s own and others’ views, which could explain the elevated activation we observed in regions involved in social processing. Patterns of activation observed when comparing negative to neutral feedback (e.g. heightened activation in mPFC, IFG, TPJ and cerebellum) remained largely the same when comparing negative to positive feedback (see Supplementary Table S3), suggesting that these patterns reflect enhanced reactivity to negative feedback rather than dampened reactivity to neutral feedback.

Connectivity analyses revealed greater amygdala connectivity with several regions that have been implicated in self-regulation (e.g. dlPFC and IFG) and mentalizing about others (TPJ and mPFC) during the receipt of negative relative to neutral feedback. These findings support hypotheses from the triadic neural systems model, which suggests that cooperation between avoidance and cognitive control systems is implemented in the context of negative emotional states in order to promote emotion regulation. In the context of emotion regulation, the dlPFC and IFG show heightened activation (Goldin et al., 2008; Frank et al., 2014) and connectivity with the amygdala (Morawetz et al., 2017). Patterns of greater activation and co-activation we observed may suggest more top-down control or may reflect a need to recruit greater prefrontal activation to effectively regulate amygdala reactivity (Nelson et al., 2016) when receiving negative feedback. Similarly, greater amygdala connectivity with the TPJ and mPFC may suggest heightened social threat sensitivity or may reflect a process by which the emotional salience of negative feedback elicits social-cognitive processing in order to effectively adapt to the social environment.

Neural activation and FC in the context of social reward

Although social connection and approval are rewarding across the lifespan, adolescents are particularly reactive to reward (Telzer, 2016), especially in social domains (Quarmley et al., 2019). In line with the triadic neural systems model, which implicates heightened activation in motivation system nodes in response to reward in adolescents, the present study found evidence of elevated reactivity to positive relative to neutral feedback in the mPFC and vmPFC (nodes of the motivation system) as well as in the cuneus and cerebellum. Interestingly, in this study, we did not find activation of the VS to the receipt of positive relative to neutral feedback, potentially because neutral feedback (which indicated that half of teens agreed with the participant’s selection) was sufficiently rewarding to obscure any differences in VS activation between the receipt of positive and neutral feedback. However, the mPFC and vmPFC show more FC with the VS (Bostan and Strick, 2018; Camara et al., 2009) and each other (Schmälzle et al., 2017) in the context of reward (vs loss), suggesting that these regions may form a larger reward response network that is active when adolescents receive rewarding information. Furthermore, when comparing positive to negative feedback, we observed elevated activation in the striatum, as well as several other regions including dlPFC, precuneus and supramarginal gyrus, suggesting that receiving feedback indicating peer approval vs disapproval activated regions identified by the triadic neural systems model as playing a role in reward processing.

Contrary to expectations from the triadic neural systems model, we did not observe changes in FC between the VS and PFC during reward processing. However, FC analyses did reveal relatively less FC between the VS and right cerebellum during the receipt of positive relative to neutral feedback. This is in contrast to previous studies that have typically found stronger coupling of the VS and cerebellum to reward (e.g. Camara et al., 2009). However, previous studies considered reactivity to a monetary reward, highlighting the importance of future research exploring FC within the context of social reward processing.

Overlap in social threat and social reward processing

Interestingly, conjunction analysis identified a region within the mPFC that showed greater activation to both negative and positive (vs neutral) feedback, a finding that aligns with previous research (Achterberg et al., 2016) and may suggest a common neural mechanism of social-evaluative processing independent of feedback valence. The mPFC has been proposed to play a central role in integrating information about the self and others, particularly during adolescence, and preliminary evidence suggests that mPFC activation may reflect one pathway through which social experience shapes the development brain (Crone et al., 2020). However, despite overlapping mPFC activation to both negative and positive (vs neutral) feedback, comparing negative to positive feedback, revealed greater mPFC activation to negative feedback, potentially because receiving feedback that others disagree with your preferences requires more mentalizing about discrepancies between one’s own and others’ opinions.

Individual differences in neural sensitivity to social threat and reward

Although a growing body of research examines neural responses to social threat and reward, the psychological implications of these response patterns are unclear. Accordingly, we sought to explore whether neural activation and co-activation to social threat and reward were associated with self-reported sensitivity to negative and positive social cues, as captured by social performance goals.

