The Lasting Impact of Early-life Adversity on Individuals and Their Descendants: Potential Mechanisms and Hope for Intervention
C.S.M. Cowan
B.L. Callaghan
J.M. Kan
R. Richardson


Early life stress profoundly impacts physical and mental well-being, altering brain activity, hormone levels, and fear responses. These effects may persist throughout individuals' lives and be transmitted to offspring.


The Lasting Impact of Early-life Adversity on Individuals and Their Descendants: Potential Mechanisms and Hope for Intervention

Keywords Stress; Epigenetics; Learning; Memory; Treatment; Children; Early-life stress; emotion regulation; fear learning


The adverse effects of early-life stress are pervasive, with well-established mental and physical health consequences for exposed individuals. The impact of early adverse experiences is also highly persistent, with documented increases in risk for mental illness across the life span that are accompanied by stable alterations in neural function and hormonal responses to stress. Here, we review some of these ‘stress phenotypes’, with a focus on intermediary factors that may signal risk for long-term mental health outcomes, such as altered development of the fear regulation system. Intriguingly, recent research suggests that such stress phenotypes may persist even beyond the life span of the individuals, with consequences for their offspring and grand-offspring. Phenotypic characteristics may be transmitted to future generations via either the matriline or the patriline, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both human and animal studies. In this review, we highlight behavioral and epigenetic factors that may contribute to this multigenerational transmission and discuss the potential of various treatment approaches that may halt the cycle of stress phenotypes.


It is widely recognized that early experiences often have a profound impact on individuals' functioning across their life span. For example, the median age of onset for mental health disorders as a whole is 14 years, with the majority of adult disorders emerging during childhood or adolescence (Jones 2013; Kessler et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2014). Further, certain factors within the home (such as parental mental illness, criminality, violence and neglect) are strongly associated with the onset of child/adolescent mental illness, accounting for nearly half of all childhood-onset, and nearly a third of later-onset, mental health disorders (Green et al. 2010). These data suggest that the experience of early-life adversity renders individuals prone to psychopathology across the life span. While nearly all studies on mental health (across species) focus on end-state outcomes, that is, when disordered functioning is already present (Thompson & Levitt 2010), understanding the developmental pathway toward aberrant outcomes is highly clinically relevant in order to establish early markers for identifying and treating at-risk individuals. For this reason, the focus of the first section of this article is to review some potential early development markers of risk associated with early-life stress. This is followed by a discussion of the persistence of stress-induced phenotypes across generations as well as potential mechanisms for these generational effects. Finally, given the clinically significant outcomes associated with early adversity, some potential targets for intervention are discussed.

Early adversity and the development of the individual

Animal models

The importance of animal models is accentuated in adversity research, a field that is fraught with logistical and ethical complications when considering studies of human populations. As such, animal models have been highly informative in establishing some of the immediate, short-term and long-term consequences of early adversity, and in providing insights into the developmental pathways that might increase risk for mental illness across the life span (for reviews, see Meyer & Hamel 2014; Sanchez et al. 2001). Here, we focus on work (conducted mainly in rodents) suggesting that early adversity has specific effects on the development of emotion learning systems (such as fear and extinction) that may place affected individuals at risk for dysfunction later in life.

In some early rodent studies demonstrating the effect of stress on the developing fear system, it was shown that exposure to stress or glucocorticoids within the first few weeks of postnatal life resulted in an early transition from approach to avoidance responses toward a shock-paired odor (e.g. Moriceau et al. 2009). That is, seminal studies by Sullivan demonstrated that while postnatal day (P) 12 rats avoid an odor previously paired with shock, P6 rats exhibit a paradoxical approach response toward such an odor (Sullivan 2001). However, this transition to odor-avoidance learning occurred at a younger age in infant rats exposed to a stressor (abusive care from the mother as a result of insufficient bedding) or those injected with corticosterone (Moriceau et al. 2009). We have reported other changes in learned fear behaviors in infant rats (i.e. P17) exposed to either rearing stress or glucocorticoids. Specifically, stressed or glucocorticoid-exposed infants exhibited much longer retention of learned fear responses than their same-aged, typically reared counterparts (the non-stressed peers exhibited rapid forgetting known as infantile amnesia; Callaghan & Richardson 2012; Cowan et al. 2013, also see Haroutunian & Riccio 1979). In addition to these changes in fear retention, stressed/corticosterone-exposed infant rats also exhibited greater fear relapse after extinction training, a finding normally observed only later in development (Callaghan & Richardson 2011, 2014; Cowan et al. 2013). Taken together, these outcomes suggest that the effects of adversity on the developing fear system may lead to increased risk for mental health problems via an early switch into fear systems characterized by greater emotionality (i.e. stronger aversions), longer lasting fear associations and greater relapse after attempts to inhibit the fear through a process like extinction.

The use of animal models also allows for greater exploration of the neural correlates of early adversity. There is substantial evidence that early-life stress alters the brain, both structurally (e.g. reductions in hippocampal volume) and functionally [e.g. alterations in neuroendocrine hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA)-axis activity, neurotransmitter levels and cellular signaling; for reviews, see Gunnar & Quevedo 2007; Maccari et al. 2014; Marco et al. 2011; Tyrka et al. 2013]. As with studies of behavioral changes in the context of early adversity, the majority of research on these neural effects has been conducted in adult individuals, when pathological outcomes have already emerged. However, there is growing evidence that early-life stress affects neuroendocrine and brain functioning during development. For example, increased secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, or its rodent equivalent corticosterone, has been reported in infant rats, guinea pigs and non-human primates as a result of maternal separation (Gareau et al. 2006; Hennessy & Moorman 1989; Levine & Wiener 1988; Nishi et al. 2014). Similar elevations in the neuropeptide corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), which is also critically involved in the mammalian stress response, have also been observed in juvenile and adolescent primates (Coplan et al. 2005). Interestingly, elevation of CRF in adolescent bonnet macaques as a result of early exposure to stress (variable foraging demand) was associated with increased volume of the left amygdala, which in turn was associated with increased anxiety-like responses in adulthood (Coplan et al. 2014). Similarly, in the study by Moriceau et al. (2009) described earlier, the precocious development of odor-avoidance learning in stressed animals was associated with enhanced amygdala activity (measured by 2-deoxyglucose uptake), which is normally observed only in older animals (Moriceau et al. 2006). Such precocious maturation of the neural circuitry involved in emotion regulation is reminiscent of, and may underpin, the accelerated developmental trajectories observed in infant rats' learned fear behaviors (Callaghan & Richardson 2011, 2012; Cowan et al. 2013; Moriceau et al. 2009).


The current evidence supports the suggestion that neural development in children is similarly affected by early stress exposure. As one illustration, alterations in cortisol secretion are observed in children exposed to early adversity (for review, see Hunter et al. 2011), paralleling the findings of the animal literature. Although the direction of these effects in humans has been inconsistent (likely due to variation in selection criteria and experimental methodology), it is clear that early-life stress alters the neuroendocrine system in children. The precocious maturation of emotion-related neural circuitry observed in rodents is similarly reflected in studies of children using brain-imaging techniques. For example, Tottenham and colleagues have examined previously institutionalized individuals using functional magnetic resonance imaging, finding that these children exhibit a more mature pattern of prefrontal cortex–amygdala connectivity when viewing fearful faces (Gee et al. 2013). Also, in an electroencephalography study of children 2–4 years of age, McLaughlin et al. (2011) reported that institutional rearing alters the developmental trajectory of frontal asymmetry. In that study, deviations from the normal developmental trajectory predicted negative behavioral outcomes (higher internalizing symptoms) at 54 months of age.

Early adversity across generations

Considering that stress has such profound effects on the biology and behavior of exposed individuals across their life span, it is possible that these alterations may have adverse consequences for future generations (see Fig. 1 for an illustration of how this has been investigated in animals and humans).

Figure 1

Figure 1 - The lasting impact of early-life adversity on individuals and their descendants: potential mechanisms and hope for intervention

Various models of early-life stress and stressful learning experiences have been used to study the transmission of stressed phenotypes across generations in both humans and rodents. In this review, the terminology ‘F0’ is used to refer to the individual/generation directly exposed to stress. In rodent studies, F0 males are typically bred with experimentally naïve, unstressed females to produce the next generation. These offspring, known as the ‘F1’ generation, are not directly exposed to stress. Similarly, F1 males can be bred with naïve females to produce a further ‘F2’ generation. In studies of humans, the children and grandchildren of stressed individuals can be similarly labeled as the F1 and F2 generations, respectively. However, the stress exposure of mating partners and offspring is difficult to control in humans.

Animal studies

There are a growing number of studies exploring multigenerational transmission of experience-dependent characteristics in controlled laboratory conditions. In one example, Dias and Ressler (2014) used two distinctive odors (acetophenone and propanol) that elicit non-overlapping patterns of activity in the main olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb. Adult male mice received pairings of one of these odors with an aversive shock. Subsequently, these males were mated with odor-naïve females, and their male offspring (termed the F1 generation; see Fig. 1 for further explanation of this terminology) were tested when they reached adulthood. Critically, these F1 offspring had never encountered either of these odors, nor had they ever been shocked. The results showed that the F1 males exhibited a potentiated startle response in the presence of the odor that their father had experienced with shock; further, these males had a lower detection threshold for this odor (i.e. they detected the odor at lower concentrations). Along with these behavioral effects, Dias and Ressler (2014) reported increases in the size of the glomeruli activated by the odor that the F1 male's father had experienced with shock. These effects, both behavioral and neural, were also observed when the F1 males were conceived via in vitro fertilization and persisted in the offspring of the F1 males (termed the F2 generation). Similar results were obtained when it was the mother who experienced the odor-shock pairings, an effect that persisted following cross-fostering procedures. That is, regardless of whether the odor-shock pairings were experienced by their mothers, fathers or grandfathers, subsequent generations of mice exhibited the same neuroanatomical changes and differential responses to an odor that they had never experienced prior to testing. All in all, this study provides an amazing illustration of intergenerational transmission of learned behavior and neuroanatomical structure. Multigenerational transmission of stress phenotypes has also been reported for the behavior and cortisol levels of non-human primates exposed to higher stress environments (Fairbanks et al. 2011; Kinnally et al. 2013) and for the behavior and metabolic responses of rodents exposed to maternal separation and unpredictable maternal stress (in a complex, sex-specific manner; Franklin et al. 2010; Gapp et al. 2014). It will be interesting to determine whether the early emergence of long-term, and relapse prone, fear memory in infants exposed to early-life stress (as described earlier) is also transmitted across generations.


