Prosocial Development in Adolescence
Eveline A. Crone
Michelle Achterberg


Teens get better at deciding who to help as they mature. The pandemic created challenges, but it was also a chance for teens to show kindness and develop their social skills by helping others.


Prosocial Development in Adolescence

Keywords Prosocial behavior; adolescence; social adjustment; social brain development; environmental influences; COVID-19 pandemic; COVID-19


In this review, we describe the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence as a critical inflection period for social adjustment. Experimental research using prosocial giving tasks demonstrates that adolescents differentiate more between recipients and contexts, suggesting increasing ingroup-outgroup differentiation during adolescence. We also demonstrate that social brain development during adolescence is partly driven by environmental influences, further underlining adolescence as a critical period for social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will have long-term effects on the current generation of adolescents, for which we describe both the risks, resilience factors, and opportunities for engaging in prosocial acts of kindness.


Adolescents in today's world grow up with several high-stake societal challenges, including the experience and aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, which has a significant impact on well-being of young people [20]. Dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic raises many social dilemmas, whereby individual self-interest at the short term is often at odds with the collective benefits in the longer term [28]. A recent large-scale study including participants over the life span (18-85-years) demonstrated that the COVID-19 pandemic had the largest negative effects on the lives of the younger ages (18-24-years) including loneliness, economic hardship, and job insecurity. Despite experiencing the most negative consequences, adolescents adhered just as well to the COVID-19 restrictions as other age groups [25]. Thus, even though the challenges of the pandemic are affecting individuals of all generations, there may be asymmetric risks and costs depending on age.

Prosocial behavior or behavior that is directed at benefiting others is one of the behaviors that is the most important for the collective goals of coping with a health pandemic. Prior research showed that prosocial individuals, as measured by giving behavior, are less likely to put others at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic; they are more likely to follow physical distancing rules, stay home when they feel sick, or buy face masks [6]. Prosocial behavior develops and transitions throughout adolescence, and prosociality is shaped by social experiences [5]. However, prosocial behavior is a multifaceted construct and depends on various environmental and contextual factors [7]. This review summarizes recent studies on the development of prosocial behavior while distinguishing different motives for prosocial behavior. We will discuss adolescence as a sensitive window for social development based on recent insights into research on brain development. Finally, we discuss the effects of the current COVID-19 crisis on prosocial behavior in adolescence.

This review focuses on adolescence, as the transition period between childhood and adulthood, when individuals reach mature social goals and roles in society [9]. This wide developmental period consists of several phases, such as middle/late childhood (7–10 y.o.), puberty (11–14 y.o.), mid/late adolescence (15–18 y.o.), and early adulthood (19–25). Across adolescence, children start to expand their social world and gradually become adult members of society [3,41].

Prosocial Behavior

Prosocial behavior is defined as social behavior that benefits others, such as giving, helping, and sharing. Prosocial choices can be personally costly or noncostly but share the common feature that they benefit the welfare of others [28]. Prosocial behavior is a key element for developing reciprocal social relationships, and, therefore, it is particularly important during middle childhood and adolescence when there is a heightened need for social belonging such as group affiliation, more intense peer relations, and popularity [42]. Prosocial behavior has been described in the literature as a multidimensional and multicultural construct [7], and there are different factors that influence the development of prosocial behavior.

The first factor that may influence the development of prosocial behaviors, such as giving, is whether there are strategic motivations. The various motivations involved in prosocial development can be disentangled based on experimental tasks that involve costly giving and sharing. The Dictator Game task is based on economic games involving a transition of goods (for example 10 coins) between two parties, a giver and a recipient. In typical Dictator Games where the recipient is a stranger and the giver will remain anonymous, individuals typically give 20–40%, showing some prosocial behavior [28]. However, when the recipient has the possibility to veto the outcome (known as the Ultimatum Game) by a yes or no decision (yes indicates acceptance of the offer, no resulting in no benefit for either party), giving increases up to 50%, showing that there are strategic motivations involved in giving [28]. It has been demonstrated in several developmental studies that strategic giving (Ultimatum Game) but not nonstrategic giving (Dictator Game) increases with age during adolescence, which is partly explained by the development of perspective-taking [23,36,44].

