The Teenage Brain: Sensitivity to Social Evaluation
Leah H. Somerville


Studies suggest teen brains react more intensely to social judgment, using different brain regions for emotions and social cues. This could explain why teens are so sensitive to what others think.


The Teenage Brain: Sensitivity to Social Evaluation

Keywords Adolescence; peer relationships; social evaluation; brain function; social emotional function; emotional intensity; social behavior


Relative to childhood, peer relationships take on a heightened importance during adolescence. Might adolescents be highly attuned to information that concerns when and how they are being evaluated and what their peers think of them? This review evaluates how continuing brain development—which influences brain function—partially explains and reflects adolescents’ attunement to social evaluation. Though preliminary, evidence is mounting to suggest that while processing information relevant to social evaluation and the internal states of other people, adolescents respond with heightened emotional intensity and corresponding nonlinear recruitment of socioaffective brain circuitry. This review highlights research findings that relate trajectories of brain development to social behavior and discusses promising avenues of future research that will inform how brain development might lead adolescents to be sensitized to social evaluation.


When I was 14 years old and in eighth grade, I received an award at the end-of-year school assembly. Walking across the stage, I lost my footing and stumbled in front of the entire student body. To be clear, this was not falling flat on one’s face, spraining an ankle, or knocking over the school principal—it was a small misstep noticeable only to those in the audience who were paying close attention. As I rushed off the stage, my heart pounded with embarrassment and self-consciousness, and weeks of speculation about the consequences of this missed step were set into motion. There were tears and loss of sleep. Did my friends notice? Would they stop wanting to hang out with me? Would a reputation for clumsiness follow me to high school?

Although tripping in public could be embarrassing at any age, the anecdote above illustrates one example of how events that entail social evaluation can be experienced as highly intense, salient, persistent, and emotionally evocative during the adolescent years—perhaps more so than other phases of the life span. Indeed, a defining feature of adolescence is a newfound importance of peer and romantic relationships. A shifting motivation toward social relatedness is thought to intensify the attention, salience, and emotion relegated to processing information concerning social evaluations and social standing, referred to herein as social sensitivity. Understanding the mechanisms and consequences of adolescent social sensitivity and the relationship between these behaviors and brain development has received a surge of scientific interest.

Social sensitivity could “dial up” socioemotional processes at numerous levels of complexity. If adolescents have high social sensitivity, they might be more emotionally reactive to explicit cues indicative of social inclusion or exclusion. They might also be more attuned to instances of real or perceived social evaluation, in which individuals are led to believe that they are under evaluative scrutiny (for me, being onstage and aware of the hundreds of pairs of eyes in the audience). Adolescents might also consider with greater elaboration and emotional import what others are thinking and feeling, supported by mentalizing, or theory-of-mind processes, which enable speculation as to what others’ impressions of them might be. Although these are not the only possible manifestations of social sensitivity, these processes have been subject to experimental inquiry in neurodevelopmental research. As such, these components of adolescent social sensitivity and what is known about their neural bases during adolescence are explored here. This article highlights particularly novel and informative advances from cross-age comparisons in healthy individuals, in the hope of motivating a more complete understanding of adolescent social sensitivity.

What Is Unique About the Adolescent Social Life?

The term adolescence encapsulates a phase of life thought to begin around the onset of puberty and end when an individual achieves adultlike levels of independence. The social life of adolescents takes a central role in daily activities and thoughts. Relative to children, adolescents tend to spend less and less time with their families and more time with their peers (Barnes, Hoffman, Welte, Farrell, & Dintcheff, 2007; Larson, 2001), facilitated in part by greater freedom experienced with age. Digital peer communication also peaks, with a slightly higher frequency of Internet, text messaging, and social media usage in 14- to 17-year-olds than by adults ages 18 to 30 years (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell, & Purcell, 2010). This rise in peer interaction is not unique to humans. For example, “adolescent” rats spend more time engaged in social play than do adult rats (Douglas, Varlinskaya, & Spear, 2004; Primus & Kellogg, 1989).

Not only do adolescents engage in more frequent contact with peers, the quality of peer interactions also changes. The function of social relationships tends to shift away from friends as activity partners and toward intimate platonic and romantic relations. Finally, although adolescent social experiences are mostly positive, they also tend to be in a state of flux (Cairns, Leung, Buchanan, & Cairns, 1995). There is a tendency for adolescent relationships to wax and wane, and thus peer rejection becomes common during this time of life (Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009).

Developmental Properties of Socioaffective Circuitry

Brain imaging complements behavioral science to inform the components and mechanisms of adolescent social sensitivity. Imaging methodology can be used to characterize the magnitude, eliciting conditions, and circuit-based coordination of neural responses to social and emotional cues. A powerful approach to reveal brain-behavior relationships that change across development is to relate shifts in structural, functional, or connectivity-based measures with developmentally mediated differences in laboratory-based or everyday behavior. Such age-related shifts could manifest along simple or complex trajectories (Somerville et al., in press). For instance, it is possible to detect adolescent-specific effects that are maximally engaged during adolescence compared with both older and younger ages, which could parallel a temporary influx of hormones or other shifts that are unique to the adolescent years. Age-linear patterns describe developmental effects that increase or decrease with age at a consistent pace, which could result from developmental progressions or regressions. A third pattern of interest could be termed adolescent emergent, representing a nonlinear asymptotic pattern characterized by a rapid rate of change (and possible peak engagement during adolescence) that persists or partially resolves into adulthood. Effects of this type imply developmentally mediated shifts that are constrained by maturational processes that solidify in early adulthood. Examining linear and nonlinear patterns across transition into and out of adolescence can inform neurodevelopmental theory.

