Since the inception of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) 20 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) has considered the adult sentence applications framework on only one occasion in R v DB, 2008 SCC 25. Additionally, Parliament enacted a major legislative overhaul of the provisions related to adult sentence applications in 2012. Without further input from the SCC, trial and appellate courts across Canada have filled the gaps in interpreting section 72 of the YCJA. On November 23, 2023, the SCC has announced they will hear the appeals of R v IM, 2023 ONCA 378 and R v SB, 2023 ONCA 369 and revisit the issue the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. The adult sentence application provisions are arguably the most important provision within the Act, given the serious jeopardy that goes along with an adult sentence. Courts across Canada have struggled to give constitutional effect to the age-based presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. In this thesis, I present a critical examination of the current approaches to adult sentence applications and outline the best practices for youth court judges, Crown attorneys and defence lawyers. In support of this end, I have conducted a survey of 20 years of trial level adult sentence decisions from across Canada tracking the age, race, gender, support structures, and cognitive and mental health challenges, among other factors. I have framed this inquiry with the Critical Legal Studies tradition. However, given that adult sentence applications touch on a broad range of complex issues, portions of this thesis engage other legal and interdisciplinary theories including Critical Discourse Analysis, Law and Emotion Theory, Critical Race Theory and Disability Legal Theory. Ultimately, this thesis highlights the importance of respecting the letter and spirit of the law set forth by Parliament and by the Supreme Court of Canada in DB, in anticipation of the SCC’s upcoming consideration of these very important principles.
1.1 Introduction
In Canada, youths as young as fourteen years old may, in exceptional circumstances, be sentenced as adults. In this thesis I argued that, as a youth criminal justice system and as a society, we must limit the use of this extraordinary state power and ask ourselves these critical questions: In what circumstances, if ever, is it appropriate to sentence a young person to criminal sanctions generally reserved for an adult? What criteria must we consider to determine if it is appropriate to impose an adult sentence on a young person? What evidence should be advanced by counsel to best position a youth court judge to properly adjudicate such applications? And how do we limit the use of this extraordinary sentencing option in order to conform with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter),1 the tenets of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA),2 and our international obligations to uphold the human rights of young people?3
Across the country, youth court judges preside over Crown applications for adult sentences for young people in wide ranging circumstances, including cases where there has been no loss of life. The adult sanctions that flow from a successful Crown application are substantial and long-lasting. In cases of first and second-degree murder, the jeopardy for these young teens is a life sentence.
This thesis will examine the current legislative structure of the adult sentence application process in conjunction with the body of case law that has developed from trial and appellate courts since the inception of the YCJA in 2003. In the 20 years since the YCJA came into force, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) considered this very important area of criminal law only once in R v DB, 2008 SCC 254—a decision which is, for reasons which will be discussed below, almost entirely outdated and of very little practical assistance beyond its affirmation that the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people is a principle of fundamental justice.5 This is a result of the significant amendments made to the provisions within the YCJA governing adult sentence applications in 2012,6 making the SCC’s decision in DB less influential in today’s adult sentence hearings. In the absence of further guidance from the SCC, lower courts across Canada have been left to fill the interpretive gaps left by the SCC’s silence on this issue.
In its current iteration, sections 72(1)(a) and (b) of the YCJA govern the mechanism by which a youth court judge may, in exceptional cases, order that a young person be sentenced as an adult.7 Section 72 is broken into two distinct legal questions and is considered a two-pronged test. The first prong states that “the youth justice court shall order that an adult sentence be imposed if it issatisfied that the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability of the young person is rebutted.”8 If the Crown rebuts the presumption, the Court must consider the second prong, which requires the imposition of an adult sentence only where “a youth sentence imposed in accordance with the purposes and principles set out in subparagraph 3(1)(b)(ii) and section 38 would not be of sufficient length to hold the young person accountable for his or her offending behaviour.”9 Both prongs must be satisfied independently. The two prongs may not be blended or weighed one against the other. The onus on the Crown is neither a balance of probabilities nor beyond a reasonable doubt, but instead one of “satisfaction”, which will be discussed below.
I am of the view that the YCJA’s articulation of the test in its current form is drafted in such a way that protects and respects the unique position of young people in Canadian society as well as their lesser capacity for critical thinking and good judgement as a result of their young age. However, I would contend that the application of these provisions in trial and appellate level decisions has been inconsistent, with courts applying the adult sentence test with divergent methods and results. While some decisions give thoughtful consideration to this difficult issue— decisions which I argue embody a best practice standard in this area of law, which will be revisited in Chapters Three and Five of this thesis—others have struggled to uphold the spirit of the SCC’s decision in DB, Parliament’s intention regarding the enhanced protections for young people in the YCJA, as well as the 2012 reformulation of the adult sentence test. Without further guidance from the SCC, these struggles will continue. Fortunately, on November 23, 2023, the SCC granted leave to appeal in two cases: R v IM, 2023 ONCA 37810 and R v SB, 2023 ONCA 369.11 The SCC will hear these appeals together in the near future. From SCC case summaries, the issues the SCC will consider are precisely the issues raised in this thesis.12
Given the significant time that has elapsed since the SCC last addressed adult sentence applications, I have identified and compiled all regional trial and appellate level decisions to illustrate how courts have filled the many gaps left unaddressed by DB. In anticipation of the SCC revisiting these very important issues in IM and SB, I will draw on the body of case law post-DB and the legislative amendments made to section 72 in 2012,13 in conjunction with relevant academic literature to opine on how the SCC will address the long-standing issues with the application of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness in their upcoming hearings. IM and SB will be revisited in Chapters Two and Five of this thesis.
1.2 Giving Constitutional Effect to the Presumption of Diminished Moral Blameworthiness
Courts across Canada have long-struggled to give constitutional effect to the age-based presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness which is the first of the two lynch-pin considerations of the adult sentence application test. In this thesis, I examine the current approaches to adult sentence applications with a focus on the constitutionally protected presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people found in the first prong of the two-pronged test. Additionally, I will outline the best practices (topic by topic in Chapter 3 and as a whole in Chapter 5) in adult sentence applications for youth court judges, Crown attorneys, and defence counsel. Throughout this thesis I will highlight the importance of respecting the letter and spirit of Parliament’s two-pronged adult sentence test, as well as the SCC’s decision in DB, where the SCC held that the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people is a principle of fundamental justice.
In order to uphold the section 7 rights of young people, I argue that courts and court participants must all strive to give full constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. In this thesis, it is my intention to examine when and why courts and court participants are missing the mark on the conceptualization of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people; to identify best practices for all court participants as they participate in adult sentence hearings, as counsel or as youth court judges; and to encourage approaching adult sentence applications in a way that respects the intention of Parliament, as well as the fundamental tenet that youths are protected by the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness which may only be rebutted through the legal avenue provided in section 72(1)(a) of the YCJA. My aim is to present these examinations through a review and analysis of the relevant case law and academic literature pertaining to sentencing young people as adults in Canada and to provide an overview of what factors courts have considered on each prong of the adult sentence test.
