Resisting Emotional Interference: Brain Regions Facilitating Working Memory Performance During Negative Distraction
Alan Anticevic
Grega Repovs
Deanna M. Barch


Negative emotional distractions hinder cognitive function by altering brain activity in areas responsible for attention, memory, and self-control, with reduced activity in these areas correlating to better performance.


Resisting Emotional Interference: Brain Regions Facilitating Working Memory Performance During Negative Distraction

Keywords brain; brain scans; memory; emotion; amygdala; prefrontal cortex


Survival-relevant information has privileged access to our awareness even during active cognitive engagement. Previous work has demonstrated that during working memory (WM) negative emotional distraction disrupts activation in the lateral prefrontal regions while also engaging the amygdala. Here, using slow event related fMRI, we replicate and extend previous work examining the effect of negative emotional distraction on WM: (1) We demonstrate that prefrontal regions showed activation differences between correct and incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Specifically, frontopolar prefrontal cortex showed more deactivation for incorrect trials faced with negative distraction, whereas ventrolateral prefrontal regions showed less activation; (2) individual differences in amygdala activity predicted WM performance during negative as well as neutral distraction, such that lower activity predicted better performance; and (3) amygdala showed negative correlations with prefrontal and parietal cortical regions during resting state. However, during negative distraction, amygdala signals were more negatively correlated with prefrontal cortical regions than was found for resting state and neutral distraction. These results provide further evidence for an inverse relationship between dorsal prefrontal cortical regions and the amygdala when processing aversive stimuli competes with ongoing cognitive operations, and further support the importance of the prefrontal cortex in resisting emotional interference.


Emotional processing serves a highly adaptive function in the mammalian brain (Lang & Davis, 2006; LeDoux, 2000; Öhman, 2005; Vuilleumier, 2005), allowing rapid deployment of attentional resources resulting in quick evaluation and decision making in the service of survival (Öhman, Flykt, & Esteves, 2001). According to some theorists, emotional information may have privileged access to neural resources if attentional capacity is not fully depleted (Morris, Öhman, & Dolan, 1998, 1999; Öhman et al., 2001; Pessoa, 2005; Pessoa, Japee, & Ungerleider, 2005; Vuilleumier & Pourtois, 2007), resulting in possible temporary disruption of cognitive goals (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). However, at other times it may be more adaptive to sustain cognitive engagement regardless of incoming distraction (emotional or not), thus generating a more flexible behavioral repertoire—a function relying on frontoparietal cortical regions involved in “top-down” cognitive control (B. T. Miller & D’Esposito, 2005; E. K. Miller & Cohen, 2001).

One cognitive operation often used as a model of sustained cognitive engagement is working memory (WM), supported by a number of brain regions including dorsal frontoparietal cortical centers (Baddeley & Hitch, 1994; Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Curtis, Rao, & D’Esposito, 2004; D’Esposito et al., 1998). Using a delayed WM task as a prototypical “cold” cognitive probe, Dolcos and McCarthy (2006) demonstrated a striking dichotomy in activation patterns between dorsal frontoparietal and ventral frontal–occipital areas when negative emotional distraction was presented. Dorsal frontoparietal regions (corresponding closely to the dorsal attention system; cf. Corbetta et al., 2008; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002) showed a reduction in activity in response to negative, but not neutral, distractors. Dolcos and McCarthy suggested that these activation reductions may reflect dorsal regions temporarily being driven “offline” by regions responsible for detecting emotional salience such as the amygdala. In contrast, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) showed an increase in activation to negative rather than neutral distractors. Importantly, a similar VLPFC region has been linked with effortful affect regulation (Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002; Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2008; Ochsner, Hughes, Robertson, Cooper, & Gabrieli, 2009; Wager, Davidson, Hughes, Lindquist, & Ochsner, 2008). Similarly, Dolcos and McCarthy suggested that elevated signals in the VLPFC region during WM might reflect an increased need for interference resolution arising from emotional distraction.

Apart from showing that negative distraction disrupts prefrontal cortical activity, it is critical to determine whether these regions are causally involved in resisting negative distraction. One way to provide evidence consistent with this hypothesis is to examine performancerelated activity during negative distraction. Dolcos and McCarthy (2006) showed lower dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC) activity for incorrect trials with negative distractors than for the average of all other trial types (e.g., correct negative distractors, correct and incorrect neutral distractors). Although this result is informative, it does not tell us whether activity in either dorsal or ventral prefrontal regions relates to accuracy selectively during negative distractors, or to accuracy under any condition (e.g., neutral distractors). Indeed, in a separate study, Dolcos, Kragel, Wang, and McCarthy (2006) showed that increased activity in VLPFC was associated with better performance during negative, but not neutral, distraction. However, they did not conduct these same comparisons for the dorsal frontal regions in the same study. Another way to characterize the role of PFC regions in resisting negative distraction is by examining the relationship between individual differences in PFC signals and individual differences in WM performance. Prior work found that individuals who showed less VLPFC activity reported higher levels of subjective distractibility (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006), but the association between individual differences in PFC activity during negative emotional interference and objective measures of WM performance remains unclear.

In addition to understanding the role of prefrontal regions in resisting negative interference, it is critical to understand the role of “bottom-up” regions, such as the amygdala, in contributing to negative distraction. Prior work demonstrated, using the same delayed WM task, that amygdala activation was highest following negative interference, which is consistent with the ever-growing body of evidence pointing to the amygdala as a critical node in detection of emotional salience, particularly information communicating possible threat (Dolcos, DiazGranados, Wang, & McCarthy, 2008; Phan, Wager, Taylor, & Liberzon, 2004; Phelps, 2006; Phelps & LeDoux, 2005; Wager, Phan, Liberzon, & Taylor, 2003; Zald, 2003). However, it is not yet clear whether the magnitude of amygdala activation to negative distraction is associated with performance in such situations. As with PFC regions, examining performance-related activity would further elucidate the amygdala’s role in disrupting WM performance, specifically during negative interference.

Also, it is important to investigate whether individual differences in amygdala amplitude predict WM performance. Previous work has suggested that individual differences in amygdala activity correlate with self-reports of emotional distractibility (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). However, it is not yet clear whether individual differences in amygdala signal are associated with objective performance measures during negative emotional distraction. Therefore, in addition to cortical foci, in the present study we examined the relationship between amygdala signals and WM performance.

In the above discussion, we considered cortical and subcortical regions separately. However, there is increasing awareness that putatively “cold” prefrontal (top-down) and “hot” emotional neural circuits may interact during emotional and cognitive processing (Pessoa, 2008; Wager et al., 2008). Recent advances in functional connectivity (fcMRI) analyses have allowed for more direct tests of the relationships between different neural regions during rest and task states (Mitchell et al., 2008). However, to our knowledge, there has been only one investigation examining amygdala trial-based connectivity patterns during negative distraction in the context of delayed WM function (Dolcos et al., 2006), focusing on the relationship between amygdala and bilateral VLPFC, which showed stronger correlations during negative than during neutral distraction. However, the relationship between the amygdala and other cortical regions (especially dorsal frontoparietal regions) during WM faced with negative distraction remains unclear. This question is of particular interest given the biased competition model of attention (Desimone & Duncan, 1995), which would predict an ongoing competition for neural resources between the amygdala and the dorsal PFC, given their putatively different roles in the detection of sensory salience versus top-down task selection and control (for a review, see E. K. Miller & Cohen, 2001; Phelps, 2006). One expression of such competition might also be direct inhibitory influence between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, which could be observed as negative coupling between these foci. Consistent with this hypothesis, a recent study by Mitchell et al. demonstrated significant negative correlation between the amygdala and the dorsal frontoparietal cortex during a shape identification task that contained both positive and negative distraction.

Furthermore, a recent investigation demonstrated negative correlations between the amygdala and what appeared to be the main components of the dorsal frontoparietal task network during resting state (Roy et al., 2009). Such resting-state findings raise interesting questions about whether negative amygdala–prefrontal coupling is equally present in both resting and task states. If, as discussed above, the negative correlations between the amygdala and prefrontal regions reflect a balance between responses based on emotional salience versus implementation of top-down goals (e.g., maintaining WM representations), it is possible that the amygdala dynamically adjusts its coupling with prefrontal nodes during task states requiring top-down control. Therefore, we specifically examined differences in fcMRI patterns between the amygdala and other brain regions during resting state, and during WM task faced with negative distraction.

To summarize, we examined signal patterns during active WM maintenance in dorsal and ventral lateral frontal regions, as well as the amygdala, while negative and neutral distractors were presented. The present study focused on the following goals: (1) Replicate previous findings showing different responses to negative versus neutral distraction in dorsal and ventral prefrontal regions as well as the amygdala; (2) examine whether prefrontal regions and the amygdala show either (or both) a trial-by-trial or an individual difference relationship with performance, specifically during negative distraction; (3) replicate resting- state amygdala–prefrontal fcMRI patterns and examine possible differences in connectivity patterns between these regions during WM faced with negative distraction.



Twenty-one neurologically intact right-handed healthy adults (8 male and 13 female; mean age, 24.95 years) were recruited from the Washington University Community by the psychology department subject coordinator and underwent neuroimaging data collection. All subjects completed and signed an informed consent approved by the Washington University IRB and were paid $25/h for their participation. An additional 21 neurologically intact righthanded healthy adults (13 male and 8 female; mean age, 22.52 years) completed resting-state fMRI data collection. We collected restingstate data from a different sample due to long duration of the experimental task (over 2.5 h in the scanner), which could have induced substantial subject fatigue and, in turn, excessive movement and loss of data quality during resting-state scans.


Subjects performed 180 trials of a version of the Sternberg WM delayed response task (Sternberg, 1969) with two levels of WM load (two or three complex geometric shapes) and three potential distractor types presented during the maintenance period of the WM task: (1) emotionally negative image; (2) visually complex neutral image; and (3) task-related geometric shape. We included the task-related geometric shape in order to further evaluate the specificity of the effects of negative distraction. Although neutral distractors help in this regard, they do not elicit the same level of performance impairment as do task-related distractions. Furthermore, prior work has shown that task-confusable distraction (i.e., distractors sharing task properties) was associated with increased signals in dorsal cortical regions rather than the decreased signals found for negative distraction (Dolcos et al., 2008). If negative distraction has a unique impact on PFC activity compared to other salient, but nonemotional interference, negative distractors should result in a different task-evoked signal pattern in both cortical and subcortical regions.

A portion of the trials did not contain a distractor (total of 30 blank trials randomized across the experiment) and were used to estimate distractor-free maintenance activity. The memory sets and task-related distractors were constructed from complex geometric shapes (Attneave & Arnoult, 1956) that were difficult to verbally encode and were generated using a MATLAB algorithm (Collin & McMullen, 2002). Memory set shapes and probes were set to pure black (R  255, G  255, B  255), and task-related distractors were set to a shade of gray to be distinctive from the probes (R  125, G  125, B  125). The negative and neutral visual distractors were selected from the IAPS stimulus set (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1999) and were equated on luminance, contrast, figure–ground relationships, spatial frequency, and color (Bradley, Hamby, Löw, & Lang, 2007; Delplanque, N’diaye, Scherer, & Grandjean, 2007; Sabatinelli, Bradley, Fitzsimmons, & Lang, 2005). All distractors were presented centrally, with a visual angle of 8.5º.

