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Who Are Those 'Risk-Taking Adolescents'? Individual Differences in Developmental Neuroimaging Research

Keywords Punishment; Self-control; Adolescence; Risk-taking; FMRI

White Matter Integrity, Substance Use, and Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords DTI; risk taking; white matter; marijuana; alcohol; adolescence

White Matter Development in Adolescence: the Influence of Puberty and Implications for Affective Disorders

Keywords Brain development; White matter; Puberty; Sex differences; Review study; White matter development; White matter volume; Diffusion tensor imaging; Affective disorders

When Is an Adolescent an Adult? Assessing Cognitive Control in Emotional and Nonemotional Contexts

Keywords Adolescence; Self-control; Emotions; fMRI; Legal policy; Brain development; young adult; development; cognitive control

What's My Age Again?: Adolescent Development and the Case for Expanding Original Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Investing in Alternatives for Emerging Adults Involved in Maine's Justice System

Keywords Emerging adulthood; juvenile justice; developmental challenges; impulsive behavior; lack of legal protection; racial bias; rehabilitative services; lighter sentences

Vlpfc-vmpfc-amygdala Interactions Underlie Age-related Differences in Cognitive Regulation of Emotion

Keywords Brain development; amygdala; emotions; pre-frontal cortex; fMRI; emotional regulation; neurodevelopment

Unshackled: Stories of Redemption Among Serious Youthful Offenders

Keywords Child defendants; adolescent brain development; criminal culpability; life without parole; mandatory life sentences; attributes of youth; redemption; adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

Understanding the Dynamics of the Developing Adolescent Brain Through Team Science

Keywords Review article; Adolescents; Brain development; social development; mental wellbeing; teen science

Trauma Histories Among Justice-involved Youth: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Keywords Juvenile justice; Mental health; Trauma; PTSD; Adolescents; NCTSN; delinquency; age of onset

Trajectories of Antisocial Behavior and Psychosocial Maturity from Adolescence to Young Adulthood

Keywords psychosocial maturity; antisocial behavior; desistance

Toward Children’s Cognitive Development From the Perspective of Neurolaw: Implications of Roper v Simmons

Keywords cognitive development; juvenile delinquency; neurolaw; Roper v Simmons; U.S. Supreme Court

Time for a Paradigm Shift: The Adolescent Brain in Addiction Treatment

Keywords adolescent; addiction; treatment; MRI; therapist language

Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: Neural Processing of Social Feedback and Links to Social Motivation in Adolescent Girls

Keywords adolescence; neuroimaging; social goals; social evaluation

Threat Or Thrill? the Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Development of Anxiety and Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Adolescence; Anxiety; Risk taking; fMRI; Threat; Reward; Brain development

The Teenage Brain: Sensitivity to Social Evaluation

Keywords Adolescence; peer relationships; social evaluation; brain function; social emotional function; emotional intensity; social behavior