Significant events in human history have provided researchers with natural ‘experiments’ to explore whether intergenerational transmission of stress occurs in humans. One such event is the Dutch famine (1944–1945), a 5-month period of extreme food shortage that placed significant stress on an otherwise well-nourished population (Painter et al. 2005). It was found that prenatal maternal malnutrition during later or mid-gestation resulted in physical underdevelopment (e.g. lower birth weights, heights and smaller head circumferences), whereas famine exposure during early gestation resulted in a threefold increase in coronary heart disease. Males of this generation went on to have offspring (i.e. grandchildren of the malnourished individual) who were more prone to obesity (Veenendaal et al. 2013). In addition to these findings on offspring physical health, there is also evidence that the Dutch famine impacted offspring mental health. Specifically, offspring exposed to the famine in utero had a heightened risk for schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Hoek et al. 1998), while prenatal exposure (preconception or gestational) increased symptoms of depression in adulthood (Stein et al. 2009). The intergenerational effect of trauma on offspring emotional development has also been demonstrated in studies of witnesses and survivors of natural disasters or acts of violence. For example, a study of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China found that prenatally exposed individuals exhibited higher rates of severe depression at 18 years of age compared with a cohort born 1 year later (and also assessed at 18 years; Watson et al. 1999), while risk for schizophrenia is consistently elevated in the offspring of mothers exposed to war during pregnancy (for review, see Babenko et al. 2015). As another example, Yehuda et al. (2005) examined women who were pregnant during the 2001 World Trade Centre attacks and later developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Soon after the attacks these women exhibited lower salivary cortisol levels, considered a biological precursor to PTSD, when compared with a similar group of women who also witnessed the attacks during pregnancy but did not go on to develop PTSD. Importantly, the infant offspring of mothers with PTSD also exhibited low levels of salivary cortisol in the first year of life. These studies of maternal stress during gestation have provided important insights into how parental experiences persist beyond trauma exposure to impact offspring development.

The intergenerational transmission of the effects of stress is also evident when trauma exposure occurs outside of gestation. For example, offspring of combat veterans exhibit increased risk for psychological dysfunction, which appears to be exacerbated when the offspring themselves serve in combat (for a review, see Dekel & Goldblatt 2008). Adult children of Holocaust survivors born after the war, or after their parents had escaped to safety, exhibit higher lifetime prevalence rates of depression, PTSD and other anxiety disorders compared with Jewish individuals who did not have a parent who was a Holocaust survivor (Yehuda et al. 2008). In this sample, depressive disorders in adult offspring were significantly associated with paternal and/or maternal PTSD, while PTSD risk in adult offspring was uniquely associated with maternal PTSD (Yehuda et al. 2008). The presence of other anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder and specific phobia, was elevated among all Holocaust survivor offspring regardless of parental PTSD status. Similarly, a longitudinal study conducted in post-conflict Sierra Leone found significant covariation between caregiver and child mental health, such that caregiver depression and anxiety were associated with an increase in internalizing symptoms in their adolescent offspring (Betancourt et al. 2015), while in a general population sample PTSD incidence was elevated in the offspring of women with PTSD (Roberts et al. 2012). Together, these studies highlight the inflated risk of psychiatric disorders in offspring of parents exposed to trauma. Further, they provide evidence for intergenerational transmission of stress in humans, such that individuals can acquire biological and behavioral phenotypes that match their parent's risky environment.

Potential mechanisms

The literature reviewed above demonstrates the relationship between stressful experiences (especially those occurring early in development) and later behavior, not just for directly affected individuals but also for their offspring. Exploration of the underlying mechanisms for such effects is necessary not just to deepen our understanding but also to illuminate potential avenues for intervention where the behavioral phenotype is maladaptive.

Parental behavior

One potential mechanism for transmission of parental experiences to the offspring is changes in the behavior of the affected parent. Indeed, parental styles of caregivers have been shown to be atypical post-trauma (Betancourt 2015). For example, studies of caregivers who survived the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia found that a role-reversing parental style mediated the relationship between maternal PTSD and offspring anxiety (Field et al. 2011, 2013). In role-reversing parenting, parents rely on children to meet their emotional needs (Macfie et al. 2005). This style of parenting is thought to interfere with a child's development of autonomy and is often evident in at-risk samples (Cummings et al. 1994). There is also some evidence that stress and trauma can result in more overtly destructive parenting approaches, such as the increased violence and poorer parental adjustment observed in families of male Vietnam veterans with PTSD (Jordan et al. 1992). Further, adult offspring of Holocaust survivors report higher levels of childhood trauma, especially emotional abuse and neglect (Yehuda et al. 2001), and the relationship between child mental health and parental war trauma in the Gaza region was found to be mediated by psychological maltreatment of the child by the parent (Palosaari et al. 2013). Maladaptive parental styles have been shown to persist into the second generation. In one study, adolescent grandchildren of Holocaust survivors perceived their parents as less accepting and overprotective in comparison to adolescents of similar cultural heritage with no family Holocaust background (Scharf 2007). More specific to early-life trauma, there is evidence that childhood abuse is associated with dysfunctional parenting practices and attitudes (Ehrensaft et al. 2015). Parents with a history of childhood abuse exhibit higher levels of emotional disengagement (i.e. lower availability, less time spent with child and higher levels of neutral affect during interactions with their child) and harsh discipline or physical punishment, as well as higher perceived ineffectiveness as a parent (Banyard 1997; DiLillo & Damashek 2003; Ehrensaft et al. 2015; Juul et al. in press). Together, these studies demonstrate that environmental insults to parents may exert enduring effects of secondary traumatization on their offspring via parental interactions, resulting in increased risk of mental health problems and difficulties in parenting their own children (Scharf 2007).

These observations in humans are supported by animal studies showing that parental care can mediate the effects of environmental adversity on offspring development. The pioneering work of Meaney highlighted the importance of maternal care for offspring development, demonstrating the links between low levels of maternal care and heightened stress reactivity, as well as the transmission of maternal behaviors across multiple generations (e.g. Francis et al. 1999; Liu et al. 1997, see also Fairbanks 1996 for review of the transmission of maternal behavior in non-human primates). In addition, maternal care has been implicated in the multigenerational effect of stressful social environments (Champagne & Meaney 2007). Specifically, female rodents exposed to social isolation showed decreased levels of maternal care toward their offspring, and this effect was transmitted to a subsequent generation. Importantly, the offspring raised by this next generation of females showed reduced exploratory behavior, an indicator of heightened anxiety-like behavior in animals.

In addition to studying the ‘vertical transmission’ of stress across multiple generations in rodents (i.e. the effects of parental stress exposure on offspring and grand-offspring), research can also be conducted within generations. This can be modeled by breeding rodent mothers multiple times following a period of stress to examine the persistent effects in caregivers (so-called ‘horizontal transmission’). Using this method, one study found a direct effect of gestational stress on maternal behavior such that stressed mothers became less nurturing than control mothers (Champagne & Meaney 2006). Those offspring raised with reduced maternal care had heightened anxiety later in adulthood. Strikingly, this style of maternal behavior and the anxious phenotype found in the offspring persisted to a subsequent set of offspring, despite the absence of any further environmental stress imposed on the mother. This line of parental transmission within generations is also currently being examined by our group using a postnatal stressor, maternal separation. The results so far suggest that the effects of maternal separation on the maturation of emotion regulation observed in infants directly exposed to that stressor are also observed in infants from a mother's subsequent litter (who were not directly exposed to any stressor; Kan et al. 2015).

Mating strategies

In rodent studies of paternal transmission of early-life stress (e.g. Dias & Ressler 2014; Franklin et al. 2010), contact between the affected parent and the offspring can be eliminated, apparently ruling out the possibility than any observed behavioral effect in the offspring is due to stress-induced changes in parental style. Nonetheless, it remains possible that there are alterations in maternal behavior that are dependent on paternal characteristics and behavior during mating (for review, see Curley et al. 2011). For instance, in a mate preference task, female rats exhibit a preference against males exposed to epigenome-modifying toxins (Crews et al. 2007). Remarkably, this preference was observed in the F3 generation (i.e. the males were not directly exposed, but rather their great-grandfathers received in utero exposure to the toxin) and prior to the onset of any disease phenotype. It has also been shown that females alter their investment in pups in response to the male's social housing experience, and that maternal investment is negatively correlated with paternal anxiety (Mashoodh et al. 2012). In other words, female rodents are able to detect altered epigenetic profiles and dysfunctional behavior in potential mating partners and adjust their behavior accordingly, being less likely to reproduce with these males and reducing investment in shared offspring when mating does occur.

Another way that mating behavior may be affected by stressful experiences is via alterations in sexual maturation. Girls exposed to early-life stress exhibit earlier onset of menarche and are more likely to reproduce at an earlier age (Chisholm et al. 2005; Quinlivan et al. 2004). Young motherhood, particularly during teenage years, is associated with poorer health outcomes for children and financial instability, with the implication that offspring are themselves exposed to a stressful early environment (Quinlivan et al. 2004). Thus, stress phenotypes may be perpetuated through the generations by a cycle of early motherhood and resource-deficient environments.

Epigenetic programming

The dynamic nature of changes to both brain and behavior in response to early-life stress, in addition to the observed transmission of these changes across generations, suggests that epigenetic mechanisms may be involved. Alterations in epigenetic regulation of gene transcription have been implicated in learning and memory, as well as the expression and multigenerational transmission of psychiatric disorders (Bale 2015; Morris & Monteggia 2014; Peña et al. 2014; Rodgers & Bale 2015). Kundakovic and Champagne (2014) provide an excellent review of potential epigenetic mechanisms for the transmission of phenotypes associated with early-life adversity, including alterations in DNA methylation, posttranslational histone modifications and non-coding RNAs. Briefly, they suggest that epigenetic changes may occur either through germline inheritance or through experience-dependent changes that are reiterated through generations via alterations in parental behavior. For example, abusive or inattentive caregiving is associated with epigenetic alterations of the neural circuitry that regulates caregiving behavior in the offspring (e.g. hypermethylation of the estrogen receptor Esr1), increasing the likelihood that offspring of abusive carers will imitate such behavior with their own offspring, thus perpetuating the cycle. Such a cyclic mechanism may at least partially account for the effects of parental behavior described above.