The second factor that may influence prosocial giving is whether there is a social relationship with the recipient. This factor is specifically relevant during adolescence, as this is a period of increased importance of peer relations. A prior study asked participants to distribute coins in a Dictator Game between themselves and a friend, a classmate, or a stranger. Giving was highest for the friends (±50%), lower for classmates, and lowest for strangers (±35%) [21], mirroring prior studies using the anonymous Dictator Game. Giving more to friends or ‘ingroup’ partners may indicate a need for social acceptance or expected reciprocity [16]. Moreover, giving to strangers (i.e. ‘outgroup’) but not giving to friends correlated with self-reported perspective-taking, suggesting that perspective-taking plays a critical role in managing ingroup-outgroup biases [21]. Indeed, a prior study comparing multiple age groups revealed that giving to ingroup members (friends) increased between ages 9-18 years, whereas giving to disliked others or strangers decreased with age, and this effect was partly mediated by the development of perspective-taking [23], see also [16].

The third factor that may influence prosocial giving is whether the other recipient is in need, that is, the favorable factor. Using an adapted Dictator Game, several studies examined giving to different targets in the first weeks of the pandemic (April 2020). Similar to previous studies, the first study showed that adolescents (aged 10-20-years) gave on average 39% of their resources to strangers and 51% to friends. However, individuals with COVID-19 and medical doctors received even more, respectively, 69% and 76% of the resources [22], see Fig. 1. This pattern was also observed in children aged 10—13 years Fig. 1; unpublished data from [2]. A follow-up study in participants aged 10—25 years showed that giving to targets in need was highest in late childhood and decreased across development [45]. Even below the age of 10, in middle childhood, the favorable factor seems to play a role. A prior study used a sharing task showed that responding to the needs of others (i.e. recipients in poverty) through sharing increased between the second grade (±7 years) and fifth grade (±10 years). Moreover, giving to others was correlated with the participants’ subjective well-being, suggesting that ‘feeling good’ correlated with ‘doing good’ [40].

Together, these studies demonstrate that prosocial motivations are dependent on contextual social influences such as an individual's strategic motivation, the social relation to the recipient, and whether the recipient is a target in need. These findings fit with a larger body of evidence showing that adolescence is an important transition period for developing prosocial intentions [7]. Prosocial intentions may provide the building blocks for engaging in broader societal contributions [18]. Adolescence might be a specifically sensitive period for developing prosocial intentions owing to ongoing maturation of brain regions involved in social processing [32].

Social Brain Development

It has been suggested that adolescence is a sensitive window in social development, such that social experiences influence the development of prosocial motivations and behaviors. Initial evidence pointing in this direction comes from brain-imaging studies. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it is well-documented that there is a pronounced change in cortical neural development during adolescence. After an initial postnatal increase in cortical gray matter in the first 5–6 years of life, adolescents show a (second) period of postnatal change in the form of a reduction of gray matter leading to stability of neural density after early adulthood. Longitudinal MRI studies demonstrated a decrease in gray matter that is most protracted in the ‘social brain’ regions including the medial prefrontal cortex, temporal-parietal junction, and superior temporal sulcus [32]. Longitudinal studies have related the within-subject anatomical development of social brain regions to within-subjects changes in self-reported friendship quality, showing that higher friendship quality over time relates to faster gray matter change in social brain regions [4].