Task Design

The pool of 180 trials was divided into 90 high-WM-load and 90 low-WM-load trials. There were 25 task-related distractor trials, 25 negative distractor trials, 25 neutral, and 15 blank trials in each load condition. The trial sequence was pseudorandomized, with the constraint that no distractor type could appear in more than 3 consecutive trials (to avoid mood induction via negative distractors). The memory sets were presented centrally with a visual angle of 15.75º for a duration of 4.4 sec, followed by an 8.8-sec delay. The delay was followed by a 1.1-sec presentation of the distractor (if present), then by a 6.6-sec postdistractor delay and a probe presented for 2.2 sec (Figure 1). Each trial was followed by a 13.2- sec fixation period to allow the hemodynamic response to return to baseline. Prior to the start of the experiment, each subject was presented with instructions explaining the task and given a brief (8-trial) practice session to demonstrate various trial combinations. The entire experiment was divided into 12 scanning sequences, each lasting 9.2 min. During the scanning period, visual stimuli were presented through an LCD projector to a screen located behind the scanner, which the subject could see through an angled mirror located above the eyes.

fMRI scanning

All scanning occurred on a 3T Tim TRIO Scanner at Washington University Medical School. Functional images were acquired using an asymmetric spin-echo, echo-planar sequence, which was maximally sensitive to BOLD contrast (T2*) (repetition time [TR]  2,200 msec, echo time [TE]  27 msec, field of view [FOV]  256 mm, flip  90º, voxel size  4  4  4 mm). Each BOLD run contained 251 volumes consisting of 32 oblique axial images, which were acquired parallel to the anterior–posterior commissure. All structural images were acquired using a sagittal MP-RAGE 3D T1-weighted sequence (TR  2,400 msec, TE  3.16 msec, flip  8º, voxel size  1  1  1 mm). Additionally, two restingstate BOLD runs (164 volumes, 35 slices per volume) were acquired for an independent sample of 21 subjects (TR  2,500 msec, TE  27 msec, FOV  256 mm, flip  90º, voxel size  5  4  4 mm).

fMRI data processing

The f MRI data preprocessing steps included: (1) compensation for slice-dependent time shifts; (2) removal of the first five images from each run during which the BOLD signal was allowed to reach steady state; (3) elimination of odd/even slice intensity differences due to interpolated acquisition; (4) realignment of data acquired in each subject within and across runs to compensate for rigid body motion (Ojemann et al., 1997); (5) intensity normalization to a whole brain mode value of 1,000, but without bias or gain field correction; (6) registration of the 3-D structural volume (T1) to the atlas representative template based on 12 normal subjects represented in the Talairach coordinate system (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988) using a 12-parameter affine transform and resampled to 1-mm cubic representation (Buckner et al., 2004; Ojemann et al., 1997); (7) coregistration of the 3-D fMRI volume to the structural image and transformation to atlas space using a single affine 12-parameter transform that included a resampling to a 3-mm cubic representation; (8) spatial smoothing using a 6-mm full-width at half maximum (FWHM) Gaussian filter.

General fMRI analysis.

As a first step, a general linear model (GLM) approach was used to estimate task-related activity in each voxel for each subject without assuming a hemodynamic response shape (Ollinger, Corbetta, & Shulman, 2001) and without differentiating correct and incorrect trials. The first 15 frames of each trial were modeled. Each of the eight conditions was modeled separately (two load levels and four distractor type trials), and the resulting beta estimates of event-related response at each trial time point (15 time points) were entered into a second-level analysis that treated subjects as a random factor. A second GLM model was computed that included accuracy as a covariate to enable examination of the within-subjects relationship between behavioral performance and brain activity.

Given the focused questions concerned with effects of negative distraction on prefrontal activity, we identified cortical ROIs that showed either an increase or a decrease in activation during negative, rather than neutral, distraction. We used three analytic steps to isolate these regions. First, to isolate ROIs that met whole-brain false-positive correction criteria, we identified voxels showing significant differences in time courses across all conditions using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with distractor type (four levels) and time (15 frames per trial) as factors, treating subjects as a random factor. This was done to identify voxels showing time course differences across different distractor conditions. Voxels that showed significant distractor type  time interaction and met a whole-brain p .05 correction (Z  3 and a cluster size of at least 13 contiguous voxels) were considered for subsequent analyses. Second, to identify focal ROIs within the thresholded ANOVA map, we employed an automated peak-searching algorithm, delineating separate ROIs if they were more than 10 mm apart. These ROIs were limited to no more than 80 mm3, in order to preclude creating ROIs that spanned several functionally distinct cortical regions (Kerr, Gusnard, Snyder, & Raichle, 2004; Michelon, Snyder, Buckner, McAvoy, & Zacks, 2003). Third, to focus on ROIs showing modulation as a function of negative distraction, we computed a planned paired t test on signals extracted from each of the identified ROIs for the two frames following the distractor presentation (average of Frames 8 and 9 in the trial most likely to reflect response to distractors) for negative versus neutral conditions. Only ROIs showing a significant difference in this t test comparing negative with neutral distraction at p .01 were considered in subsequent analyses (see Supplemental Table S1).

To isolate task-evoked amygdala signals, we applied an anatomical amygdala ROI mask based on the current sample, which was obtained using an automated subcortical segmentation process available through FreeSurfer (Fischl et al., 2002; Fischl et al., 2004). Specifically, we identified each individual’s bilateral amygdala on the basis of anatomical images already registered to a common space. Next, we combined all the individual masks (inclusively, so that a voxel present in any individual subject’s amygdala mask was present in the group mask) and downsampled the resolution to match the functional voxel size (i.e., 3  3  3 mm; see Supplemental Figure S2). We then applied this bilateral amygdala mask to the ANOVA analyses described above to isolate thresholded voxels specifically within our anatomically defined amygdala regions. We also used the same anatomical amygdala mask to examine the relationship between amygdala signal and task performance.

fcMRI preprocessing

Prior to performing fcMRI analyses, all raw time series BOLD images were further preprocessed to remove possible sources of spurious correlations. All preprocessing, as well as further fcMRI analyses, was performed using in-house software implemented in MATLAB 7.4 and was based on previously published fcMRI techniques (Fox et al., 2005; He et al., 2007). (1) All images were spatially smoothed by 6-mm FWHM Gaussian filter (as in the GLM computation above). (2) Images were temporally filtered using a high-pass filter with cutoff frequency of 0.009 Hz to remove low frequencies and scanner drift. (3) Modeled after the procedure employed by Fox et al., a set of nuisance regressors were removed from the signal using multiple regression: six rigid-body motion correction parameters, ventricle signal, deep white matter signal, and whole-brain signal. Whole-brain and ventricle regions were defined individually for each BOLD run on the basis of its first frame volume using an automated algorithm. Brain edge was identified using a fixed threshold. Ventricle centers were identified by peak intensities within a predefined search volume. Ventricle extent was identified by an iterative searching algorithm sensitive to large intensity changes using previously identified peaks as seeds. Eyes were excluded based on a predefined mask. As a final step, one layer of boundary voxels was excluded from both whole brain and ventricle regions to exclude any possible remaining overlap. All the nuisance regressors were also expressed as their first temporal derivative to remove their temporally shifted versions. All subsequent analyses were based on the residual signal after removal was carried out for the listed nuisance regressors.

Seed-based correlation map analysis

We wanted to examine the relationship between the amygdala and other cortical regions, during both resting state and the WM task. To examine the amygdala fcMRI during resting state, we computed a seed-based correlation map using 21 subjects from an independent sample that completed resting-state runs. Amygdala correlation maps were computed by extracting the average time series across all the voxels in each subject’s individual anatomically defined bilateral amygdala ROI, which was then correlated with each voxel in the brain. We estimated group-level statistical significance by converting individual correlation maps to Fisher Z maps and computing a voxelwise one-sample t test (comparing the correlation against zero). To examine amygdala fcMRI in the context of the WM task, we computed the average BOLD signal value during the maintenance phase following distractor onset (average of Time Points 8 and 9) at each trial for each voxel in the image. These values were then concatenated into a 4-D (brain volume  trial) time series representing distractor response signal over all the trials. Using the same approach as in resting state, amygdala correlation maps were computed by extracting average values across all the voxels in the amygdala ROI and computing their correlation with each voxel in the brain. Importantly, the described approach (i.e., using isolated time points during each trial and not all the frames in a trial) effectively eliminates the influence of the task structure and prevents spurious correlations that would be induced by similarities in the overall task response across progression of the trial. In the analyses presented below, we focused on the average of Time Points 8 and 9, since they were most likely to reflect activity in response to distractors. As before, we estimated group-level statistical significance by converting individual correlation maps to Fisher Z maps and computing a voxelwise one-sample t test (comparing the correlation against zero). All statistical maps were appropriately corrected for multiple comparisons using cluster size Monte Carlo algorithms to ensure that the obtained foci met whole-brain false positive rates of p .05. Lastly, all fcMRI analyses were based on the average of both correct and incorrect trials to maximize power given no a priori predictions with regard to connectivity differences as a function of performance.


Behavioral Performance

Using percent correct as the dependent measure (see Figure 2), we computed a two-way ANOVA (four levels of distractor factor and two levels of load factor), which showed a main effect of load [F(1,20) = 34.014, p .< 0001], no main effect of distractor type [F(3,60) =1.864, p = .145, n.s.], and a distractor type X load interaction [F(3,60) = 4.93, p < .005]. Given previous work demonstrating that negative distractors confer WM performance costs, we computed planned t tests with accuracy as the dependent measure comparing specifically neutral versus negative conditions under high and low loads. Negative distractors were associated with significant accuracy cost in the low load [t(20) = -3.48, p <.0007, one-tailed]. There was no significant performance difference between negative and neutral distraction in the high load; however, consistent with prior work (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006), when collapsed across loads, t test results indicated a significant WM cost for negative distraction, compared with neutral [t(20) = -2.305, p < .017, one-tailed]. Interestingly, the effects of emotional distraction were maximal at lower WM load levels. One possibility, supported by pilot data from our laboratory, is that the effect of negative emotional interference is not “detectable” in the context of a more difficult load manipulation. In other words, due to higher difficulty of the task and the need to maintain an accurate representation of more items in WM, all distraction may have been equally disruptive.

In addition, we computed the same two-way ANOVA with reaction time (RT), which indicated a main effect of load [F(1,20) = 7.87, p < .02], a main effect of distractor type [F(3,60) = 21.24, p < .0001], and no load X distractor type interaction [F(3,60) = 2.86, p = .12, n.s.]. Lastly, as with the accuracy results, we computed planned t tests using RT as the dependent measure, comparing specifically neutral and negative conditions under high and low loads. Consistent with accuracy results, negative distractors were associated with significant RT slowing in the low-load condition [t(20) = 1.68, p = .05, one-tailed]. However, as shown for accuracy, there were no significant RT differences between negative and neutral distraction in the high-load condition. Taken together, these results suggest that negative distractors were associated with significant accuracy and RT cost compared with neutral distractors and that these behavioral effects were most prominent under low WM load.

Surprisingly, performance in the distractor-free condition under high WM load was lower than in the distractor conditions. This pattern of behavioral results was unexpected and may reflect an artifact of the experimental design. One possibility is that since distractor trials were much more common than no-distractor trials, and presentation was randomized, subjects may have been surprised by the probe stimulus on the latter trials, especially under more difficult conditions (where WM traces may be more vulnerable). Additional out-of-scanner data collected with identical stimuli support this hypothesis; WM performance on distractor-free trials was considerably better when they were presented in a separate initial block than when they were mixed with all the distractor trials. Also, performance in blocked distractor-free conditions was better than in distractor trials at both WM load levels (see Supplemental Figure S7).

Prefrontal Cortical Regions Modulated by Negative Distraction

Our first goal was to replicate previous findings and identify prefrontal cortical areas modulated by negative distractors. Our analyses (see the Method section for details) yielded 32 total foci with considerable similarities to previous findings (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006) (see Supplemental Table S1 and Supplemental Figures S1, S3, and S4). None of the identified ROIs showed a distractor type effect (e.g., negative vs. other types of distraction) that varied as a function of load. Thus, for ease of presentation, in subsequent analyses we averaged the activation across the two load levels.