As noted by Szyf (2015), our current understanding of epigenetic mechanisms is still limited and there remains some skepticism regarding the stable inheritance of epigenetic marks through the germline. This skepticism is based on a long-standing principle of ‘epigenetic resetting’ whereby global demethylation during primordial germ cell differentiation was thought to lead to complete erasure of methylation patterns (Reik et al. 2001). However, emerging evidence suggests that demethylation is extensive but not complete and that experience-induced alterations in DNA methylation may indeed be inherited through the germline (for review, see Dias et al. 2015; Szyf 2015). For example, in Dias and Ressler's (2014) olfactory fear learning study, described earlier, there was significant hypomethylation of the Olfr151 genetic locus, which specifically mapped to the receptors for the conditioned odor, in the sperm of both F0 and F1 generations. In the context of early-life adversity, Franklin et al. (2010) reported increased methylation of genes coding for methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) and the cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) and decreased methylation for the genes coding for corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRFR2) in the sperm cells of adult males directly exposed to maternal separation. Interestingly, similar changes in methylation patterns of these genes were observed in the brains of female offspring and the sperm cells of male offspring (with the exception of CB1, which was not significantly altered in offspring sperm). Other studies (e.g. Gapp et al. 2014; Rodgers et al. 2013) have shown that paternal stress can alter sperm microRNA content and that microinjection of sperm RNA from stressed individuals into fertilized oocytes can reproduce stress phenotypes, providing another potential route for the occurrence of epigenetic inheritance through the germline.

Regardless of whether epigenetic marks are transmitted via pure germline inheritance, experience-driven patterns or some combination of the two, there are a number of potential sites that could be of functional importance for the behavioral and neural changes observed in the case of early-life adversity. Both animal and human studies have identified a broad range of genes that undergo epigenetic modification (often in a complex, brain region or tissue-specific manner) following early-life stress, including but not limited to the serotonin transporter (5-HTT; Beach et al. 2011; Kinnally et al. 2010), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF; Roth & Sweatt 2011) and MeCP2 (Franklin et al. 2010). Adversity-induced epigenetic regulation has been reviewed in detail elsewhere (e.g. Lutz & Turecki 2014), so for the purposes of this article we will limit our discussion to one potential epigenetic pathway of particular relevance for the specific behavioral effects focused on herein, that being methylation of promoter regions of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1). Here, it is worth noting that studies of the NR3C1 gene have thus far not addressed the question of whether direct germline inheritance of epigenetic changes to this gene occurs. However, it presents as a strong candidate for further investigation. The NR3C1 gene is structurally conserved across humans and rodents, regulating the expression of glucocorticoid receptors, which provides negative feedback on the concentration of glucocorticoids to regulate their production by the HPA axis (the neuroendocrine stress response system; Suderman et al. 2012). HPA-axis dysregulation is a commonly reported consequence of early adversity that is also considered a risk factor for various forms of psychopathology, including PTSD, depression and anxiety disorders (Faravelli et al. 2012; Pesonen et al. 2010; Sanchez et al. 2001; Shea et al. 2005). It has been hypothesized that this dysregulation (which is known to persist into adulthood) is driven by changes to the DNA methylation status of promoter regions of NR3C1.

The first studies to demonstrate altered methylation of NR3C1 were conducted in infant rats exposed to differing levels of maternal care (Weaver et al. 2004). Those rats that experienced low maternal care exhibited increased DNA methylation in the exon 17 promoter region of NR3C1 in the hippocampus. In humans, hypermethylation of the exon 1F promoter region of NR3C1 (the human analog of exon 17 in rodents) has consistently been observed in individuals exposed to early-life stress and in those with associated disorders such as borderline personality disorder, major depression and PTSD (for review, see Daskalakis & Yehuda 2014). These changes are observed as early as 3–5 years of age and remain stable in adulthood (Perroud et al. 2011; Tyrka et al. 2012, 2015). Further, there is some preliminary evidence that this pattern of hypermethylation is passed on to the offspring of traumatized parents. For example, Yehuda et al. (2014) reported a complex relationship between parental PTSD and NR3C1-1F methylation, which was in turn associated with neuroendocrine responsiveness, in the offspring of Holocaust survivors. In addition, maternal war stress exposure correlated with maternal and infant NR3C1 methylation levels in a Congolese sample (Mulligan et al. 2012). Given that exposure to the glucocorticoid corticosterone is sufficient to mimic the effects of early adversity on learned fear behaviors during development in rodents (Callaghan & Richardson 2012, 2014; Moriceau et al. 2006), it is tempting to speculate that heightened glucocorticoid exposure as a result of epigenetic changes to GR expression in the offspring may contribute to the passing down of vulnerable phenotypes and subsequent risk for psychopathology.

Potential for intervention

Regardless of the mechanism of transmission, it is clear that there are altered behavioral and neural outcomes for individuals exposed to early-life adversity and that these outcomes can be passed down to future generations (see Fig. 2). In many cases, this may prepare an individual for survival in a stressful environment, but when the environment no longer matches the adaptation it can be problematic, which may explain why individuals exposed to early adversity are more vulnerable to mental health problems. Attempts to reverse or interrupt the transmission of stress-induced phenotypes across generations have been limited. Yet the nature of the stress-induced phenotype, as a response to environmental conditions, suggests that the system is inherently flexible and therefore potentially amenable to intervention.

Figure 2

Figure 2 - The lasting impact of early-life adversity on individuals and their descendants: potential mechanisms and hope for intervention

The effects of early-life stress are evident throughout an individual's life span and reverberate into the next generation. These persistent, multigenerational effects may be the result of a number of possible mechanisms, including alterations in mating behaviors, parental behaviors or epigenetic changes to the germline. Despite the deterministic implications of this evidence, the dynamic nature of these responses to environmental stimuli indicates that the system is inherently malleable. Thus, a number of potential treatment approaches for reversing early-life stress effects have been identified, including probiotics, micronutrients, epigenetic drugs and cognitive–behavioral therapies. Some of these intervention strategies have been implemented with promising results, with key intervention strategies and time points illustrated above. Abbreviations: CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; HDAC, histone deacetylase; HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal; MS, maternal separation; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Traditional mental health treatments

As reviewed above, exposure to adversity during development renders individuals vulnerable to mental health issues throughout the life span. It follows that individuals with a history of early adversity are likely to benefit from effective treatments for these illnesses. Unfortunately, some concerning evidence suggests that individuals with a history of early trauma may not only exhibit a higher incidence of psychopathology but are also less likely to respond to existing treatments. Research from our laboratory shows that rodents with a history of early-life stress are more vulnerable to fear relapse following extinction (Callaghan & Richardson 2011; Cowan et al. 2013), which is in keeping with epidemiological evidence that childhood maltreatment is associated with lack of treatment response in clinical trials of psychological therapy, antidepressant medication or combined treatment for depression (Nanni et al. 2012). Similarly, both pharmacological and psychological treatments have been found to be less effective in populations exposed to early adversity across attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Sugimoto et al. 2015) and substance abuse (Boles et al. 2005; Sacks et al. 2008), although not in social anxiety (Bruce et al. 2013).

Turning to generational effects, to our knowledge there have been no studies directly examining the impact of early adversity on offspring treatment outcomes. However, some research has examined the impact of parental mental illness. For example, early results from an international collaborative study (the Genes for Treatment study) suggest that parental psychopathology interferes with children's recovery from anxiety disorders, predicting a significantly poorer response to treatment on follow-up (Hudson et al. 2015). On a more positive note, there are also indications that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective as either a prevention or intervention technique to reduce psychological risk in the offspring of individuals with a mental illness. A number of early intervention programs have targeted these individuals with promising results (for review, see Reupert et al. 2013; Siegenthaler et al. 2012). For example, a family-based CBT program significantly reduced anxiety disorder onset in the 7- to 12-year-old offspring of anxious parents at 12-month follow-up (from 30% in the waitlist control to zero in the treatment group; Ginsburg 2009). Several studies have also found CBT-based programs to effectively reduce internalizing and externalizing symptomology and rates of illness onset in the offspring of depressed parents (Reupert et al. 2013). While these studies have generally examined relatively small samples, more definitive support for the efficacy of intervention in the F1 generation may be provided by a large-scale randomized control trial currently being conducted on the effects of a CBT intervention in children of depressed and anxious parents (described in the study protocol published by Nauta et al. 2012). Further research is also needed to identify the lifetime effectiveness of such programs and to ascertain whether effective psychosocial or pharmacological treatment of mental illness can reduce the risk of psychopathology in subsequent generations.

Parenting interventions

While therapeutic interventions that address psychopathology in affected parents and their offspring appear promising, the dysfunctional parenting practices discussed previously point to the need to consider specific targeting of parenting skills. Such parenting skills training has been shown to be effective in the treatment of children's psychopathology, particularly for childhood externalizing disorders (e.g. Triple P Positive Parenting Program and Parent–Child Interaction Therapy; for reviews, see Kazdin 1997; Thomas & Zimmer-Gembeck 2007), and also for childhood anxiety and depression (Eckshtain et al. in press; Manassis et al. 2014). In parents exhibiting psychopathology (e.g. depression, substance abuse) or exposed to various forms of stress (e.g. poverty, divorce, foster care), the evidence suggests that parenting competence is amenable to intervention (Ajilchi & Kargar 2013; Guttentag et al. 2014; Lowell et al. 2011; Oriana Linares et al. 2006; Suchman et al. 2011; Wolchik et al. 1993). Importantly, treatment-induced enhancements of parenting attitudes have been shown to be transmitted to a subsequent generation, indicating the potential generational impact of parenting interventions (Mahrer et al. 2014). Furthermore, parenting interventions have also proven to be effective at reducing or preventing negative child mental health outcomes in these at-risk samples, with reductions in child internalizing and externalizing problems reported across different forms of parental psychopathology and stress (Bywater et al. 2009; Guttentag et al. 2014; Lam et al. 2008; Lowell et al. 2011; Malmberg & Field 2013; Self-Brown et al. 2011). However, there is evidence that parenting interventions are less effective for the offspring of individuals with greater symptoms of psychopathology (e.g. Van Loon et al. 2011; Webster-Stratton & Hammond 1990, but see also Gardner et al. 2010; Timmer et al. 2011). This suggests the need to concurrently target parental psychopathology, a strategy that has been shown to be more effective in the treatment of depressed mothers and their disruptive children (Sanders & McFarland 2000).

