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Adolescent Development of the Reward System

Keywords adolescence; brain development; reward

Adolescent Development and the Regulation of Youth Crime

Keywords Young adult offenders; juvenile justice system; rehabilitation; developmental differences; immaturity; juvenile death penalty; fairness; social welfare

Adolescent Brain Development in Normality and Psychopathology

Keywords Adolescent brain; Risky behaviors; Decision-making; Impulse control; Responsible choices; Brain development; Reward-seeking; Well-being of teenagers

Adolescent Brain Development and the Risk for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems

Keywords Teenager; Brain development; Adolescence; Gray matter; White matter; Brain connections; Risk taking; Substance use effects; Alcohol; Marijuana

Adolescent Brain Development and Progressive Legal Responsibility in the Latin American Context

Keywords Teenage Brain; Adolescent law; Criminal; Adolescence; Behavior; Neuroscience; Neurolaw; Juvenile criminal behavior; juvenile criminal law; adolescent brain; legal responsibility

Adolescent Brain Development and Drugs

Keywords Adolescence; Behavior; Brain development; Choices; Drugs; Safety

Adolescent Brain Development and Contextual Influences: a Decade in Review

Keywords Adolescence; Behavior; Brain development

Adolescent Brain and Alcohol

Keywords adolescent brain; binge drinking; alcohol use disorder; animal model; brain connectivity

Adolescence: What Do Transmission, Transition, and Translation Have to Do with It?

Keywords Independence; Brain development; Evolution; Healthy behavior; Guidance; Adolescence

Adolescence: A Foundation for Future Health

Keywords Adolescence; Health habits; Well-being; Puberty; Environment; Social factors; Health behaviors; Brain development

Adolescence is a Sensitive Period for Prefrontal Microglia to Act on Cognitive Development

Keywords Prefrontal cortex; adolescence; microglia; cognitive function; sensitive period

Adolescence as a Sensitive Period of Brain Development

Keywords Adolescence; Brain development; Memory; Social stress; Drug use; Stress

Adolescence as a Pivotal Period for Emotion Regulation Development

Keywords Emotion regulation; Neurodevelopment; Caregiving; Adolescence

Adolescence and Reward: Making Sense of Neural and Behavioral Changes Amid the Chaos

Keywords Adolescence; Drugs; Emotions; Thinking skills; Risks; Rewards; Impulses; Brain development; Mental health; Drugs of abuse

Addiction, Adolescence, and the Integration of Control and Motivation

Keywords adolescence; addiction; dual-process models; risky decision making; attentional bias; training; risk taking