Even though longitudinal studies provide an important index of co-occurrence of developmental processes, they do not allow for causal inference. Possibly, changes in both the brain and behavior are driven by genetically co-occurring processes. One particularly elegant way to study influences of genetics and environment is using a twin design: by comparing monozygotic twins (who share 100% of their genes) with dizygotic twins (sharing ± 50% of their genes), it is possible to disentangle the effects of sharing their environment from genetic influences. Behavioral genetic modeling using monozygotic and dizygotic twins can provide estimates for this heritability [33]. Studies including 7—8-year-old twins showed that total brain volume and part of the social brain network were strongly sensitive to genetic influences (Fig. 2) [31,46]. However, the temporal-parietal junction also showed estimates of shared environment effects, providing more direct evidence that these regions are also shaped by social experiences (Fig. 2). These results fit well with data from fMRI resting state analyses, which also reveal that certain cortical-subcortical connections, which have previously been found to develop during adolescence [15] are influenced by shared environmental effects [1] (Fig. 2). Together, these findings provide evidence for adolescence as a period during which the environment matters for social development.

COVID-19 and Prosocial Development: A Special Case of Environmental Influence

The COVID-19 crisis has an unprecedented environmental impact on the development of youth. In addition to health concerns for family members and friends, adolescents also experienced social restrictions such as school closure and reduced possibilities for social contact [35]. School closures during the pandemic were associated with lower levels of academic motivations in 12—16-year-old adolescents, an effect which was larger for adolescents with lower parental support and was buffered by daily positive mood [27]. A longitudinal study with measurements before and during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the stress experienced by parents during lockdown negatively impacted well-being of 10—13-year-old children [2]. Parental stress was particularly high among low-income households [8], which may indicate that the pandemic may have the most impact on economically disadvantaged families and children. Indeed, not all adolescents have the same opportunities to contribute to society owing to inequalities in social gradients, and this may impact adolescents’ fundamental need to experience a sense of purpose and meaning [19]. Moreover, adolescents showed longitudinal decrease in feelings of vigor and increase in feelings of tension and depression over the course of the pandemic ([[20]] see also [[14]]).

How these experiences influence prosocial behaviors is currently not well understood. The pandemic places large demands on prosocial behavior, and lots of adolescents need to adjust their daily activities and future perspectives for the benefit or collective health of the broader society. Social connections have been limited especially for young people, whereas these may serve as a source of social support during challenging times [29,38]. Prosocial experiences toward friends decreased during the first weeks of the pandemic [22] but increased over several months in the pandemic [45]. Social connections are an important predictor for prosocial behavior during the pandemic, such that 10—12-year-old adolescents with more connections were more willing to help unknown peers [39]. Possibly, over time at least some of the adolescents will show resilience to long-term effects of the pandemic. However, for youth to remain resilient during challenging social times, they need support and opportunities at multiple levels in society [30].


This review provided an overview of key factors in the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence, and we related these to the challenges of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Today's generation faces the crisis of not only the COVID-19 pandemic but also increasing social-economic inequality and the climate crisis. Social connectedness in adolescence is an important resilience factor that has been shown to reduce stress and fatigue during COVID-19 [34], and engaging in prosocial acts of kindness may boost social connections. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis revealed a relation between prosociality and mental well-being in adolescents [24]. It is recommended that future research examines more closely the individual predictors of kindness, the recipients of kindness, and the proximity of the outcomes [11]. Adolescents show great resilience when the systems around them are also resilient [30].

Adolescence is a sensitive inflection time in development [12]. The proportion of individuals with onset of any mental disorders before the ages of 25 is 62.5%, with a peak onset age of 14.5 [43], showing that adolescence is a vulnerable time where mental disorders first emerge. Yet, it is also a time of tremendous opportunity for social development, overcoming ingroup-outgroup bias, contribution to society, and providing solutions to the challenges of the future [17]. Thus, research on prosocial development of adolescents is not only important for individual developmental trajectories but also to inform policy and engage adolescents more widely, for example, through youth participation, and this review shows that adolescence is an important time for societal investment [12].