By drawing on a broad understanding of the functioning of neural systems, neuroimaging data can provide clues as to the putative mechanisms of adolescent emotional behavior and serve as an indirect “readout” of emotional and regulatory processes. Of particular relevance are the functional properties of what is termed here socioaffective circuitry, including the amygdala, striatum, and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), relative to regions within the ventromedial and lateral prefrontal cortices thought to flexibly regulate these responses (Blakemore, 2008; Nelson & Guyer, 2011). Broadly speaking, coordinated activity of these regions is critical for (a) detection of salient information; (b) assignment of hedonic, aversive, or emotional value to that information; (c) social cognition; and (d) use of that information to guide learning and behavior.

Theoretical and empirical accounts have proposed that socioaffective function might follow a nonlinear trajectory during adolescence for at least two reasons. For one, regions of the prefrontal cortex continue to reach structural and functional maturity throughout the adolescent years (Shaw et al., 2008; Somerville, Hare, & Casey, 2011), and the connections between subcortical and cortical structures continue to strengthen (e.g., Asato, Terwilliger, Woo, & Luna, 2010; Liston et al., 2006). Given the role of the prefrontal cortex in the regulation of behavior, still-maturing connections between it and subcortical structures might reduce the capacity to exert cognitive or emotional regulation, particularly in emotionally salient contexts (Casey, Jones, & Hare, 2008; Steinberg, 2008). In addition, the influx of hormones during puberty is thought to sensitize functional properties of certain brain circuits because, in part, of the influence of hormones on neurotransmitter systems (see Ernst, Romeo, & Andersen, 2009; Nelson, Leibenluft, McClure, & Pine, 2005; Sisk & Zehr, 2005), potentially resulting in adolescent-specific engagement patterns. Interestingly, the brain regions that are strongly affected by pubertal hormones share a high degree of overlap with the socioaffective circuitry described above. Together, these observations motivate the prediction that sensitized socioaffective circuits of the brain, perhaps less efficiently regulated, could sharpen the detection of and response to salient social cues during adolescence.

Emotional Processing in the Social Context

Information about one’s social standing is inherently laden with emotion. Finding out that a classmate called me “awkward” after tripping onstage is an example of information that is both negative in its valence and relevant to social standing (e.g., “she does not view me favorably”). Do adolescents react with greater emotional intensity when they find out whether others view them in a positive or negative light?

To address this question, researchers have been challenged to develop tasks that deliver self-relevant, salient, and believable social feedback to participants within the confines of the laboratory. Three such paradigms are highlighted in Figure 1. Figure 1a depicts a social-feedback task (adapted from Somerville, Heatherton, & Kelley, 2006) in which participants believe that their photograph was rated by unfamiliar, peer-aged individuals on the basis of how likeable the participant looked. Trial by trial, participants receive feedback indicating whether raters did or did not like the participant’s photo. The “chatroom interact” (Silk et al., 2012; Fig. 1b) and related “chatroom” tasks (Guyer, Choate, Pine, & Nelson, 2012; Guyer, McClure-Tone, Shiffrin, Pine, & Nelson, 2009) indicate whether a peer selected the participant or somebody else to chat online about a topic of mutual interest (in this case, the movies) over a series of trials. In the “cyberball” task adapted from Williams, Cheung, and Choi (2000) and used developmentally (Fig. 1c; Masten et al., 2009; Sebastian et al., 2011), participants believe they are engaging in an online ball-tossing game, and the ball-tossing partners stop passing the participant the ball after a few mutual throws.

Though not always observed, adolescents have shown evidence of heightened positive and negative emotional responses in these experimental contexts. After experiencing negative social feedback, adolescents report a greater drop in mood and a greater increase in anxiety than do adults when excluded from the virtual ball-tossing game (Sebastian, Viding, Williams, & Blakemore, 2010) and expect less frequent positive feedback when their picture is supposedly judged by unfamiliar peers (Gunther Moor, van Leijenhorst, Rombouts, Crone, & Van der Molen, 2010). Silk and colleagues (2012) used eye tracking, an indirect measure of salience processing, to target implicit emotional and motivational responses to social feedback in the “chatroom interact” task depicted in Figure 1b. Although all participants (9–17 years) showed a pupil difference to rejecting compared with accepting trials, this response was exaggerated in older adolescents. Further, heightened pupillary responses to rejecting social feedback predicted less connectedness in participants’ real-life social relationships.

Interestingly, adolescent emotional reactivity is not limited to instances of social rejection. Adolescent participants report a boost in positive affect when experiencing social acceptance from a desirable peer (Guyer et al., 2012), though it is not yet known whether the magnitude of this effect differs relative to older or younger ages. Taken together, the findings suggest that these tasks are effective at indexing adolescent social sensitivity, that emotional responses in adolescents are particularly robust, and that heightened social sensitivity in the lab predicts less satisfaction in real-life social relationships.