The analysis of this issue is of utmost importance in youth criminal law as the adult sentence provisions operate to deprive young people of their liberty in an extreme and life-altering fashion. These decisions—and the legislated criteria we engage to make such decisions—must not be treated lightly. At its core, giving full constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthinessis vital to the proper functioning of the entirety of the youth criminal justice system as it was envisioned with the implementation of the YCJA, the SCC’s ruling in DB, and the subsequent amendments to the YCJA that made fundamental changes to the adult sentence application process in 2012.14 If the protective provisions related to adult sentence hearings are eroded, so too may there be an erosion of any or all of the YCJA’s measures to keep our youth justice system separate and apart from adult criminal courts.
1.3 Theoretical Framework
As stated above, the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young persons is a principle of fundamental justice and is protected under section 7 of the Charter.15 As such, upholding the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people by virtue of their age, is both a constitutional and human rights issue and is deserving of thorough and thoughtful consideration by courts and all court participants, as will be discussed in Chapter Three.16
This thesis presents a doctrinal analysis of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people in the context of adult sentence applications, in which the overarching theoretical framework engaged aligns predominantly with the Critical Legal Studies tradition. Youth as a group have very little power and agency in society. Within that wider group of young people, marginalized youth—including, but not limited to, racialized youth, youth experiencing poverty, youth in care of the state, youth with disabilities, and youth who come from dysfunctional origins—wield the least power of all.
Critical Legal Studies laid the foundation for the critique of legal issues by examining the relationship between law and power.17 In the Canadian youth criminal law context, for more than a century youth criminal legislation has developed in a way that has provided increased procedural protections for youth, who are particularly vulnerable to the state’s power in criminal proceedings by virtue of their age, their increased reliance on adults, and their limited agency in the everyday workings of the world. Any erosion of the rights and protections provided for in the YCJA should raise concerns and invite critical examination. While Chapter Two of this thesis will discuss the evolution of youth law and the adult sentence application process, Chapter Three will outline the waysin which all court participants can best protect young people, particularly marginalized young people, from the power of the state—a power that, in the context of adult sentence applications, can lead to life in prison.
Given that adult sentence applications touch on a broad range of complex issues, portions of this thesis will also engage various other legal and interdisciplinary theories including Critical Discourse Analysis, Law and Emotion Theory, Critical Race Theory and Disability Legal Theory.
Critical Discourse Analysis in the legal context is a qualitative method of analysis that examines the structure of language and explores the social, cultural and political context within which legislation is written and/or policies are implemented. Critical Discourse Analysis is an interdisciplinary method of analysis that is “interpretive and explanatory” but “does not have a unitary theoretical framework.”18 This theoretical framework engages applied linguistics to trace the evolution of law and legislation over time and identifies the ways in which linguistic tactics may be employed to frame, reframe or subvert legal principles. Ultimately, Critical Discourse Analysis “focuses on the ways discourse structures enact, confirm, legitimate, reproduce, or challenge relations of power abuse (dominance) in society.”19
In the context of the application of the YCJA’s adult sentence provisions, a Discourse Analysis approach to the linguistic adherence to, or conversely, the manipulation of Parliament’s phrasing of the adult sentence test is critical to understanding why courts and court participants struggle to interpret and apply the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people, as will be seen throughout the first three chapters of this thesis.
Generally, Emotion Theory is an interdisciplinary framework that draws on a “range of fields, including philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology and cognitive neuroscience.”20 More specifically, Law and Emotion Theory looks at the intersection of the role of emotion and legal processes.21 Law and Emotion Theory advocates call for the recognition of the “pervasive and invisible influence of emotion on every aspect of the decision-making process.”22
As I will discuss in the later part of Chapter One, an open and honest consideration of the role that emotions play in the youth criminal justice system is particularly important when dealing with young people who kill, or commit heinous and harmful offences towards, members of the community. When viewed from the theoretical lens of Law and Emotion, it is easier to understand how courts and court participants at times stray from the two-pronged test for adult sentence applications—after all, when young people commit extreme violence, emotions like anger, fear and outrage are natural, but ultimately unhelpful to courts and court participants, if those emotions are permitted to undermine the appropriate legal test to be employed.
Traditionally, legal systems have all but ignored the role of emotions. As stated by Terry A Maroney in their article “Emotional Regulation and Judicial Behavior”, judges are “human and experience emotion when hearing cases, though the standard account of judging has long denied this fact.”23 However, framed differently, the Law and Emotion Theory becomes more palatable. For instance, practitioners and scholars have long welcomed discussions around morality’s role in law and human behaviour, legal realism, and issues related to cognitive bias. By couching this discourse of law and emotion in such traditional terms, we can see that the discussion of the intersections of law and emotion have always had a place. After all, judges, jurors, lawyers, police officers, social workers, and probation officers all have one thing in common: they are human. I am of the view that it is crucial that we acknowledge the role emotion may play in adult sentence applications to ensure courts and court participants appropriately channel those emotions in such a way that does not undermine the legal test in adult sentence applications, as will be discussed later in this chapter.
When discussing the disproportionately negative impact of youth criminal proceedings on Indigenous, Black and visible minority youth in general and the adult sentence application process specifically, this thesis engages the Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory has been defined as a “[r]adical movement that seeks to transform the relationship among race, racism and power.”24 Given the alarming rates of the over-representation of Indigenous, Black, and visible minority youth—which will be discussed in Chapters Two, Three and Four—it is abundantly clear that the youth criminal justice system is in the midst of a national crisis that is deserving of immediate attention from the courts and policy-makers alike.
In Chapters Three and Four this thesis will address how young people with disabilities who are subject to adult sentence applications may find themselves bearing a de facto burden to the satisfy the court that, as a result of cognitive disability, they should be afforded by the very statutory protections they are entitled to in light of their biological age alone. The critical analysis of how courts have treated evidence of young people’s disabilities within the adult sentence application process is undertaken within the Disability Legal Theory framework. Disability Legal Theory and Disability Studies “applies social, cultural, historical, legal, philosophical, and humanities perspectives to understanding the place of disability in society. It explores disability as a social and cultural construct and as a phenomenon reflecting and constituting identity formation by incorporating the “real-lived” experiences of people with disabilities.”25
This thesis also engages (in an over-arching manner) principles of statutory interpretation including the plain meaning rule and fidelity to parliamentary intent.
1.4 Defining Moral Blameworthiness in the Context of Adult Sentence Applications
As stated above, the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people is at the core of the adult sentence application test and must be satisfactorily rebutted by the Crown in order to lawfully sentence a young person as an adult. However, significant confusion remains about the definition and operation of this fundamental tenet of youth criminal justice in Canada.26
When looking at the term “moral blameworthiness” generally, it is most frequently engaged in determining the proportionality of a sentence where courts must weigh the gravity of the offence and the moral blameworthiness or culpability of the offender by balancing the aggravating and mitigating features of the offence and of the circumstances of the offender.27 However, unlike the proportionality test, the adult sentence application test explicitly bars the blending and weighing of the gravity of the offence against the moral blameworthiness of the offender—for good reasons that shall be discussed below. As a result, the framework within section 72 of the YCJA is counter-intuitive to much of what we know about sentencing. This is because the adult sentence application process is not the sentencing hearing proper, but instead is a crucial and high-stakes step on the way to that final determination, with its own governing provisions and legal considerations.