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In this review, we describe the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence as a critical inflection period for social adjustment. Experimental research using prosocial giving tasks demonstrates that adolescents differentiate more between recipients and contexts, suggesting increasing ingroup-outgroup differentiation during adolescence. We also demonstrate that social brain development during adolescence is partly driven by environmental influences, further underlining adolescence as a critical period for social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will have long-term effects on the current generation of adolescents, for which we describe both the risks, resilience factors, and opportunities for engaging in prosocial acts of kindness.

Prosocial Behavior in Adolescence: Development and Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Adolescence is a critical period for social development, and prosocial behavior plays a vital role in shaping adolescents' social relationships and societal contributions. This review examines the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence, considering various motivations and contextual factors. It also explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prosocial behavior, highlighting the challenges and opportunities presented by this unprecedented environmental influence.

Prosocial Behavior

Prosocial behavior encompasses actions that benefit others, such as giving, helping, and sharing. It is influenced by several factors:

  • Strategic Motivations: Adolescents' prosocial behavior increases when there are strategic benefits, such as maintaining a positive reputation or avoiding punishment.

  • Social Relationships: Adolescents are more likely to engage in prosocial behavior towards friends and ingroup members than strangers or outgroup members.

  • Favorable Factors: Prosocial behavior is enhanced when the recipient is in need or perceived as deserving of help.

Social Brain Development

Adolescence is a period of significant brain maturation, particularly in regions associated with social processing. Genetic and environmental factors influence the development of these social brain regions, suggesting that adolescence is a sensitive window for social experiences to shape prosocial motivations and behaviors.

COVID-19 and Prosocial Development

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on adolescents' lives, including social restrictions and increased stress. While the pandemic poses challenges to prosocial behavior, it also creates opportunities for adolescents to contribute to society and support those in need. Research suggests that social connections and resilience are crucial factors in promoting prosocial behavior during the pandemic.


Prosocial behavior is essential for adolescents' social development and well-being. Understanding the factors that influence prosocial behavior and the impact of environmental events like the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for fostering prosociality in adolescence. By supporting adolescents' social connections and providing opportunities for them to contribute to society, we can empower them to overcome challenges and become valuable members of their communities.

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In this review, we describe the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence as a critical inflection period for social adjustment. Experimental research using prosocial giving tasks demonstrates that adolescents differentiate more between recipients and contexts, suggesting increasing ingroup-outgroup differentiation during adolescence. We also demonstrate that social brain development during adolescence is partly driven by environmental influences, further underlining adolescence as a critical period for social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will have long-term effects on the current generation of adolescents, for which we describe both the risks, resilience factors, and opportunities for engaging in prosocial acts of kindness.

Prosocial Behavior in Adolescence: Navigating Societal Challenges


Adolescence, a pivotal period of social and cognitive development, presents unique challenges and opportunities for young people. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges, highlighting the importance of prosocial behavior, or actions that benefit others. This article explores the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence, considering the influence of various factors and the implications for navigating societal crises.

Prosocial Behavior: Motives and Influences

Prosocial behavior is multifaceted and influenced by several factors:

  • Strategic Motivations: Giving behavior can be motivated by strategic considerations, such as reputation management or reciprocity expectations.

  • Social Relationships: Adolescents tend to exhibit higher prosociality towards friends and ingroup members compared to strangers or outgroup members.

  • Favorable Factors: Individuals are more likely to engage in prosocial behavior when the recipient is in need or perceived as deserving.

Social Brain Development and Adolescence

Adolescence is a period of significant brain development, particularly in regions associated with social cognition. Studies have shown that environmental experiences, such as social interactions, can shape the development of these brain regions. This suggests that adolescence is a sensitive window for social development and the formation of prosocial motivations.

COVID-19 and Prosocial Development

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on adolescents, leading to social restrictions and increased stress. While some studies suggest a decline in prosocial behavior during the initial stages of the pandemic, others indicate an increase over time. Social connections and support systems play a crucial role in fostering prosociality during challenging times.