Do adolescents show distinct recruitment of socioaffective circuitry when processing explicit positive and negative social feedback? Using the task depicted in Figure 1a, Gunther Moor and colleagues (2010) found that adolescents engaged similar regions of the brain as did children and adults when processing positive and negative social feedback, but activity increased with age within the striatum and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex—regions thought to support emotional valuation—while anticipating positive feedback. Sebastian and colleagues (2011) observed that adolescents recruited the medial prefrontal cortex more strongly relative to adults and recruited “regulatory regions” of the lateral prefrontal cortex less strongly while being actively excluded from the ball-tossing game. The latter study suggests that adolescents robustly engage socioaffective processes and reduce recruitment of regulatory circuitry while processing emotional qualities of social feedback compared with other ages. More research will be required to specify the implications of these activity patterns to brain maturation and to adolescent social sensitivity.

Vigilance to Social Evaluation

As I walked across the stage at the school assembly, I was painfully aware that others were watching and forming impressions of me. Yet I was not privy to what they were actually thinking. Might the real or perceived experience of being evaluated contribute to adolescent social sensitivity? Historical accounts have proposed that adolescents are hyperaware of others’ evaluations and feel they are under constant scrutiny by an imaginary audience (Elkind & Bowen, 1979). Though this characterization has been challenged (Vartanian, 2000), adolescents do report a greater day-to-day tendency to feel self-conscious (Westenberg, Drewes, Goedhart, Siebelink, & Treffers, 2004), and in laboratory-based social stressor tasks, compared with children, adolescents respond with greater release of cortisol (a stress hormone) when under social scrutiny (Gunnar, Wewerka, Frenn, Long, & Griggs, 2009; Stroud et al., 2009). Thus, social evaluative situations—even those devoid of feedback—induce self-consciousness and engage stress systems of the body in adolescents.

Following these observations, a recent study (Somerville et al., in press) sought to assess whether adolescents demonstrate heightened self-consciousness and exaggerated engagement of socioaffective neural circuitry under minimal conditions—just knowing that someone is looking at them. We informed participants that, at times, they would be watched by a peer via live video feed during portions of a brain-imaging scan (Somerville et al., in press). Relative to both children and adults, adolescents experienced greater self-reported embarrassment (Fig. 2a) evoked by ostensible video monitoring, which partially subsided into adulthood, and uniquely heightened responding of the autonomic nervous system (indexed by skin conductance). The MPFC (a key structure for integrating emotional and social information; see Fig. 2b) showed robust age differences, such that activity drastically increased during adolescence and partially subsided into adulthood. Though preliminary, these findings suggest that adolescents’ social sensitivity extends to subtle evaluative contexts. Adolescent-emergent engagement of the MPFC could reflect, or perhaps result in, social evaluative situations being assigned a high degree of salience, emotional arousal, and self-relevance.

Thinking About the Thoughts of Others

The night after I tripped onstage, I could not sleep because I was thinking about my friends and classmates, predicting who would sympathize with me in my state of embarrassment and who would poke fun at me for my clumsiness. A third feature of adolescent social sensitivity is a tendency to speculate about the thoughts and feelings of peers, a cognitive ability referred to as mentalizing or theory of mind. Although adolescents excel at simple mentalizing tasks, they perform significantly worse than adults when the theory-of-mind tasks are made highly complex (Dumontheil, Apperly, & Blakemore, 2010), which suggests that mentalizing abilities continue to mature through adolescence.

A subset of the socioaffective circuitry described earlier is thought to support theory-of-mind processes. These regions, sometimes termed the social brain (Blakemore, 2008), include the MPFC, temporoparietal junction, superior temporal sulcus, and other regions that are consistently engaged across a wide variety of tasks that carry mentalizing demands. Such tasks include those in which participants are asked to reason about moral scenarios (Blakemore, Den Ouden, Choudhury, & Frith, 2007) and about social emotions, such as guilt and embarrassment, relative to less socially guided emotions, such as disgust and fear (e.g., Burnett, Bird, Moll, Frith, & Blakemore, 2009). Developmental investigations have demonstrated that MPFC recruitment is more robust in adolescents than in adults during tasks that share the common process of considering the thoughts and intentions of others (see Burnett, Sebastian, Kadosh, & Blakemore, 2011, for a review). Burnett and Blakemore (2009) also observed heightened task-based functional connectivity between brain regions important for social cognition in adolescents compared with adults. Given that the prefrontal cortex continues to undergo changes in structural maturation throughout adolescence, heightened activity during adolescence has been proposed to reflect the MPFC’s continuing developmental course (Blakemore, 2008). It has also been proposed that adolescents use strategies for theory of mind that more strongly engage the MPFC. Alternatively, adolescents might consider thoughts and feelings of others to be more important or salient than adults do, which might strongly engage the processing resources of socioaffective neural circuitry through heightened motivation to understand others (and thus greater effort allocated to mentalizing).


Convergent evidence suggests that adolescents display heightened sensitivity to social evaluation at various levels of complexity and continue to refine their capacity to represent the thoughts and feelings of others. These features of social sensitivity appear to be instantiated by robust response properties in neural circuitry important to assigning value to social-affective information during adolescence. Though the present report focused on brain function, it should be acknowledged that adolescent social sensitivity is a product of multidirectional interactions of brain development, experience, and sociocultural factors (Crone & Dahl, 2012). Indeed, the greater independence afforded by adolescence poses a unique set of challenges that require adolescents to navigate their social worlds in ways that are new and challenging (Pfeifer & Peake, 2012), thus shaping brain development (Crone & Dahl, 2012; Pfeifer & Peake, 2012). Though speculative, it is possible that sensitized responding in socioaffective brain circuitry enables a heightened capacity to detect, learn from, and adapt to the myriad social challenges characteristic of adolescence, ultimately facilitating mature social competence.