Social avoidance goals

Contrary to our hypothesis, social performance-avoidance goals did not predict neural activation to negative (relative to neutral) feedback within individual regions. However, avoidance goals did predict greater connectivity between the amygdala and the anterior MTG, a region implicated in social and semantic perception (Bonner and Price, 2013; Rice et al., 2015). This co-activation between regions involved in threat processing and social perception may reflect a means through which these youth are more attuned to potentially socially threatening situations. Interestingly, similar results were found when adolescents received positive relative to neutral feedback: Social avoidance goals were not associated with activation within individual regions but were associated with more positive connectivity between the VS and both the MTG and cerebellum. Socially avoidant youth may not expect positive feedback, resulting in more communication between reward and social perceptual regions to process this unanticipated outcome. Overall, these results may reflect increased communication between regions involved in threat or reward and social processing in response to both negative and positive feedback that could allow socially avoidant youth to adjust their future behavior to ensure that peers do not perceive them as unpopular or unlikeable.

Social approach goals

Social performance-approach goals were associated with less activation to negative (vs. neutral) feedback in several regions implicated in social processing (TPJ and precuneus) and regulatory control (dlPFC). A similar pattern emerged when receiving positive relative to neutral feedback: Social approach goals were associated with less activation in the precuneus, PCC and parahippocampal gyrus, regions implicated in social-emotional reasoning. This pattern of results suggests that youth who are more motivated to demonstrate social competence or prestige may be less reactive to both negative and positive peer feedback, possibly because they are more focused on appearing socially competent than on incorporating peer feedback to increase their social skills. These findings suggest that youth higher in performance-approach goals may engage in less social reasoning in the peer context, in line with research suggesting that these youth emphasize self-interest rather than cooperation in the context of peer stress (Rudolph et al., 2011) and use nonchalance coping strategies (e.g. portraying themselves as unbothered) to deal with peer problems (Shin and Ryan, 2012).

Although performance-approach goals did not predict amygdala connectivity during negative (vsneutral) feedback, they were associated with relatively less VS-IFG connectivity and relatively greater VS-cerebellum connectivity to positive (vs. neutral) feedback. Less coupling between the VS and IFG, a region involved in emotion regulation, could reflect downregulation of the VS by the IFG, consistent with the finding that social approach-oriented youth show blunted reactivity in social processing regions to positive and negative feedback. Although previous evidence links the VS to bilateral cerebellum and more medial regions of the PFC in response to reward (Bostan and Strick, 2018; Camara et al., 2009), research exploring connections between the VS and other regions, including the IFG, warrants further exploration.

Contributions and limitations

The present study expanded on previous research exploring adolescent neural sensitivity to social evaluation (e.g. Guyer et al., 2009; Jarcho et al., 2016) using a novel social feedback task that assessed neural sensitivity to receiving peer feedback about personal preferences. This task requires minimal deception and measures reactivity to evaluation of personally salient opinions, making it ideally suited to the study of social sensitivity in adolescents, who often encounter, and report elevated concern about, peer judgments of their personal preferences in daily life and virtual settings (Magis-Weinberg et al., 2021). Additionally, youth received positive, negative and neutral feedback within the same paradigm, allowing us to isolate reactivity based on the valence (positive or negative relative to neutral) of peer evaluation. Furthermore, we contributed to a limited research base exploring FC in the context of social threat and reward, allowing us to test implications of the triadic neural systems model that co-activation across avoidance and motivation systems would differ as a function of feedback valence. Finally, we provided the first evidence documenting links between neural reactivity and psychological indexes of social performance goals, illustrating the complexity of brain-behavior associations and providing insight into real-world implications of how adolescents process social cues.

Despite its contributions, the present study is not without limitations. Although the inclusion of separate positive, negative and neutral conditions is a strength, it is possible that our neutral condition was not completely valence neutral. Believing that half of previous participants agreed with their preferences may signal a high enough degree of acceptance to be rewarding, or even a high enough degree of rejection to be threatening, thereby reducing the contrast between either positive or negative and neutral feedback. Furthermore, youth likely vary in how they perceive the neutral condition, and those who perceive it as relatively more rewarding or threatening may differ in previous peer experiences and risk for later adverse outcomes.

Unlike other tasks designed to elicit neural reactivity to social feedback (e.g. Achterberg et al., 2016), in this task, participants did not respond to the feedback they received or rate their emotional response to feedback of different valences. This task was developed to mimic the experience of receiving peer feedback about personal opinions, as often happens in situations in which youth do not have the chance to directly respond (e.g. on social media). Although we chose not to include affect ratings after each trial to maintain the feeling of sustained evaluation, having a participant response could benefit interpretability of observed patterns of neural activation. Finally, interpreting the psychological significance of observed patterns of activation and connectivity remains challenging. Although we observed greater connectivity between nodes of the avoidance (i.e. amygdala) and cognitive control (i.e. PFC) systems in response to negative feedback, participants in this task were not instructed to regulate their emotional responses to feedback; tasks that more directly probe cognitive control in the context of peer evaluation are warranted. In this study, we hypothesized that greater activation in and connectivity with nodes of the avoidance and motivation systems reflect heightened sensitivity to social threat and reward. This interpretation is bolstered by results showing heightened amygdala and VS connectivity with social processing regions among youth who are more concerned with avoiding negative peer judgments and dampened reactivity among youth who are more motivated to demonstrate competence and who show disengagement coping in the context of peer stress. However, in this study, we examined social avoidance and approach goals separately, and it is possible that different patterns might emerge when considering overall levels of social motivation (i.e. comparing youth high in both avoidance and approach goals vs those low in both goal types). Thus, future studies are needed to provide convergent validity of our task effects and to further probe the psychological and behavioral implications of neural responses to social threat and reward in adolescence.