As indicated at the beginning of this article, we focused specifically on frontal cortical foci showing activation modulation as a function of negative distraction reported by prior studies (Dolcos et al., 2008; Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). Right hemisphere foci are shown in Figure 3 and included DLPFC, frontopolar prefrontal cortex (aPFC), and VLPFC, closely matching those reported by Dolcos and McCarthy. Notably, left hemisphere effects were largely attenuated and are shown in Supplemental Figure S2, which is consistent with the visuospatial nature of the WM task (i.e., it may warrant more right hemisphere recruitment). In the absence of distraction, aPFC (Figure 3A, left panel) showed a lower signal pattern during the maintenance phase followed by a robust, transient response to the probe, also found by other groups investigating WM-related signals in this region (Leung, Gore, & Goldman-Rakic, 2005). In contrast, DLPFC (Figure 3B, left panel) showed a marked response to the memoranda set during encoding, followed by a sustained, above-baseline signal during the maintenance phase and a prominent response to the probe, also consistent with prior work (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). Both aPFC and DLPFC showed activation reduction during the delay period in response to negative when compared with neutral distractors [aPFC, x = 37, y = 52, z = 15, t(1,20) =-4.5, p <.00025; DLPFC, x = 40, y = 34, z = 33, t(1,20) = -5.53, p < .0001]. Importantly, the reduced signal pattern in the dorsal PFC ROIs was specific for negative distraction, since other salient (task-related) but nonemotional distraction was associated with signal increases in dorsal PFC ROIs (see Figure 3). In contrast, VLPFC (Figure 3C, left panel) showed a signal increase in response to negative compared with neutral distractors [VLPFC: x = 51, y = 33, z = 14, t(1,20) = 2.83, p < .01]. Again, this pattern was specific for negative distraction, given that task-related but nonemotional distractors were associated with minimal change in VLPFC signal. Taken together, these results replicate previously reported effects of negative distraction on PFC activity during WM (Dolcos et al., 2006; Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006; Dolcos, Miller, Kragel, Jha, & McCarthy, 2007). Next, we sought to extend these findings and test which of these regions show performance-related changes in activity, specifically during negative distraction.

Relationship Between Prefrontal Activity and Performance

We examined signal patterns for correct and incorrect trials for identified prefrontal cortical ROIs during negative and neutral distraction (Figure 3). The most prominent difference between correct and incorrect trials for the negative condition was observed in the aPFC ROI (Figure 3A), showing more deactivation for incorrect trials in response to negative, but not neutral, distraction. In addition, VLPFC showed higher signal for correct trials when faced with negative distraction. However, the nature of the signal as a function of performance in the VLPFC was different from aPFC. VLPFC (Figure 3C) showed less activation for incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction (whereas aPFC showed more deactivation). To confirm these findings statistically, we computed a paired t test on the signal extracted from the prefrontal ROIs for the two frames following the distractor presentation (average of Frames 8 and 9 in the trial starting at time points of 15.4 and 17.6 sec, respectively), which indicated significantly lower signal for incorrect when compared with correct trials in the negative condition for both right aPFC ROI [t(1,13) = -2.51, p < .03, two-tailed, Figure 3A] and right VLPFC ROI [t(1,13) = -1.94, p < .025, one-tailed, Figure 3C]. This same comparison failed to reach significance when examining correct and incorrect trials in the neutral condition in any of the above ROIs. However, the two-way interaction between emotion (negative vs. neutral distractor) and accuracy (correct vs. incorrect trials) did not reach significance for the aPFC [F(1,13) = 0.85, p = .37] and VLPFC [F(1,13) = 3.41, p = .087] ROIs. In addition, there were no differences between correct and incorrect trials in the DLPFC ROI for either negative or neutral conditions (Figure 3B, middle and far right panels). Also, aPFC, DLPFC, and VLPFC ROIs in the left hemisphere did not show significant differences between correct and incorrect trials (Supplemental Figures S3A–S3C). Overall, these results extend prior findings showing, in the same sample, that performance-related activation differences are especially evident in the frontopolar and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex when negative information interferes with performance.

In addition, we examined whether average activity in the same PFC ROIs was predictive of individual differences in WM performance across different conditions. We extracted the average BOLD signal across all voxels in each ROI (average of Frames 8 and 9) and computed a correlation across subjects with WM performance expressed as percent correct. Figure 4 shows the results for negative, neutral, and task-related distraction. Both aPFC and DLPFC showed an inverse relationship between average activation and WM performance, specifically for negative distraction but not for other conditions. To ensure statistical rigor, given the large number of computed relationships (12 total, including the amygdala), we employed a false discovery rate (FDR) correction (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). Both aPFC (Figure 5A) and DLPFC (Figure 5D) findings satisfied their respective FDR corrections (q  0.05). However, although significant, the direction of this relationship was opposite to what we would have predicted, with less overall signal in aPFC and DLPFC being related to better performance. Importantly, these analyses averaged PFC activity for both correct and incorrect trials, but the results remained unchanged when correct trials only were examined (Supplemental Figures S6A–S6I).

Is the Amygdala Modulated by Emotion During WM Maintenance?

Figure 5A shows the bilateral amygdala ROIs identified using the time  distractor type interaction in the same manner as cortical foci (left, x  25, y  8, z  13, 1,458 mm3 voxels; right, x  25, y  7, z  11, 2,322 mm3; see the Method section for details). Figure 5B shows the corresponding amygdala time courses. As in prior work, Figure 5B shows that highest amygdala signals were associated with negative, but much less so for other salient and distracting stimuli (e.g., task-related distraction). This pattern of result closely replicates the findings reported by Dolcos et al. (2008) in the context of a delayed WM task.

Relationship Between the Amygdala and WM Performance

As with cortical ROIs, we examined differences between correct and incorrect trials for the amygdala ROI. This analysis showed numerically higher signal for incorrect versus correct trials containing negative distractors, but the differences failed to reach significance. In addition to performing trial-by-trial analyses, we sought to examine whether individual differences in amygdala signal predicted WM performance. As shown in Figure 6, higher levels of bilateral amygdala signal were associated with worse WM performance across subjects for negative (r  .45, p .05, two-tailed) distractors (Figure 6A). However, this relationship was also present for neutral (r  .63, p .003, two-tailed) and task-related (r  .57, p .008, two-tailed; Figures 6B and 6C, respectively) distractors. As for PFC ROIs, these analyses averaged amygdala activity for both correct and incorrect trials, but the results remained largely unchanged when correct trials only were examined (Supplemental Figures S6J–S6L).

As noted above, all three amygdala correlations were included along with cortical ROI correlations when controlling for FDR (q  0.05) to ensure control of Type I error rate (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). All three reported relationships for the amygdala exceeded their respective FDR thresholds.

fcMRI Between the Amygdala and Other Cortical Regions During Resting State and Negative Distraction

First, we examined the relationship between bilateral amygdala activity and activity in the rest of the brain in the absence of a task (resting state; Figure 7A). Figure 7A shows cortical regions that correlated significantly with the amygdala signal and met a whole-brain p .05 correction (Z  3 and 13 voxels, as determined by in-house Monte Carlo simulations). Overall, present results closely replicate prior work examining resting-state amygdala fcMRI (Roy et al., 2009), indicating significant negative coupling between amygdala and the main components of the dorsal task network (Corbetta et al., 2008). Second, we examined amygdala fcMRI in the context of WM function during negative distraction (Figure 7B), which indicated negative coupling with frontal, but not parietal, components of the dorsal task network, in line with fcMRI results reported by Mitchell et al. (2008). In addition, anterior cingulate and bilateral insula showed negative fcMRI with the amygdala during task, but not during resting state.

To examine which of these task and resting-state differences were statistically reliable, we computed an independent samples t test using resting-state and task-based fcMRI results. The t test results revealed significantly more negative coupling between the amygdala and prefrontal cortical regions during WM (with negative distraction) than during the resting state (Figure 7C, blue foci). These regions included bilateral DLPFC, bilateral aPFC, bilateral insular cortex, and bilateral anterior cingulate. In contrast, regions showing more positive coupling with the amygdala in task than in the resting state (Figure 7C, red foci) seem to be largely centered around the posterior cortical regions, including the bilateral angular gyrus, and the bilateral sensory, visual, and posterior cingulate cortex. Of note, no prefrontal cortical foci showed more positive coupling with amygdala during task when compared with resting state. We also compared the amygdala fcMRI results from the negative distraction condition with those from the neutral distraction condition, using the same t test approach. The whole-brain-corrected comparison between the two conditions (i.e., negative vs. neutral amygdala fcMRI) revealed differences centered on the same prefrontal regions showing more negative coupling in task versus rest (see Supplemental Figure S5F). Moreover, it is evident that at a somewhat lower threshold (i.e., Z  2.5, p .0065), a wider set of regions very similar to those showing task–rest differences are also more negatively coupled with the amygdala during negative versus neutral distraction (see Supplemental Figures S5E and S5C).

Importantly, in the above analysis the subjects in the task-based fcMRI sample were different from those in the resting-state fcMRI sample. Thus, one concern is that the observed task versus rest results could have occurred for reasons having to do with sampling differences between groups of subjects, not ones reflecting differences in the specific factor of interest (in this case, task vs. resting state). In other words, maybe any two groups of randomly selected individuals would show differences in amygdala fcMRI under the exact same conditions (e.g., both resting state), instead of reflecting changes between task and resting-state fcMRI. To address this concern we employed a permutation resampling strategy (Nichols & Holmes, 2001) that allowed us to determine whether the differences we observed were due to a specific way of examining the data (i.e., task vs. resting state) or whether some of these differences may have occurred due to chance alone, given a comparison of any two random sets of subjects (Hesterberg, Monaghan, Moore, Clipson, & Epstein, 2005; see the supplemental materials for a complete discussion). Briefly, we computed 100,000 resampling simulations, which indicated that the differences observed in Figure 7C were unlikely to have occurred simply by randomly splitting the subjects into two groups. Supplemental Figure S5D shows the results of the permutation resampling. The voxels shown exceeded the observed task–rest difference in fewer than 0.1% ( p .001) of the simulations and closely correspond to the regions found using the independent samples t test approach (also shown in Supplemental Figure S5C).


In the present study, we replicated prior work showing that negative distraction differentially modulates prefrontal activity during WM when compared with other types of distraction. Moreover, we extended prior findings in four important ways. We showed (1) that anterior prefrontal cortical regions modulated by emotion also evidenced performance-related activation differences specifically for negative distraction; (2) that a lower average signal in the dorsal PFC ROIs was associated with better WM performance across subjects, specifically during negative distraction; (3) that the amygdala was most responsive to negative distraction, but across subjects more amygdala signals during all distractor conditions were associated with poorer WM performance; and (4) that the amygdala was negatively coupled with frontal cortical regions during both resting state and active WM, but that this negative coupling with the prefrontal cortex was more prominent during negative distraction than during either resting state or neutral distraction.

