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Behavioral Assessment of Emotion Discrimination, Emotion Regulation, and Cognitive Control in Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood

Keywords emotion-regulation; emotion; faces; go/nogo; Mental control; Age Brain imaging/scans; Development

Beyond Simple Models of Self-control to Circuit-based Accounts of Adolescent Behavior

Keywords Brain; Adolescence; Childhood; Development; Self-control ; cognition; emotion; motivation; peers; prefrontal cortex

Beyond Stereotypes of Adolescent Risk Taking: Placing the Adolescent Brain in Developmental Context

Keywords Brain development; Dopamine; Decision-making; Cognitive control; Experience

Biological Risk for the Development of Problem Behavior in Adolescence: Integrating Insights from Behavioral Genetics and Neuroscience

Keywords gene-environment interaction; behavior genetics; delinquency; substance use; problem behavior; risk-taking; externalizing; dual systems model; adolescence

Brain Activity, Low Self-Control, and Delinquency: An fMRI Study of At-Risk Adolescents

Keywords brain activity; fMRI; low self-control; delinquency; adolescence

Brain and Behavior Correlates of Risk Taking in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders

Keywords Anxiety disorders; Risk taking; Mental illness; Youth; Children; Avoidant behavior

Brain Development During Adolescence: Neuroscientific Insights into This Developmental Period

Keywords Adolescence; Environmental influences; Brain development; Brain scans; Intelligence; Emotional development

Brain Functional Correlates of Emotion Regulation Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Keywords Childhood; adulthood; emotional control; brain; fear; brain scans; brain develoment; facial expression; adolescence; cognitive; development; emotion regulation; fMRI; reappraisal; social

Brain Maturation, Cognition and Voice Pattern in a Gender Dysphoria Case Under Pubertal Suppression

Keywords gender dysphoria; pubertal suppression; white matter; WISC-IV; cognition; Brain development ; Gender ; Brain scans ; Puberty ; Thinking

Brain Structural Correlates of Risk-Taking Behavior and Effects of Peer Influence in Adolescents

Keywords Adolescence; risk-taking behavior; peer influence; personality; gray matter; white matter; peer competition

Braking and Accelerating of the Adolescent Brain

Keywords Adolescence; brain; development; fMRI; risk; incentive; cognitive control; connectivity

Buffering Social Influence: Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition Predict Driving Safety in the Presence of a Peer

Keywords Driving; Teenagers ; Risk taking ; Control ; Brain scans ; Safer choices

But Is Helping You Worth the Risk? Defining Prosocial Risk Taking in Adolescence

Keywords Prosocial risk taking; Prosocial; Risk taking; Social sensitivity; Adolescence; Social brain; Teenagers ; Social behavior ; Brain development

Can Adolescents Learn Self-control? Delay of Gratification in the Development of Control over Risk Taking

Keywords Teenagers; Risk taking ; Impulsivity ; Reward; Adolescence; Sensation seeking; Delay of gratification; Delay discounting; Future time perspective; Substance use

Brain Development, Social Context, and Justice Policy

Keywords Adolescent brain development; social context; juvenile crime; mitigating factors