This study explored neural sensitivity to social threat and reward in mid-adolescent girls using a novel social feedback task. Negative and positive feedback elicited overlapping and distinct patterns of activation and FC within and across avoidance and motivation systems and associated social processing regions. Furthermore, patterns of activation and co-activation differed as a function of social goals. These findings highlight the importance of studying both neural activation and connectivity in response to negative and positive social cues and identifying links between patterns of neural processing and individual differences in self-reported social tendencies.

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Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychological development, characterized by increasing emotional reactivity and risk-taking, especially in peer contexts. Theories of adolescent neural development suggest that the balance in sensitivity across neural threat, reward and regulatory systems contributes to these changes. Building on previous research, this study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and functional connectivity in the context of social threat and reward in a sample of mid-adolescent girls (n = 86, Mage = 16.32). When receiving negative peer feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in, and amygdala connectivity with, social processing regions [e.g. medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]. When receiving positive feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in social and reward (e.g. mPFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex) processing regions and less striatum-cerebellum connectivity. To understand the psychological implications of neural activation and co-activation, we examined associations between neural processing of threat and reward and self-reported social goals. Avoidance goals predicted elevated amygdala and striatum connectivity with social processing regions [e.g. medial temporal gyrus (MTG)], whereas approach goals predicted deactivation in social processing regions (e.g. MTG/TPJ and precuneus), highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward in adolescence.


This study investigates how teenagers' brains respond to feedback from peers, particularly focusing on the differences between positive and negative feedback. The researchers used a new task where teenagers chose between different options and then received feedback on their choices from other teens.


Teenagers go through big changes in how they think, feel, and act. They often have strong emotions and make impulsive decisions. Scientists believe these changes are linked to the development of their brains, where areas related to threats and rewards are becoming more active. This study explored how teenagers' brains respond to social feedback, specifically when they receive approval or disapproval from their peers.

The researchers used a new task that resembles real-life situations where teenagers might get feedback from their peers. This task allowed them to see which brain areas become active and how different areas work together when teenagers receive feedback.

Individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward

The study also looked at how individual differences in teenagers' social goals affected their brain responses. Some teenagers focus on avoiding negative judgments from others, while others focus on getting positive feedback. The researchers examined if these goals were related to how their brains reacted to social feedback.

Study overview

The researchers used fMRI to scan teenagers' brains as they completed the new task. They looked at brain activation and how different brain areas work together in response to positive, negative, and neutral feedback. They also examined how brain responses related to teenagers' social goals.


Participants and procedures

The study included 86 teenage girls who completed the task while undergoing an fMRI scan. The girls were in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade. They completed questionnaires before the scan, including one that measured their social goals.


Social feedback task

During the fMRI scan, the teenagers completed the social feedback task. They were shown two options for things like music, school subjects, and activities. They chose their favorite option and received feedback from other teens, either thumbs up (approval), thumbs down (disapproval), or neutral (sideways thumb). The feedback was randomized, so teenagers did not know if other teens really agreed or disagreed.

Social performance goals

The teenagers completed a questionnaire that measured how important it was for them to avoid negative judgments from peers (performance-avoidance) and to get positive feedback from peers (performance-approach).

fMRI data acquisition and analysis

The researchers used fMRI to scan teenagers' brains during the task. They analyzed the brain images to see which areas were active during different feedback conditions (positive, negative, and neutral). They also looked at how different areas of the brain worked together during the task.


Neural activation to negative social feedback

Teenagers showed more activity in areas of the brain that are involved in thinking about oneself and others, as well as areas involved in emotions and movement, when they received negative feedback compared to neutral feedback. They also showed less activity in areas related to attention and planning.

Amygdala connectivity during negative social feedback

The amygdala, a brain area involved in processing threats, showed stronger connections with areas of the brain related to control and thinking about others when teenagers received negative feedback.

Neural activation to positive social feedback

Teenagers showed more activity in areas of the brain involved in rewards, as well as areas related to visual processing and movement, when they received positive feedback compared to neutral feedback.