Returning to the use of the term “moral blameworthiness” within the proportionality test, it is important to note that as courts consider the proportionality of a given sentence, separate inquiries are made into the gravity of the offence and the offender’s moral blameworthiness.28 As such, the isolation of moral blameworthiness from the seriousness of the offence is not entirely novel. Even in sentencing, moral blameworthiness is conceptually disconnected from the gravity of the offence and the harm an offender has caused. The ultimate determination of a proportionate sentence, however, is reached by balancing these distinct considerations. This is not the case with the adult sentence test that states that the two concepts must not be weighed one against the other.
How, therefore, must we conceptualize moral blameworthiness within the context of the adult sentence application? Unlike the proportionality analysis in the final determination of a sentence, the moral blameworthiness of the young person is not weighed against the gravity of the offence in the first prong of the adult sentence test. This is because section 72(1)(a) creates an independent assessment of whether the Crown has rebutted the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness that is generally inherent in young persons by virtue of their age, and nothing more.
From the judgements reviewed for this thesis, it appears as though moral blameworthiness itself is difficult to conceptualize in the context of serious violent offences, as will be discussed below.29 However, the general tenet that young people, by virtue of the fact that their brains are not fully developed, are less worthy of blame and culpability than their adult counterparts is undisputed.
Young people, as a result of their age alone, may act impulsively and with limited capacity to foresee and appreciate the consequences of their actions. This is the very basis of the presumption, which appliesto all offences, even the mostserious. The starting point of the equation is not neutral, as the very nature of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness has the young person at a deficit by virtue of their age alone. The proper visualization of the first prong of the adult sentence application test is an accounting of sorts:

Moral blameworthiness is easily misinterpreted and even deliberately distorted to suit purposes that run counter to the two-pronged test. For death-related offences in particular, arguments around moral blameworthiness can easily devolve into statements about the general immorality of committing murder. Through extensive research, I have noted what can best be described as an underlying linguistic false equivalence between moral blameworthiness and moral outrage.
In her article “Repellent Crimes and Rational Deliberation: Emotion and the Death Penalty”, Law and Emotion theorist, Susan A Bandes, notes that extreme crimes “provoke the highest emotions—anger, especially even outrage— that in turn makes rational deliberation problematic for investigators, prosecutors, judges and juries.”30 I argue that we must acknowledge the role emotion may play in adult sentence applications.
While the term ‘moral outrage’ does not appear in any reported decisions, the sentiments it evokes are regularly advanced by Crown counsel as they argue the first prong of the adult sentence test. In this context, I would define moral outrage as an engagement in reasoning that sees the analysis of moral blameworthiness infiltrated by a morality based judgement of the heinous or shocking nature of the crime itself or the harm the crime has caused, together with a strong desire to denounce the crime and/or a call for retribution, which are considerations that are not to be blended into the first prong of the adult sentence test. In such circumstances, the accounting presented above, looks more like this:

In such circumstances the Crown is asking the court to distort the adult sentence test into a blended analysis that pits the seriousness of the offence against the mitigating factors presented by the defence, which creates a de facto reversal of the onus, which is unconstitutional in light of DB.31 Such an approach creates what I refer to as the ‘de facto presumptive offence regime’.
Ultimately, the presumption cannot be “trumped by a combination of other factors that do not relate to the psychological and scientific evidence that underlies the presumption.”32 In R v DRA, 2014 MBQB 199, Justice Menzies characterized the danger of disregarding the two-pronged test, stating “the fact that the accused is charged with second degree murder cannot be the justification for imposing an adult sentence. If that were the case, the YCJA would not provide for a youth sentence for the charge of murder.”33
In her text, Justice for Young Offenders: Their Needs, Our Responses, clinical psychologist Mary Vandergoot commented:
“The seriousness of the crime should never be the test of a young person’s maturity of judgement or capacity. How does a youth become less a youth and more an adult by committing a serious crime? Youth have diminished culpability as a result of their immaturity, particularly their diminished capacity for judgement, whatever their crimes.”34
Similarly, in R v MW, 2017 ONCA 22, the Ontario Court of Appeal stated, “the presumption assumes that all young people start from a position of lesser maturity, moral sophistication and capacity for independent judgement than adults.”35 The Crown must show more than neutrality to rebut the presumption of diminished moral-blameworthiness. They must satisfy the court of an advanced moral blameworthiness—one that is commensurate with an adult-like capacity.
Directly related, the court must never shift the onus on to the defence—consciously or unconsciously—by requiring the defence to produce evidence of developmental incapacitation to maintain the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. While the defence is always free to bring evidence that shows a further reduction beyond the age-based reduction of diminished moral blameworthiness, and while such evidence assists the court, it is not required in law.
1.5 Deciding the Most Difficult Cases
Within the body of reported adult sentence application decisions, and for each prong of the test, there are numerous examples of “extremes”. There are instances of extreme, destructive, and life-altering violence. There are, likewise, stories of young people challenged with extreme deficits, hardships and traumas that diminish their moral blameworthiness.
However, given the nature of the adult sentence test, it is not the instances of extreme diminishment of moral blameworthiness that are the most difficult for courts to decide. The most difficult casesinvolve young people whose moral blameworthiness is closest to their chronological age. These are the circumstances that most acutely challenge courts and court participants to respect the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. These are the cases that truly test the best practice standards for courts and court participants. Best practices will be highlighted factor by factor throughout Chapter Three and as a whole in Chapter Five.
1.6 Research Questions
In preparation for this thesis, my primary curiosity has been to understand how counsel— both Crown and defence—should approach the adult sentence application process to best serve the youth court judges making these very difficult decisions in a way that shows respect to the section 7 rights of young people, namely the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. In service of this primary curiosity, I have been guided by the following research questions:
What approaches to adult sentence applications best respect the SCC’s ruling in DB?
Without recent guidance from the SCC, what can be gleaned from appellate and trial level decisions to aid in the application of section 72 of the YCJA?
What role do judges, Crown attorneys and defence attorneys play in ensuring the section 7 rights of young people are respected, particularly the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness?
I have also considered the following procedural questions that speak to best practices for adult sentence applications:
What sources of evidence are courts considering in their analysis of section 72?
What factors have courts considered on each prong of the adult sentence application test?
When are Crown’s exercising their discretion to pursue adult sentence applications? Furthermore, I wanted to examine the demographics and individual circumstances of the young people who face adult sentence applications by conducting a survey of trial level decisions:
• Are there certain identifiable groups of youth more frequently facing adult sentence applications by age, by race, by gender, or by status as a youth in state care?
How are these demographics being considered by the courts?
What cognitive and mental health challenges do these young people face, and how have such cognitive and mental health challenges been considered by the courts?
Are Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision (IRCS) orders being explored and granted in appropriate cases?
Are there regional differences in the frequency of adult sentence applications per capita?
Are there regional differences in the exercise in Crown discretion to pursue adult sentence applications?
In light of the announcement from the SCC on November 23, 2023, a final question has arisen at the 11th hour of this thesis’ exploration of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness:
In anticipation of IM and SB, how will the SCC address the long-standing problems with the application of the adult sentence test asthey re-visit the age-based presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people?