Interestingly, an even simpler behavioral parenting technique has recently been shown to reduce epigenetic aberrations in children exposed to perinatal maternal depression (Murgatroyd et al. 2015). Specifically, Murgatroyd et al. assessed DNA methylation patterns in 181 infants born to women with varying levels of depression symptomatology. They found associations between postnatal depression and increased methylation of the NR3C1-1F promoter in infants. Strikingly, in a higher risk subgroup whose mothers reported postnatal but not prenatal depression levels above the median there was a protective effect of self-reported maternal stroking. That is, there was a negative correlation between maternal tactile stimulation of infants and the DNA methylation patterns in those infants, speaking to the importance of parent–child interactions in the modulation of epigenetic risk factors and transmission of stress phenotypes.

Targeting epigenetic changes

Psychopathological responses to early adversity are complex, with no discernible specificity of relationships between particular types of trauma and particular mental illnesses within nor across generations (Starr et al. 2014). As such, an approach that targets underlying mechanisms rather than symptomatology might prove more effective, particularly when considering long-term, heritable changes. Such an approach also fits well with the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework proposed by the National Institute of Mental Health (e.g. Insel 2014). Given our discussion of the potential role of epigenetic alterations in the maintenance and transmission of stress-induced behavioral changes, targeting the epigenome seems a logical starting point. In this regard, there has been some use of epigenetic modifiers to reverse anxiety and stress-responsiveness phenotypes associated with different early experiences. Meaney and colleagues conducted the groundbreaking studies in this area (Weaver et al. 2004, 2005, 2006). They demonstrated that central infusion of either the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor trichostatin A or the methyl donor methionine could reverse the effects of low or high maternal care, respectively, on DNA methylation patterns, glucocorticoid receptor expression, HPA stress responses and behavioral expressions of depression and anxiety in adult mice.

Similar effects of epigenetic modulators have since been demonstrated in animals exposed to early stress (Kao et al. 2012). Specifically, systemic injection with an HDAC inhibitor (valproic acid) immediately prior to maternal separation and isolation reversed the effects of isolation on DNA methylation in the frontal cortex and fear-potentiated startle behavior in adulthood. This study is valuable in that it demonstrates that epigenetic treatments can confer long-lasting protection against the effects of early stress when delivered during the stressful period. However, it is not known whether these benefits might be transmitted to future generations, let alone whether such hypothetical transmission might occur through the germline or through changes to parenting behavior. Research on the use of epigenetic modifiers in humans is even more limited. However, the effect of valproic acid (a pharmacological agent widely used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder) on epigenetic profiles has been proposed as the mechanism for its efficacy in management of bipolar disorder (Phiel et al. 2001). Ideally, manipulation of the epigenome would be targeted at the key gene promoter regions in specific brain regions that are susceptible to stress-induced epigenetic changes (e.g. NR3C1 in the hippocampus). However, at this stage, we are far from achieving that level of specificity, suggesting that alternative treatment options need to be considered.

Micronutrients: a more palatable approach?

An alternative, and definitely more practicable, strategy for intervention involves alterations in dietary intake. As observed in the aforementioned studies of the Dutch famine, nutrition can play a key role in the overall health of individuals and their offspring. It has also been hypothesized that one driver of epigenetic changes in the context of stress is altered maternal intake of nutrients, including dietary methyl donors (Lucassen et al. 2013). Folic acid, vitamins B2, B6 and B12 are involved in DNA methylation and changes in maternal or paternal micronutrient intake can alter offspring, grand-offspring and great-grand-offspring outcomes (for review, see Vanhees et al. 2014). Further, recent evidence from studies of the effects of the Christchurch earthquake indicates that micronutrients administered in the aftermath of trauma conferred a protective effect, resulting in a long-lasting reduction in the incidence of PTSD symptoms (Rucklidge et al. 2012, 2014). It would be interesting to investigate whether this stress-protective effect also occurs in developing populations exposed to trauma.

Modification of the microbiome

Another potential source of epigenetic modifiers is the large population of commensal bacteria that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Known collectively as the microbiome, these bacteria produce large quantities of short-chain fatty acids (e.g. butyrate, acetate and propionate), which can act as HDAC inhibitors (Licciardi et al. 2010). There is mounting evidence to suggest that the microbiome plays an important role in the expression of emotional behavior and the function of associated brain systems across species (Christian et al. 2015; Foster & McVey Neufeld 2013; Jašarević et al. 2015). For example, the composition of the microbiome has been shown to be important for the development of normal emotional behavior and stress responses in studies of both germ-free mice (raised in the absence of a microbiome; De Palma et al. 2015; Heijtz et al. 2011; Sudo et al. 2004) and mice with differing emotional and gastrointestinal profiles (Bercik et al. 2011). Further, recent evidence has shown that the gut microbiota produce metabolites with known importance for mental health (e.g. serotonin; Yano et al. 2015). Manipulation of the microbiome via administration of probiotic microorganisms, which colonize the gastrointestinal tract to bring benefits to the host organism, has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety in both rodents and humans (Dinan et al. 2013; Messaoudi et al. 2011; Neufeld et al. 2011; Rao et al. 2009). In addition, probiotics have been shown to alter functional network activation in healthy women completing an emotional attention task (Tillisch et al. 2013).

Importantly, there is also recent evidence to show that probiotic treatments can alter outcomes in animal models of early-life stress. Probiotic treatment of maternally separated animals has been shown to dampen corticosterone responses to separation and reduce adult expression of depressive behaviors (Desbonnet et al. 2010; Gareau et al. 2007). In addition, research from our group (Cowan et al. 2015) shows that the effects of maternal separation on development of fear-related learning and extinction are reversed by treatment with a probiotic supplement to dams' drinking water. These findings suggest that both the precocious development of fear systems and the long-term emotional dysregulation associated with early-life adversity can be reversed by targeting the microbiome. It will be important to determine the mechanism for these actions (e.g. alterations in epigenetic signals and changes in maternal behavior), as well as testing whether these results can be translated to human populations or whether such treatments would alter outcomes for the offspring of individuals exposed to early adversity.

Unfortunately, there are many places around the world where children are exposed to ‘extreme environments’ which adversely impact on physical health and brain development (Nelson 2015). Treatments that target either nutritional intake or microbial balance in the gut would be particularly appealing in such settings for a number of reasons (for further commentary, see Knight 2015). For example, individuals in these settings are often malnourished and have a number of issues in regard to gut functioning (Ashbolt 2004). Further, these sorts of interventions are relatively inexpensive to implement, in part because they do not require large numbers of individuals with advanced training. Finally, such treatment approaches are more likely to be accepted, and adhered to, than more time-demanding or invasive treatments.

Other considerations for intervention

The above discussion is by no means comprehensive in the consideration of potential interventions for the effects of early-life stress across generations. There are a variety of other promising methods that have been described in the literature, including exercise and anti-inflammatory medication (Harrison & Baune 2014). One factor that will need to be considered in future studies is the timing of the intervention, whatever it might be. Just as there are critical periods during which stress can have a particularly deleterious effect, timing is likely to play an important role in the effectiveness of treatment (Gee & Casey 2015). This will be a particularly complex process when dealing with multigenerational effects of stress, and Fig. 2 highlights some potential key points for intervention drawn from the research discussed above. Similarly, the dose and duration of exposure to both stress and treatment are likely to impact on the success of any intervention. At this stage, the parameters for successful intervention remain unclear, particularly with respect to the intergenerational impact of treatment for early stress. This leaves the door open for an exciting period in the advancement of our understanding of both the mechanisms that underpin multigenerational transmission of stress phenotypes and the clinical applications of this knowledge.

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The adverse effects of early-life stress are pervasive, with well-established mental and physical health consequences for exposed individuals. The impact of early adverse experiences is also highly persistent, with documented increases in risk for mental illness across the life span that are accompanied by stable alterations in neural function and hormonal responses to stress. Here, we review some of these ‘stress phenotypes’, with a focus on intermediary factors that may signal risk for long-term mental health outcomes, such as altered development of the fear regulation system. Intriguingly, recent research suggests that such stress phenotypes may persist even beyond the life span of the individuals, with consequences for their offspring and grand-offspring. Phenotypic characteristics may be transmitted to future generations via either the matriline or the patriline, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both human and animal studies. In this review, we highlight behavioral and epigenetic factors that may contribute to this multigenerational transmission and discuss the potential of various treatment approaches that may halt the cycle of stress phenotypes.

Early Life Stress: Enduring Impacts and Potential Avenues for Intervention

This article reviews the profound and enduring impacts of early life adversity, exploring its role in shaping individual development and its potential for transmission across generations. We delve into early developmental markers of risk, examine the persistence of stress-induced phenotypes across generations, and discuss potential mechanisms underlying these generational effects. Finally, we highlight promising intervention targets to mitigate the clinically significant outcomes associated with early adversity.

Early Adversity and Individual Development

Animal Models

Animal models, particularly rodent studies, have proven invaluable in understanding the consequences of early adversity, offering insights into developmental pathways that elevate the risk of mental illness throughout life.

Research highlights the impact of early stress on the development of fear and extinction learning. Studies reveal that early-life stress or glucocorticoid exposure accelerates the transition from approach to avoidance behaviors in response to fear-paired stimuli (Moriceau et al. 2009; Sullivan 2001). Furthermore, stressed or glucocorticoid-exposed infant rats display prolonged fear retention, surpassing the typical infantile amnesia, and exhibit increased fear relapse after extinction training, mirroring patterns observed in later developmental stages (Callaghan & Richardson 2011, 2012, 2014; Cowan et al. 2013; Haroutunian & Riccio 1979). These findings suggest that early adversity may heighten vulnerability to mental health issues by promoting an early shift towards heightened emotionality, persistent fear associations, and greater difficulty in fear inhibition.

Animal models also allow for in-depth exploration of the neural correlates of early adversity. Research demonstrates that early-life stress induces both structural and functional brain alterations, including reductions in hippocampal volume, dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, neurotransmitter imbalances, and cellular signaling abnormalities (Gunnar & Quevedo 2007; Maccari et al. 2014; Marco et al. 2011; Tyrka et al. 2013). Notably, these neuroendocrine and brain function alterations are evident during development. For instance, increased cortisol or corticosterone secretion is observed in infants exposed to maternal separation across various species (Gareau et al. 2006; Hennessy & Moorman 1989; Levine & Wiener 1988; Nishi et al. 2014). Similarly, elevated levels of corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), a key stress response neuropeptide, are found in juvenile and adolescent primates exposed to early stress (Coplan et al. 2005). Importantly, these neurochemical changes correlate with structural and functional brain alterations, such as increased amygdala volume and activity, which are associated with heightened anxiety in adulthood (Coplan et al. 2014; Moriceau et al. 2006, 2009). This accelerated maturation of emotion regulation circuitry aligns with the observed accelerated developmental trajectories in learned fear behaviors in stressed infant rats.


