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Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Juvenile Sentencing Project, and American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan

Keywords meaningful opportunity to obtain release; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); characteristics of youth; childhood offenses; post-crime maturity and rehabilitation; reduced blameworthiness ; diminished culpability; decision-making; risky behavior

Brief of Amicus Curiae Juvenile Sentencing Project in Support of Appellant Corey Grant

Keywords meaningful opportunity; juvenile LWOP; incorrigible; incapable of rehabilitation; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; juvenile offender; beyond rehabilitation; non homicide offenses; children

Brief of Amici Curiae: Juvenile Sentencing Project and Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

Keywords meaningful opportunity; parole review procedures; mitigating circumstances of youth; rehabilitation; post-crime maturity; Miller factors; youth; parole

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center et al. in Support of Petitioner-appellant Cyntoia Brown and Reversal

Keywords adolescent development; mandatory LWOP; mandatory life without parole; penological purpose; capacity for change; brain maturation; future planning; prefrontal cortex; impact of stress on brain development; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder; FASD; juvenile stress; retribution; deterrence; incorrigibility; irreparably corrupt; Eighth Amendment (U.S); incapacitation

Brief of Amici Curiae Children and Family Justice Center et al. in Support of Defendant-appellee

Keywords brain; brain plasticity; behavior regulation; emerging adults; dopamine; mandatory LWOP; developmental characteristics; Roper; impulsivity; cold cognition; decision-making; hot cognition; risky behavior

Brief of Juvenile Law Center, Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth, and Center for Law, Brain and Behavior as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellant Harrison

Keywords transferred intent; adolescents; culpability; blameworthiness; foreseeability; risk-taking; neuroscience research; vulnerability to negative influences; felony murder

Brief of Juvenile Law Center; Center for Law, Brain and Behavior; and Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth as Amici Curiae in Support of Defendant/Appellant

Keywords felony murder; mandatory sentences; Miller; Montgomery; age; mitigating circumstances; attendant characteristics of youth; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); individual considerations; mitigating qualities of youth; neuroimaging; brain imaging; future orientation; decision-making; adolescent development

Brief of Amici Curiae Professional Organizations, Practitioners, and Academics in the Fields of Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, and Other Related Fields in Support of Petitioner

Keywords risk-taking; impulsivity; future dangerousness under 21; transient characteristics of youth; impermanent characteristics of youth; emerging adult; brain development; adolescents

Brief of Advancement Project, Juvenile Law Center, and 38 Other Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent

Keywords Tinker; off-campus speech; students of color; racial disparities; marginalized groups; school discipline; protected speech; off-campus student speech; adolescent brain; developmental differences; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); police interrogation; peer influence

Brief of Amici Curiae Current and Former Prosecutors, Department of Justice Officials, and Judges in Support of Respondent

Keywords irreparable corruption; disproportionate sentence; transient immaturity; temporary immaturity; LWOP; life without parole; mandatory sentencing; Miller; Montgomery

Brief of Former WV Delegate John Ellem, Former HI Rep. Karen Awana, HI Rep. John Mizuno, NV Assemblyman John Hambrick, VT Rep. Barbara Rachelson, UT Rep. V. Lowry Snow, AR Sen. Missy Irvin, and AR Sen. Greg Leding as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent

Keywords discretionary life without parole sentences; cruel and unusual punishment; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); mitigating factors of youth; Miller; Montgomery

Brief Amici Curiae of Erwin Chemerinsky, Aziz Huq, Leah Litman, David Strauss, Carlos Vázquez, and Larry Yackle in Support of Respondent

Keywords transient immaturity; temporary immaturity; Teague; Miller; collateral review; substantive rules; LWOP; life without parole; attributes of youth; permanently incorrigible

Brief of Amici Curiae the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Virginia Capital Representation Resource Center, the Virginia Capital Case Clearinghouse, and the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission in Support of Respondent

Keywords diminished culpability; Miller; discretionary sentencing; retroactive relief; resentencing; JLWOP; juvenile life without parole; capacity for rehabilitation; transient immaturity

Brief of the American Bar Association as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent

Keywords transient immaturity; Miller; Montgomery; rule of law; LWOP; life without parole; irreparable corruption; beyond rehabilitation

Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Supporting Petitioner

Keywords Eighth Amendment (U.S.); 17-year-old; Miller; juvenile murderer; retroactive relief; resentencing; discretionary LWOP; Montgomery; discretionary life without parole sentences