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Brief of Amicus Curiae TeamChild

Keywords Zero Tolerance policies; children; teens; school; students; law enforcement; juvenile justice system; search and seizure; searches; school discipline policies

Brief of Erwin Chemerinsky, et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); proportionate sentences; Miller; LWOP; life without parole; transient immaturity

Brief of Amici Curiae National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Mississippi Office of the State Public Defender, and Mississippi Public Defenders Association in Support of Petitioner

Keywords permanent incorrigibility; incapable of rehabilitation; Miller; Montgomery; transient immaturity; LWOP; attendant characteristics of youth; capacity for change

Brief of Juvenile Law Center and RISE for Youth

Keywords youth interrogation; access to counsel; Fifth Amendment (U.S.); law enforcement in schools; racial disparities; Black youth; confessions

Brief of Amici Curiae the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, et al. in Support of the Petition for Rehearing En Banc

Keywords Miller; juvenile sentencing; Sixth Amendment (U.S.); irreparable corruption; incapable of rehabilitation; categorical protection; mitigating factor

Brief of Amicus Curiae Juvenile Law Center in Support of Petitioner-Appellee Luis Noel Cruz and Affirmance

Keywords neurodevelopmental growth; young adults; 18-year-olds; developmental characteristics; mandatory sentences; LWOP; mandatory life without parole; Eighth Amendment (U.S.)

Brief of Amici Curiae Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, et al., in Support of Petitioner-Appellants

Keywords minor status; age of majority; age of adulthood; young adult; brain development; recidivism; post-conviction relief

Brief of Juvenile Law Center as Amici Curiae in Response to Report of the Special Master

Keywords adolescent brain development; bail; developmental immaturity; coerced guilty plea; pretrial detention; social-emotional regulation; developmental differences; developing brain; decision-making capacity

Brief of Juvenile Law Center, National Juvenile Defender Center, Children and Family Justice Center, et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners

Keywords LWOP; children; youth; adolescence; capacity for rehabilitation; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); developmental status; diminished culpability; diminished responsibility; lesser blameworthiness

Brief of Amicus Curiae on Behalf of Qu’eed Batts

Keywords juvenile LWOP; juvenile life without parole; international law; cruel and unusual punishment; Eighth Amendment; murder; Graham

Brief for Psychology and Neuroscience Scholars in Support of Respondent

Keywords adolescent athletes; prayers; peer pressure; Establishment Clause; neurobiology; coersion; coercive nature of prayers; brain development; adolescent sensitivity to rewards; social approval; adolescent vulnerability; developmental trajectories; dual system; brain imaging

Brief of Juvenile Law Center as Amicus Curiae In Support of Petitioner's Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law Based on His Juvenile Status

Keywords enemy combat; child soldier; false confessions; interrogations; involuntary confessions; death penalty; disability; diminished capacity

Brief in Support of the Resentencing of Petitioner Angel Alejandro on Behalf of Amici Curiae Robert M. Morgenthau, the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth, Child Welfare League of America, and Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators et al.

Keywords diminished culpability; mitigating qualities of youth; Miller; LWOP; risk-taking; neuroscience; adolescent development; peer influence; environmental factors; adaptable teenage brain; impulsivity

Brief of Amici Curiae, Current and Former State Prosecutors, State Attorneys General, DOJ Officials, U.S. Attorneys, and Former Corrections Directors—In Support of Plaintiffs

Keywords JLWOP; Miller; Montgomery; juvenile life without parole; Due Process protections; fair sentencing; individualized assessments; capacity for change; maturity

Amicus Brief of Crime Victim’s Representative Nelson Rivera

Keywords LWOP; murder; life without parole; victims' rights; resentencing; incorrigibility; retroactive relief