Converging evidence suggests that early stress exposure similarly impacts neural development in children. Alterations in cortisol secretion, mirroring animal findings, are reported in children facing early adversity, albeit with inconsistencies in the direction of effects, likely due to methodological variations (Hunter et al. 2011). Nevertheless, these findings highlight the impact of early-life stress on the developing neuroendocrine system.

Brain imaging studies in children further support the concept of precocious maturation of emotion-related neural circuits. Research on previously institutionalized children reveals a more mature pattern of prefrontal cortex-amygdala connectivity during fearful face processing (Gee et al. 2013). Additionally, institutional rearing has been linked to alterations in the developmental trajectory of frontal asymmetry, as measured by electroencephalography, predicting increased internalizing symptoms at 54 months of age (McLaughlin et al. 2011). These findings underscore the parallels between human and animal research, indicating that early stress can accelerate the maturation of emotion-processing brain regions in both species.

Early Adversity Across Generations

Given the profound and lasting effects of stress on biology and behavior, it is plausible that these alterations extend their reach across generations. This section delves into the evidence for multigenerational transmission of stress-induced phenotypes, exploring both animal and human studies.

Animal Studies

Controlled laboratory studies in animals provide compelling evidence for the intergenerational transmission of experience-dependent characteristics. A groundbreaking study by Dias and Ressler (2014) demonstrated the transgenerational inheritance of learned fear responses in mice. Adult male mice conditioned to fear a specific odor transmitted this fear response to their offspring (F1 generation) and subsequent generations (F2), despite these offspring having no prior exposure to the odor or fear conditioning. Remarkably, these offspring exhibited not only a heightened startle response to the odor but also neuroanatomical changes in the olfactory bulb, specifically an increase in the size of glomeruli activated by the conditioned odor. These findings persisted even when offspring were conceived via in vitro fertilization, suggesting a mechanism beyond behavioral transmission. Similar transgenerational effects of stress on behavior, cortisol levels, and metabolic responses have been reported in primates and rodents exposed to various stressors, including maternal separation and unpredictable maternal stress (Fairbanks et al. 2011; Franklin et al. 2010; Gapp et al. 2014; Kinnally et al. 2013). These studies collectively demonstrate the potential for stress-induced phenotypes to be transmitted across generations, highlighting the enduring impact of early adversity.


Historical events, such as the Dutch famine of 1944-1945, offer natural experiments to examine the intergenerational transmission of stress in humans. Prenatal exposure to famine during different gestational stages has been linked to distinct health outcomes in offspring. Maternal malnutrition during mid to late gestation correlated with physical underdevelopment, while early gestational exposure increased the risk of coronary heart disease in offspring (Painter et al. 2005; Veenendaal et al. 2013). Furthermore, prenatal famine exposure has been associated with a heightened risk for schizophrenia spectrum disorders and increased depressive symptoms in adulthood (Hoek et al. 1998; Stein et al. 2009).

The intergenerational impact of trauma is further supported by studies on the offspring of individuals who witnessed or survived natural disasters or violence. Prenatal exposure to the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China was linked to higher rates of severe depression in offspring at 18 years of age (Watson et al. 1999). Similarly, maternal exposure to war during pregnancy consistently increases the risk of schizophrenia in offspring (Babenko et al. 2015). Studies on the offspring of mothers who developed PTSD following the 2001 World Trade Center attacks show that these children exhibited lower salivary cortisol levels, a potential biological risk factor for PTSD, during their first year of life (Yehuda et al. 2005). These findings suggest that maternal stress during gestation can have long-term consequences for offspring mental health.

Trauma exposure outside of gestation also demonstrates intergenerational effects. Offspring of combat veterans face an increased risk for psychological dysfunction, which appears to be exacerbated if they experience combat themselves (Dekel & Goldblatt 2008). Adult children of Holocaust survivors, even those born after the war, exhibit a higher lifetime prevalence of depression, PTSD, and other anxiety disorders compared to Jewish individuals without a parental history of Holocaust survival (Yehuda et al. 2008). These findings highlight the potential for parental trauma to shape offspring vulnerability to mental health issues.

Potential Mechanisms

Understanding the mechanisms underlying the transmission of stress-induced phenotypes across generations is crucial for developing effective interventions. This section explores potential mechanisms, including alterations in parental behavior, mating strategies, and epigenetic programming.

Parental Behavior

Changes in parental behavior represent one potential mechanism for transmitting the effects of stress to offspring. Studies reveal atypical parenting styles in individuals following trauma exposure (Betancourt 2015). For instance, caregivers who survived the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia exhibited a role-reversing parenting style, characterized by reliance on children for emotional support, which mediated the relationship between maternal PTSD and offspring anxiety (Field et al. 2011, 2013). Role-reversing parenting can hinder a child's development of autonomy and is often observed in at-risk populations (Cummings et al. 1994; Macfie et al. 2005). Stress and trauma can also contribute to more overtly harmful parenting approaches, such as increased violence and poorer adjustment observed in families of Vietnam veterans with PTSD (Jordan et al. 1992). Adult offspring of Holocaust survivors report higher levels of childhood trauma, particularly emotional abuse and neglect, and studies in other conflict zones show a link between parental war trauma and psychological maltreatment of children (Palosaari et al. 2013; Yehuda et al. 2001). These findings highlight how parental trauma can lead to maladaptive parenting practices, placing offspring at increased risk for mental health problems.

Animal studies support the role of parental care in mediating the effects of adversity on offspring development. Seminal work by Meaney and colleagues demonstrated the profound impact of maternal care on offspring stress reactivity and the transmission of maternal behaviors across generations (Francis et al. 1999; Liu et al. 1997). For example, female rodents exposed to social isolation displayed reduced maternal care, an effect transmitted to subsequent generations, leading to heightened anxiety-like behavior in offspring raised by these less nurturing mothers (Champagne & Meaney 2007).

Studies examining "horizontal transmission," which investigate the persistence of stress effects within generations, further emphasize the role of parental behavior. Rodent studies using repeated breeding paradigms after stress exposure have shown that the effects of gestational stress on maternal behavior, such as reduced nurturing, can persist and impact subsequent litters even in the absence of further stress exposure (Champagne & Meaney 2006). These findings suggest that stress-induced alterations in parental behavior can have enduring consequences for offspring development, potentially contributing to the transmission of vulnerability across generations.

Mating Strategies

In rodent studies examining paternal transmission of early-life stress, where direct contact between the father and offspring is eliminated, alterations in maternal behavior influenced by paternal characteristics and mating behavior emerge as potential mechanisms (Curley et al. 2011). For instance, female rats display a preference against mating with males exposed to toxins that modify the epigenome, even when these males are several generations removed from the initial exposure (Crews et al. 2007). This suggests that females can detect epigenetic alterations and adjust their mating preferences accordingly. Furthermore, maternal investment in offspring has been shown to be influenced by the male's social experience, with lower investment observed in offspring sired by fathers with higher anxiety levels (Mashoodh et al. 2012). These findings suggest that females can detect and respond to paternal stress-induced changes, potentially influencing offspring development through altered maternal behavior.

Stressful experiences can also impact mating behavior through their effects on sexual maturation. Girls exposed to early-life stress tend to experience earlier menarche and are more likely to have children at a younger age (Chisholm et al. 2005; Quinlivan et al. 2004). Early motherhood, particularly during adolescence, is linked to poorer health outcomes for children and financial instability, increasing the likelihood that offspring are raised in stressful environments (Quinlivan et al. 2004). This cycle of early motherhood and resource-deprived environments represents another potential avenue for perpetuating stress phenotypes across generations.

Epigenetic Programming

The dynamic nature of stress-induced changes in brain and behavior, coupled with their transgenerational transmission, points to the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs, play a critical role in regulating gene expression and have been implicated in learning, memory, and the development of psychiatric disorders (Bale 2015; Morris & Monteggia 2014; Peña et al. 2014; Rodgers & Bale 2015). These modifications, influenced by environmental factors, can alter gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence and have the potential to be inherited across generations.

One proposed mechanism for epigenetic inheritance involves alterations in the germline, where epigenetic marks present in sperm or eggs are passed on to offspring. While the concept of germline inheritance of epigenetic marks was initially met with skepticism due to the phenomenon of epigenetic reprogramming during early development, emerging evidence suggests that some experience-dependent epigenetic modifications can escape this reprogramming and be transmitted to subsequent generations (Dias et al. 2015; Szyf 2015). For example, the study by Dias and Ressler (2014) on transgenerational olfactory fear conditioning found evidence for hypomethylation of a specific odor receptor gene in the sperm of both the exposed fathers and their offspring, suggesting germline transmission of an epigenetic mark.

Another proposed mechanism centers around experience-dependent epigenetic changes that influence parental behavior, which in turn shapes the offspring's epigenome and perpetuates the cycle (Kundakovic & Champagne 2014). For instance, abusive or neglectful caregiving has been linked to epigenetic alterations in brain regions associated with caregiving behavior in offspring, increasing the likelihood that these offspring will exhibit similar parenting styles with their own children (Kundakovic & Champagne 2014). This highlights the complex interplay between environmental factors, parental behavior, and epigenetic modifications in shaping vulnerability to stress and mental health issues across generations.

While our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms is still evolving, numerous candidate genes have been identified that undergo epigenetic modifications in response to early-life stress. These include, but are not limited to, genes involved in serotonin signaling (e.g., the serotonin transporter, 5-HTT), neurotrophic factor signaling (e.g., BDNF), and epigenetic regulation itself (e.g., MeCP2) (Beach et al. 2011; Franklin et al. 2010; Kinnally et al. 2010; Lutz & Turecki 2014; Roth & Sweatt 2011).

One particular gene of interest in the context of early adversity and its transgenerational effects is the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1). NR3C1 encodes the glucocorticoid receptor, which plays a crucial role in regulating the HPA axis, the body's stress response system. Dysregulation of the HPA axis is a hallmark of early adversity and a significant risk factor for various psychiatric disorders, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorders (Faravelli et al. 2012; Pesonen et al. 2010; Sanchez et al. 2001; Shea et al. 2005). Studies have consistently reported altered DNA methylation patterns in the promoter region of NR3C1 in individuals exposed to early-life stress and those with stress-related disorders (Daskalakis & Yehuda 2014). These epigenetic changes can influence glucocorticoid receptor expression and contribute to HPA axis dysregulation, potentially perpetuating vulnerability to stress and mental illness across generations.