1.7 Methodology
This thesis is based on a compilation of relevant academic literature as well as a survey of all reported adult sentence application decisions, from all provinces and territories and from all levels of court, spanning the 20 years since the inception of the YCJA. In my survey of the case law, I have identified, catalogued and reviewed every reported decision in the 20 year period using a trial level evaluation form I created to capture data from each case.36
To give context to the survey of the case law, I have gathered academic literature including journal articles, monographs, governmental reports and statistics, and other secondary source materials related to adult sentence applications or related issues.
To document my findings, I have prepared two tables of trial level reported decisions. The first table tracks, region by region, the reported adult sentence applications from 2003 to 2023.37 The second table takes a more in-depth view of the factors considered in each reported decision from 2018 to 2023.38 These tables will be discussed at greater length at the conclusion of this chapter and in Chapter 4.
1.8 In the Interests of Full Disclosure
As a practicing youth criminal defence attorney for the past 15 years, I have had the benefit of participating in adult sentence applications on numerous occasions. The knowledge and experience I have gained by defending youth against these life-changing applications has been profoundly important to my growth as a lawyer. However, while my experience in Manitoba’s youth courts has been invaluable, I am aware of the potential bias I bring to scholarly work.
In the interests of full disclosure, I have defended young people in reported and unreported adult sentence application hearings in the Manitoba Provincial Court, the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench and in the Manitoba Court of Appeal. For reported decisions, I was counsel for the young person in R v RM, 2014 MBPC 18, as well as appellant counsel in R v Meeches, 2021 MBCA 26 and R v McKenzie, 2021 MBCA 8.39 Following the hearing in the Manitoba Court of Appeal in McKenzie, I assisted with Mckenzie’s leave to appeal to the SCC, which was denied. Furthermore, I have consulted defence counsel on the majority of adult sentence applications in Manitoba since 2014. I have met nearly all of the youth involved in the Manitoba cases since 2010, either through my role at Legal Aid Manitoba or by meeting the young people in passing at the Manitoba Youth Centre where I attend on a nearly daily basis. Furthermore, I have known and/or previously represented several of the teenaged victims involved in reported and unreported Manitoba decisions. In my research and writing, I have maintained my duty of solicitor-client privilege and I have been careful to only include case details that are publicly accessible in reported decisions. Furthermore, while I am a 15 year employee of Legal Aid Manitoba, the views expressed in this thesis are entirely my own.
1.9 Limitations
It is difficult to conduct fulsome research on youth related matters as it is essentially impossible to access unreported or oral decisions as a result of policies relating to the YCJA’s privacy provisions contained in section 110 of the YCJA.40 In Manitoba, for example, unless a lawyer or legal researcher is defence counsel of record (or from the same law firm as the counsel of record) on the particular case they wish to access, there is a complicated court process to access transcripts of or listen to sentencing decisions. While it is technically possible, a lawyer or a researcher must first know the name of the case and when it was heard to make the appropriate application to request transcripts for unreported decisions. The natural outcome of this policy is that unless the individual conducting legal research already knowsthat a particular case isrelevant, there is no way to identify relevant cases, other than by word of mouth. A further criticism of this system is that, given that Manitoba Prosecutions operates as one “law firm”, Crown attorneys are able to order favourable transcripts and amass this research in a central location accessible to all Crowns in the province, which creates a systemic imbalance in favour of the prosecution in the relative ability to conduct and access legal research for academic or court purposes. This imbalance raises concerns regarding a young person’s right to make full answer and defence, which are concerns that are beyond the scope of this thesis. Ultimately, as a result of these YCJA-specific barriers to legal research, I have limited the case law considered to reported decisions only.
Given that the findings in this thesis are based only on reported cases, it is possible that the frequency with which the Crown pursues adult sentences may be significantly underestimated in my findings, as this research is limited to cases that have both a contested adult sentence application hearing and that hearing results in a reported decision. There may be numerous cases where the court does not release a decision or there may be cases where the Crown gives notice that they will seek an adult sentence and negotiate an outcome with counsel without contested litigation.
There may also be instances where the threat of an adult sentence is made by the Crown as a blunt negotiating tool used to secure joint recommendations or plea bargains such as foregoing triable issues, or agreeing to youth maximum sentences when a young person is not willing to risk the potential of an adult sentence.41 At this juncture, such scenarios are impossible to track, but warrant further investigation beyond the scope of this thesis.
1.10 Thesis Outline
Chapter One of this thesis has outlined its purpose and the research questions this thesis intends to explore, the theoretical framework(s) within which I have considered adult sentence applications, as well as the methods by which that exploration has been conducted and the limitations encountered.
Chapter Two will outline the legislative history of youth criminal law and its legislation in Canada from the early 20th century to today, with a special focus on the evolution of Canada’s approach to the rare times when courts have been called upon to determine if a young person ought to be sentenced as an adult. This historical overview is important as it highlights how previous iterations of the adult sentence test operated in a way that allowed the seriousness of the offence to overshadow all other factors and did not respect or acknowledge the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people by virtue of their age. In Chapter Two, I have situated the SCC’s decision in DB within the legislative history. Chapter Two also provides an introduction to the SCC’s upcoming consideration of IM and SB.
Chapter Three considers and catalogues the trial and appellate level case law relating to adult sentence applications to address the research questions from Chapter One. Chapter Three offers an extensive, but non-exhaustive, compilation of factors that have been considered by courts on the first and second prong of the adult sentence test. The factors outlined are compiled from a review of 20 years of trial level decisions under the YCJA, with preference given to cases decided after the 2012 amendments. The focus of this thesis is primarily, but not exclusively, on the first prong of the two-pronged test found in section 72. However, despite my focus on the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, I felt it was important to include commentary and research on the second prong of the adult sentence application test to provide insight into the application process as a whole, which is included in the latter half of Chapter Three. Ultimately, my aim in providing this information is to identify the ways in which counsel, both Crown and defence, can advance evidence and arguments that best assist the sentencing judge in giving full constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. By addressing each distinct factor individually within Chapter Three, my aim is to show how courts may properly consider the constituent sources of evidence that make up the adult sentence inquiry as a whole. Given the breadth of the factors considered on each prong and given the limits on the length of this thesis, some factors are dealt with very briefly. It is important to note that each factor set forth in Chapter Three is deserving of further consideration and research, far beyond the scope of this thesis.
Chapter Four is a survey of trial level case law, which provides two tables derived from my analysis of the reported adult sentence application decisions from trial level courts across Canada. I have created two tables to convey this information: the first table provides a regional breakdown of all reported adult sentence application decisions from 2003 to 2023; the second table focuses on reported adult sentence application decisions from 2018 to 2023, tracking the age, race, gender, cognitive and mental health challenges of each young person, whether or not a young person is in the care of social services, whether the courts considered an IRCS order, and whether an adult sentence was ultimately granted. The analysis of each table givesinsight into the per capita frequency with which these applications are sought by region. The analysis of table two will also include measurements against the total number of death-related convictions of youth by province or territory, to better contextualize the per capita data for the frequency of adult sentence applications. The information contained within these tables illuminates trends in adult sentence applications as well as areas of concerns of disproportionate negative implications for youth with disabilities, mental health issues, youth in care, and racialized youth. By conducting an empirical legal analysis of this data, my aim is to identify and examine trends in adult sentencing that may assist adjudicators, counsel, and policy makers to make more informed decisions relating to individual adult sentence applications and to the adult sentence regime/provisions in general.