Negative Distraction Has an Impact on Prefrontal Cortical Regions

The present study replicated and further validated previous findings in three prefrontal cortical regions, showing activity modulation as a function of emotion during WM (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). In the absence of distraction, aPFC showed a sustained signal pattern during the maintenance phase marked by a prominent response to the probe, also reported by other groups (Leung et al., 2005). However, aPFC activation showed a below-baseline drop following negative distraction, and even more so when WM operations were not carried out successfully (i.e., incorrect trials), which was not apparent following neutral distraction. This aPFC region has been implicated in a variety of cognitive control functions, such as management of multiple task-relevant goals and sustained goal representation (Braver & Bongiolatti, 2002; Braver, Reynolds, & Donaldson, 2003; Dreher, Koechlin, Tierney, & Grafman, 2008; Koechlin, Basso, Pietrini, Panzer, & Grafman, 1999; Koechlin & Hyafil, 2007; Reynolds, McDermott, & Braver, 2006). One putative aPFC role put forth by Braver and Bongiolatti was that increased aPFC signals might reflect integration of subgoals during cognitive operations or “multitasking.” Our results are consistent with this hypothesis, since aPFC exhibited the highest response to task-confusable distraction, which may require integration/comparison with the task. In other words, the similarity of the task-confusable distraction may require aPFC to carry out computations that aid in resolving interference arising from distractor–probe similarity (i.e., ignoring confusable distraction) while still allowing ongoing goal representation (i.e., maintaining memory set until the probe is presented). In line with this formulation, aPFC showed the greatest signal drop during negative distraction when WM was not carried out successfully (i.e., incorrect trials), which might suggest that trials in which a subgoal was processed (resolving emotion interference) led to loss or neglect of the primary task goal (memory set maintenance). Although speculative and in need of further testing, this interpretation is consistent with other models of aPFC function, suggesting that signal loss in this region may be associated with the loss of ongoing task goals (Koechlin & Hyafil, 2007).

Similarly, DLPFC signals showed the greatest activity reduction when negative distraction was presented. However, the general pattern of DLPFC signals was different from that found in aPFC. In the absence of distraction, DLPFC showed a strong response during encoding (aPFC did not), above baseline signal during maintenance, then a clear response to the probe. This DLPFC region has typically been implicated in temporarily storing and manipulating information in the service of achieving a goal (Curtis et al., 2004; D’Esposito, 2007; Goldman-Rakic, 1996; Koechlin & Hyafil, 2007). Thus, negative distraction may result in depleting available neural resources needed for adequate memory trace maintenance, resulting in a temporary signal drop. But, unlike aPFC, we did not observe that the amount of DLPFC signal drop was predictive of performance in the negative condition. One possibility is that in the present study the amount of negative distraction did not completely deplete DLPFC resources. Consistent with this interpretation, we did not observe below-baseline signal drop in DLPFC for negative distraction, as reported by Dolcos and McCarthy (2006), which may be due to differences in the amount of distraction presented (i.e., we used one distractor lasting for 1.1 sec, whereas they used two, lasting for 6 sec). Therefore, it may be possible that our emotional manipulation, although potent enough to produce an activation decrease and a behavioral effect, was not as capable of completely degrading memory traces held in DLPFC, and may be the reason we failed to observe a performance-related effect in DLPFC. It will be important for future studies to parametrically vary the amount of negative distraction to verify this assertion and establish at which level of negative distraction WM trace maintenance breaks down.

In contrast to aPFC and DLPFC, VLPFC showed a signal increase in response to negative but not to other salient distraction, also consistent with prior work (Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). Importantly, VLPFC signal increases were associated with better performance on trials containing negative, but not neutral, distraction, in line with prior studies (Dolcos et al., 2006). Prior work also showed that higher VLPFC signals were associated with lower distractibility ratings in the context of WM (Dolcos et al., 2006), as well as successful reappraisal of emotional information when no separate cognitive task was being performed (Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2008; Wager et al., 2008). Although other work has suggested that an elevated VLPFC signal may reflect a general role in interference control (Aaron, Robbins, & Poldrack, 2004; ThompsonSchill et al., 2002), the present findings, and those of Dolcos et al. (2006), suggest that greater VLPFC activation may be uniquely associated with better WM performance when resolving negative distraction. Still, it is possible that negative distraction in our study produced more interference (or subjective sense of distraction) than did other distractors (as evident from the behavioral results), which may have in turn elicited the highest VLPFC activation. Although task-relevant distraction in the present study produced numerically more WM cost than did neutral distraction, it was not completely performance-matched with negative distractors. Therefore, to rule out this possibility, it will be critical for future studies to include a distractor condition devoid of emotion, but equally or more behaviorally distracting.

Lastly, we showed that lower aPFC and DLPFC signals, specifically during negative distraction, were associated with better WM performance across subjects. This was unexpected since—if anything—we would have expected that subjects with higher prefrontal recruitment during negative distraction would have performed better. One speculative explanation is that our findings reflect individual differences in WM capacity and its relationship with brain activation (Vogel & Machizawa, 2004). In other words, low-capacity subjects may have reached, or were closer to, their neural recruitment plateau, whereas high-capacity subjects may have had resources to spare. Thus, higher capacity subjects may have shown relatively less PFC activation for the present task than did lower capacity subjects, but more resistance to distractions, due to better WM trace formation. Conversely, low-capacity subjects may have to rely on additional PFC recruitment to accomplish the task, but at the same time have fewer spare resources, possibly leading to stronger effects of negative distraction. Another speculative hypothesis is that, during negative distraction, certain subjects require far more PFC activity to overcome their elevated emotional reactivity and accomplish the WM task (e.g., higher trait anxiety; Bishop, 2009; Bishop, Duncan, Brett, & Lawrence, 2004). These subjects may require increased aPFC and DLPFC recruitment to deal with the presence of negative interference, but more WM cost given stronger impact of affective material.

Alternatively, activation reductions in PFC regions may be linked to reallocating processing resources toward other brain regions involved in coping with emotional distraction (e.g., VLPFC). Therefore, higher reallocation may lead to more successful coping with emotional distraction, which in turn actually results in reductions of DLPFC activity. Future work using fcMRI analyses in this context may elucidate the nature of the relationship between DLPFC and other prefrontal regions, which are likely candidates in resisting emotional interference (e.g., VLPFC) and should do so when WM interference is resolved and successful reallocation may have taken place (i.e., correct vs. incorrect trials). In summary, because these findings were unexpected, further prospective testing is needed to investigate these competing hypotheses and characterize individual differences in PFC signals during affective distraction.

Individual Differences in Amygdala Activation

Consistent with our predictions, we demonstrated that, across subjects, higher amygdala amplitudes were associated with worse WM performance. However, this pattern was not specific for negative distraction, but was observed for all distractor types. Although the general relationship between WM performance and amygdala reactivity was somewhat surprising, it is not unprecedented. A study by Schaefer et al. (2006) demonstrated that higher amygdala amplitude was associated with faster RT during a challenging 3-back WM task devoid of emotion or distraction. Despite the evidence for the role of the amygdala as a central hub for detecting affective salience, numerous studies have implicated the amygdala in other nonaffective functions, such as attention and vigilance (Davis & Whalen, 2001; Holland & Gallagher, 1999, 2006; Kepp, Whalen, Supple, & Pascoe, 1992; Sander, Grafman, & Zalla, 2003). Accordingly, Schaefer and colleagues postulated that their findings might reflect the amygdala’s role in general vigilance, which, in some contexts, may aid organisms in better coping with, and responding to, challenging cognitive conditions. Of note, Schaefer and colleagues found that increased amygdala response was associated with better, not worse, performance, as found in the present study. However, their findings reflected amygdala response to the probe in an n-back task, and not to distractors in the context of a delayed WM task. Amygdala responses, although facilitating vigilance during elevated cognitive challenge, may be detrimental at other times when increased vigilance may result in more potent distraction via external interference; in other words, whether higher amygdala responsiveness aids or interferes with task performance may differ, depending on the nature of the task involved.

Although the amygdala was maximally responsive to negative distraction, it also responded above baseline levels to other distractors (see Figure 5B). Therefore, given the present task, there may be a general expectation for a distractor occurring (emotional or not). In turn, certain subjects may have shown accompanied increases in amygdala recruitment, irrespective of distractor type. One speculative hypothesis is that there is some individual difference factor—trait anxiety, performance anxiety, distractibility—that leads some individuals to show stronger amygdala responses to any potentially performance- relevant distractor. It will be important for future work to elucidate which individual difference measures may predict increased amygdala amplitude, irrespective of distraction type, and to characterize contexts in which amygdala recruitment aids or hurts cognition.

Resting-state and task-based amygdala fcMRI. A main question was to investigate amygdala fcMRI during resting state and during WM faced with negative distraction. As noted by Roy et al. (2009), previous work has shown similar amygdala fcMRI during resting state and task (Stein et al., 2007), but has not directly tested whether there are fcMRI differences between task and rest or between the negative and the neutral task conditions. We replicate prior resting-state findings by showing negative fcMRI between the amygdala and the dorsal frontal- parietal cortex, regions typically activated during effortful cognitive engagement (Corbetta et al., 2008; Curtis et al., 2004; D’Esposito et al., 1998; Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). In addition, we demonstrate that a number of regions located in the prefrontal cortex (but not elsewhere) showed more negative coupling with the amygdala during WM faced with negative distraction when compared with resting state, a subset of which also showed more negative coupling during negative versus neutral distraction. These regions included the bilateral DLPFC, the aPFC, the frontal operculum, and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, which—as noted—are in close correspondence with prefrontal components of the dorsal task network, as well as components of the cingulo-opercular system suggested by others as critical in maintaining stable set control (Dosenbach, Fair, Cohen, Schlaggar, & Petersen, 2008; Dosenbach et al., 2007; Dosenbach et al., 2006). Interestingly, some of the same prefrontal circuits have been shown to come online during emotional reappraisal (Wager et al., 2008). One possibility is that certain prefrontal regions aid emotion regulation by suppressing amygdala signals during cognitive tasks such as WM. Importantly, a similar frontopolar region showing more negative coupling with the amygdala also showed the largest signal drop when WM operations failed in the face of negative distraction. Taken together, these converging findings point to the potential importance of the frontopolar cortex in resisting negative interference during cognitive engagement, possibly via down-regulating amygdala signals.

In addition, certain regions showed more positive fcMRI with the amygdala during negative distraction versus resting state; this included the visual cortex, the anterior temporal lobes, the angular gyrus, the posterior cingulate, and the somatosensory cortex. More positive coupling between the amygdala and these regions may reflect their increased interaction during processing of visually presented negative information. Other positive fcMRI changes, such as coupling with posterior cingulate and sensory cortex, were more surprising. Importantly, these differences did not reflect more positive coupling during task, but instead reflected less negative coupling in task versus resting state. These results were not predicted, and it is unclear at present what these specific changes may reflect. However, a critical point is that the majority of negative pictures depicted harm being inflicted (such as war footage, wounds, or mutilation pictures). Thus, one speculative hypothesis is that increased amygdala coupling with the somatosensory cortex may have reflected involvement of these regions in mental representation of pain infliction and internalizing the experience of the people in the pictures (Avenanti, Bueti, Galati, & Aglioti, 2005; Avenanti, Minio-Paluello, Bufalari, & Aglioti, 2006; Bufalari, Aprile, Avenanti, Di Russo, & Aglioti, 2007; Cheng, Yang, Lin, Lee, & Decety, 2008; Fecteau, Pascual-Leone, & Théoret, 2008).

Of note, previously reported positive coupling between the amygdala and the VLPFC (Dolcos et al., 2006) was not replicated in the present study. One possibility is that the nature of the present task and the intensity of emotional distraction (i.e., Dolcos et al. [2006] used substantially more emotional distraction) required involvement of different mechanisms in coping with distraction, which may have diminished the role of VLPFC in suppressing amygdala signals. Lastly, we did not make predictions with regard to amygdala–prefrontal coupling as a function of accuracy. One possibility is that the degree of amygdala–prefrontal coupling changes depending on performance, which should be tested in prospective studies.