Conjunction analysis

An area of the brain called the mPFC showed more activity in response to both negative and positive feedback, suggesting that this area may play a general role in processing social feedback.

VS connectivity during positive social feedback

The VS, a brain area involved in rewards, did not show stronger connections with other brain areas during positive feedback.

Patterns of neural activation associated with social performance goals

Teenagers who focused more on avoiding negative judgments showed stronger connections between the amygdala and areas related to social perception, both when receiving negative and positive feedback. Teenagers who focused more on getting positive feedback showed less activity in areas related to social reasoning, both when receiving negative and positive feedback.


The results of this study suggest that teenagers' brains are highly sensitive to social feedback, and that different areas of the brain work together to process this feedback. The study also found that teenagers' social goals influence how their brains respond to social feedback.

Contributions and limitations

This study used a new task to study social feedback in teenagers, which is more realistic than previous tasks. It also looked at how different areas of the brain work together, which is important for understanding how teenagers process social information. However, the study only included teenage girls, and future research should include boys to see if there are any gender differences.


This study provides new insights into how teenagers' brains respond to social feedback. The findings suggest that teenagers' brains are very sensitive to social feedback, and that these responses are influenced by their social goals. This information is important for understanding how teenagers develop social skills and how to help them cope with social challenges.

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Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychological development, characterized by increasing emotional reactivity and risk-taking, especially in peer contexts. Theories of adolescent neural development suggest that the balance in sensitivity across neural threat, reward and regulatory systems contributes to these changes. Building on previous research, this study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and functional connectivity in the context of social threat and reward in a sample of mid-adolescent girls (n = 86, Mage = 16.32). When receiving negative peer feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in, and amygdala connectivity with, social processing regions [e.g. medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]. When receiving positive feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in social and reward (e.g. mPFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex) processing regions and less striatum-cerebellum connectivity. To understand the psychological implications of neural activation and co-activation, we examined associations between neural processing of threat and reward and self-reported social goals. Avoidance goals predicted elevated amygdala and striatum connectivity with social processing regions [e.g. medial temporal gyrus (MTG)], whereas approach goals predicted deactivation in social processing regions (e.g. MTG/TPJ and precuneus), highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward in adolescence.


This study explores how the adolescent brain responds to social feedback, specifically focusing on girls in mid-adolescence. The study uses a novel task designed to mimic real-life experiences of social threat and reward by presenting participants with peer feedback about their personal preferences.


Adolescence is a period marked by significant physical, psychological, and social changes, often accompanied by heightened emotional volatility and impulsive behaviors. These changes are linked to ongoing brain development, particularly in areas related to threat avoidance and reward processing.

The triadic neural systems model suggests that these changes are related to the balance between three key brain systems:

  • Avoidance system: Primarily centered in the amygdala, processing threats.

  • Motivation system: Includes regions associated with reward processing, such as the ventral striatum (VS) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC).

  • Cognitive control system: Involves regions related to attention and inhibition, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC).

Research on adolescent brain development suggests that adolescents show heightened activation in threat and reward regions while exhibiting less effective regulatory control. This could explain the increased sensitivity to social reward and negative affect, contributing to emotional distress, impulsive risk-taking, and a greater focus on social interactions and exploration during adolescence.

Previous studies have examined neural responses to social threat, such as exclusion or negative evaluation, using tasks that evoke feelings of social rejection. These studies have shown that adolescents exhibit elevated amygdala activity when anticipating peer evaluation and that pre-adolescent children, but not young adults, show heightened amygdala activation to negative peer feedback. This suggests a developmental shift in these patterns.

Adolescence is also characterized by heightened reward seeking and reactivity. Compared to adults, adolescents show increased activation in motivation system nodes (including the VS and OFC) and a greater willingness to engage in risky behavior when in the presence of peers. Adolescents are especially sensitive to social rewards, such as inclusion and positive peer evaluation. Studies have found elevated activation in the VS, mPFC, and OFC in response to social inclusion and positive feedback in adolescents.

While the triadic neural systems model emphasizes the importance of a balance between these three systems, previous research has primarily focused on localized brain activation patterns. This study aims to investigate the communication between these systems by examining functional connectivity (FC) between key nodes within the avoidance (e.g., amygdala) and motivation (e.g., VS) systems and other regions that might play a regulatory role in social contexts.

Individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward

To understand the psychological significance of neural activation to social feedback, the study investigates associations with individual differences in social threat and reward motivation, as measured by self-reported social goals. Social goal theory suggests that individuals have different levels of performance-avoidance goals (focusing on minimizing negative social judgments) and performance-approach goals (focusing on gaining positive social judgments and prestige).