Potential for Intervention

Recognizing that the effects of early-life stress can endure across the lifespan and even influence future generations underscores the importance of developing effective interventions. While the challenge is significant, the dynamic nature of the stress response system offers hope for intervention and potential reversal of these negative outcomes.

Traditional Mental Health Treatments

Given the heightened vulnerability to mental health issues in individuals exposed to early adversity, access to effective treatments is crucial. However, concerning evidence suggests that this population may be less responsive to traditional treatments. For instance, individuals with a history of early trauma exhibit higher rates of relapse following extinction-based therapies for anxiety disorders, and childhood maltreatment has been linked to poorer treatment outcomes for depression, regardless of whether treatment involves psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both (Callaghan & Richardson 2011; Cowan et al. 2013; Nanni et al. 2012). Similarly, limited treatment response has been observed in individuals with a history of early adversity across other disorders, including ADHD and substance abuse (Boles et al. 2005; Bruce et al. 2013; Sacks et al. 2008; Sugimoto et al. 2015).

While research on the intergenerational impact of early adversity on treatment outcomes is limited, some studies suggest that parental psychopathology can hinder children's recovery from mental health issues. For example, parental mental illness has been associated with poorer response to treatment for anxiety disorders in children (Hudson et al. 2015).

Despite these challenges, certain interventions show promise for reducing psychological risk in the offspring of individuals with mental illness. Family-based CBT programs have demonstrated efficacy in reducing anxiety disorder onset in children of anxious parents (Ginsburg 2009). Additionally, CBT-based interventions have shown effectiveness in reducing both internalizing and externalizing symptoms and lowering the risk of mental illness onset in children of depressed parents (Reupert et al. 2013; Siegenthaler et al. 2012). While these findings are encouraging, larger-scale randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm the long-term efficacy of these interventions and determine whether treating parental mental illness can effectively break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of vulnerability.

Parenting Interventions

The role of dysfunctional parenting practices in transmitting the effects of stress highlights the need for interventions that target parenting skills. Parenting skills training programs have shown considerable success in treating childhood externalizing disorders (e.g., Triple P Positive Parenting Program, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy) and are also proving beneficial for childhood anxiety and depression (Eckshtain et al. in press; Kazdin 1997; Manassis et al. 2014; Thomas & Zimmer-Gembeck 2007).

Importantly, parenting interventions have demonstrated effectiveness in improving parenting competence in individuals facing a range of challenges, including mental health issues (e.g., depression, substance abuse) and various stressors (e.g., poverty, divorce, foster care), leading to positive outcomes for their children (Ajilchi & Kargar 2013; Guttentag et al. 2014; Lowell et al. 2011; Oriana Linares et al. 2006; Suchman et al. 2011; Wolchik et al. 1993). These interventions have been successful in reducing both internalizing and externalizing problems in children from at-risk backgrounds (Bywater et al. 2009; Guttentag et al. 2014; Lam et al. 2008; Lowell et al. 2011; Malmberg & Field 2013; Self-Brown et al. 2011).

Interestingly, even simple behavioral parenting techniques, such as increased tactile stimulation, have shown promise in mitigating epigenetic alterations associated with maternal depression. Murgatroyd et al. (2015) found that maternal stroking was associated with reduced methylation of the NR3C1 promoter in infants of mothers with postnatal depression, highlighting the potent influence of parent-child interactions on shaping the epigenome and potentially disrupting the intergenerational transmission of stress vulnerability.

Targeting Epigenetic Changes

Given the potential role of epigenetic modifications in maintaining and transmitting stress-induced phenotypes, directly targeting the epigenome represents a promising avenue for intervention. This approach aligns with the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework, which emphasizes understanding the underlying biological mechanisms of mental illness rather than relying solely on symptom-based classifications (Insel 2014).

Animal studies have shown that epigenetic modifiers can reverse some of the behavioral and molecular effects of early adversity. Meaney and colleagues demonstrated that administration of an HDAC inhibitor or a methyl donor could reverse the effects of early-life stress on DNA methylation patterns, glucocorticoid receptor expression, HPA axis activity, and behavioral measures of anxiety and depression in adult rodents (Weaver et al. 2004, 2005, 2006). Similarly, other studies have shown that treatment with HDAC inhibitors during or after early-life stress exposure can reverse stress-induced epigenetic changes and prevent the development of anxiety-like behaviors in adulthood (Kao et al. 2012). These findings suggest that pharmacological interventions targeting the epigenome hold potential for mitigating the long-term effects of early adversity.

While the use of epigenetic modifiers in humans is still in its early stages, some evidence suggests that medications like valproic acid, commonly used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, may exert their therapeutic effects through epigenetic mechanisms (Phiel et al. 2001). However, current epigenetic therapies lack the specificity to target particular genes or brain regions, limiting their clinical application. Future research is needed to develop more targeted interventions that can effectively modify specific epigenetic marks associated with early adversity and its transgenerational effects.

Micronutrients: A More Palatable Approach?

Dietary interventions, particularly those involving micronutrients essential for epigenetic regulation, offer a potentially safer and more accessible approach to mitigating the effects of early adversity. As evidenced by studies on the Dutch famine, nutritional deficiencies during critical developmental periods can have lasting impacts on both physical and mental health across generations (Painter et al. 2005; Veenendaal et al. 2013).

Micronutrients, such as folic acid and vitamins B2, B6, and B12, play crucial roles in one-carbon metabolism, a pathway essential for DNA methylation and other cellular processes. Alterations in maternal or paternal micronutrient intake have been shown to influence offspring health outcomes across multiple generations, highlighting the importance of adequate micronutrient intake for offspring development (Vanhees et al. 2014). Furthermore, studies investigating the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake suggest that micronutrient supplementation following trauma exposure may offer a protective effect against PTSD symptoms (Rucklidge et al. 2012, 2014). These findings raise the intriguing possibility that dietary interventions targeting micronutrient intake could be beneficial in mitigating the effects of early adversity, potentially even reducing the risk of transmitting vulnerability to future generations.

Modification of the Microbiome

The gut microbiome, the vast community of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract, has emerged as a key player in health and disease, with growing evidence implicating it in brain function and behavior. The gut microbiome produces a wide array of metabolites, some of which can directly or indirectly influence the brain, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, acetate, and propionate, which possess HDAC inhibitory activity (Licciardi et al. 2010).

Studies in both animals and humans have demonstrated a link between the composition of the gut microbiome and emotional behavior, stress reactivity, and mental health. Germ-free mice, raised in the absence of a microbiome, exhibit altered emotional behavior and stress responses, while manipulation of the microbiome through probiotic administration has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety in both rodents and humans (Bercik et al. 2011; Christian et al. 2015; De Palma et al. 2015; Dinan et al. 2013; Foster & McVey Neufeld 2013; Heijtz et al. 2011; Jašarević et al. 2015; Messaoudi et al. 2011; Neufeld et al. 2011; Rao et al. 2009; Sudo et al. 2004; Tillisch et al. 2013; Yano et al. 2015).

Importantly, probiotic interventions have shown promise in animal models of early-life stress, demonstrating the ability to mitigate some of the negative consequences of early adversity. Probiotic treatment has been shown to reduce stress hormone responses, ameliorate depressive-like behaviors, and reverse the effects of maternal separation on fear learning and extinction in rodents (Cowan et al. 2015; Desbonnet et al. 2010; Gareau et al. 2007). These findings suggest that targeting the gut microbiome, potentially through probiotic supplementation or other dietary interventions, could be a viable strategy for reducing the impact of early adversity and potentially disrupting its transmission across generations.

Other Considerations for Intervention

While this review focuses on specific interventions, other promising strategies warrant further investigation, including exercise and anti-inflammatory medications (Harrison & Baune 2014). Regardless of the specific intervention, careful consideration of timing, dosage, and duration of both stress exposure and treatment is crucial for maximizing effectiveness (Gee & Casey 2015). This is particularly relevant when addressing the intergenerational effects of stress, where interventions may need to target multiple generations at strategic time points.


The profound and enduring impacts of early-life adversity on both individuals and their offspring underscore the critical need to understand the mechanisms driving these effects and develop effective interventions. While traditional mental health treatments may have limitations in this population, promising strategies are emerging, including parenting interventions, epigenetic modifiers, micronutrient supplementation, and microbiome modification. Further research is crucial to optimize these interventions, understand their long-term efficacy, and determine their potential to disrupt the intergenerational transmission of stress vulnerability. The dynamic interplay between genes, environment, and behavior suggests that early intervention and prevention efforts hold the greatest promise for mitigating the negative consequences of early adversity and fostering resilience across generations.

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The adverse effects of early-life stress are pervasive, with well-established mental and physical health consequences for exposed individuals. The impact of early adverse experiences is also highly persistent, with documented increases in risk for mental illness across the life span that are accompanied by stable alterations in neural function and hormonal responses to stress. Here, we review some of these ‘stress phenotypes’, with a focus on intermediary factors that may signal risk for long-term mental health outcomes, such as altered development of the fear regulation system. Intriguingly, recent research suggests that such stress phenotypes may persist even beyond the life span of the individuals, with consequences for their offspring and grand-offspring. Phenotypic characteristics may be transmitted to future generations via either the matriline or the patriline, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both human and animal studies. In this review, we highlight behavioral and epigenetic factors that may contribute to this multigenerational transmission and discuss the potential of various treatment approaches that may halt the cycle of stress phenotypes.

How Early Experiences Shape Our Lives: The Enduring Impact of Stress Across Generations

It's well known that what happens early in life can significantly affect our health and well-being throughout our lives. Mental health disorders, for instance, often emerge during childhood or adolescence, with nearly half linked to challenging home environments such as parental mental illness, criminal behavior, violence, or neglect. This suggests that experiencing adversity early on can make individuals more susceptible to mental health issues throughout their lifespan.

While most mental health research focuses on understanding disorders after they develop, understanding the path towards these outcomes is crucial for early identification and treatment. This article will explore early warning signs of risk associated with early-life stress, how stress-induced traits can persist across generations, and potential interventions.