Limitations and Future Directions

Although we investigated the effect of negative emotional distraction on prefrontal activity during cognitive engagement, tests remain to be done to ascertain whether these effects are present during positively valenced distraction. Similarly, it would be informative to test whether other emotional material (i.e., verbal emotion or facial expressions) results in similar findings. It is also critical to point out that the present stimuli (negative vs. neutral) also differed along the arousal dimension, which may have contributed to the observed differences. While it is difficult to fully rule out, future work may want to use more carefully arousal-matched positive and negative distractors to verify the specificity of negative distraction found in the present study. Also, present fcMRI findings are correlational and do not address concerns related to directionality of influences. The use of converging methods that help establish causality (e.g., TMS), statistical techniques such as Granger causality (Bressler, Tang, Sylvester, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2008), and pathway-mapping methods (Wager et al., 2008) will be integral to disambiguate the direction of specific regional influences during emotional distraction. It should also be noted that the within-subjects accuracy analysis was based on a relatively small number of incorrect trials (~10 per condition). Therefore, it may be possible that a lack of significant differences in certain conditions and brain regions (e.g., neutral distraction for aPFC) was a product of low power and should be interpreted with this possibility in mind. Thus, future work should verify these effects using more difficult WM tasks with a larger number of error trials.


In the present study, we advanced the understanding of prefrontal cortex involvement in resisting negative distraction. We extended previous findings and showed that less frontopolar cortex deactivation, but more ventral lateral cortex activation, was associated with better WM performance, specifically during negative distraction. In addition, we showed that dorsal lateral and frontalpolar prefrontal regions demonstrated more negative coupling with the amygdala during negative distraction, when compared with resting state and neutral distraction. Lastly, we demonstrated that elevated amygdala signals were associated with worse WM performance, regardless of distraction type. Taken together, the present findings further establish the importance of prefrontal cortical circuitry in regulating temporary emotionally negative interference. Importantly, the present findings open important research venues for future investigations of clinical populations that may exhibit difficulties in either “top-down” (e.g., schizophrenia) or “bottom-up” (e.g., anxiety) circuitry critical for regulating negative emotions.

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Survival-relevant information has privileged access to our awareness even during active cognitive engagement. Previous work has demonstrated that during working memory (WM) negative emotional distraction disrupts activation in the lateral prefrontal regions while also engaging the amygdala. Here, using slow event related fMRI, we replicate and extend previous work examining the effect of negative emotional distraction on WM: (1) We demonstrate that prefrontal regions showed activation differences between correct and incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Specifically, frontopolar prefrontal cortex showed more deactivation for incorrect trials faced with negative distraction, whereas ventrolateral prefrontal regions showed less activation; (2) individual differences in amygdala activity predicted WM performance during negative as well as neutral distraction, such that lower activity predicted better performance; and (3) amygdala showed negative correlations with prefrontal and parietal cortical regions during resting state. However, during negative distraction, amygdala signals were more negatively correlated with prefrontal cortical regions than was found for resting state and neutral distraction. These results provide further evidence for an inverse relationship between dorsal prefrontal cortical regions and the amygdala when processing aversive stimuli competes with ongoing cognitive operations, and further support the importance of the prefrontal cortex in resisting emotional interference.

Prefrontal Cortical and Amygdala Activity During Working Memory Maintenance: A Dissociation of Emotion and Performance


The mammalian brain relies heavily on emotional processing for survival. This processing rapidly allocates attentional resources, enabling quick evaluations and decisions. Some theorists posit that emotional information may gain privileged access to neural resources, particularly when attentional capacity is not fully engaged. This can lead to transient disruption of cognitive goals. Conversely, maintaining cognitive engagement despite distractions, whether emotional or otherwise, can be advantageous, fostering behavioral flexibility. This capacity relies on frontoparietal regions involved in "top-down" cognitive control.

Working memory (WM) exemplifies sustained cognitive engagement and relies on dorsal frontoparietal areas. Using a delayed WM task as a "cold" cognitive probe, Dolcos and McCarthy (2006) showed distinct activation patterns in dorsal frontoparietal and ventral frontal-occipital regions during negative emotional distraction. Dorsal frontoparietal regions, mirroring the dorsal attention system, showed decreased activity in response to negative, but not neutral, distractors. They proposed that this reduction might reflect temporary suppression by regions like the amygdala, which are responsible for detecting emotional salience. Conversely, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) exhibited increased activation to negative distractors, possibly reflecting heightened interference resolution demands.

Beyond simply disrupting prefrontal activity, it's crucial to ascertain whether these regions actively resist negative distraction. Examining performance-related activity during such distraction can provide insights. Dolcos and McCarthy (2006) observed lower dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC) activity for incorrect trials with negative distractors compared to all other trial types. While informative, this doesn't clarify whether dorsal or ventral prefrontal activity relates to accuracy selectively during negative distraction or under all conditions. Dolcos et al. (2006) reported that increased VLPFC activity was linked to better performance during negative, but not neutral, distraction. However, they didn't assess this for dorsal frontal regions. Additionally, exploring the link between individual differences in PFC signals and WM performance could be revealing. Dolcos and McCarthy (2006) found that individuals with lower VLPFC activity reported higher subjective distractibility, but the relationship between individual PFC activity and objective WM performance during negative interference remains unclear.

Equally important is understanding the role of "bottom-up" regions, like the amygdala, in negative distraction. Previous work using the same delayed WM task found that amygdala activation peaked after negative interference, supporting its role in detecting emotional salience, particularly potential threats. However, whether amygdala activation magnitude relates to performance in such situations remains unclear. As with PFC regions, examining performance-related activity might illuminate the amygdala's role in disrupting WM during negative interference.

Furthermore, it's crucial to investigate whether individual differences in amygdala amplitude predict WM performance. Previous research has linked individual amygdala activity to self-reported emotional distractibility. However, the association between individual amygdala signals and objective performance during negative distraction needs further exploration. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between amygdala signals and WM performance.

While we've discussed cortical and subcortical regions separately, there's growing recognition that "cold" prefrontal (top-down) and "hot" emotional circuits interact during emotional and cognitive processing. Functional connectivity (fcMRI) analyses provide tools to directly examine these relationships during rest and task states. However, only one study has investigated amygdala trial-based connectivity during negative distraction within a delayed WM task, focusing on amygdala-VLPFC coupling, which was stronger during negative distraction. The relationship between the amygdala and other regions, particularly dorsal frontoparietal areas, during WM with negative distraction remains unexplored. This is particularly intriguing given the biased competition model of attention, which predicts competition for neural resources between the amygdala and dorsal PFC due to their differing roles in sensory salience detection versus top-down control. This competition might manifest as direct inhibitory influence, observable as negative coupling between these areas. Supporting this, another study found significant negative correlations between the amygdala and dorsal frontoparietal cortex during a shape identification task with positive and negative distraction.

Moreover, Roy et al. (2009) reported negative correlations between the amygdala and dorsal frontoparietal task network components during rest. These findings raise questions about whether this negative coupling persists across resting and task states. If these correlations reflect a balance between emotional salience and top-down goals, the amygdala might dynamically adjust its coupling with prefrontal areas during tasks demanding top-down control. Therefore, we investigated differences in amygdala-brain region fcMRI patterns between resting state and WM with negative distraction.

In summary, we examined signal patterns during active WM maintenance in dorsal and ventral lateral frontal regions and the amygdala, while presenting negative and neutral distractors. Our study had three main goals:

  1. Replicate previous findings of differential responses to negative versus neutral distraction in these regions.

  2. Examine whether these regions exhibit trial-by-trial or individual difference relationships with performance, specifically during negative distraction.

  3. Replicate resting-state amygdala-prefrontal fcMRI patterns and explore potential connectivity differences during WM with negative distraction.



Twenty-one healthy right-handed adults (8 male, 13 female; mean age = 24.95 years) participated in neuroimaging data collection. All provided informed consent approved by the Washington University IRB and were compensated. An additional 21 healthy right-handed adults (13 male, 8 female; mean age = 22.52 years) underwent resting-state fMRI. Separate samples were used due to the experimental task's length potentially inducing fatigue and impacting resting-state data quality.


Subjects performed 180 trials of a Sternberg WM delayed response task (Sternberg, 1969) with two WM load levels (two or three complex geometric shapes) and three distractor types presented during maintenance:

  1. Emotionally negative image

  2. Visually complex neutral image

  3. Task-related geometric shape

Task-related geometric shapes were included to assess negative distraction specificity. While neutral distractors provide some control, they don't elicit the same performance impairments as task-related ones. Prior work showed that task-confusable distraction increased signals in dorsal cortical regions, contrasting with the decreases observed for negative distraction. If negative distraction uniquely impacts PFC activity compared to other salient, non-emotional interference, it should evoke a distinct signal pattern in both cortical and subcortical regions.

Thirty blank trials (randomized) were included to estimate distractor-free maintenance activity. Stimuli consisted of complex geometric shapes, difficult to verbally encode, generated using a MATLAB algorithm. Memory set shapes and probes were black, while task-related distractors were gray. Negative and neutral distractors, selected from the IAPS, were equated on luminance, contrast, figure-ground relationships, spatial frequency, and color. All distractors were presented centrally (8.5º visual angle).

Task Design

The 180 trials were divided into 90 high- and 90 low-load trials, with 25 trials per distractor type and 15 blank trials per load condition. Trial sequence was pseudorandomized to prevent mood induction, with no distractor type appearing more than three times consecutively. Memory sets (15.75º visual angle) were presented centrally for 4.4 seconds, followed by an 8.8-second delay, a 1.1-second distractor (if present), a 6.6-second post-distractor delay, and a 2.2-second probe. A 13.2-second fixation period followed each trial. Before the experiment, subjects received instructions and a brief practice session. The experiment comprised 12 scanning sequences (9.2 minutes each). Stimuli were projected onto a screen viewed through a mirror.

fMRI Scanning

Scanning was conducted on a 3T Tim TRIO Scanner. Functional images were acquired using a T2*-sensitive asymmetric spin-echo, echo-planar sequence (TR = 2,200 ms, TE = 27 ms, FOV = 256 mm, flip = 90º, voxel size = 4 × 4 × 4 mm). Structural images were acquired using a sagittal MP-RAGE 3D T1-weighted sequence (TR = 2,400 ms, TE = 3.16 ms, flip = 8º, voxel size = 1 × 1 × 1 mm). Two resting-state BOLD runs (164 volumes, 35 slices per volume) were acquired for the independent sample (TR = 2,500 ms, TE = 27 ms, FOV = 256 mm, flip = 90º, voxel size = 5 × 4 × 4 mm).

fMRI Data Processing

Preprocessing included:

  1. Slice-timing correction

  2. Removal of the first five images

  3. Odd/even slice intensity correction

  4. Motion correction (Ojemann et al., 1997)

  5. Intensity normalization

  6. Registration to Talairach space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988; Buckner et al., 2004; Ojemann et al., 1997)

  7. Spatial smoothing (6 mm FWHM Gaussian filter)

General fMRI Analysis

Task-related activity was estimated using a general linear model (GLM) without assuming a hemodynamic response shape and without differentiating correct and incorrect trials. The first 15 frames of each trial were modeled for each condition, and beta estimates were entered into a second-level analysis treating subjects as a random factor. A second GLM included accuracy as a covariate to examine the performance-activity relationship.

Given our focus on negative distraction effects on prefrontal activity, we identified cortical ROIs showing increased or decreased activation during negative versus neutral distraction. Three steps were used:

  1. Identify voxels with significant time course differences across conditions using a two-way ANOVA (distractor type × time). Voxels with significant interactions and meeting whole-brain correction (p < .05, Z > 3, cluster size ≥ 13 voxels) were retained.

  2. Delineate focal ROIs (≤ 80 mm3) within the thresholded map using a peak-searching algorithm (Kerr et al., 2004; Michelon et al., 2003).

  3. Compute paired t-tests on signals from each ROI for two post-distractor frames, comparing negative and neutral conditions. Only ROIs showing significant differences (p < .01) were retained.

