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Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner O.G.

Keywords adolescent development; juvenile transfers; brain science

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center and Forty Other Organizations in Support of Petitioners

Keywords juvenile justice fines; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); excessive fines; racial disparity; economic disparity; increased recidivism; increased likelihood of reoffending; youth vulnerability

Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords mitigation; transfers; diminished culpability; children; Houston-Sconiers; Ramos; presumption of mitigation; adult court

Memorandum of Amicus Curiae Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality in Support of Petition for Review

Keywords presumption of mitigation; adult court; diminished culpability; transfers; children; youth; juvenile offenders; sentencing

Brief of Amici Curiae Former Judges, Current and Former Prosecutors, Law Enforcement Officers, Juvenile Justice Officials, Correctional Officers, and Probation Officers in Support of Petitioner

Keywords trauma; mental health; children; child detainees; trauma-informed care; adolescent brain development

Brief of Amici Curiae Judges, Current and Former Prosecutors, Law Enforcement Officers, Juvenile Justice Officials, Correctional Officers, and Probation Officers in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); brain development; non-homicide; Graham; aggregate sentence; term of years; meaningful opportunity to obtain release; immaturity

Amicus Brief of Pacific Juvenile Defender Center and Youth Law Center on Behalf of Appellant Luis Angel Gutierrez

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); adolescent behavior; biology; legal culpability; legal blameworthiness; substance abuse; hallmarks of adolescence; cruel and unusual punishment; LWOP; life without parole; mitigation characteristics

Brief of King County Department of Public Defense

Keywords adolescents; emerging adulthood; sex offender registration and notification; SORN; 18-year-old; suicide; sexual recidivism; race; Black youth

Brief of Pacific Juvenile Defender Center et al. on Behalf of Appellant

Keywords developmental differences; due process; rehabilitation; Three Strikes Law; fitness hearing; risk-taking

Wisconsin Innocence Project Amicus Brief

Keywords age; police interrogations; Miranda custody analysis; confessions; developmental deficiencies; involuntary statements; maximization; minimization

Brief of Amici Curiae, Current and Former State Prosecutors, State Attorneys General, DOJ Officials, U.S. Attorneys, and Former Corrections Directors—In Support of Plaintiffs

Keywords JLWOP; Miller; Montgomery; juvenile life without parole; Due Process protections; fair sentencing; individualized assessments; capacity for change; maturity

Brief of Amici Former Judges, Prosecutors, and Law Enforcement Officers in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Graham v. Florida; juvenile nonhomicide offenders; life without parole; meaningful opportunity for release; moral culpability; maturity; rehabilitation; Eighth Amendment; aggregate term-of-years sentences; Missouri

Amicus Brief in Support of Petitioner

Keywords JLWOP; juvenile life without parole; child development; decision-making; long-term planning; emotional regulation; Graham; Miller; murder; penological justification; purpose of punishment; childhood deprivation; blameworthiness; developmental maturity; under age 18

Brief of the American Medical Association and the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Support of Neither Party

Keywords adolescent behavior; immaturity; adolescent brain; risk impulsivity; control; regional brain activity; executive control; functional immaturity; structural immaturity

Amicus Brief by the Promise of Justice Initiative

Keywords death penalty; execution; 21-year-old; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); brain development; delayed brain development; objective indicators; Roper