Previous research suggests that performance-avoidance goals are associated with a greater fear of negative evaluation and a tendency to avoid conflict, indicating that individuals with higher avoidance goals might be more reactive to negative peer feedback. Performance-approach goals, on the other hand, are linked to less prosocial behavior and a greater likelihood of aggression, suggesting that individuals with higher approach goals might exhibit both hyper-reactivity (e.g., aggression) and hypo-reactivity (e.g., disengagement) in response to peer feedback.

Limited research on social avoidance goals suggests that individuals with higher levels of behavioral inhibition, a trait characterized by anxiety and withdrawal in novel social situations, show greater activation in the right vlPFC in response to negative peer feedback. Social reticence, another trait related to avoidance, is associated with increased activation in the insula and dorsal ACC and reduced insula-vmPFC connectivity. This suggests that temperamental avoidance might lead to heightened reactivity and less integration between social and salience processing regions.

Research on reward processing has yielded mixed results. Behavioral inhibition has been linked to both increased activation of the caudate to positive peer feedback and reduced activation of the VS to monetary reward in adults.

Limited research on behavioral activation, a trait characterized by seeking out rewarding situations, shows that individuals with higher levels of behavioral activation exhibit increased activation in the VS and mPFC in response to monetary reward. This suggests that approach goals might be associated with greater neural reactivity to rewards. However, these studies examined general approach motivation, and motivation to demonstrate social competence, as in the case of high social performance-approach goals, might show different patterns of association with neural activation to social threat and reward.

Study overview

This study examines neural activation and connectivity in threat avoidance and reward motivation systems using a novel social feedback task. Adolescents are presented with a series of choices in various daily life domains and receive feedback indicating whether other teens ostensibly agree, disagree, or are neutral (i.e., half agree, half disagree) with their choices.

The study uses whole-brain voxel-wise analyses to examine activation to negative and positive feedback compared to neutral feedback. Additionally, it conducts connectivity analyses using the amygdala and VS as seed regions during negative and positive feedback.

The study investigates how activation and connectivity patterns are associated with individual differences in social performance-avoidance and performance-approach goals.


Participants and procedures

Participants were 86 adolescent girls (mean age = 16.32) who completed the Social Feedback Task while undergoing an fMRI scan. Participants were compensated for their participation. Informed consent was obtained from parents and assent from the adolescents.


Social feedback task

The Social Feedback Task involved 60 trials where adolescents indicated their preferences in various domains (e.g., music genres, school subjects, activities). They received feedback indicating whether other teens agreed, disagreed, or were neutral. Feedback was randomly generated, with the constraint that participants did not receive more than two trials of the same type in a row.

Social performance goals

Participants completed two subscales assessing social performance goals: performance-avoidance and performance-approach. Participants were asked to respond on a 5-point scale based on how much they agree with the prompt "When I am around other kids...".

fMRI data acquisition and analysis

Functional neuroimaging data were collected using a 3 Tesla Siemens Trio MRI scanner. Pre-processing involved steps such as spatial realignment, co-registration, normalization, smoothing, and temporal filtering. A general linear model (GLM) was used to analyze the data, with regressors corresponding to each phase of the task (Decision, Anticipation, and Feedback). Trials with excessive head movement were de-weighted.

To compare activation to different feedback types, separate regressors were created for positive, negative, and neutral feedback. Whole-brain voxel-wise one-sample t-tests were conducted to assess neural activation during the following contrasts:

  • Negative feedback > neutral feedback

  • Positive feedback > neutral feedback

A conjunction analysis was conducted to examine overlapping activation between the two contrasts.

To assess differences in connectivity between regions during threat and reward processing, psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses were conducted using the amygdala and VS as seed regions. The gPPI toolbox was used to extract the time series from each region of interest, convolve each trial type with the hemodynamic response function, and multiply the physiological and psychological variables to create the interaction term.

To examine patterns of neural activation associated with individual differences in social performance goals, whole-brain regression analyses were conducted using social performance-avoidance and performance-approach scores as predictors.


Neural activation to negative social feedback

Adolescents showed greater activation in the mPFC, TPJ, PCC, pSTS, IFG, dorsal caudate, and cerebellum in response to negative feedback compared to neutral feedback. They also showed less activation in the supramarginal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, dlPFC, medial cingulate cortex, and pre-central gyrus. An exploratory analysis comparing negative to positive feedback revealed similar patterns, including increased activation in mPFC, IFG, TPJ, cerebellum, and caudate.

Amygdala connectivity during negative social feedback

Amygdala connectivity analysis revealed greater FC between the amygdala and the dlPFC, IFG, thalamus, TPJ, and mPFC during negative feedback compared to neutral feedback.

