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Brief of Current and Former Prosecutors as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords mental states; police interrogation techniques; juvenile confessions; juvenile false confessions; suggestibility; age; minor; Reid Technique; self-gratification; perception of time; adolescents; mental disability

Brief of The Innocence Network as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords false confessions; juvenile confessions; mental disability; police interrogation; minors; police coercion; special caution; special care

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc., and Professor Brandon Garrett in Support of Appellee and Affirmance

Keywords police pressure; police interrogations; police training; disabilities; youth; false confessions; social science research; vulnerability to false confessions; coercion; juvenile; child false confession

Brief for Amici Curiae Citizens for Juvenile Justice, Committee for Public Counsel Services, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice et al., in Support of Petitioner

Keywords meaningful opportunity; mandatory life sentences; LWOP; individualized sentencing; juvenile offenders; rehabilitation; diminished culpability; heightened rehabilitative capacity; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; maturity; underdeveloped sense of responsibility; vulnerability to external influence; peer pressure; parole board

Brief of The Sentencing Project as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords parole; child; parole; child; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); lesser culpability; transfers; mandatory transfers to adult court; felony murder; immaturities of youth; diminished culpability; children; mandatory life sentence; Miller; inadequacy of parole; transfer statutes; transfer laws; Montgomery

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Civitas ChildLaw Clinic, and Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth in Support of Petitioner-Appellant James Walker

Keywords Miller; children; juveniles; life without parole; LWOP; youth; mitigating factor; individualized sentencing hearing; homicide; diminished culpability; lesser blameworthiness; heightened capacity for rehabilitation

Brief of Juvenile Law Center as Amicus Curiae in Support of Appellants Darien Vasquez and Brandon Valentin

Keywords Graham; youth-specific characteristics; geriatric release; meaningful opportunity for release; children; Miller; de facto life sentences; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); non-homicide crimes

Brief of Amicus Curiae Juvenile Law Center in Support of Petitioners

Keywords meaningful opportunity to obtain release; Graham; Miller; juvenile offenders; children; non-homicide; consecutive term-of-years sentence; de facto life sentence; geriatric release; brain science; sentence review; recidivism; behavior control

Brief of the Center for Children's Advocacy and Juvenile Law Center in Support of Defendant B.B.

Keywords due process; juveniles; transfers; adolescent development; transfer to adult court; youth

Brief of the Center for Children's Advocacy and Juvenile Law Center in Support of Defendant David A. Fernandes

Keywords due process; juveniles; transfers; transfer to adult court; youth; adolescent development

Brief of Loyola Civitas Law Center, Children and Family Justice Center, Juvenile Law Center, and National Juvenile Defender Center as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner-Appellant Austin M.

Keywords least restrictive placement of a child; juveniles; plea offers; guardian ad literm; children; delinquency proceeding; right to counsel

Brief of Juvenile Law Center, the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts, the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, et. al., as Amici Curiae in Support of Defendant/Respondent

Keywords Sixth Amendment (U.S.); right to a jury trial; juvenile court sentencing; amenability hearing; Apprendi

Brief of Juvenile Law Center; The Center on Children and Families; The Central Juvenile Defender Center; The ChildLaw Center et al., as Amici Curiae in Support of the Respondent-Appellee

Keywords right to counsel; minor; EJJ; Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction; transfer; Juvenile Court Act; vagueness; brain; adolescent development; Fifth Amendment (U.S.); neurological research; adolescent psychology

Amicus Curiae Brief of American Civil Liberties Union of Washington and Juvenile Law Center

Keywords child pornography; adolescent; sexual identity; sexting; rehabilitation; rehabilitation; sex offender; minor; statutory interpretation; risk-taking behavior; immaturity; identity development; juvenile records

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center et al., Supporting Appellee Songster

Keywords juvenile offender; murder; homicide; retroactivity; resentence; Miller; mandatory life without parole; mandatory LWOP; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); child; adolescent development; Teague; watershed rule