Chapter Five, this thesis’s concluding chapter, will revisit the research questions posed in Chapter one and draw conclusions where possible. While chapters three and four highlight the ways in which courts have evaluated the distinct factors that have been considered on the first and second prong of the adult sentence test, Chapter Five closes this thesis by reflecting on 4 judgments as a whole that embody the best practice standards for giving constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. Chapter five concludes with a summary of outstanding issues that would benefit from further comment and clarification from the SCC in their upcoming hearing of IM and SB.
2.1 Introduction
Canada has long recognized that children and youth occupy a unique station in society, and should they become involved in criminal behaviour an approach that acknowledges their lesser maturity is warranted. However, since the inception of Canada’s first youth criminal justice legislation, the Juvenile Delinquents Act (JDA)42 in 1908, Canada has maintained a mechanism by which certain young persons may be sentenced as adults.43
This chapter will focus on both the evolution of youth criminal legislation in Canada from its highly discretionary origins to its current due process model, as well as the mechanisms with which each iteration has exercised its jurisdiction to sentence young people as adults. This historical overview shows that prior iterations of the adult sentence test failed to fully acknowledge the principle of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people, particularly for young people charged with serious violent offences—a development that took 100 years to become law when the SCC solidly endorsed this principle in DB and was later codified in the 2012 amendments. This Chapter’s discussion of parliament’s intentions in enacting the YCJA as well as the 2012 amendments sheds light on how the adult sentence provisions should be interpreted and applied.
2.2 A Brief History of Youth Criminal Justice and Adult Sentence Applications in Canada
The JDA operated through ‘delinquency proceedings’ which were notably informal and highly discretionary.44 While many cases before the juvenile court were addressed through community-based interventions, such outcomes were entirely at the discretion of the juvenile court judge. Nearly any matter before the court could lead to, what was referred to then as, an ‘indeterminate sentence’ where a young person could be held for an indeterminate amount of time, up to the age of 21.45 This gave juvenile court judges the ability to sentence children as young as 7 years old to indeterminate imprisonment until the age of 21 years.46 Furthermore, under the JDA a young person over the age of 14 who was charged with an indictable offence could be transferred to face trial and/or sentencing in adult court. This occurred if the juvenile court judge was of the opinion that “the good of the child” and the “interests of the community” demanded it.47 If convicted, the young person faced severe sanctions, potentially including capital punishment.48
History has shown that under the JDA sentences were often both arbitrary and discriminatory, with courts delivering disproportionately punitive sentences to Indigenous, immigrant and indigent youth. Like today, marginalized youth were over-represented in the juvenile courts and juvenile custody facilities under the JDA.49
The Young Offenders Act (YOA)50 came into effect in 1984, just two years after the Charter.51 The YOA brought the informal and discretionary nature of youth criminal law under the JDA into line with Charter values. When the YOA was enacted it was supported by all federal parties and championed as a bi-partisan piece of legislation that would usher in a “new era for juvenile justice in Canada.”52
However, the YOA created new problems. For instance, while being touted as a system that would hold youth more accountable for serious crimes, the initial iteration of the YOA allowed for only three year maximum sentences.53 This low maximum available sentence led to an increase in the number of transfers to adult court in light of what some considered inadequate consequences available under the YOA. Later amendments to the YOA raised the maximum sentences available for the most serious offences, but also introduced “presumptive offences” in 1995 which would consume arguments by courts and legal scholars until the regime was ultimately declared unconstitutional by the SCC in 2008.54
Under the YOA’s presumptive offence regime a young person over the age of 16 who was charged with murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, or aggravated sexual assault was presumptively transferred to stand trial and/or be sentenced in adult court, unless that young person could satisfy that court that an adult sentence was not appropriate in their case.55 Youths aged 14 and 15 could still be transferred to adult court under the YOA, however, the Crown bore the onus on such hearings.56 Eight years after the 1995 amendments to the YOA, the presumptive offence regime would be expanded upon with the passing of the YCJA.
While the YOA was meant to usher in a new era of youth criminal law with added procedural protections for young people and an increased role for defence counsel, it ultimately led to a ballooning of the use of custody for both violent and non-violent offences.57 Critics, professionals and academics raised concerns that the youth criminal system under the YOA was costly and ineffective.
Prior to the passing of the YCJA, Canada had one of the highest rates of the use of courtbased sanctions and incarceration of young people in the world.58 Through the YCJA, Parliament took aim at the frequent use of incarceration of young people, particularly for non-violent crimes. The YCJA created strict rules for the use of custody.59
The YCJA’s governing principles sought to encourage restraint and the imposition of the least restrictive measures possible to still achieve a meaningful consequence for a young person, while optimizing their prospects of rehabilitation and reintegration into society.60 For professionals working within the youth criminal court system, including police, probation officers, Crown attorneys, defence counsel, and youth court judges, the YCJA spurred changes in policies, approaches and attitudes in youth criminal law.61
Scholars at the time were optimistic about the new YCJA. In their 2003 publication, “Tough on Crime: Rethinking Approaches to Youth Justice”, Ross Green and Kierney Healey, youth lawyers from Legal Aid Saskatchewan, discussed with hopeful enthusiasm the various changes expected with the implementation of the YCJA.62
In his 2007 article, “Responding to Young Offenders: Diversion, Detention & Sentencing under Canada’s YCJA”, Nicholas Bala commented that the new Act reflected Parliament’s recognition that, under the previous legislation, youth courts were too quickly resorting to punitive, expensive, and often ineffective sanctions against young people.63 The YCJA’s clearly articulated preamble, principles, and provisions made it clear that the major purpose for enacting the YCJA was to “reduce Canada’s historic overrreliance on the use of custody and courts for dealing with young offenders, especially those committing nonviolent offences.”64
However, concerns remained regarding the continued over-representation of Indigenous youth in custody and many hoped that the new YCJA might make strides in that area. Green and Healey argued that the youth criminal system had become society’s “default system” for youths who had been let down by other social systems through seriously inadequate responses to mental health, housing, education and child poverty.65 In 2000, Indigenous youth made up 5% of the total Canadian population, but represented 26% of young people in pre-trial custody and 24% of young people serving custodial sentences.66 The crisis of over-representation of Indigenous youth was most concerning in Manitoba, where Indigenous youth made up 16% of the province’s population, but represented 70% of youth in pre-trial custody, and 82% of youths serving custodial sentences.67 Despite thoughtful input from lawmakers, scholars and professionals as the YCJA was coming into force, media and public opinion were deeply divided on the issue of youth criminal law and Parliament’s response was quickly politicized.68 The drafting and legislative process leading up to the passing of the YCJA was politically divisive and partisan. What resulted was a piece of legislation containing internal inconsistencies, competing objectives, and political compromise.69
Arguably, the most controversial aspect of the new YCJA was the expansion of the presumptive offence regime. Section 72 of the YCJA maintained the reverse onus provisions and expanded the presumptive offence regime to apply to youths 14 years and older.70 It also introduced what is essentially a third strike rule wherein if a youth is convicted of a third “serious violent offence” the presumptive offence regime would apply, and the onus would fall on the youth to satisfy the court why they ought not be sentenced in adult court.71
From the outset, critics of the presumptive offence regime, scholars and defence counsel alike, argued that the reverse onus provisions were unconstitutional.72 The presumptive offence provisions of the YCJA were immediately challenged in Quebec (Ministre de la justice) c Canada (Ministre de la justice), (2003) 10 CR (6th) 281 (Que CA).73
Ultimately, the presumptive offence regime provisions—the very provisions that “tough-on-crime” proponents touted in the early days of the YCJA—were declared unconstitutional by the SCC.74
In the lower court decision in DB, the sentencing judge accepted DB’s guilty plea to manslaughter and found that DB should be sentenced as a youth. The Ontario Court of Appeal agreed with the lower court’s ruling and the prosecution was granted leave to appeal the decision to the SCC. The SCC held that the presumptive offence provisions infringed upon DB’s rights under section 7 of the Charter. The SCC proclaimed that young people are entitled to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness as a principle of fundamental justice due to their age, heightened vulnerability, reduced maturity, and reduced capacity for moral judgement, striking down the presumptive offence provisions and the reverse onus that regime created.75
Bill C-10 and the 2012 amendments codified the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.76 The 2012 amendments also separated the once blended analysis for adult sentence applications into two distinct steps that the Crown must overcome before an adult sentence can be ordered. This articulation of section 72 remains in place today.