It is important to consider that the studies presented above represent findings that have emerged within just the past few years. As a result, models pinpointing the neural mechanisms that give rise to adolescent-specific social sensitivity remain tentative. Studies that sample a large range of ages, including both pre- and postadolescents, or track individuals longitudinally over time provide the most compelling means to ask whether socioaffective sensitivity is specific to adolescence, emerges during adolescence, or is comparable to older or younger ages. With a greater corpus of data, we will also be capable of refining the putative functional roles for subcomponents of socioaffective circuitry, which are much more complex than sketched here. Future research will also address the role of factors that likely influence adolescent social sensitivity in complex ways, including pubertal hormones, cultural norms, gender, social status, and self-esteem, among many others (Crone & Dahl, 2012).

The goal of understanding the neural mechanisms of adolescent social sensitivity is not just compelling from a basic science standpoint. Social concerns are a primary source of anxiety for adolescents, and social exclusion during this time of life predicts risk for mood and anxiety disorders throughout the life span (Lev-Wiesel, Nuttman-Shwartz, & Sternberg, 2006). Initial clinical studies of social sensitivity have implicated biased responses in socioaffective circuitry in clinical and at-risk adolescent samples (Guyer et al., 2008; Masten et al., 2011). Thus, exaggerated responding in socioaffective brain circuitry might represent a common feature of adolescent-specific social sensitivity and emergent mood and anxiety dysregulation during adolescence, a connection that will be further specified with the study of clinical and at-risk samples.

If readers were to reflect on the formative events of their own adolescent years, I would bet these would involve friends, love interests, or events experienced in social groups (in my case, embarrassing ones). The field of adolescent science is just beginning to uncover some of the causes and consequences of adolescent social sensitivity. Ultimately, this line of work will reveal the biological underpinnings of this core feature of the adolescent experience.

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Relative to childhood, peer relationships take on a heightened importance during adolescence. Might adolescents be highly attuned to information that concerns when and how they are being evaluated and what their peers think of them? This review evaluates how continuing brain development—which influences brain function—partially explains and reflects adolescents’ attunement to social evaluation. Though preliminary, evidence is mounting to suggest that while processing information relevant to social evaluation and the internal states of other people, adolescents respond with heightened emotional intensity and corresponding nonlinear recruitment of socioaffective brain circuitry. This review highlights research findings that relate trajectories of brain development to social behavior and discusses promising avenues of future research that will inform how brain development might lead adolescents to be sensitized to social evaluation.


Adolescence, a developmental period marked by heightened social awareness, often amplifies the emotional impact of events involving social evaluation. This article explores the concept of social sensitivity during adolescence, examining behavioral manifestations and their neural underpinnings. It delves into the unique nature of adolescent social experiences and reviews recent research employing neuroimaging techniques to investigate how adolescents process social information, particularly in contexts of emotional reactivity, social evaluation, and mentalizing.

What Is Unique About the Adolescent Social Life?

Adolescence witnesses a significant shift in social dynamics. Compared to childhood, adolescents engage in increased peer interaction, with family time diminishing (Barnes et al., 2007; Larson, 2001). This shift is mirrored in heightened digital communication with peers (Lenhart et al., 2010). Furthermore, the nature of peer interactions evolves, emphasizing intimate friendships and romantic relationships. While largely positive, adolescent social experiences are characterized by flux, with peer rejection being a common occurrence (Cairns et al., 1995; Wang et al., 2009).

Developmental Properties of Socioaffective Circuitry

Neuroimaging studies complement behavioral observations, providing insights into the neural mechanisms underlying adolescent social sensitivity. Research focuses on examining age-related changes in brain structure and function, particularly within the socioaffective circuitry, encompassing the amygdala, striatum, and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), along with their regulatory connections to the ventromedial and lateral prefrontal cortices (Blakemore, 2008; Nelson & Guyer, 2011). This circuitry plays a crucial role in salience detection, emotional appraisal, social cognition, and learning.

Hypotheses suggest a nonlinear developmental trajectory of socioaffective function during adolescence. This is attributed to ongoing prefrontal cortex maturation (Shaw et al., 2008; Somerville et al., 2011), strengthening cortico-subcortical connections (Asato et al., 2010; Liston et al., 2006), and hormonal influences on neurotransmitter systems during puberty (Ernst et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2005; Sisk & Zehr, 2005). These factors may contribute to heightened emotional reactivity and potentially reduced regulatory control in socially salient situations (Casey et al., 2008; Steinberg, 2008).

Emotional Processing in the Social Context

Given the inherently emotional nature of social feedback, researchers have designed paradigms to investigate adolescent emotional responses to social evaluation. These include tasks simulating social feedback through peer ratings of photographs (Somerville et al., 2006) (Figure 1a), online chatroom interactions indicating peer selection (Guyer et al., 2009, 2012; Silk et al., 2012) (Figure 1b), and virtual ball-tossing games manipulating social inclusion and exclusion (Masten et al., 2009; Sebastian et al., 2010, 2011; Williams et al., 2000) (Figure 1c).