Early Adversity and Individual Development

Animal Models: Unveiling the Impact of Stress

Animal models, particularly rodents, are essential in stress research due to the ethical and logistical challenges of studying human populations. They provide valuable insights into the immediate, short-term, and long-term consequences of early adversity, helping us understand how stress can increase the risk of mental illness.

Early rodent studies showed that stress or exposure to stress hormones in the first few weeks of life led to changes in how they learned about fear. For example, young rats typically approach an odor associated with a mild electric shock, but those exposed to early stress avoided it. This suggests that early adversity can lead to heightened fear responses.

Furthermore, stressed infant rats displayed longer-lasting fear memories and a greater tendency for fear to return after extinction training (a process of reducing learned fear responses). These findings suggest that early adversity can result in a more reactive fear system, characterized by stronger, longer-lasting fear responses and a higher likelihood of fear relapse.

The Brain on Stress: Insights from Animal and Human Studies

Animal models also allow us to investigate the neural mechanisms behind these behavioral changes. Early-life stress has been shown to alter the brain both structurally (e.g., reduced size of the hippocampus, a brain region important for memory) and functionally (e.g., changes in stress hormone activity, neurotransmitter levels, and cell signaling).

For example, infant rats, guinea pigs, and non-human primates exposed to maternal separation (a form of early-life stress) show increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This mirrors findings in children exposed to early adversity, highlighting the impact of stress on the developing brain.

Brain imaging studies in children further support this notion. Children raised in institutions, for instance, exhibit more mature patterns of brain activity when processing fearful faces compared to their peers. This suggests that early stress can accelerate the development of brain circuits involved in processing emotions.

The Legacy of Stress: Transmission Across Generations

Given the profound and lasting effects of stress on individuals, it's not surprising that these changes can potentially impact future generations. Let's delve into the evidence for this intergenerational transmission of stress.

Animal Studies: Passing Down Traits Through Generations

A growing body of research using controlled laboratory settings demonstrates the inheritance of experience-dependent traits. In a groundbreaking study, researchers found that mice whose fathers were conditioned to fear a specific odor also displayed fear towards that odor, despite never encountering it before. These "fearful" offspring also showed changes in the structure of their olfactory bulbs (the part of the brain responsible for smell). This suggests that fear responses, along with related brain changes, can be passed down across generations.

Similar intergenerational transmission of stress-related characteristics has been observed in other animal studies, including altered behavior and stress hormone levels in primates exposed to stressful environments and changes in behavior and metabolism in rodents exposed to early maternal separation.

Human Studies: Echoes of Trauma in Future Generations

Significant historical events, such as famines and wars, provide natural experiments to study the intergenerational transmission of stress in humans. For instance, individuals prenatally exposed to the Dutch famine of 1944-1945, a period of severe food shortage, had a higher risk of developing schizophrenia and depression in adulthood. Moreover, their children (the famine generation's grandchildren) were more likely to be obese, indicating long-lasting effects on metabolism.

Studies on the offspring of trauma survivors, such as those who lived through the Holocaust or witnessed the 9/11 attacks, also show increased vulnerability to mental health issues. For example, children of Holocaust survivors have a higher lifetime prevalence of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other anxiety disorders. Similarly, children of mothers who developed PTSD after the 9/11 attacks exhibited lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol during their first year of life.

These studies highlight the profound and enduring impact of trauma, demonstrating how parental experiences can reverberate across generations and influence the mental health of their offspring.

Unraveling the Mechanisms: How Does Stress Travel Through Time?

While the evidence for intergenerational transmission of stress is compelling, the underlying mechanisms are complex and multifaceted. Let's explore some potential explanations.

Parental Behavior: Shaping Offspring Development

One potential pathway is through changes in parental behavior. Trauma can significantly affect parenting styles, often making them less nurturing or even neglectful. For example, caregivers who survived the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia exhibited a pattern of "role-reversing" parenting, relying on their children for emotional support. This parenting style is associated with children's difficulties in developing independence and is linked to a higher risk of mental health issues in offspring.

Similarly, studies on children of Holocaust survivors report higher levels of childhood trauma, particularly emotional abuse and neglect. Animal studies support these findings, demonstrating that reduced maternal care can be passed down through generations, leading to increased anxiety-like behavior in offspring.

Mating Strategies: Choosing Partners and Investing in Offspring

Stressful experiences can also influence mating strategies, potentially contributing to the transmission of stress across generations. For example, female rodents can detect changes in potential mates caused by exposure to toxins that affect gene expression. These females are less likely to mate with males exhibiting such changes, and if they do reproduce, they invest less in their offspring.

In humans, early-life stress is linked to earlier puberty and motherhood in girls. Young motherhood, especially during the teenage years, is associated with poorer health outcomes for children and economic hardship. This creates a cycle of stress, potentially perpetuating the transmission of vulnerability across generations.

Epigenetic Programming: Rewriting the Language of Genes

The dynamic nature of stress-induced changes and their inheritance across generations suggests a role for epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to modifications to DNA that alter gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence. These modifications can be influenced by environmental factors, like stress, and can be passed down through generations.

One well-studied example is the methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1). This gene regulates the body's stress response system. Early-life adversity can lead to changes in NR3C1 methylation, which are associated with dysregulation of the stress response system and an increased risk of mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorders. These epigenetic changes have been observed in both rodents and humans exposed to early-life stress.

While more research is needed to fully understand the role of germline inheritance in epigenetic modifications, studies have shown that stress can alter epigenetic marks in sperm cells. This suggests that at least some epigenetic changes can be directly transmitted from parent to offspring, potentially contributing to the intergenerational effects of stress.

Breaking the Cycle: Interventions for a Brighter Future

The evidence clearly shows that early-life adversity has a profound and lasting impact, increasing vulnerability to mental health issues not only in individuals but also in their offspring. However, the dynamic nature of these changes suggests that the system is adaptable and potentially responsive to intervention.

Traditional Mental Health Treatments: Addressing Symptoms Across Generations

Since early adversity increases the likelihood of developing mental health issues, effective treatments for these conditions are essential. Unfortunately, individuals with a history of early trauma often face challenges in responding to traditional treatments, experiencing less success with therapies and medications for conditions like depression and substance abuse.

However, early intervention programs, particularly those using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), show promise in reducing the risk of mental health issues in children of parents with mental illness. These programs focus on equipping children with coping mechanisms and reducing risk factors associated with parental psychopathology.

More research is needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of these interventions and whether treating mental illness in parents can effectively reduce the risk of psychopathology in subsequent generations.

Parenting Interventions: Nurturing Skills for Healthier Families

Given the impact of parental behavior on offspring development, interventions focused on improving parenting skills are crucial. Parenting skills training programs have proven effective in addressing children's behavioral and emotional problems and improving parenting competence in parents facing challenges like mental health issues, poverty, or divorce.

These programs emphasize positive parenting techniques, communication skills, and strategies for managing challenging behaviors. Importantly, improvements in parenting skills can have a ripple effect, influencing not only the child's well-being but also the parent's own parenting style in the future.

Combining parenting skills training with interventions addressing parental mental health shows even greater promise. For example, treating depressed mothers alongside their children with disruptive behavior has proven more effective than addressing either issue alone.

Targeting Epigenetic Changes: A New Frontier in Intervention?

Considering the potential role of epigenetic modifications in transmitting stress across generations, targeting these changes directly presents a novel avenue for intervention. Animal studies have shown that epigenetic modifiers, such as HDAC inhibitors, can reverse the negative effects of early stress on behavior and stress hormone regulation.

While research in humans is in its early stages, some evidence suggests that medications like valproic acid, commonly used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, may exert their therapeutic effects by influencing epigenetic mechanisms.

The ideal scenario would involve precisely targeting specific genes and brain regions susceptible to stress-induced epigenetic changes. However, achieving this level of specificity remains a significant challenge. Nevertheless, the potential of epigenetic therapies for mitigating the long-term impact of early adversity and preventing its transmission across generations holds immense promise.

Micronutrients and the Microbiome: A Holistic Approach to Intervention

Alternative approaches to intervention focus on promoting overall health and well-being, potentially influencing epigenetic mechanisms indirectly. For example, adequate intake of micronutrients, such as B vitamins and folate, is crucial for DNA methylation and healthy fetal development. Studies on the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake suggest that micronutrient supplementation may offer a protective effect against PTSD symptoms.

The gut microbiome, the complex community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract, is another emerging target for intervention. Research shows that the microbiome plays a vital role in brain function and emotional behavior. Probiotic supplements, which introduce beneficial bacteria into the gut, have shown promise in improving mood and reducing anxiety in both animals and humans.

Importantly, probiotic treatment in animal models of early-life stress has been shown to reduce stress hormone responses and depressive-like behaviors. This highlights the potential of targeting the gut-brain axis to mitigate the negative effects of early adversity.

Timing is Everything: Optimizing Interventions for Maximum Impact

Regardless of the intervention strategy, timing is critical. Just as there are sensitive periods during development when the brain is particularly vulnerable to stress, there are likely optimal windows for intervention. This is especially relevant for interventions aimed at preventing the intergenerational transmission of stress.

Future research needs to investigate the ideal timing, dosage, and duration of various interventions to maximize their effectiveness.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that early-life adversity casts a long shadow, affecting not only the lives of individuals but also the well-being of future generations. However, this knowledge also empowers us to break the cycle of transmission.

By investing in research to further understand the mechanisms underlying these intergenerational effects and developing targeted interventions, we can mitigate the impact of early adversity, promote resilience, and pave the way for healthier futures.

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The adverse effects of early-life stress are pervasive, with well-established mental and physical health consequences for exposed individuals. The impact of early adverse experiences is also highly persistent, with documented increases in risk for mental illness across the life span that are accompanied by stable alterations in neural function and hormonal responses to stress. Here, we review some of these ‘stress phenotypes’, with a focus on intermediary factors that may signal risk for long-term mental health outcomes, such as altered development of the fear regulation system. Intriguingly, recent research suggests that such stress phenotypes may persist even beyond the life span of the individuals, with consequences for their offspring and grand-offspring. Phenotypic characteristics may be transmitted to future generations via either the matriline or the patriline, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both human and animal studies. In this review, we highlight behavioral and epigenetic factors that may contribute to this multigenerational transmission and discuss the potential of various treatment approaches that may halt the cycle of stress phenotypes.