2.3 The YCJA’s Legislative Framework
While the provisions for adult sentence applications are found in section 72 of the YCJA, they are meant to operate in conjunction with the entire Act, with a particular connection to section 3, section 38 and the preamble of the YCJA.
The preamble of the YCJA is critical to the spirit of the Act and recognizes that youths have rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,77 and The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child.78 While the preamble is not part of the body of the YCJA, and is therefore not binding, it is frequently referenced in youth court proceedings and is an important tool which courts have used to interpret provisions within the body of the YCJA.79
The YCJA’s declaration of principles is found in section 3, which addresses the basic principles and intentions of the Act, the principles of accountability, rehabilitation and reintegration, and the special rights and considerations that are to be taken into account within criminal proceedings against young persons.80
Section 38 of the YCJA addresses the purposes and principle of sentencing under the Act. Section 38(2) refers to the principles of the Act outlined in section 3, signaling that they are meant to be read and applied together. Section 38(2) outlines numerous, and at times competing, sentencing principles. Section 38(2)(d) of the YCJA mandates courts to pay particular attention to the circumstances of Indigenous youth when engaging the sentencing principles of the Act.81 Section 38(3) addresses factors that a youth court judge shall take into consideration in the sentencing of young persons.82
For ease of reference, the entirety of the YCJA’s preamble, section 3, section 38, section 72 and other relevant sections that appear throughout this thesis can be found in full in the Appendix to this thesis.
2.4 The SCC’s Upcoming Consideration of R v IM, 2023 ONCA 378 and R v SB, 2023 ONCA 369.
On November 23, 2023 the SCC granted leave to appeal for two Ontario youth, IM and SB. In IM, the young person was convicted of first degree murder by a jury. The deceased was 17 years old and died as a result of 12 stab wounds and 10 blunt force injuries. IM was part of a group of four assailants. The group approached the deceased with the intention of robbing him, a fact which IM admitted, however, IM maintained that he was not party to the manslaughter. IM was 17 at the time of the offence but was not arrested until several years after the killing.83
The sentencing judge in IM purported to use the two-pronged test, despite the offence taking place before the 2012 amendments. However, despite stating that the two-pronged test was the test the court would engage, the sentencing judge then directly referenced the factors enumerated in the pre-amendment iteration of section 72 and seemingly used the blended analysis as the operational framework in reaching their ultimate decision to sentence IM as an adult.84 IM was sentenced to life in prison with no eligibility for parole for 10 years.85
The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the adult sentence concluding that the sentencing judge’s decision did not disregard the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness,86 a decision that will now be considered by the SCC.
In SB, the Ontario Court of Appeal considered the appeal of SB who was convicted of the shooting death of a 16 year old male, who was shot in the head twice at close range. SB was 16 years old at the time of the offence.87 SB was convicted alongside two youth co-accused, MW and TF. All three youth were sentenced as adults, however, MW and TF were successful in overturning their adult sentences on appeal.88
In SB, the Ontario Court of Appeal agreed that the sentencing judge failed to consider and apply the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.89 However, upon conducting their own analysis using the pre-amendment section 72 blended analysis, the Ontario Court of Appeal found that the presumption had been rebutted and did not overturn SB’s adult sentence.90 This decision will be reviewed by the SCC in the near future, alongside the IM appeal.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter begins with a review of the limited academic commentary on adult sentence applications in Canada, as well as a review of the relevant legal principles articulated by trial and appellate courts. From these sources, this chapter delivers a comprehensive list of factors that have been considered on both the first and second prong of the adult sentence test.
3.2 Literature Review
In conducting a review of articles specifically related to adult sentence applications under the YCJA, only four published articles were directly on point.91 As a result, academic literature that addresses adjacent topics is cited throughout this chapter to contextualize and conceptualize the elements and philosophies of the adult sentence application process in Canada—a process which has received very little scholarly attention in the last 20 years.
The adult sentence application process was the sole focus in Nicholas Bala’s 2009 article, “R. v. B.(D.): The Constitutionalization of Adolescence”.92 In that article, Bala provides commentary on DB, the landmark decision wherein the SCC recognized the principle of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people as a constitutionally protected principle of fundamental justice. Bala discussed the historical context of the SCC’s decision and the significant implications it might have on youth justice in Canada. Bala foresaw that DB would be the most important and influential decision in the area of youth criminal law in Canadian history.93
Cheryl Milne’s 2009 article "The Differential Treatment of Adolescents as a Principle of Fundamental Justice: An Analysis of R. v. B. (D.) and C. (A.) v. Manitoba"94 considered the SCC’s ruling in DB to examine the meaning of diminished moral blameworthiness in relation to adult sentence applications. Milne’s article analyzed how the SCC’s decision in DB established a view of adolescence “as a trajectory toward adulthood, but not quite there yet, and limits autonomous rights and adult responsibility accordingly.”95
Several years after the release of DB and after the 2012 amendments, Justice Jamie Campbell of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court penned his 2015 article, “In Search of the Mature Sixteen Year Old in Youth Justice Court”.96 In this work, Justice Campbell discussed the 2012 amendments to the YCJA pertaining to adult sentence applications, focusing on the first prong of the new adult sentence application test. Justice Campbell stated that the question of moral blameworthiness is not informed by the facts of a particular crime, but through evidence relating to a young person’s maturity, limitations, background and moral sophistication.97 Justice Campbell highlighted that under the YCJA, young people are presumed to have diminished capacity for every crime, even the most serious. The severity or heinousness of a crime does not provide insight into the ultimate legal question posed in the first prong of the adult sentence test.98 Justice Campbell warned of the ways in which considerations of the facts of the offence can taint and overshadow the true purpose of the first prong.99
In her 2023 article, “Sentencing Kids to Life: New approaches for challenging youth life sentences under Section 12 of the Charter”,100 author Leila Nasr questions the constitutionality of the adult sentence application provision that require courts to adhere to mandatory minimum life sentences. Nasr provides a framework to challenge such sentences using section 12 of the Charter.101 Nasr argues that sentencing a young person to life will always amount to cruel and unusual punishment, given what we know about adolescent neurological development.102 While I tend to share Nasr’s dim view of the use of adult sentences as criminal sanctions for young people, this thesis does not delve into the overall abolishment of adult sentences, although this author is of the opinion that such arguments carry significant persuasive weight. However, an analysis of the merits of the outright abolishment of adult sentence provisions is beyond the scope of this thesis.