Findings suggest heightened emotional reactivity in adolescents to both positive and negative social feedback. Studies report increased negative affect after social exclusion (Sebastian et al., 2010), greater anticipation of negative peer judgments (Gunther Moor et al., 2010), and exaggerated pupillary responses to rejection (Silk et al., 2012). Notably, adolescents also exhibit heightened positive affect in response to social acceptance (Guyer et al., 2012). These findings underscore the sensitivity of adolescents to social feedback and its potential impact on real-life relationships.

Neuroimaging studies utilizing these paradigms have revealed distinct patterns of brain activity in adolescents. Research has shown age-related increases in striatal and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex activity during the anticipation of positive social feedback (Gunther Moor et al., 2010), suggesting enhanced emotional valuation. Additionally, adolescents demonstrate greater MPFC activation and reduced lateral prefrontal cortex recruitment during social exclusion, indicating heightened socioaffective processing and potentially diminished regulatory control (Sebastian et al., 2011).

Vigilance to Social Evaluation

Beyond explicit feedback, adolescents exhibit heightened sensitivity to the mere presence of social evaluation. Research suggests that the feeling of being observed triggers self-consciousness and physiological stress responses in adolescents more than in children or adults. For instance, adolescents experience greater embarrassment and show elevated cortisol levels under social scrutiny (Gunnar et al., 2009; Stroud et al., 2009; Westenberg et al., 2004).

A recent study (Somerville et al., in press) investigated neural correlates of perceived social evaluation by informing participants of potential observation by peers during a brain scan. Results indicated heightened self-reported embarrassment and increased autonomic nervous system activity (measured via skin conductance) in adolescents compared to other age groups (Figure 2a). Notably, MPFC activity exhibited an adolescent-emergent pattern, peaking during adolescence and partially subsiding in adulthood (Figure 2b). This suggests that adolescents may attribute greater salience and emotional relevance to social evaluative contexts, even in the absence of explicit feedback.

Thinking About the Thoughts of Others

Adolescent social sensitivity also encompasses the ability to consider others' perspectives, known as mentalizing or theory of mind. While proficient in basic mentalizing tasks, adolescents demonstrate limitations in more complex scenarios compared to adults (Dumontheil et al., 2010). This suggests continued maturation of mentalizing abilities throughout adolescence.

Neuroimaging studies implicate regions within the social brain, including the MPFC, temporoparietal junction, and superior temporal sulcus, in theory-of-mind processes. Research using tasks requiring reasoning about moral dilemmas (Blakemore et al., 2007) and social emotions (Burnett et al., 2009) has consistently observed heightened MPFC recruitment in adolescents compared to adults. This heightened activity is attributed to the ongoing development of the prefrontal cortex (Blakemore, 2008), potentially reflecting the use of less efficient cognitive strategies or greater salience attributed to social information during adolescence (Burnett et al., 2011; Burnett & Blakemore, 2009).


Converging evidence highlights the heightened social sensitivity characterizing adolescence, manifested through emotional reactivity to social feedback, vigilance to social evaluation, and ongoing development of mentalizing abilities. This sensitivity appears to stem from robust responses within socioaffective brain circuitry, particularly involving the MPFC. It is crucial to acknowledge the interplay of biological maturation, social experiences, and cultural factors in shaping adolescent social sensitivity (Crone & Dahl, 2012; Pfeifer & Peake, 2012).

The research presented represents a nascent field with tentative models explaining the neural mechanisms underlying adolescent-specific social sensitivity. Future research with larger, longitudinal designs is needed to delineate developmental trajectories and refine our understanding of socioaffective circuitry function. Additionally, exploring the influence of factors such as pubertal hormones, cultural norms, gender, and self-esteem will further elucidate individual differences in social sensitivity (Crone & Dahl, 2012).

Understanding adolescent social sensitivity holds significant clinical implications. Social anxiety is prevalent during adolescence, and social exclusion during this period is linked to increased risk for mood and anxiety disorders later in life (Lev-Wiesel et al., 2006). Preliminary clinical studies suggest that atypical socioaffective circuitry responses may underlie social sensitivity in at-risk youth (Guyer et al., 2008; Masten et al., 2011). Further investigation into these neural mechanisms could inform interventions targeting social difficulties and promoting mental well-being during this critical developmental period.

In conclusion, unraveling the complexities of adolescent social sensitivity, its neural underpinnings, and its implications for social and emotional well-being represents a crucial frontier in developmental neuroscience. Continued research in this domain promises to shed light on this fundamental aspect of adolescent experience, paving the way for interventions that support healthy social and emotional development during this formative period.

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Relative to childhood, peer relationships take on a heightened importance during adolescence. Might adolescents be highly attuned to information that concerns when and how they are being evaluated and what their peers think of them? This review evaluates how continuing brain development—which influences brain function—partially explains and reflects adolescents’ attunement to social evaluation. Though preliminary, evidence is mounting to suggest that while processing information relevant to social evaluation and the internal states of other people, adolescents respond with heightened emotional intensity and corresponding nonlinear recruitment of socioaffective brain circuitry. This review highlights research findings that relate trajectories of brain development to social behavior and discusses promising avenues of future research that will inform how brain development might lead adolescents to be sensitized to social evaluation.