Neural activation to positive social feedback

Adolescents showed greater activation in the mPFC, vmPFC, cuneus, and cerebellum in response to positive feedback compared to neutral feedback. They also showed less activation in the inferior temporal gyrus, dlPFC, inferior parietal lobule, and IFG. An exploratory analysis comparing positive to negative feedback revealed greater activation in the striatum, IFG, dlPFC, precuneus, supramarginal gyrus, medical cingulate gyrus, and cerebellum.

Conjunction analysis

The conjunction analysis revealed an overlapping region within the mPFC that showed heightened activation to both negative and positive social feedback.

VS connectivity during positive social feedback

No regions showed greater VS connectivity, but the right cerebellum showed relatively less FC with the VS to positive feedback compared to neutral feedback.

Patterns of neural activation associated with social performance goals

Social avoidance goals

Social avoidance goals were not associated with supra-threshold activation in individual regions during negative feedback. However, they were associated with greater amygdala-left anterior MTG connectivity.

Social avoidance goals were not associated with supra-threshold activation during positive feedback, but they were associated with greater connectivity between the VS and both the left anterior MTG and right cerebellum.

Social approach goals

Social approach goals were associated with less activation in the precuneus, medial frontal gyrus/dlPFC, and MTG/TPJ during negative feedback.

Social approach goals were associated with less activation in the PCC, parahippocampal gyrus, and precuneus during positive feedback. They were also associated with more VS-cerebellum connectivity and less VS-left IFG connectivity.


The results of this study highlight the importance of considering both neural activation and connectivity in the context of social threat and reward.

Neural activation and FC in the context of social threat

Despite expecting to find increased amygdala activation to negative feedback, the study did not find evidence of this. This might indicate that receiving negative feedback in the context of this task was less immediately threatening than direct rejection.

However, the study did observe elevated reactivity to negative feedback in regions involved in mentalizing about the self and others (e.g., mPFC, TPJ, pSTS, and PCC) as well as regions implicated in emotion processing (e.g., IFG and dorsal caudate) and the cerebellum. These findings suggest that negative social feedback, even if not directly threatening, might trigger a process of social reasoning and emotion regulation.

Connectivity analyses revealed greater amygdala connectivity with regions involved in self-regulation (e.g., dlPFC and IFG) and mentalizing (TPJ and mPFC) during negative feedback. This supports the triadic neural systems model, suggesting that cooperation between avoidance and cognitive control systems is important for emotional regulation.

Neural activation and FC in the context of social reward

The study found elevated reactivity to positive feedback in the mPFC, vmPFC, cuneus, and cerebellum. However, it did not find activation of the VS to positive feedback. This might be because the neutral feedback was sufficiently rewarding to obscure any differences between positive and neutral feedback.

Connectivity analyses revealed relatively less FC between the VS and right cerebellum during positive feedback. This might be due to the difference in reward types studied (social versus monetary reward) and suggests the need for further research on FC in social reward processing.

Overlap in social threat and social reward processing

The study identified a region within the mPFC that showed greater activation to both negative and positive feedback. This suggests a common neural mechanism for social-evaluative processing that is independent of feedback valence. The mPFC plays a crucial role in integrating information about the self and others.

Individual differences in neural sensitivity to social threat and reward

Social avoidance goals

Social performance-avoidance goals did not predict neural activation to negative feedback within individual regions, but they were associated with greater amygdala-left anterior MTG connectivity. This suggests that socially avoidant youth might be more attuned to potentially threatening social situations. Similar results were found during positive feedback, indicating that these youth might be more sensitive to unexpected positive feedback.

Social approach goals

Social approach goals were associated with less activation in regions implicated in social processing and regulatory control during both negative and positive feedback. This suggests that these youth might be less reactive to both types of feedback, possibly due to their focus on appearing socially competent.

Contributions and limitations

The study contributes to the understanding of adolescent neural sensitivity to social evaluation by using a novel task that measures reactivity to feedback about personally salient opinions. The study also explores FC in the context of social threat and reward and identifies links between neural processing patterns and individual differences in social goals.

The study acknowledges some limitations, including the potential that the neutral condition was not completely valence neutral and the lack of a participant response to feedback.


This study underscores the importance of considering both neural activation and connectivity in understanding adolescent responses to social threat and reward. The findings suggest that adolescents are sensitive to both negative and positive social feedback, and these responses differ based on individual differences in social goals. Further research is needed to explore the psychological and behavioral implications of these neural responses.