Prosocial behavior is essential for navigating societal challenges and promoting well-being in adolescence. Understanding the factors that influence prosocial development can inform interventions and policies aimed at fostering a generation of young people who are engaged, empathetic, and capable of contributing to society. By investing in the social development of adolescents, we can empower them to overcome current and future challenges and create a more just and equitable world.

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In this review, we describe the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence as a critical inflection period for social adjustment. Experimental research using prosocial giving tasks demonstrates that adolescents differentiate more between recipients and contexts, suggesting increasing ingroup-outgroup differentiation during adolescence. We also demonstrate that social brain development during adolescence is partly driven by environmental influences, further underlining adolescence as a critical period for social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will have long-term effects on the current generation of adolescents, for which we describe both the risks, resilience factors, and opportunities for engaging in prosocial acts of kindness.

Prosocial Behavior in Teens: How You Can Make a Difference

What is Prosocial Behavior?

Prosocial behavior is when you do something good for others, like helping, sharing, or being kind. It's important for building strong relationships and making our communities better places.

Why is Prosocial Behavior Important for Teens?

Teens are going through a lot of changes and figuring out who they are. Prosocial behavior can help them:

  • Feel good about themselves

  • Build strong friendships and relationships

  • Make a positive impact on their community

How Prosocial Behavior Develops

There are a few things that can influence how prosocial a teen is:

  • Who they are with: Teens are more likely to be prosocial if you're around friends or people you care about.

  • Who they are helping: They're more likely to help someone who is in need or who they feel close to.

  • Their own goals: If they're trying to impress someone or get something in return, they might be less likely to be prosocial.

The Brain and Prosocial Behavior

Their brain is still developing as a teen, and this plays a role in their prosocial behavior. The parts of their brain that are involved in social thinking and understanding are still growing. This means that they are getting better at understanding other people's perspectives and feelings, which can make them more likely to help others.

COVID-19 and Prosocial Behavior

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone, including teens. It's important to remember that we're all in this together and that we can help each other out. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.


Being prosocial is a great way for teens to make a positive impact on themselves, their relationships, and their community!

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In this review, we describe the development of prosocial behavior in adolescence as a critical inflection period for social adjustment. Experimental research using prosocial giving tasks demonstrates that adolescents differentiate more between recipients and contexts, suggesting increasing ingroup-outgroup differentiation during adolescence. We also demonstrate that social brain development during adolescence is partly driven by environmental influences, further underlining adolescence as a critical period for social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will have long-term effects on the current generation of adolescents, for which we describe both the risks, resilience factors, and opportunities for engaging in prosocial acts of kindness.

Being Kind and Helpful: How Kids Grow and Change

What is Prosocial Behavior?

Being prosocial means doing things that are kind and helpful to others. It's like when you share your toys with a friend or help your mom clean up the house.

Why is Being Kind Important?

When we're kind to others, it makes them feel good. It also helps us build strong friendships and makes our communities a better place to live.

How Do Kids Learn to Be Kind?

Kids learn to be kind in different ways.

  • Friends and Family: When kids see their friends and family being kind, they learn that it's a good thing to do.

  • Helping Others: When kids help people who are in need, they feel good about themselves and learn that being kind is important.

  • Thinking About Others: As kids get older, they start to understand how their actions affect others. This helps them make choices that are kind and helpful.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Being Kind

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, including kids. It's been hard to see friends and family, and some kids have had to stay home from school.

But even during these tough times, it's important to be kind to others. We can help our friends and family by staying connected, even if we can't see them in person. We can also help our communities by following the rules to keep everyone safe.

Growing Up and Being Kind

As kids grow up, they learn more about the world and how to be kind to others. They also learn that being kind is a choice that they can make every day.

Being kind is a superpower that everyone has. It can make the world a better place for everyone.

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Footnotes and Citation


Crone, E. A., & Achterberg, M. (2022). Prosocial development in adolescence. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 220–225.