The Socially Sensitive Adolescent Brain: Neural Mechanisms of Social Sensitivity in the Adolescent Years


As a teenager, classmates' and friends' judgment can feel overwhelming. This social evaluation, even in minor situations, can feel incredibly intense during adolescence. This period, marked by a growing importance of peer and romantic relationships, seems to amplify our sensitivity to social information. This article explores the concept of "social sensitivity" in adolescence, examining how adolescents process social evaluations and the underlying brain mechanisms at play.

A Time of Social Change: What Makes the Adolescent Social Life Unique?

Adolescence, the period bridging childhood and adulthood, is characterized by a dramatic shift in social focus. As adolescents, we gradually spend less time with family and more with peers, engaging in more frequent and complex interactions (Barnes et al., 2007; Larson, 2001). This shift isn't unique to humans; adolescent rats, for example, engage in more social play than their adult counterparts (Douglas et al., 2004; Primus & Kellogg, 1989).

Beyond frequency, the nature of adolescent relationships also evolves. Friendships transition from play-based to more intimate connections, including romantic interests. This period of rapid change, while exciting, can also be turbulent. Adolescent relationships are prone to fluctuations, leading to increased experiences of peer rejection (Cairns et al., 1995; Wang et al., 2009).

The Developing Brain: Changes in Socioaffective Circuitry

Brain imaging research complements behavioral observations, offering insights into the neural underpinnings of adolescent social sensitivity. By examining age-related changes in brain structure and activity, researchers can identify unique developmental patterns. One pattern, referred to as adolescent-specific, describes brain processes most pronounced during adolescence compared to other age groups. Age-linear patterns, on the other hand, involve consistent increases or decreases in brain activity with age. Lastly, adolescent emergent patterns represent a rapid change during adolescence, often peaking during this time and then stabilizing in adulthood.

A network of brain regions, collectively termed socioaffective circuitry, plays a crucial role in processing social and emotional information. This network includes the amygdala (rapid emotional responses), striatum (reward and motivation), medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC; integrating social and emotional information), and areas within the ventromedial and lateral prefrontal cortex (regulating emotional responses) (Blakemore, 2008; Nelson & Guyer, 2011).

Research suggests that socioaffective function might follow a nonlinear, adolescent-emergent pattern. This is likely due to two key factors: (1) ongoing maturation of the prefrontal cortex, responsible for regulating behavior, throughout adolescence (Casey et al., 2008; Shaw et al., 2008; Somerville et al., 2011) and (2) the influence of pubertal hormones on brain regions within the socioaffective circuitry (Ernst et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2005; Sisk & Zehr, 2005). These factors could contribute to heightened sensitivity to social cues during adolescence.

Emotional Intensity: How Adolescents Process Social Feedback

Social feedback—positive or negative—is inherently emotional. Imagine a teenager is told by classmates that the teen looked "awkward" after tripping on stage. This information is not only negative but directly impacts social standing. Research suggests that adolescents might react to such feedback with greater emotional intensity compared to adults.

To investigate this, researchers use tasks that simulate real-life social experiences in the lab. These include paradigms like the "social-feedback task" (Figure 1a), "chatroom interact" (Figure 1b), and "cyberball" (Figure 1c). These tasks manipulate social inclusion and exclusion, allowing researchers to study participants' emotional responses.

Findings indicate that adolescents might experience both positive and negative social feedback more intensely. For instance, compared to adults, adolescents report greater mood drops and anxiety when excluded in the "cyberball" game (Sebastian et al., 2010) and demonstrate heightened physiological arousal (measured by pupil dilation) to social rejection in the "chatroom interact" task (Silk et al., 2012). They also show greater positive emotional responses to social acceptance from desirable peers (Guyer et al., 2012).

Brain imaging studies using these tasks reveal distinct patterns of brain activity in adolescents. For example, adolescents show increased activity in the striatum and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (regions associated with emotional processing) when anticipating positive social feedback compared to children and adults (Gunther Moor et al., 2010). During social exclusion, adolescents demonstrate greater MPFC activity and reduced engagement of the lateral prefrontal cortex (involved in emotional regulation) compared to adults (Sebastian et al., 2011). These findings suggest that adolescents might process the emotional aspects of social feedback differently, potentially due to ongoing development in brain regions involved in emotional regulation.

The Imaginary Audience: Heightened Sensitivity to Social Evaluation

Teens sometimes have the sensation that everyone is watching and judging, even if about very small, unimportant details and things. This heightened awareness of being evaluated, often referred to as the "imaginary audience" (Elkind & Bowen, 1979), is a common experience during adolescence. While this concept has been challenged (Vartanian, 2000), research suggests that adolescents do report greater self-consciousness in daily life (Westenberg et al., 2004).

Studies show that even the mere presence of others can trigger physiological responses in adolescents. For instance, adolescents exhibit greater cortisol (a stress hormone) release compared to children when they know they are being observed (Gunnar et al., 2009; Stroud et al., 2009).

A recent study found that simply being told they were being watched via video link during a brain scan led to greater self-reported embarrassment and increased activity in the MPFC in adolescents compared to children and adults (Somerville et al., in press). This suggests that even subtle cues of social evaluation can elicit heightened self-consciousness and engage socioaffective circuitry in adolescents.