3.3 Case Law Review: Principles and Procedure for Adult Sentence Applications
As a result of the existence of so few scholarly works directly on point, the bulk of the evaluation of the research questions posed in Chapter One must necessarily shift to what can be gleaned from case law across Canada, supplemented by literature that discusses adjacent topics where available.
In the years between DB and the 2012 amendments, section 72 of the YCJA contained what has been referred to in the case law as the ‘blended’ analysis wherein the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness was weighed against the accountability analysis which included, among other factors, the seriousness of the offence, the young person’s prospects of rehabilitation and whether or not the sentence available under the YCJA would be of sufficient length. Under the blended approach, the seriousness of an offence would often trump all considerations of a young person’s capacity, background, personal circumstances or even disability.103 The blended approach was in reality, what I refer to as, a ‘de facto presumptive offence regime’ as it essentially allowed the Crown to discharge their singular onus by doubling down on the seriousness of the offence with little regard for the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. This approach all but reversed the onus on to the defence to justify a youth sentence. Even today under the two-pronged test there is a risk of an unconscious or unspoken reversal of onus that can occur when the two-pronged approach is folded into one single analysis by weighing the two prongs one against the other to reach a final, blended, conclusion. Courts must be mindful of the dangers associated with collapsing the two-prongs. Parliament, scholars and the courts have made it abundantly clear that the heinous or destructive nature of an offence alone is not enough to warrant an adult sentence under the two-pronged test.104 Despite this, many decisions show that courts are still using the blended approach, even when they insist they are not.
Giving full effect to the two-pronged approach is crucial to upholding the constitutional protection set forth in DB. Ultimately, the change from the blended analysis to the two-pronged test reflects the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness and is more in line with the values expressed by Parliament within the YCJA’s preamble, section 3 and section 38.
Section 72 requires the court to independently consider its two distinct legal questions.105 While certain factors related to the circumstance of the offender and the circumstances of the offence may inform the distinct questions raised by each prong, the underlying purpose of each prong must not be conflated or pitted one against the other.106 The danger posed by the use of a blended analysis was best articulated in the Ontario Court of Appeal decision R v MW, 2017 ONCA at paragraphs 95 and 106:
[95] The two prongs address related but distinct questions and, although similar factors are applicable to both, there is not a complete overlap. It is not necessarily the case that every factor relevant to an assessment of whether a youth sentence would hold a young person accountable is relevant to the question of whether the Crown has rebutted the presumption. […]
[106] However, as closely connected as the two prongs -- the presumption and the issue of accountability -- are, there is a risk associated with considering the Crown's application to have the young person sentenced as an adult in a blended analysis in which the presumption and accountability are dealt with together. The risk is that a factor relevant only to one of the two prongs may be relied upon to support a finding in relation to the other.107
3.3.1 Crown Onus
In their pursuit of an adult sentence, the Crown’s onus is neither a balance of probabilities nor beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, to be successful in their application the Crown must “satisfy the court that, at the time of the offence, the evidence supports a finding that the young person demonstrated the level of maturity, moral sophistication and capacity for independent judgment of an adult such that an adult sentence and adult principles of sentencing should apply to him or her.”108 The Crown must also satisfy the Court that “a youth sentence imposed in accordance with the purpose and principles set out in subparagraph 3(1)(b)(ii) and section 38 would not be of sufficient length to hold the young person accountable for his or her offending behaviour.”109
The term “satisfy” was considered in R v AO, 2007 ONCA 144, wherein the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that the provisions imposed “an onus of satisfying the court, nothing more.”110 However, in applying that onus the Ontario Court of Appeal also stressed that youth courts must “bear in mind the very serious consequences of an adult sentence for the young person, so as to only order an adult sentence when necessary to fulfill the objectives of the YCJA.”111
3.3.2 Adult Sentence Applications Require an Evidence-Based Analysis
Adultsentence applications are fact-driven and evidence-based hearings. Therefore, to give respect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness as a principle of fundamental justice—a principle that is first and foremost a statutory protection of chronological age—the Crown must present evidence to support their position beyond the elements of the offence itself, no matter how serious the offence may be, as justification for imposing an adult sentence.
The YCJA hasseveral provisionsthat facilitate the gathering of evidence and expert opinion including ordering sentencing conferences, pre-sentence reports and section 34 psychological assessments, all of which may assist the court in an adult sentence application hearing.112
Section 34 of the YCJA allows the Court to obtain a psychological assessment that is prepared by a psychologist or psychiatrist.113 Section 34 reports generally include a risk assessment, but also cover a young person’s background, mental health, and assessment of any cognitive or learning challenges.114 Section 34 reports are very valuable to youth court judges in their decision-making, are heavily relied upon in sentencing, and are nearly universally ordered for adult sentence application hearings.115
While the onus is not on the defence, and there may even be circumstances were defence calls no evidence, it is often prudent for defence counsel to obtain assessments prepared by expert witnesses that focus on the nuanced factors related to the circumstances of the offence and the offender and how they relate to both first and second prong of the adult sentence application test.116 Courts have benefitted from the more in-depth and tailored psychological, social, or medical reports beyond the scope of section 34 assessments including expert evidence from mental health specialists, social workers, occupational therapists, addictions specialists, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) specialists, and experts on the impact or race and culture. These potential sources of evidence will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
3.3.3 The Value of Scientific Evidence Related to Adolescent Brain Development
Scientific evidence related to adolescent brain development can be of tremendous assistance. Incorporating such evidence into the adult sentence application process is crucial for the proper consideration of the presumption of moral blameworthiness. In her 2018 article, “Potential Impact of Research on Adolescent Development on Juvenile Judge Decision-making”, Dr. Colleen Berryessa notes that there is consensus in the neuroscience literature that the differences between the adult and youth brain development occurs in three key areas. First, the youth brain is marked by an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex which plays an important role in cognitive control and emotional regulation. Second, the amygdala of the youth brain is in a state of over-reactivity, which effects emotional processing and reaction to threats. Third, there are differences in the development of the ventral striatum which plays a role in the brain’s anticipation and attainment of rewards. Ultimately, and as a result of these differences, youth “inherently view and perceive risk differently from adults, specifically viewing risk as more rewarding if it results in excitement or peer acceptance.”117 As a result of these developmental differences, youth are “known to have problems calculating risk, perceiving the gravity of potential bad consequences, and delaying gratification if the action is thought to incur a reward.”118
Furthermore, when a young person—whose capacities are already impacted as a result of their age alone—presents with a history of trauma, the neuroscience literature suggests that such trauma further affects and slows the development of the adolescent brain and can effect decisionmaking, judgement, and impulsivity.119
“There is well-known evidence,” according to Dr. Berryessa “that early childhood abuse, exposure to violence, neglect, and other trauma have significant and lasting effects on adolescents’ executive functioning by damaging the developing prefrontal cortex.”120 Executive functioning is comprised of three elements: working memory, inhibition and behavioural control, and cognitive flexibility (ie critical judgement and perspective taking). Executive functioning is relevant to assessing a young person’s moral blameworthiness, as weaknesses in that area of development can contribute to offending behaviour.121
Ultimately, when courts are presented with expert evidence that touches on the scientific knowledge that Dr. Berryessa describes in her article—evidence that can speak directly to the neuroscience of adolescent brain development of the young person in question—courts are in a better position to make informed decisions on the first prong of the adult sentence test.