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Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychological development, characterized by increasing emotional reactivity and risk-taking, especially in peer contexts. Theories of adolescent neural development suggest that the balance in sensitivity across neural threat, reward and regulatory systems contributes to these changes. Building on previous research, this study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and functional connectivity in the context of social threat and reward in a sample of mid-adolescent girls (n = 86, Mage = 16.32). When receiving negative peer feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in, and amygdala connectivity with, social processing regions [e.g. medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]. When receiving positive feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in social and reward (e.g. mPFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex) processing regions and less striatum-cerebellum connectivity. To understand the psychological implications of neural activation and co-activation, we examined associations between neural processing of threat and reward and self-reported social goals. Avoidance goals predicted elevated amygdala and striatum connectivity with social processing regions [e.g. medial temporal gyrus (MTG)], whereas approach goals predicted deactivation in social processing regions (e.g. MTG/TPJ and precuneus), highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward in adolescence.


This study looks at how teenagers' brains react to feedback from their peers, especially when it comes to their opinions. It's important to understand how teenagers' brains respond to social situations because this time in their lives is full of changes, both in how they feel and how they act. Scientists think teenagers are more sensitive to both threats and rewards because of how their brains are developing.


Being a teenager is a time of big changes. Teenagers go through a lot of physical and emotional changes. They can be more easily upset and make impulsive decisions. This is because the parts of their brain that deal with danger and rewards are developing quickly, and they don't always have good control over their emotions.

This study used a new type of experiment to see how teenagers' brains react to being judged by their friends. It was like a game where they had to choose between different options, like music styles or school activities. Then, they got feedback about whether their friends would agree or disagree with their choice. This helps understand how teenagers process social situations in everyday life.

Individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward

Teenagers have different ways of dealing with social situations. Some are more worried about being judged negatively, while others are more driven to gain approval. These different attitudes can be seen in how teenagers respond to their friends' feedback.

Study overview

This study wanted to see how teenagers' brains react to both negative and positive feedback from their friends. They looked at different parts of the brain that are important for responding to threats and rewards. They also looked at how these parts of the brain communicate with each other. This information helps to understand how teenagers deal with social situations, especially when they are getting feedback from their peers.


Participants and procedures

The study involved 86 teenage girls. They completed a task while being scanned using a special machine called an fMRI, which can see what's happening in the brain. Before the scan, the girls filled out questionnaires about their social goals, like how important it is to them to fit in with their friends. The girls got paid for participating in the study.


The main part of the study involved a social feedback task. The girls were shown choices between things like music genres and school activities, and they had to choose their favorites. After making a choice, they were told whether other teenagers had agreed with their choice, disagreed, or were neutral (didn't care). This was all random, so the girls didn't know what feedback they would get.

fMRI data acquisition and analysis

The fMRI scanner took pictures of the girls' brains while they were completing the social feedback task. This data was used to see which areas of the brain were active during different parts of the task, and how these areas were connected.


Neural activation to negative social feedback

When the girls got negative feedback from their friends, several parts of their brains were more active. These parts were related to thinking about themselves and other people, and also to processing emotions.

Amygdala connectivity during negative social feedback

The study found that a specific area of the brain called the amygdala was more connected to other parts of the brain that are important for self-control when the girls got negative feedback.

Neural activation to positive social feedback

When the girls got positive feedback from their friends, other parts of their brains were more active, specifically those related to rewards and motivation.

Conjunction analysis

When the researchers looked at which areas of the brain were active in response to both positive and negative feedback, they found that one area, called the mPFC, was active in both cases.

VS connectivity during positive social feedback

The study did not find any areas of the brain that were more connected to a reward-related brain area called the VS when the girls got positive feedback. However, they did find one area that was less connected, suggesting that positive feedback might have a different effect on brain connectivity compared to negative feedback.

Patterns of neural activation associated with social performance goals

The researchers wanted to see how teenagers' social goals influenced how their brains reacted to feedback. They found that teenagers who were more worried about negative judgments were more likely to have stronger connections between the amygdala and other brain regions that process social information. Teenagers who were more focused on getting approval were less likely to have certain areas of their brains activated in response to either positive or negative feedback.


This study shows that different parts of the brain work together to help teenagers deal with social situations. They found evidence for how teenagers' brains react to both negative and positive feedback, and also how these reactions can be influenced by their social goals.

The study suggests that teenagers who are more concerned with avoiding negative judgments might be more sensitive to social threats, which could lead them to pay more attention to cues that could signal danger. Teenagers who are more focused on getting approval might be less reactive to both positive and negative feedback, perhaps because they are more concerned with appearing socially competent than with actually learning from feedback.

Contributions and limitations

This study adds to our understanding of how teenagers' brains work, especially in social situations. It also suggests that we need to pay attention to how individual differences in social goals affect how teenagers process social information.

The study has limitations, however. It focused only on girls, so it's not clear if the results would be the same for boys. Also, the study used a specific task to measure social feedback, so it's important to see if these results would hold up in other situations.