Amygdala signals were isolated using an anatomically defined ROI mask based on automated segmentation. Individual masks were combined, downsampled, and applied to the ANOVA analyses. This mask was also used to examine amygdala signal-performance relationships.

fcMRI Preprocessing

Raw BOLD images underwent further preprocessing to remove spurious correlations:

  1. Spatial smoothing (6 mm FWHM Gaussian filter)

  2. Temporal filtering (high-pass, 0.009 Hz cutoff)

  3. Nuisance regressor removal (motion parameters, ventricle signal, white matter signal, whole-brain signal, and their temporal derivatives) (Fox et al., 2005; He et al., 2007)

Seed-Based Correlation Map Analysis

Amygdala fcMRI was examined during resting state and the WM task. For resting state, seed-based correlation maps were computed using the independent sample. Average time series from individual bilateral amygdala ROIs were correlated with each voxel. Group-level significance was assessed using voxelwise one-sample t-tests on Fisher Z-transformed maps. For the WM task, average BOLD signal during maintenance after distractor onset was used to create a trial-level time series. Amygdala correlation maps were computed as in resting state. This approach minimizes task structure influence and spurious correlations. Group-level significance was assessed as in resting state. All statistical maps were corrected for multiple comparisons (p < .05). Analyses used average data from correct and incorrect trials.


Behavioral Performance

A 2 × 4 ANOVA (load × distractor type) on percent correct revealed a main effect of load (F(1, 20) = 34.014, p < .0001), no main effect of distractor type, and a significant interaction (F(3, 60) = 4.93, p = .005). Planned t-tests comparing neutral and negative conditions showed a significant accuracy cost for negative distractors at low load (t(20) = 3.48, p = .0007, one-tailed) but not at high load. Collapsed across loads, negative distraction resulted in a significant WM cost (t(20) = 2.305, p = .017, one-tailed). Notably, emotional distraction effects were most pronounced at lower WM loads. This might be due to increased task difficulty at higher loads, rendering all distractions equally disruptive. A similar ANOVA on RT showed a main effect of load (F(1, 20) = 7.87, p = .02), a main effect of distractor type (F(3, 60) = 21.24, p < .0001), and no interaction. Planned t-tests revealed significant RT slowing for negative distractors at low load (t(20) = 1.68, p = .05, one-tailed) but not at high load. These results suggest that negative distractors impaired accuracy and RT compared to neutral distractors, particularly at low WM load. Unexpectedly, performance in the distractor-free high-load condition was lower than in distractor conditions, potentially reflecting an experimental design artifact. The rarity of distractor-free trials might have surprised subjects during probe presentation, especially under higher load. Out-of-scanner data support this, showing better performance on blocked distractor-free trials compared to mixed trials (see Supplemental Figure S7).

Prefrontal Cortical Regions Modulated by Negative Distraction

Our analyses identified 32 foci consistent with previous findings. No ROIs showed a load-dependent distractor type effect. Therefore, activation was averaged across load levels for subsequent analyses.

We focused on frontal cortical foci showing modulation by negative distraction. Right hemisphere foci included DLPFC, frontopolar prefrontal cortex (aPFC), and VLPFC, consistent with Dolcos and McCarthy. Left hemisphere effects were attenuated, likely due to the visuospatial nature of the task. Without distraction, aPFC showed lower maintenance phase activity and a robust probe response (Leung et al., 2005). DLPFC showed a marked encoding response, sustained maintenance activity, and a prominent probe response. Both regions exhibited reduced delay period activity during negative versus neutral distraction. Importantly, this reduction was specific to negative distraction, as task-related distraction increased activity in these regions. Conversely, VLPFC showed increased activity for negative versus neutral distractors. Again, this was specific to negative distraction, with minimal change observed for task-related distraction. These results replicate previous findings.

Relationship Between Prefrontal Activity and Performance

We examined signal patterns for correct and incorrect trials during negative and neutral distraction. aPFC showed greater deactivation for incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. VLPFC showed higher activity for correct trials during negative distraction and less activation for incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Paired t-tests confirmed these observations (aPFC: t(1, 13) = 2.51, p = .03, two-tailed; VLPFC: t(1, 13) = 1.94, p = .025, one-tailed). No significant differences were observed for neutral trials in any ROI, nor were there significant interactions between emotion and accuracy for aPFC and VLPFC. DLPFC and left hemisphere ROIs showed no significant differences between correct and incorrect trials. These results suggest that performance-related activity differences are particularly evident in aPFC and VLPFC during negative distraction.

We also investigated whether average activity in these ROIs predicted individual WM performance. Average BOLD signal (Frames 8 and 9) was correlated with percent correct. Both aPFC (Figure 5A) and DLPFC showed an inverse relationship between activation and WM performance specifically during negative distraction (q < 0.05, FDR corrected). However, contrary to expectations, lower activity was associated with better performance. This pattern remained when analyzing correct trials only.

Is the Amygdala Modulated by Emotion During WM Maintenance?

Figure 5A shows the bilateral amygdala ROIs identified using the time × distractor type interaction. Figure 5B depicts the corresponding time courses, revealing highest activity for negative distractors (Dolcos et al., 2008).

Relationship Between the Amygdala and WM Performance

We compared correct and incorrect trials for the amygdala ROI, observing numerically higher activity for incorrect trials during negative distraction, but this difference was not significant. However, higher bilateral amygdala activity was associated with worse WM performance across subjects for all distractor types (negative: r = −.45, p = .05; neutral: r = −.63, p = .003; task-related: r = −.57, p = .008; Figure 6). This pattern persisted when analyzing correct trials only (Supplemental Figures S6J–S6L). All three correlations survived FDR correction (q < 0.05).

fcMRI Between the Amygdala and Other Cortical Regions During Resting State and Negative Distraction

We examined amygdala fcMRI during resting state and WM with negative distraction (Figure 7B). During rest, negative coupling was observed between the amygdala and dorsal frontal-parietal regions. During the task, negative coupling was found with frontal, but not parietal, components of this network. Additionally, the anterior cingulate and bilateral insula showed negative coupling with the amygdala during the task but not during rest.

Independent samples t-tests revealed significantly more negative amygdala-prefrontal coupling during WM compared to rest, including bilateral DLPFC, aPFC, insula, and anterior cingulate. Regions showing more positive coupling during the task were primarily posterior, including the angular gyrus, sensory cortex, visual cortex, and posterior cingulate. Notably, no prefrontal regions showed more positive coupling during the task.

Comparing negative and neutral distraction conditions revealed differences centered on the same prefrontal regions showing greater negative coupling in task versus rest (Supplemental Figure S5F). At a lower threshold (Z > 2.5), a broader set of regions, similar to those showing task-rest differences, also exhibited more negative coupling during negative versus neutral distraction.

To address potential confounds from using different samples for task-based and resting-state fcMRI, we employed a permutation resampling strategy. Results indicated that the observed task-rest differences were unlikely due to chance.


This study replicates and extends prior work demonstrating that negative distraction differentially modulates prefrontal activity during WM. Our findings show:

  1. Emotion-modulated anterior prefrontal regions exhibit performance-related activity differences during negative distraction.

  2. Lower average activity in dorsal PFC ROIs is associated with better WM performance during negative distraction.

  3. While the amygdala is most responsive to negative distraction, higher activity across all distractor types is linked to poorer WM performance.

  4. The amygdala exhibits negative coupling with frontal regions during both resting state and WM, but this coupling is stronger during negative distraction.

Negative Distraction Impacts Prefrontal Cortical Regions

Our findings replicate previous reports of activity modulation in aPFC, DLPFC, and VLPFC during WM with negative distraction. We observed greater aPFC deactivation for incorrect trials during negative distraction, suggesting that processing emotional interference might come at the cost of primary task goals. This aligns with aPFC's role in goal representation and cognitive control. DLPFC, implicated in WM maintenance and manipulation, also showed activity reductions during negative distraction, potentially reflecting depletion of resources needed for memory trace maintenance. However, unlike aPFC, DLPFC activity did not predict performance, possibly because the level of distraction was insufficient to completely disrupt memory traces. Future studies should parametrically manipulate distraction intensity to explore this further.

Contrary to aPFC and DLPFC, VLPFC showed increased activity for negative distraction, consistent with its proposed role in interference resolution, particularly involving negative information. The observed VLPFC activation increases during correct trials with negative distraction support this interpretation.

Unexpectedly, lower aPFC and DLPFC activity during negative distraction was associated with better WM performance across subjects. This might reflect individual differences in WM capacity or anxiety levels, where higher-capacity or less anxious individuals show less PFC recruitment but greater resilience to distraction. Alternatively, PFC activity reductions might reflect resource reallocation to other regions involved in coping with emotional distraction (e.g., VLPFC). Future fcMRI studies could clarify the relationship between DLPFC and other prefrontal regions during successful and unsuccessful interference resolution.

Individual Differences in Amygdala Activation

We found that higher amygdala activity was associated with poorer WM performance across all distractor types, suggesting a general role in vigilance or sensitivity to performance-relevant distraction. This seemingly contradicts Schaefer et al.'s (2006) finding that increased amygdala activity predicted faster RTs during a challenging WM task. However, their study focused on probe-related activity, not distractor-related activity, potentially explaining the discrepancy. Further research is needed to clarify the specific contexts in which amygdala recruitment benefits or hinders cognition.

Resting-State and Task-Based Amygdala fcMRI

Our findings replicate negative coupling between the amygdala and dorsal frontoparietal regions during rest. During WM with negative distraction, this coupling was stronger in prefrontal, but not parietal, areas, suggesting dynamic adjustments based on task demands. Increased negative coupling with regions like DLPFC and aPFC might reflect their role in regulating amygdala activity during cognitive tasks, potentially through active suppression.

Regions showing more positive coupling with the amygdala during negative distraction compared to rest were primarily posterior, likely reflecting their involvement in processing negative visual information. The observed positive coupling with the somatosensory cortex might reflect mental simulation of pain or empathy-related processes.

The absence of positive amygdala-VLPFC coupling, as reported by Dolcos et al. (2006), might be due to differences in task demands or distraction intensity. Future studies should investigate whether amygdala-prefrontal coupling varies with performance.

Limitations and Future Directions

While our study provides valuable insights, several limitations should be acknowledged. First, we only examined negative distraction effects, and future work should investigate positive distraction and other emotional stimuli (e.g., verbal or facial expressions). Second, the arousal levels of our negative and neutral stimuli were not perfectly matched. Future studies should carefully control for arousal to isolate the specific effects of negative valence. Third, our fcMRI findings are correlational. Future research should employ techniques like TMS, Granger causality, and pathway mapping to establish causal relationships and directionality of influences. Finally, our within-subjects accuracy analysis had limited power due to the small number of incorrect trials. Future studies should use more challenging WM tasks to increase error rates and enhance statistical power.


This study provides further evidence for the role of prefrontal cortical circuitry in regulating negative emotional interference during WM. Our findings highlight the importance of considering both "top-down" and "bottom-up" processes in understanding emotional and cognitive interactions. Future research should explore these mechanisms in clinical populations with difficulties regulating emotions or maintaining cognitive control.

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Survival-relevant information has privileged access to our awareness even during active cognitive engagement. Previous work has demonstrated that during working memory (WM) negative emotional distraction disrupts activation in the lateral prefrontal regions while also engaging the amygdala. Here, using slow event related fMRI, we replicate and extend previous work examining the effect of negative emotional distraction on WM: (1) We demonstrate that prefrontal regions showed activation differences between correct and incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Specifically, frontopolar prefrontal cortex showed more deactivation for incorrect trials faced with negative distraction, whereas ventrolateral prefrontal regions showed less activation; (2) individual differences in amygdala activity predicted WM performance during negative as well as neutral distraction, such that lower activity predicted better performance; and (3) amygdala showed negative correlations with prefrontal and parietal cortical regions during resting state. However, during negative distraction, amygdala signals were more negatively correlated with prefrontal cortical regions than was found for resting state and neutral distraction. These results provide further evidence for an inverse relationship between dorsal prefrontal cortical regions and the amygdala when processing aversive stimuli competes with ongoing cognitive operations, and further support the importance of the prefrontal cortex in resisting emotional interference.