Stepping into Others' Shoes: Mentalizing and Theory of Mind

This ability to consider others' thoughts and feelings, termed mentalizing or theory of mind, is another crucial aspect of social sensitivity. While adolescents generally perform well on simple theory-of-mind tasks, they struggle compared to adults on more complex ones, suggesting ongoing development in this domain (Dumontheil et al., 2010). Brain imaging reveals that adolescents often recruit the MPFC more strongly than adults during mentalizing tasks (Burnett et al., 2011). This heightened activity might reflect ongoing development in the MPFC, use of different cognitive strategies, or the increased importance adolescents place on understanding others' perspectives.

Concluding Thoughts: Understanding the Socially Sensitive Brain

Converging evidence highlights the heightened social sensitivity experienced during adolescence, reflected in emotional responses to social feedback, sensitivity to social evaluation, and developing theory-of-mind abilities. These behavioral patterns are closely linked to dynamic changes in socioaffective circuitry, particularly in regions like the MPFC.

It is important to remember that adolescent social sensitivity is a complex interplay of brain development, personal experiences, and cultural influences (Crone & Dahl, 2012). The challenges and opportunities inherent in navigating the adolescent social world likely shape brain development (Crone & Dahl, 2012; Pfeifer & Peake, 2012).

Further research is crucial to fully understand the intricacies of adolescent social sensitivity. Future studies should explore the specific roles of individual brain regions within the socioaffective network, the influence of factors like pubertal hormones, gender, and social status, and the long-term consequences of heightened social sensitivity on mental health (Crone & Dahl, 2012).

As we delve deeper into the social brain, we gain valuable insights into a defining feature of adolescence. Understanding the neural underpinnings of adolescent social sensitivity not only sheds light on this period of rapid development but also paves the way for developing interventions and support systems that promote healthy social and emotional well-being.

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Relative to childhood, peer relationships take on a heightened importance during adolescence. Might adolescents be highly attuned to information that concerns when and how they are being evaluated and what their peers think of them? This review evaluates how continuing brain development—which influences brain function—partially explains and reflects adolescents’ attunement to social evaluation. Though preliminary, evidence is mounting to suggest that while processing information relevant to social evaluation and the internal states of other people, adolescents respond with heightened emotional intensity and corresponding nonlinear recruitment of socioaffective brain circuitry. This review highlights research findings that relate trajectories of brain development to social behavior and discusses promising avenues of future research that will inform how brain development might lead adolescents to be sensitized to social evaluation.

Why Social Stuff Feels Like Such a Big Deal in Adolescence


Remember that time in eighth grade when I tripped on stage at the assembly? Okay, so it wasn't a face-plant or anything, just a little stumble. But in that moment, with everyone watching, my heart wouldn't stop racing. I was mortified. For weeks, I couldn't stop replaying it in my head. Did my friends see? Would they think I was a klutz? Would this follow me to high school?

Tripping in public is embarrassing no matter what, but this shows how much bigger social stuff feels during adolescence. Everything seems intense and unforgettable, way more than when as a child or as an adult. A big reason for this is that friends and relationships become super important during this time. Scientists call this social sensitivity – basically, how much we care about what others think and how we fit in. This article is about what we know about social sensitivity in the teenage brain.

What Makes the Adolescent Social Life Different?

Adolescence is the period between puberty and becoming independent. During this time, our social lives take center stage. Compared to when we were kids, we spend way less time with family and way more time with friends (Barnes et al., 2007; Larson, 2001). We have more freedom, and we're also glued to our phones, texting, and on social media even more than adults (Lenhart et al., 2010).

It's not just about how much we interact with peers, but how those relationships change. We go from just hanging out to wanting deeper friendships and romantic relationships. And while most of our social experiences are good, things can also be unpredictable (Cairns et al., 1995). Friendships change, and rejection hurts (Wang et al., 2009).

How Our Brains Develop for Social and Emotional Stuff

Brain imaging helps us understand how our brains handle social situations as we mature. By looking at brain activity at different ages, researchers can see how our brains change over time in response to social cues. This helps us see what's unique about the adolescent brain.

One theory is that our brains develop in a kind of curve during adolescence. That means some brain areas might be super active in our teenage years and then calm down a bit as we become adults. This could be because of things like hormones changing during puberty or because the connections between different parts of the brain are still developing.

The areas of the brain we're talking about are called the socioaffective circuitry. Think of this as the network that helps us:

  1. Notice important social information

  2. Decide if that information is good, bad, or emotionally charged

  3. Understand social situations

  4. Use social information to learn and make decisions

Because these areas are still developing, teenagers might be more reactive to social cues and have a harder time controlling their emotions in charged situations. Basically, their emotional brains might be on high alert!

Social Situations and Big Emotions

Teenagers react even more strongly to peer feedback than adults. Scientists use clever experiments to study test this statement. For example, they might show teenagers pictures of faces and tell them those people are rating how likeable they are (Somerville et al., 2006). Or, they might have them play a virtual ball-tossing game where they get excluded (Williams et al., 2000; Masten et al., 2009; Sebastian et al., 2011).

These studies show that teenagers:

  • Report bigger mood swings (feeling much worse after rejection and much better after acceptance)

  • Expect more negative feedback

  • Show physical signs of stronger emotional responses (like their pupils getting bigger)

The brain imaging studies show that teenagers:

  • Use the parts of their brains that process emotions more strongly than adults

  • Don't use the parts of their brains that help regulate emotions as effectively

This all points to teenagers being super sensitive to social rewards and punishments.

