In the matter of L.M.


L.M. appealed the decision sentencing him as a juvenile for aggravated sexual battery and possession of alcohol. He claimed he should have received a jury trial under the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights.

2008 | State Juristiction

In the matter of L.M.

Keywords juvenile justice; aggravated sexual battery; juvenile offender; Kansas Supreme Court; right to a jury trial; sex offender registration


In re L.M. No. 96,197 (2008) involved a 16-year-old boy, L.M., who was charged in Kansas as a juvenile offender with aggravated sexual battery and minor in possession of alcohol. L.M. requested a jury trial, but the district court denied it. He was found guilty after a bench trial and appealed, arguing he had a right to a jury trial. The Kansas Supreme Court considered the appeal on this sole issue.

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Footnotes and Citation


In re L.M. No. 96,197 (Kan. 2008)