How Negative Emotions Affect Our Working Memory


Being able to process emotions is crucial for survival. It allows us to quickly react to danger, like when we encounter a threat in our environment. This emotional information grabs our attention and helps us make fast decisions. However, this can sometimes be disruptive, especially when we need to focus on a task. Imagine trying to remember a phone number while watching a scary movie – the scary scenes might make it harder to keep that number in mind. This is where our brain's prefrontal cortex comes into play. This area helps us exert control over our thoughts and emotions, allowing us to focus on our goals even when distractions arise.

Working memory (WM) is a good example of a mental process that requires focus. It’s like our brain’s mental notepad, holding information temporarily so we can use it (Baddeley & Hitch, 1994). Previous research has shown that negative emotions can disrupt activity in the prefrontal cortex, impacting WM performance. Specifically, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), important for holding and manipulating information, becomes less active with negative distractions. Conversely, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), involved in controlling emotions, shows increased activity. This suggests that VLPFC may work harder to suppress the negative distraction and keep us on task.

While we know that negative distractions disrupt prefrontal activity, it's crucial to understand if these brain regions are directly involved in resisting those distractions. One way to study this is by examining brain activity linked to successful performance when distractions are present. One study observed lower DLPFC activity during incorrect trials with negative distractors, hinting that DLPFC may be crucial for overcoming negative interference. However, they did not examine if this relationship between brain activity and performance was present for other types of distractions. Another study found that increased VLPFC activity was associated with better performance specifically during negative distractions. However, this study didn’t examine the same relationship for DLPFC.

Besides the prefrontal cortex, another brain area, the amygdala, plays a key role in processing emotions, especially those related to threat. It's important to understand how individual differences in amygdala activity relate to WM performance during emotional distraction. Prior research suggests a link between amygdala activity and self-reported distractibility, but the relationship with objective performance measures remains unclear.

While we often think of the prefrontal cortex as the "cold," logical center and the amygdala as the "hot," emotional center, they actually work together during emotional and cognitive tasks. Functional connectivity (fcMRI) analyses allow us to examine these interactions between brain regions during rest and active tasks. Only one study has investigated amygdala connectivity during negative distraction in a WM task, finding stronger connections between the amygdala and VLPFC during negative compared to neutral distraction. However, the relationship between the amygdala and other areas, like the DLPFC, remains unexplored. This is particularly interesting considering the "biased competition" model, which suggests that these regions might compete for resources. This competition could manifest as negative connectivity between these areas. In line with this, another study found a negative correlation between the amygdala and DLPFC during a task involving emotional distraction.

Further support for this negative connectivity comes from resting-state fcMRI studies, which show similar patterns even when the brain is not actively engaged in a task. This raises questions about whether this negative connectivity remains stable across different brain states. If this negative connection reflects a balance between emotional reactions and goal-directed behavior, then it's possible that the amygdala adjusts its connection with prefrontal regions depending on the task (e.g., maintaining WM). Therefore, we wanted to examine how connectivity patterns between the amygdala and other brain regions differ between resting state and a WM task with negative distraction.

To summarize, this study investigated brain activity patterns during a WM task with both negative and neutral distractions, focusing on the DLPFC, VLPFC, and the amygdala. The goals were:

  1. Replicate previous findings: Confirm if we see similar differences in brain activity for negative versus neutral distraction in the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.

  2. Performance relationship: Investigate if prefrontal regions and the amygdala show a relationship with WM performance (both trial-by-trial and individual differences) during negative distraction.

  3. Connectivity patterns: Replicate resting-state amygdala-prefrontal cortex connectivity patterns and examine potential differences during a WM task with negative distractions.



Forty-two healthy right-handed adults participated in this study. Twenty-one participants (8 male, 13 female, average age 24.95 years) completed the WM task with distractions, while another group of 21 (13 male, 8 female, average age 22.52 years) completed resting-state fMRI scans. Researchers collected data from separate groups due to the length of the main experiment, which could have led to fatigue and affected data quality during the resting-state scans.


Participants completed 180 trials of a WM task where they had to remember two or three complex geometric shapes. During the task, they were presented with one of three types of distractions:

  1. Negative image: Emotionally unpleasant images (e.g., scenes of violence or injury).

  2. Neutral image: Visually complex images that were not emotionally arousing.

  3. Task-related shape: A geometric shape similar to those used in the memory task.

Researchers included task-related shapes to compare the effects of negative distraction with another form of salient distraction. While neutral images are helpful for comparison, they don’t usually interfere with WM as much as task-related distractions.

Researchers also included 30 trials without distractions to measure brain activity during WM maintenance without interference. The shapes used for the memory sets and task-related distractors were difficult to remember verbally and were presented in black. The task-related distractors were presented in gray to differentiate them from the memory set. The negative and neutral images were carefully chosen to be similar in brightness, contrast, and other visual features. All distractions were shown in the center of the screen.

Task Design

The 180 trials were divided equally between low and high WM load conditions (2 vs. 3 shapes). Each load condition contained an equal number of trials for each distractor type (negative, neutral, task-related) and no-distractor trials. The order of trials was randomized to prevent participants from predicting the next distraction type.

Each trial began with the presentation of the shapes for 4.4 seconds, followed by an 8.8-second delay. Then, a distractor (if present) was shown for 1.1 seconds, followed by another 6.6-second delay. Finally, a single shape was presented, and participants had to indicate if it was part of the original set. Each trial ended with a 13.2-second break. Participants completed a practice session before entering the scanner. During the scan, stimuli were displayed on a screen viewed through a mirror.

fMRI Scanning and Data Processing

Brain activity was measured using a 3T fMRI scanner at Washington University Medical School. Structural images of the brain were also acquired for each participant. Additionally, resting-state fMRI scans were acquired for the second group of participants.

fMRI data were preprocessed to account for differences in scanning timing, head motion, and other potential artifacts. This involved aligning images, reducing noise, and transforming the data into a standard brain space.

fMRI Data Analysis

Researchers used a statistical approach called a general linear model (GLM) to examine brain activity during the WM task. This approach allowed us to estimate the brain's response to each part of the trial. Researchers first identified brain regions showing any significant difference in activity across all conditions. Then, they narrowed down our analysis to specific regions of interest (ROIs) in the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala that were previously shown to be modulated by negative distraction.

To examine functional connectivity (fcMRI), a seed-based correlation approach was used. This method involves selecting a "seed" region (in our case, the amygdala) and then examining how its activity correlates with other brain regions over time. Researchers did this for both resting-state and task-based fMRI data, allowing the study to compare connectivity patterns between these two states.


Behavioral Performance

As expected, participants performed worse (lower accuracy and slower reaction times) on trials with higher WM load. Negative distractions led to lower accuracy and slower reaction times compared to neutral distractions, especially under low WM load. Interestingly, when the WM load was high, negative distractions didn't seem to have a significant impact on performance. This suggests that the difficulty of the task might have already stretched WM resources to their limit, making all types of distractions equally disruptive.

Prefrontal Regions and Negative Distraction

Researchers found that activity in three prefrontal brain regions was affected by negative distractions, consistent with previous studies:

  • Anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC): This region showed lower activity following negative distractions, particularly during incorrect trials. The aPFC is thought to be involved in managing multiple goals and maintaining focus on the task at hand. The decreased activity we observed might reflect a disruption in aPFC's ability to manage both the emotional distraction and the WM task.

  • Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC): Similar to the aPFC, this region also showed decreased activity with negative distractions. This finding aligns with the DLPFC's role in actively maintaining information in WM. The negative distraction likely depleted the resources available for WM maintenance, leading to the observed decrease in DLPFC activity.

  • Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC): In contrast to the aPFC and DLPFC, the VLPFC showed increased activity in response to negative distractions. This increase was associated with better performance specifically on trials with negative distraction, which is in line with the VLPFC's role in emotion regulation. The VLPFC may have been working harder to suppress the negative distraction and allow for successful WM performance.

When the researchers examined individual differences, they found an unexpected result: lower average activity in aPFC and DLPFC during negative distraction was linked to better WM performance. One possible explanation is that individuals with a higher WM capacity (i.e., those who can hold more information in mind) may naturally require less brainpower to perform the task, leading to the observed lower activity levels and better performance. Alternatively, individuals who are more susceptible to emotional distraction might need to recruit aPFC and DLPFC more strongly, but still experience a greater WM cost due to the negative information. More research is needed to disentangle these possibilities.

Amygdala Activity and Performance

Consistent with previous research, they found that the amygdala was most active in response to negative distractions, supporting its role in processing emotional salience. Interestingly, they observed that higher overall amygdala activity, regardless of distractor type, was associated with worse WM performance. While surprising, this finding could reflect the amygdala's involvement in broader processes like vigilance and attention. It's possible that some individuals, due to factors like anxiety or distractibility, show stronger amygdala responses to any potentially distracting information, which may hinder their WM performance.

Amygdala Connectivity During Rest and Task

Finally, the researchers examined how the amygdala interacts with other brain regions during rest and during the WM task. As expected, they replicated previous findings showing negative connectivity between the amygdala and the dorsal frontoparietal network during rest. This network is typically active during cognitively demanding tasks. The negative connectivity suggests that at rest, there's a balance between emotional and cognitive processing.

During the WM task with negative distractions, they found that the negative connectivity between the amygdala and prefrontal regions (DLPFC, aPFC) became even stronger compared to both resting state and neutral distraction. This heightened negative connectivity might reflect a stronger need to suppress amygdala activity and regulate emotional responses in order to focus on the WM task.

Interestingly, several regions showed increased positive connectivity with the amygdala during negative distraction compared to rest. This included areas involved in visual processing, language, and even sensory processing. While speculative, the increased coupling with sensory areas could be related to the content of the negative images used, many of which depicted physical harm.


This study replicates and extends our understanding of how negative emotions affect our brain's ability to focus and remember information. This study confirmed that negative distractions alter activity in key prefrontal regions involved in WM and emotion regulation. Specifically, researchers found that lower activity in aPFC and DLPFC during negative distraction was surprisingly associated with better performance, potentially due to differences in WM capacity. Further research is needed to confirm this interpretation.

Importantly, this study expanded our understanding of the amygdala's role in this process. Researchers observed that higher overall amygdala activity was linked to poorer WM performance, regardless of the type of distraction. This highlights the importance of considering individual differences in emotional reactivity, as some individuals might be more sensitive to distractions in general.

Finally, the connectivity analyses revealed a dynamic interplay between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. While a negative connection was present during both rest and task, it became stronger during negative distraction, particularly between the amygdala and regions involved in goal-directed behavior. This suggests that the brain actively regulates emotional responses to allow for successful cognitive performance when faced with negative information.

These findings have important implications for understanding how our brains handle distractions, especially in today's world where we're constantly bombarded with information. Furthermore, this research paves the way for future investigations into clinical populations who experience difficulties with emotional regulation or WM, such as individuals with anxiety disorders or schizophrenia.

Link to Article


Survival-relevant information has privileged access to our awareness even during active cognitive engagement. Previous work has demonstrated that during working memory (WM) negative emotional distraction disrupts activation in the lateral prefrontal regions while also engaging the amygdala. Here, using slow event related fMRI, we replicate and extend previous work examining the effect of negative emotional distraction on WM: (1) We demonstrate that prefrontal regions showed activation differences between correct and incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Specifically, frontopolar prefrontal cortex showed more deactivation for incorrect trials faced with negative distraction, whereas ventrolateral prefrontal regions showed less activation; (2) individual differences in amygdala activity predicted WM performance during negative as well as neutral distraction, such that lower activity predicted better performance; and (3) amygdala showed negative correlations with prefrontal and parietal cortical regions during resting state. However, during negative distraction, amygdala signals were more negatively correlated with prefrontal cortical regions than was found for resting state and neutral distraction. These results provide further evidence for an inverse relationship between dorsal prefrontal cortical regions and the amygdala when processing aversive stimuli competes with ongoing cognitive operations, and further support the importance of the prefrontal cortex in resisting emotional interference.


