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Amicus Brief of Crime Victim’s Representative Nelson Rivera

Keywords LWOP; murder; life without parole; victims' rights; resentencing; incorrigibility; retroactive relief

Brief of Roderick & Solange Macarthur Justice Center as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner Lee Boyd Malvo

Keywords incorrigible; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); JLWOP; juvenile life without parole; "cruel or unusual punishment"; "cruel and unusual punishment"; Maryland Declaration of Rights; state constitutions

Brief of Juvenile Law Center, et al., as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellant Lee Boyd Malvo

Keywords incorrigible; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); JLWOP; juvenile life without parole; "cruel and unusual punishment"; "cruel or unusual punishment"; Maryland Declaration of Rights; state constitutions

Amici Curiae Brief of Columbia Legal Services and TeamChild

Keywords youth; juvenile record; racial disparity; record sealing; youth of color; transition to adulthood

Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Appellant Submitted by the Washington Defender Association, Black Prisoners Caucus, Columbia Legal Services, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Foundation, and TeamChild et al.

Keywords brain development; neurological development; mitigating circumstances; youth; culpability; blameworthiness; intellectual disability; individual circumstances

Brief of Amicus Curiae Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality in Support of Petitioners

Keywords disproportionate sentences; juvenile offenders; sentencing; youthfulness; auto-decline statute; mandatory sentencing; sentence enhancements; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); lesser blameworthiness; diminished culpability

Brief for the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality and the Phillips Black Project as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords Miller factors; Miller; juvenile sentencing; parole; meaningful opportunity to obtain release; individualized consideration of youth; mitigation; mitigating factors

Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality as Amicus Curiae in Support of Raymond Williams

Keywords Graham; Miller; juvenile; mitigating qualities of youth; JLWOP; culpability; judicial discretion; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); mandatory sentencing; juvenile life without parole

Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner

Keywords meaningful opportunity for release; juvenile offenders; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); Miller; juvenile sentencing; cruel and unusual punishment; LWOP; life without parole; de facto life without parole; resentencing; homicide

Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners

Keywords mitigating qualities of youth; age; 21 year olds; recidivist statutes; 18-21 year olds; emerging adults; proportionate sentences

Brief of Amici Curiae Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality, TeamChild, and Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner

Keywords sentencing; racial disparity; children of color; adultification; adultification; Black youth; race

Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality, American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Washington Defender Association as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent

Keywords hallmark features of youth; juvenile offenders; Miller; meaningful opportunity for release; maturity; rehabilitation; juvenile vulnerability; peer pressure; risk-taking; impulsivity; indeterminate sentences

Brief of Amici Curiae Justice for All Alliance in Support of Petitioner

Keywords age; moral culpability; mitigating factor; juvenile execution; death penalty; premeditated; murder; Eighth Amendment (U.S.); cruel and unusual punishment

Brief of Amici Curiae Senator Angela Bryant, Senator Erica Smith-Ingram, Representative Kelly Alexander, Representative Larry Bell, Representative Jean Farmer-Butterfield, and Representative Rosa Gill et al., in Support of Defendant-Appellant

Keywords juvenile homicide; racial disparity; juvenile offender; characteristics of youth; adolescent brain; immaturity; risky behavior; impulsivity; Miller; unconstitutionally vague statute

Brief of Amici Curiae Juvenile Law Center, Campaign for Fair Sentencing of Youth, and Juvenile Sentencing Project in Support of Defendant-Appellee Harry Sharod James

Keywords Miller; discretionary life without parole sentences; discretionary LWOP sentences; hallmark features of youth; mitigating factor; Montgomery; peer pressure; developmentally inappropriate sentence; disproportionate sentence; reduced culpability; lesser blameworthiness