Feeling Like Everyone's Watching

Teens sometimes have the sensation that everyone is watching and judging, even if about very small, unimportant details and things. Even without direct feedback, just knowing that people are watching can make us self-conscious, especially during adolescence.

Research shows that compared to children and adults, teenagers:

  • Feel more embarrassed when they think they are being watched

  • Show stronger physical stress responses (like sweating more)

  • Use the part of their brain involved in processing social and emotional information (the MPFC) more intensely

So even subtle social situations can feel really big for teenagers' brains.

Trying to Read Everyone's Minds

After the stage incident, I kept imagining what my friends were thinking. This is called mentalizing – trying to figure out what's going on in other people's minds.

While teenagers are generally good at this, they're still developing this skill, especially when things are complicated (Dumontheil et al., 2010). Brain imaging studies show that teenagers use the MPFC (remember, the social-emotional center) more than adults when they're trying to understand someone else's perspective (Burnett et al., 2011). This could be because:

  • This part of the brain is still maturing in teenagers.

  • Teenagers might find thinking about others' thoughts and feelings more important than adults do.

The Big Picture of Teen Social Life

Research shows that adolescents are extremely sensitive to social situations, whether it's direct feedback, just feeling watched, or trying to understand what others are thinking. Their brains are wired to make social experiences feel really intense.

It's important to remember that these studies are just the beginning. There's still a lot to learn about how teenagers' brains develop and how social experiences shape that process. Factors like puberty, culture, gender, and personal experiences all play a role.

Understanding how sensitive the teenage brain is to social situations can help us:

  • Support teenagers who are struggling with social anxiety or other issues.

  • Create positive social environments at school and in our communities.

  • Appreciate just how much is going on in teenagers' minds and how important their social worlds are to them.

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Relative to childhood, peer relationships take on a heightened importance during adolescence. Might adolescents be highly attuned to information that concerns when and how they are being evaluated and what their peers think of them? This review evaluates how continuing brain development—which influences brain function—partially explains and reflects adolescents’ attunement to social evaluation. Though preliminary, evidence is mounting to suggest that while processing information relevant to social evaluation and the internal states of other people, adolescents respond with heightened emotional intensity and corresponding nonlinear recruitment of socioaffective brain circuitry. This review highlights research findings that relate trajectories of brain development to social behavior and discusses promising avenues of future research that will inform how brain development might lead adolescents to be sensitized to social evaluation.

Teenage Brains and Social Stuff: Why Everything Feels More Intense


Teens sometimes have the sensation that everyone is watching and judging, even if about very small, unimportant details and things. They might think about it for days and worry about what other people think.

This happens because teenagers' brains are wired to care a lot about what others think. Scientists call this social sensitivity. It's because the brain is still growing and changing, especially the parts that deal with emotions and social interactions. Let's explore how teenage brains handle social situations.

What's Different About Being a Teenager?

Being a teenager is all about friends. Teens spend more time with friends than with family, and they might even start having crushes. They chat with friends online and in person all the time.

But here's the thing: friendships can be kind of complicated during the teenage years. They can change quickly, and sometimes teens might feel left out or rejected. This is because everyone is figuring out who they are and where they fit in.

The Brain on Friendships

Scientists use special brain scanners to see what parts of the brain are working during social situations. They've discovered that teenage brains are really sensitive to social cues, like facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. This means that teenagers are really good at picking up on subtle clues about how other people are feeling.

The parts of the brain that control emotions and social behavior are still under construction during the teenage years. This means that teenagers might react more strongly to social situations than adults do. They might feel super happy when they're accepted by their friends and super sad when they're rejected.

Happy Feels and Sad Feels From Friends

Teenagers tend to get a bigger mood boost from positive social feedback than adults do. On the other hand, if a teenager is left out of a game or activity, they might feel more upset than an adult would.

Scientists have done studies where teenagers play games in a brain scanner. They found that when teenagers are excluded from a game, the parts of their brains that process emotions light up like crazy! This shows that social exclusion is a really big deal for teenage brains.

Always on Stage?

Teens sometimes have the sensation that everyone is watching and judging, even if about very small, unimportant details and things. That's because teenage brains are really sensitive to the idea of being judged. Scientists have found that when teenagers think someone is watching them, they feel more self-conscious and their brains show more activity in the areas that control social and emotional responses.

Theory of Mind

One of the coolest things about being human is that we can imagine what other people are thinking and feeling. This is called theory of mind, and it's something that develops a lot during the teenage years.

Scientists have found that teenage brains work really hard when they're trying to understand other people's perspectives. This makes sense, because social relationships become much more complex during adolescence.

Why Are Teenage Brains So Sensitive?

Teenage brains are wired for strong social reactions, and that's a good thing! It helps teenagers navigate the challenges of growing up and forming strong social bonds. By being sensitive to social cues, teenagers can learn how to get along with others, build friendships, and find their place in the world.

It's important to remember that everyone's brain is different, and not all teenagers experience social sensitivity in the same way. Some teenagers are naturally more sensitive than others, and that's totally okay.

What Does It All Mean?

Scientists are still learning about how teenage brains work, but we do know that social sensitivity is a normal part of adolescence. By understanding how our brains develop, we can learn to navigate the challenges of the teenage years and build healthy, happy relationships.

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Footnotes and Citation


Somerville, L. H. (2013). The teenage b: Sensitivity to social evaluation. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(2), 121-127.
