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The Neurobiology of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence; Current Knowledge and Relevance for Youth Forensic Clinical Practice

Keywords Antisocial behavior; biopsychosocial approach; risk assessment; neuropsychology; neuroimaging; psychopathic traits; neurobiology; neurodevelopmental problems; adolescence

The Neural Development of Prosocial Behavior from Childhood to Adolescence

Keywords Kindness; pSTS; fMRI; childhood; adolescence; prosocial behavior

The Myth of Youth: Rethinking the Negligence Standard of Care for Minors in the Age of Neuroscience

Keywords Negligence; legal standard of care; adolescence; brain development

The Law, the Science, and the Logic of Ending the Teenage Death Penalty

Keywords Death penalty; Roper; Adolescence; Penological objectives; Miller; Eighth Amendment

The Lasting Impact of Early-life Adversity on Individuals and Their Descendants: Potential Mechanisms and Hope for Intervention

Keywords Stress; Epigenetics; Learning; Memory; Treatment; Children; Early-life stress; emotion regulation; fear learning

The Influence of Substance Use on Adolescent Brain Development

Keywords Adolescence; Alcohol; Marijuana; Use; fMRI; Hangover; Withdrawal; alcoholism; functional magnetic resonance imaging; diffusion tensor imaging

The Impact of Active and Passive Peer Influence on Young Adult Smoking: an Experimental Study

Keywords Peer pressure; Smoking; Imitation; Young adult smoking; Peer influence

The Enduring Effects of Abuse and Related Adverse Experiences in Childhood: a Convergence of Evidence from Neurobiology and Epidemiology

Keywords Child development; Adults; stress; mental health; physical health; drug use; domestic violence; neurobiology; childhood abuse; substance

The Effects of Social Context and Acute Stress on Decision-making Under Uncertainty

Keywords Risk taking; Trust; Stress; Decision making; risk; social decision-making; learning

The Effect of Parents and Peers on the Neural Correlates of Risk Taking and Antisocial Behavior During Adolescence

Keywords antisocial behavior; adolescence; parents; peers; risk taking; fMRl

The Effect of Male Teenage Passengers on Male Teenage Drivers: Findings from a Driving Simulator Study

Keywords Driving; Risk taking; Males; Peers; Social influence; Risky behavior; Adolescence; Male

The Dual Systems Model: Review, Reappraisal, and Reaffirmation

Keywords Adolescents; Risk taking; Rewards; Control; Brain development; Dual systems; Sensation-seeking; Reward sensitivity; Cognitive control

The Development of Self and Identity in Adolescence: Neural Evidence and Implications for a Value-based Choice Perspective on Motivated Behavior

Keywords Adolescents; Identity; Brain development; Decision making; adolescence; value-based decision making; self-development

Temptations of Friends: Adolescents’ Neural and Behavioral Responses to Best Friends Predict Risky Behavior

Keywords reward; brain; risky behavior; adolescent development; social

Teens Impulsively React Rather Than Retreat from Threat

Keywords Adolescents; Fear; Impulsivity; Control; Threat; Brain scans; Adolescence; Limbic circuitry; Orbitofrontal cortex; Medial prefrontal cortex