Our brains are great at processing emotions. This helps us quickly react to important situations and make decisions that keep us safe. Imagine seeing a tiger; your brain needs to react fast! Sometimes, emotional information grabs our attention even when we're focused on something else. This might be because our brains prioritize emotions, especially when we're not overloaded. While this helps us react to danger, it can also disrupt our concentration.

However, there are times when staying focused is more important than getting sidetracked by emotions. This ability to adapt relies on the front part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, which controls our actions and helps us stay on track.

One way scientists study focus is through working memory (WM). Working memory is like a mental notepad that holds information briefly. It relies on several brain areas, including the dorsal frontoparietal network. One study found that negative emotions, but not neutral ones, reduced activity in the dorsal frontoparietal network during a WM task. This study suggested that this might happen because the amygdala, a brain area important for processing emotions, takes over when something negative appears. Interestingly, they also found that a part of the prefrontal cortex, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), became more active with negative distractions. This area is involved in controlling our emotions, suggesting that our brains work harder to stay focused when faced with negativity.

While this research showed that negative emotions affect brain activity, it's important to figure out if these brain areas actively help us resist distractions. One study found that lower activity in a specific area, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), was linked to more errors when negative distractions were present. However, it's unclear if this pattern is unique to negative distractions.

Besides understanding the prefrontal cortex, studying the amygdala's role in distractions is crucial. Research suggests that the amygdala is highly active after negative events, highlighting its role in detecting threats. However, it's uncertain if the level of amygdala activity relates to our performance when distracted.

It's also important to understand how different brain areas work together. While the prefrontal cortex and amygdala have been discussed separately, they're interconnected. New techniques allow us to study these connections in more detail. One study found stronger connections between the amygdala and VLPFC during negative distractions compared to neutral ones. However, connections between the amygdala and other areas, especially the dorsal frontoparietal network, are still not fully understood.

The "biased competition model" suggests that the amygdala and dorsal prefrontal cortex compete for brain resources. This makes sense, as the amygdala prioritizes emotional information while the dorsal prefrontal cortex helps us stay focused. One way this competition might manifest is through "negative coupling" – where activity in one area suppresses activity in another. Supporting this idea, another study found negative coupling between the amygdala and dorsal frontoparietal cortex during a task with emotional distractions.

Interestingly, similar negative coupling was also observed during rest, raising questions about potential differences in brain connections between rest and active tasks. Therefore, researchers wanted to examine differences in brain connections between the amygdala and other areas during rest and during a WM task with negative distractions.

In this study, researchers used brain imaging to investigate brain activity during a WM task with negative and neutral distractions. The research goals were:

  1. Replicate: Confirm previous findings of different brain responses to negative and neutral distractions in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala.

  2. Performance link: Examine if prefrontal cortex and amygdala activity relate to task performance during negative distractions.

  3. Connection changes: Investigate if amygdala connections with other brain regions differ between rest and a WM task with negative distractions.



Researchers recruited 21 healthy right-handed adults for brain imaging while performing a task. They also recruited a separate group of 21 healthy right-handed adults for brain imaging during rest. Researchers collected data from a separate group for the resting state because the task took a long time, and they didn't want the task group to get tired and move too much during the resting-state scans.


Participants performed a working memory task where they had to remember shapes and identify them later. During the task, different distractions were presented: negative images, neutral but complex images, or task-related shapes. These task-related shapes were included to see how the brain reacts to distractions that are related to the task but not emotionally negative.

Researchers also included trials without distractions to see how the brain works when it's not distracted.

Task Design

Participants did 180 trials of the task. Half the trials required remembering two shapes (low load), and half required remembering three (high load). Within each load level, there were trials with different types of distractions and trials with no distractions. The trial sequence was randomized to prevent any one type of distraction from influencing the results.

fMRI Scanning

Researchers used a brain imaging technique called fMRI to measure brain activity during the task and rest.

fMRI Data Processing

Researchers used special software to process the brain imaging data. This processing helps to clean up the data and make it easier to analyze.

General fMRI analysis

Researchers used a statistical technique called GLM to understand how different task events (like seeing the shapes or distractions) affected brain activity.

fcMRI preprocessing

Researchers did additional processing to prepare the data for analyzing brain connections.

Seed-based correlation map analysis

Researchers used a technique called seed-based correlation map analysis to study how the amygdala's activity was related to the activity in other brain regions during both rest and the task.


Behavioral Performance

As expected, the task was harder when participants had to remember more shapes. Negative distractions led to more errors, especially when the WM load was low. Interestingly, task-related distractions didn't affect performance as much as negative distractions. This suggests that negative emotions have a unique impact on our ability to focus.

Prefrontal Cortical Regions Modulated by Negative Distraction

Researchers found that negative distractions reduced activity in both the aPFC and DLPFC, replicating previous findings. These areas are important for maintaining goals and working memory. The reduction in their activity suggests that negative distractions make it harder for us to stay focused on the task. The VLPFC, on the other hand, showed increased activity during negative distractions, potentially reflecting efforts to control emotional responses and stay on task.

Relationship Between Prefrontal Activity and Performance

Researchers found that lower aPFC and DLPFC activity during negative distractions was linked to better task performance. This unexpected finding might be because people with better working memory abilities generally show less brain activity while performing tasks. It suggests that individuals with more efficient brain processes might be better at handling distractions.

Is the Amygdala Modulated by Emotion During WM Maintenance?

The findings showed that the amygdala was most active during negative distractions, confirming its role in processing emotional information. However, the amygdala also showed some activity during other types of distractions. This suggests that while the amygdala is highly sensitive to negative information, it also plays a role in general attention and alertness.

Relationship Between the Amygdala and WM Performance

Across all participants, higher amygdala activity was associated with poorer WM performance, regardless of the type of distraction. This suggests that individuals who have stronger emotional responses to distractions might find it harder to focus and perform well on the task.

fcMRI Between the Amygdala and Other Cortical Regions During Resting State and Negative Distraction

Researchers found that during rest, there was negative coupling between the amygdala and areas of the brain involved in focused attention. Interestingly, this negative coupling became stronger during the WM task with negative distractions, especially between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. This finding suggests that the prefrontal cortex might be actively suppressing the amygdala's response to negative information, helping us stay focused on the task.


This study confirms that negative distractions affect brain activity differently than other distractions. Researchers found that the aPFC and DLPFC, important for focus and working memory, showed reduced activity during negative distractions. Interestingly, lower activity in these regions was linked to better performance, suggesting that efficient brain processes might be key to handling distractions. The VLPFC, involved in emotion regulation, showed increased activity during negative distractions, possibly reflecting attempts to control emotional responses.

Researchers also found that the amygdala was most active during negative distractions but showed some activity during other distractions as well. This suggests that the amygdala is sensitive to emotional information but also plays a role in general attention. Importantly, higher amygdala activity was linked to poorer WM performance, regardless of the type of distraction.

Finally, researchers found that negative coupling between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex increased during the task with negative distractions compared to rest. This suggests that the prefrontal cortex might be actively working to suppress the amygdala's response to negative information, helping us stay focused.

Limitations and Future Directions

This study focused on negative distractions, but it's important to investigate how positive distractions affect the brain. Future studies should also examine the effects of other types of emotional information, like words or facial expressions. Another limitation is that the study couldn't determine the exact direction of influence between brain areas. New techniques will be helpful in understanding these relationships better.


This study highlights the importance of the prefrontal cortex in controlling emotional distractions and maintaining focus. These findings are important for understanding how our brains work and could lead to new strategies for improving focus and attention, especially in situations with emotional distractions.

Link to Article


Survival-relevant information has privileged access to our awareness even during active cognitive engagement. Previous work has demonstrated that during working memory (WM) negative emotional distraction disrupts activation in the lateral prefrontal regions while also engaging the amygdala. Here, using slow event related fMRI, we replicate and extend previous work examining the effect of negative emotional distraction on WM: (1) We demonstrate that prefrontal regions showed activation differences between correct and incorrect trials during negative, but not neutral, distraction. Specifically, frontopolar prefrontal cortex showed more deactivation for incorrect trials faced with negative distraction, whereas ventrolateral prefrontal regions showed less activation; (2) individual differences in amygdala activity predicted WM performance during negative as well as neutral distraction, such that lower activity predicted better performance; and (3) amygdala showed negative correlations with prefrontal and parietal cortical regions during resting state. However, during negative distraction, amygdala signals were more negatively correlated with prefrontal cortical regions than was found for resting state and neutral distraction. These results provide further evidence for an inverse relationship between dorsal prefrontal cortical regions and the amygdala when processing aversive stimuli competes with ongoing cognitive operations, and further support the importance of the prefrontal cortex in resisting emotional interference.

How Our Brains Handle Distractions When We Try to Remember Things

Who was in the study?

Researchers had a group of 21 people (8 men and 13 women) who were approximately 25 years old and another group of 21 people (13 men and 8 women) who were approximately 23 years old help us with a different part of the study.

Researchers showed the groups of people shapes on a computer screen and asked them to remember the shapes. Sometimes, the researchers tried to distract them with pictures while they were trying to remember. Some pictures were unpleasant, like a mean dog, and some pictures were just normal, like a houseplant. Researchers also showed them pictures that were similar to the shapes to see if that was distracting. Researchers made sure the pictures weren't too bright or too dark so they wouldn't be distracting for the wrong reasons. After the picture disappeared, researchers showed them one shape at a time and asked them if they had seen that shape before. Researchers used brain scanners to see how their brains were working during the whole experiment.


Did people have trouble remembering when they were distracted?

Yes, people had a harder time remembering the shapes when researchers distracted them with the unpleasant pictures, especially when they were only trying to remember a few shapes.

Which parts of the brain were working during the study?

Researchers found that three parts at the front of the brain were working differently when people saw unpleasant pictures:

  • The front top part of the brain (aPFC) is like a brain manager, it helps us focus on what's important. This part was less active when people saw unpleasant pictures, and especially when they made mistakes.

  • The front side part of the brain (DLPFC) is like a brain notepad, it helps us hold onto information for a bit. This part was also less active with unpleasant pictures.

  • The front bottom part of the brain (VLPFC) is like a brain bouncer, it helps us ignore distractions. This part was more active with unpleasant pictures, and people who had more activity in this part made fewer mistakes.

Was the amygdala involved?

The amygdala is a part of the brain that helps us understand emotions. It was much more active when people saw the unpleasant pictures, but it was also a little bit more active with the other distracting pictures too. People who had more amygdala activity overall had a harder time remembering the shapes, no matter what kind of picture they saw.

How did different parts of the brain work together?

The amygdala (emotion center) and the prefrontal cortex (brain manager) usually don't work together very closely. But when people saw the distracting pictures, these two parts of the brain started talking to each other more. It seemed like the prefrontal cortex was trying to quiet down the amygdala so people could focus on remembering the shapes.


Our brains are really good at focusing on what's important, even when there are distractions. But sometimes, especially when we see something unpleasant, it can be hard to ignore those distractions. Researchers found that different parts of the brain have to work together to help us stay focused.

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Footnotes and Citation


Anticevic, A., Barch, D. M., & Repovs, G. (2010). Resisting emotional interference: brain regions facilitating working memory performance during negative distraction. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 10(2), 159-173.
