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The end of “permanently incorrigible”: Putting Jones v. Mississippi into context

Keywords Jones v. Mississippi; life without parole; LWOP; juvenile sentencing; developmental psychology; rehabilitation; permanent incorrigibility

Addressing Trauma and Psychosocial Development in Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth: A Synthesis of the Developmental Neuroscience, Juvenile Justice and Trauma Literature

Keywords juvenile justice; adolescent development; self-regulation; trauma; ACEs; neural development; brain development

The end of “permanently incorrigible”: Putting Jones v. Mississippi into context

Keywords Jones v. Mississippi; life without parole; LWOP; juvenile sentencing; developmental psychology; rehabilitation; permanent incorrigibility

A Second Chance at Success: Using “Second Look” Laws to Modify Sentences of Juvenile Offenders

Keywords Second look sentencing; resentencing ; rehabilitation; juvenile offenders; federal model; court factors; legal counsel for indigent clients

In the wake of Miller and Montgomery: A national view of people sentenced to juvenile life without parole

Keywords Juvenile lifers; second chance policies; mass incarceration; resentencing; reentry; life-course criminology

"Permanently Incorrigible" Is a Patently Ineffective Standard: Reforming the Administration of Juvenile Life Without Parole

Keywords juvenile life without parole; JLWOP; Eighth amendment; Miller v. Alabama; permanent incorrigibility; discretionary JLWOP sentence; mitigating factors; Montgomery v. Louisiana; Sixth Amendment

Socioeconomic Status, BMI, and Brain Development in Children

Keywords Socioeconomic status; childhood; executive function; obesity; neurocognition; prefrontal cortex

Socioeconomic Status and Structural Brain Development

Keywords Brain scans; neuroscience; brain development; environment; socioeconomic status; memory; emotional control; structural imaging; environmental variation

Social Influence in Adolescent Decision-Making: A Formal Framework

Keywords adolescence; decision-making; social influence; risk-taking; expected utility; computational modeling; hierarchical bayes

Social Contextual Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Adolescence; risk-taking; social environment; cognitive control; social cognition; developmental changes; brain development

Should the Science of Adolescent Brain Development Inform Public Policy

Keywords policy; neuroscience; juvenile justice; evidence-based policy

Sharing and Giving Across Adolescence: an Experimental Study Examining the Development of Prosocial Behavior

Keywords Children; adolescents; teenagers; emotional control; friends; peers; friendship; behavior; prosocial behavior; fairness; trust; reciprocity; peer relationships

Seeing Black: Race, Crime, and Visual Processing

Keywords Decision-making; behavior; race; sex; justice

Searching for Signatures of Brain Maturity: What Are We Searching For?

Keywords youth; adolescence; brain development; neuroscience; juvenile justice; neurodevelopment; development; maturity; brain imaging; adolescence; policy

Scientific Support for a Developmentally Informed Approach to Miranda Rights

Keywords Law; juvenile justice; children; adolescents; teenagers; brain development; behavior