How Tough Times When We're Young Can Affect Us Throughout Life

It's no secret that what happens early in life can shape who we become. This is especially true when it comes to mental health. Mental health problems often start showing up around age 14. In fact, many mental illnesses adults experience actually begin way back in childhood or adolescence! Things at home, like parents struggling with their own mental health, crime, violence, or neglect, make kids much more likely to develop mental health issues. It's like these early, difficult experiences make people more vulnerable to mental health challenges throughout their lives.

Most research on mental health focuses on what's happening when someone is already struggling. But, figuring out how things unfold before problems get really bad is super important for catching things early and helping those at risk. So, let's explore some early warning signs linked to stress in those early years. We'll also look at how these stress reactions can be passed down through generations and what we might be able to do about it.

Early Stress and How We Develop

What We've Learned from Animals

When it comes to studying stress, it's tricky to do research on humans, for both ethical and practical reasons. That's where animal studies, particularly with rats, become really valuable. These studies help us understand how early stress affects us right away, in the short term, and long term. They also provide clues about how our development might be altered in ways that could lead to mental illness later on.

Here's a fascinating example: Baby rats usually avoid a smell if it was paired with a little shock. However, really young rats are actually drawn to that smell! It's like they haven't learned to be afraid yet. But, if those young rats experience stress early on (like having a mom who's not caring for them properly), they learn to avoid the scary smell much faster. This suggests that stress can make the fear system develop too quickly.

Other studies show that stressed baby rats remember scary things for much longer than their non-stressed peers. They're also more likely to become afraid again even after they've learned that the scary thing is no longer a threat. All these findings suggest that early stress might change how the fear system develops, making kids more sensitive to fear and more likely to struggle with anxiety later on.

What About Humans?

Just like in animals, stress also impacts how kids' brains develop. For instance, kids exposed to tough times early on often have different levels of cortisol, a key stress hormone, in their bodies. This mirrors what's seen in animal studies. While the exact effects on cortisol levels can vary, it's clear that early stress changes how the stress system works in kids.

Brain imaging studies in children also reveal that early stress can lead to faster development in brain regions involved in emotions. For example, kids who've faced difficult situations, like living in orphanages, show more mature connections between the prefrontal cortex (the "thinking" part of the brain) and the amygdala (the "emotional" part) when they look at scared faces. This might seem like a good thing, but it could actually mean that their brains are developing too quickly in response to stress, potentially setting them up for problems down the road.

Stress Echoing Through Generations

Since stress significantly affects people's biology and behavior throughout life, researchers wondered if those changes could be passed down to future generations.

Animal Research: Passing Down Stress

Scientists can study how experiences are passed down through generations in controlled lab settings using animals. In one amazing study, researchers used two different smells that activate distinct parts of the brain in mice. They paired one of the smells with a mild shock, teaching the mice to fear that smell. When those mice had babies, the offspring (who had never smelled that particular odor or experienced a shock) were more startled by the odor their father had learned to fear. Even more incredibly, these effects were also seen in the grandchildren of the original mice!

This research tells us that even learned fears and their related brain changes can be passed down through generations, even if future generations haven't directly experienced the scary event.

Human Studies: The Legacy of Stress

Sadly, major historical events have given scientists opportunities to study how stress can be passed down in humans. One example is the Dutch famine of World War II. The Netherlands, usually well-fed, experienced a severe food shortage for several months. Pregnant women during this time gave birth to children who were smaller than average. But that wasn't all—those children also had a higher risk of heart problems and mental health conditions like schizophrenia and depression later in life. What's even more striking is that the grandchildren of those who endured the famine were more likely to be obese.

Other traumatic experiences, such as wars and natural disasters, also show how stress can echo through generations. Children of parents who lived through the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide, for example, are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and even PTSD themselves, even if they weren't alive during the traumatic event. This suggests that the impact of trauma can linger in families long after the event has passed.

How Does This Happen? Possible Explanations

It's one thing to see that early stress can have lasting, multi-generational effects. But, the big question is how does this happen? While research is still ongoing, here are some leading theories:

1. Changes in Parenting

One way stress can be passed down is through its impact on parenting. Parents who've experienced trauma or chronic stress may parent differently. For example, they might be more anxious, distant, or quick to anger, unintentionally creating a more stressful environment for their children. These children, in turn, might develop similar parenting styles when they grow up, passing on the cycle of stress.

2. Choosing a Mate

Believe it or not, stressful experiences might even influence who people choose as partners. Some animal studies show that females are less likely to mate with males who've experienced stress. This suggests that there might be subtle cues (like behavior or scent) that signal past stress, influencing mate selection.

3. Epigenetics: Changing How Genes Work

Perhaps the most fascinating explanation for generational stress lies in the field of epigenetics. Epigenetics explores how our experiences can actually change the way our genes work, without altering the DNA sequence itself. It's like a set of switches that turn genes "on" or "off." Stressful experiences can flip these switches, changing how our bodies and brains function. The truly remarkable part? These epigenetic changes can be passed down to our children and even grandchildren!

One example involves the gene for the glucocorticoid receptor, a key player in the stress response. Early stress can alter the way this gene is "read," leading to a blunted or exaggerated stress response later in life. And, as we've seen, these changes can be passed down, potentially making future generations more vulnerable to the effects of stress.

Can We Break the Cycle? Exploring Interventions

The evidence is clear: early stress matters. But the good news is that these effects aren't set in stone. Researchers are exploring various ways to reverse or interrupt the transmission of stress-induced vulnerabilities. Here are a few promising avenues:

1. Therapy and Support

Therapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has shown great promise in helping both adults and children manage the effects of stress and trauma. Family-based therapy can also be beneficial in addressing dysfunctional family dynamics that may arise from stress.

2. Parenting Programs

Teaching parents effective parenting skills can make a world of difference. Programs that teach parents how to manage their own stress, provide nurturing care, and set healthy boundaries can create a more supportive environment for children, reducing the risk of passing down stress and trauma.

3. The Power of Touch

Surprisingly, something as simple as touch can have a profound impact on a child's developing stress system. Studies show that infants who are held and cuddled more often have healthier stress responses later in life. This underscores the incredible power of positive physical contact in shaping a child's biology.

4. Diet and the Microbiome

Emerging research suggests that what we eat, particularly in early life, can influence our mental health. For example, getting enough nutrients involved in brain development, such as omega-3 fatty acids, is crucial. Additionally, the trillions of bacteria that live in our gut, known as the microbiome, play a vital role in our overall health, including mental health.

5. Targeting Epigenetic Changes

The exciting field of epigenetics offers new possibilities for intervention. Researchers are exploring ways to use medications and lifestyle interventions (such as diet and exercise) to "reset" epigenetic changes caused by stress. While this area of research is still in its early stages, it holds incredible potential for breaking the cycle of inherited stress and trauma.

The Importance of Timing

When it comes to interventions, timing is everything. The earlier we can intervene, the better the chances of mitigating the negative effects of stress. This is particularly important when considering interventions aimed at preventing the transmission of stress to future generations.

The research discussed here underscores the profound impact that early experiences can have on our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. But it also offers hope. By understanding the mechanisms behind generational stress, we can develop targeted interventions that promote resilience, break negative cycles, and help future generations thrive.

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The adverse effects of early-life stress are pervasive, with well-established mental and physical health consequences for exposed individuals. The impact of early adverse experiences is also highly persistent, with documented increases in risk for mental illness across the life span that are accompanied by stable alterations in neural function and hormonal responses to stress. Here, we review some of these ‘stress phenotypes’, with a focus on intermediary factors that may signal risk for long-term mental health outcomes, such as altered development of the fear regulation system. Intriguingly, recent research suggests that such stress phenotypes may persist even beyond the life span of the individuals, with consequences for their offspring and grand-offspring. Phenotypic characteristics may be transmitted to future generations via either the matriline or the patriline, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in both human and animal studies. In this review, we highlight behavioral and epigenetic factors that may contribute to this multigenerational transmission and discuss the potential of various treatment approaches that may halt the cycle of stress phenotypes.

How Scary Experiences Affect Us, Even When We Grow Up

We all know that what happens to us when we're young can have a big impact on our lives. It's like dropping a stone in a pond – the ripples spread out and affect the whole pond. The same thing can happen with tough experiences in childhood. For example, many mental health problems, like feeling very sad or worried, often start to show up when people are around 14 years old, just as they're becoming teenagers. This tells us that things that happen to us when we are young can stay with us for a long time.

How We Can Learn from Animals

Scientists use animal studies to help us understand how stressful events, like being separated from a parent, can affect young children. It would be wrong to make children go through such things on purpose, so we learn from animals instead. Studies with baby rats show that when they face tough situations, their brains and behaviors change. For example, they might become more scared and take longer to calm down.

What Happens in Human Brains?

Just like with baby rats, stressful experiences can also change how children's brains work. Scientists use special tools to look at brain activity in children who have experienced difficult things. These studies show that stress can make some parts of the brain grow faster than usual. This might sound like a good thing, but it can actually make it harder for children to manage their emotions and make them feel more scared or anxious.

Can Scary Experiences Travel Through Families?

What's even more interesting is that these changes caused by stress can be passed down through families, like from parents to their children and even grandchildren!

Learning from Mice Families

Scientists have studied mice families to see how this happens. In one study, they taught father mice to be afraid of a specific smell. Amazingly, even though the baby mice had never smelled it before, they were also scared of it! This means that the father's experience somehow changed something in his babies, even though he didn't directly teach them to be afraid.

What About Human Families?

Scientists have also found evidence of this in human families who have experienced tough times, like wars or natural disasters. For example, children and even grandchildren of people who survived these events can be more likely to have problems with their mental health, like feeling very sad or anxious. This suggests that the effects of stress can last for generations.

How Do Scary Experiences Travel Through Families?

Scientists are still trying to understand exactly how this happens. They believe that stress might change how parents act with their children, which can then affect the children's development. They are also looking at how stress might cause changes inside our cells that can be passed down to our children. It's like a secret message passed from one generation to the next.

Can We Change These Effects?

The good news is that scientists are working on ways to help people who have experienced difficult things in childhood. They are studying different treatments, such as talking therapies and even special diets, to see if they can reverse or reduce the negative effects of stress. They are also looking at ways to support parents so they can better help their children cope with stress. While we still have much to learn, this research gives us hope that we can break the cycle of stress and help future generations grow up healthier and happier.

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Footnotes and Citation


Cowan, C. S., Callaghan, B. L., Kan, J. M., & Richardson, R. (2016). The lasting impact of early‐life adversity on individuals and their descendants: Potential mechanisms and hope for intervention. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 15(1), 155-168.
