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Kelsey v. State

Keywords juvenile offender; LWOP; resentencing; retroactive application; Graham v. Florida; juvenile life without parole

Commonwealth v. Jones

Keywords LWOP; juvenile justice; juvenile offender; post-conviciton relief; retroactive application of Miller; Miller v. Alabama; rehabilitation potential of juveniles; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

Vasquez v. Virginia

Keywords juvenile offender; geriatric release; LWOP; cruel and unusual punishment; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

Commonwealth v. Phillips

Keywords Miller v. Alabama; retroactive application of Miller; LWOP; juvenile life without parole; resentencing of juvenile offenders; Pennsylvania Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA)

State v. Long

Keywords juvenile offender sentencing; juvenile life without parole; LWOP; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); proportionality principle; Miller v. Alabama; resentencing; rehabilitation potential of youth

Amicus Curiae Brief of Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc., in Support of Petitioner

Keywords discretionary life sentences; life without parole; LWOP; Miller; Montgomery; mandatory life without parole; state sovereignty; victims' rights; resentencing; retroactive relief

Brief of Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Miller; Montgomery; retroactive relief; resentencing; juvenile murderers; mandatory LWOP; juvenile life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

Brief Amicus Curiae of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Montgomery; murder; 17-year-old; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); discretionary sentencing hearing; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole sentence

Amicus Curiae Brief of Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc., in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Miller; Montgomery; retroactive relief; resentencing; juvenile murderers; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole; juvenile life without parole; discretionary life sentences; plea bargains; state sovereignty; victims' rights

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Campaign for Fair Sentencing of Youth, et al. in Support of Respondent Lee Boyd Malvo

Keywords attendant characteristics of youth; developmentally appropriate; Miller; Montgomery; LWOP; life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); transient immaturity; temporary immaturity; retroactive relief; resentencing; mandatory sentencing; discretionary sentencing

Brief of Amicus Curiae Amicus Populi in Support of Respondent

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); permanently incorrigible; juvenile life without parole; JLWOP; juvenile murderer; permanent incorrigibility; irreparable corruption; irretrievable depravity; beyond rehabilitation; Miller

Brief Amici Curiae of the National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Murderers and Arizona Voice for Crime Victims, Inc. in Support of Respondent

Keywords permanent incorrigibility; life without parole; LWOP; victims; possibility of parole

Brief of Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent

Keywords Miller; Montgomery; discretionary life without parole sentencing; life without parole; LWOP; juvenile sentencing; youth and its attendant circumstances; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole sentences; beyond rehabilitation; permanently incorrigible; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

Brief Amicus Curiae of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Support of Respondent

Keywords permanently incorrigible; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); LWOP; life without parole; Miller; Due Process Clause (U.S.)

Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Supporting Respondent

Keywords permanently incorrigible; incapable of rehabilitation; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; homicide; transient immaturity; youth as mitigating circumstances; JLWOP; juvenile life without parole