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Teenage Brain Development: Its Impact on Criminal Activity and Trial Sentencing

Keywords adolescent brain development; decision-making; impulsivity; rehabilitation; harsh punishment; maturity; juvenile justice

Structural and Functional Changes in the Prefrontal Lobes of the Adolescent Brain: Implications for Executive Function

Keywords adolescent brain; prefrontal cortex; developmental cognitive neuroscience; cognition; executive function

Striatum–medial Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity Predicts Developmental Changes in Reinforcement Learning

Keywords Brain development; Children; learning; feedback; brain scans; brain maturation; development; fMRI; functional connectivity; reinforcement learning

Stress and the Adolescent Brain: Amygdala-prefrontal Cortex Circuitry and Ventral Striatum as Developmental Targets

Keywords Adolescence; stress; amygdala; prefrontal cortex; ventral striatum

Stress and Decision Making: Effects on Valuation, Learning, and Risk-taking

Keywords stress; decision-making; brain development; risk-taking

Stress and Adolescence: Vulnerability and Opportunity During a Sensitive Window of Development

Keywords adolescence; stress; support

Stereotype Threat and Racial Differences in Citizens’ Experiences of Police Encounters

Keywords Race; sex; stereotype; anxiety; justice; behavior; experiment

Sociometric Status and Social Drinking: Observations of Modelling and Persuasion in Young Adult Peer Groups

Keywords Alcohol use; peers; behavior; socioeconomic status; peer influence; alcohol consumption; socioeconomic status; observations

Risk Taking and the Adolescent Reward System: a Potential Common Link to Substance Abuse

Keywords Risk-taking; drug use; gambling task; brain development; behavior; young adults; MRI; gray matter; ventral striatum

Risk Decision Making and Executive Function Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Keywords Decision-making; brain development; teenagers; adolescence; young adults; risk-taking; experiment; dual system model; executive function; decision-making; Iowa Gambling Task; risk

Reappraising the Role of Dopamine in Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior

Keywords adolescence; dopamine; self-regulation; impulsivity; risk-taking

Rational Choice and Developmental Influences on Recidivism Among Adolescent Felony Offenders

Keywords Teen crime; developmental limitations; risk evaluation; severity of punishment; procedural justice; mental health

Raging Hormones: Why Age-Based Etiological Conceptualizations of the Development of Antisocial Behavior Are Insufficient

Keywords Developmental neuroscience; modern legal system; antisocial behavior; puberty; hormones; brain plasticity

Racism and Health: Evidence and Needed Research

Keywords race; ethnicity; mental health; physical health; racism

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home: the Role of Life Course Transitions, Socioeconomic Resources, and Family Connectivity

Keywords Teenagers; young adults; race; ethnicity; environment; correlation