This study provides insight into how teenagers' brains process social feedback. The study showed that different parts of the brain are active in response to both positive and negative feedback, and that these patterns of brain activity can be influenced by individual differences in social goals. The study highlights the importance of understanding how teenagers' brains work to help them navigate the complex social world they live in.

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Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychological development, characterized by increasing emotional reactivity and risk-taking, especially in peer contexts. Theories of adolescent neural development suggest that the balance in sensitivity across neural threat, reward and regulatory systems contributes to these changes. Building on previous research, this study used a novel social feedback task to explore activation and functional connectivity in the context of social threat and reward in a sample of mid-adolescent girls (n = 86, Mage = 16.32). When receiving negative peer feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in, and amygdala connectivity with, social processing regions [e.g. medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)]. When receiving positive feedback, adolescents showed elevated activation in social and reward (e.g. mPFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex) processing regions and less striatum-cerebellum connectivity. To understand the psychological implications of neural activation and co-activation, we examined associations between neural processing of threat and reward and self-reported social goals. Avoidance goals predicted elevated amygdala and striatum connectivity with social processing regions [e.g. medial temporal gyrus (MTG)], whereas approach goals predicted deactivation in social processing regions (e.g. MTG/TPJ and precuneus), highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward in adolescence.


This study is about how teens' brains work when they get feedback from their friends. The researchers used a special game to see how teens' brains reacted to good and bad feedback.


Teens go through a lot of changes, both physically and emotionally. They can get really upset or excited quickly, and they sometimes take big risks. Scientists think that these changes are because of how their brains are growing.

The study used a game where teens had to choose things they liked, like music or school subjects. Then, they got feedback from other teens saying whether they agreed or disagreed with their choices. This is like real life when teens get feedback from their friends.

Individual differences in sensitivity to social threat and reward

The study also looked at how teens' brains reacted to feedback based on their personality. Some teens are more worried about being disliked, while others are more focused on getting liked. The study found that teens who were more worried about being disliked had brain activity that showed they were paying more attention to social cues, even when they got good feedback.

Study overview

The study found that teens' brains reacted differently to good and bad feedback. Bad feedback activated areas of the brain involved in thinking about other people's thoughts and feelings, as well as controlling emotions. Good feedback activated areas of the brain that are involved in feeling pleasure and reward.


Participants and procedures

The study included 86 girls between the ages of 14 and 18 who played the game while their brains were scanned.


Social feedback task

The game had three parts: a decision part where the teen chose something they liked, an anticipation part where the teen waited for feedback, and a feedback part where the teen saw whether other teens agreed or disagreed with their choice.

Social performance goals

The teens also answered questions about whether they were more focused on avoiding being disliked or on trying to get liked.

fMRI data acquisition and analysis

The researchers used a machine called an fMRI scanner to measure the teens' brain activity while they played the game.


Neural activation to negative social feedback

Teens who got bad feedback showed more activity in areas of the brain involved in thinking about other people's thoughts and feelings, as well as controlling emotions.

Amygdala connectivity during negative social feedback

The study also found that bad feedback led to more communication between the amygdala (the part of the brain that processes fear) and areas of the brain involved in controlling emotions.

Neural activation to positive social feedback

Teens who got good feedback showed more activity in areas of the brain involved in feeling pleasure and reward.

VS connectivity during positive social feedback

The study also found that good feedback led to more communication between the VS (the part of the brain involved in feeling reward) and the cerebellum (the part of the brain that helps with balance and coordination).

Patterns of neural activation associated with social performance goals

The study found that teens who were more worried about being disliked had more communication between the amygdala and areas of the brain involved in thinking about other people. This suggests that they were more sensitive to social cues.


The study showed that teens' brains react differently to good and bad feedback, and these differences are related to their personality. Teens who are more worried about being disliked are more sensitive to social cues, even when they get good feedback. This suggests that teens' brains are still developing and learning how to process social information.

Contributions and limitations

This study used a new game that is very realistic, and it found some important things about how teens' brains work. However, the study was only done with girls, and it did not ask the teens how they felt about the feedback. More research is needed to understand how these findings apply to all teens and to learn more about the emotional experience of getting feedback from friends.


This study found that teens' brains are very sensitive to feedback from their friends. Teens who are more worried about being disliked pay more attention to social cues, even when they get good feedback. This suggests that teens' brains are still developing and learning how to process social information. More research is needed to understand how these findings apply to all teens and to learn more about the emotional experience of getting feedback from friends.

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Footnotes and Citation


Davis, M. M., et al. (2022). Thumbs up or thumbs down: neural processing of social feedback and links to social motivation in adolescent girls. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 18(1).