3.3.4 Crown Discretion to Pursue Adult Sentences
As has been established, the Crown must rebut the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness by satisfying the court that, at the time of the offence, “the evidence supports a finding that the young person demonstrated the level of maturity, moralsophistication and capacity for independent judgement of an adult.”122
Given this evidentiary obligation, how does the Crown determine when they will seek an adult sentence application? Furthermore, how can they be said to be justly exercising that discretion in cases where they lack the proper evidentiary foundation for one or both prongs of the adult sentence application test? When cases are brought with insufficient evidence, is it due to a fundamental misapprehension of the law or is it related to the prevalence of out-dated views on the adult sentence application process? And how can Crown policies be drafted in a way that shows respect for the section 7 rights of young people and parliament’s intentions with the two-pronged test? These are important questions.123
Generally, when exercising their discretion to pursue a matter through to trial, the Crown must assess their evidence to determine if they have a reasonable likelihood of conviction. This analysis is crucial to the proper functioning of the criminal justice system. Similarly, logic (and ethics) would dictate that when exercising their discretion to pursue an adult sentence, it is equally crucial for the Crown to take an honest and candid view of their reasonable likelihood of success in attaining an adult sentence, based on a current and informed understanding of the law governing adult sentence applications.
In relation to the first prong, when the Crown presents an adultsentence application without a prima facie evidentiary foundation, they are asking the court to endorse a fiction of adulthood for a youth, simply and singly because of the nature of the offence.124 The decision to pursue an adult sentence in such circumstances reflects a deeply flawed understanding of the state of the law or an attempt to return to bygone approaches where the Crown could present the facts of the case alone and shift the onus on to the accused. It must be emphasized again, such a de facto presumptive regime approach is not permissible in law and runs afoul of the principle of fundamental justice that youths by the very virtue of their age, are to be presumed to have diminished moral blameworthiness.125
Similarly, Crown attorneys might show flawed reasoning in the exercise of their discretion to pursue adult sentences in circumstances where they lack evidentiary foundation to overcome the accountability prong of the adult sentence test. For example, when the Crown presents an adult sentence recommendation that is equal to or shorter than the sentence length that is otherwise available under the YCJA, the Crown cannot be said to be arguing the second prong in good faith.126
3.3.5 Roles of Court Participants in Respecting Charter Rights of Young People
The preamble of the YCJA addresses the fact that Canada is party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and “recognizes that young persons have rights and freedoms, including those stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights, and have special guarantees of their rights and freedoms.”127 The presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness is a principle of fundamental justice, a Charter protected presumption, and is deserving of respect from all court participants.
In my 2023 article, “Zora, the Charter, and the Youth Criminal Justice Act: Defending the Rights of Youths is the Responsibility of all Court Participants”, I argued that, just as we have been directed by Zora in the bail context,128 all court participants have a positive obligation to uphold all charter protected rights of young people facing criminal prosecution.129 The notion that all court participants play a role in upholding the Charter rights of young people is directly tied to the ways in which the Crown exercises its discretion to pursue an adult sentence. Just as the Crown plays an important role in upholding the systemic right of accused people to reasonable bail by carefully considering the Charter compliance of the position they take in bail proceedings, so too must the Crown measure the exercise of their discretion to pursue an adult sentence against the Charter-protected presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
3.3.6 Adult Sentence Applications Ought to be Rare
The SCC significantly narrowed the overall likelihood of the imposition of adult sentences by striking down the presumptive offence regime.130 The more restrictive approach to adult sentence applications that followed DB better aligns with the purposes and principles of the YCJA, the Charter, and is more consistent with Canada’s commitments under international law.131
Adult sentences should be rare and reserved for a “very narrow set of offences and offenders”132 and such orders should be limited to youth who were “criminally exceptional.”133 Legal scholars have largely echoed this sentiment and have commented on the serious consequences for young people sentenced as adults, including the the increased risk of harm and further entrenchment into criminal lifestyle while in custody, the stigma associated with having an adult criminal record, the limitations on movement across borders for travel or emigration, employment barriers, and collateral immigration concerns.134
Given the rarity of adult sentence applications, defence lawyers, Crown attorneys and youth court judges may go their entire careers without participating in an adultsentence application hearing. As a result, when these hearings arise, all participants must re-orient their way of thinking about moral blameworthiness and must operate solely within the provisions of section 72 of the YCJA.
3.3.7 Regional Disparity in the use of Courts, Custody and Adult Sentences
Whether during the JDA, the YOA or the YCJA, regional differences and variations in the way in which youth justice legislation has been implemented has resulted in the inconsistent and at times inequitable treatment of young people.135 This has been particularly true with the frequency of adult sentence applications (historically called transfer hearings). Under the YOA, Manitoba had particularly high rates of regional transfers to adult court,136 and as this thesis will endeavour to show in Chapter Four, this trend has continued under the YCJA.137
3.3.8 Over-Representation of Indigenous, Black and Visible Minority Youth
The declaration of principles found in section 3 of the YCJA states that “within the limits of fair and proportionate accountability, the measures taken against young persons who commit offences should respect gender, ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences and respond to the needs of aboriginal young persons and of young persons with special requirements.”138 However, 20 years after the inception of the YCJA, Indigenous, Black and visible minority youth continue to be over-represented in courts and in custody. Indigenous, Black and visible minority youth also disproportionately face applications for adult sentences, an issue that will be explored later in this chapter, as well as in chapter four.
For Indigenous youth in Canada, the alarming reality of their over-representation in the justice system has been caused by a myriad of factors, many of which are tied to the effects of colonialism and systemic racism that have left Indigenous communities facing alarming rates of poverty, fewer opportunities for education, greater exposure to violence in homes and neighbourhoods, substance misuse and mental and emotional struggles.139 The over-representation of Indigenous youth in criminal courts and in custody results from barriers that have existed for many generations.
In his article, “Aboriginal Youth Overrepresentation in Canadian Correctional Services: Judicial and Non-Judicial Actors and Influences,” Nate Jackson discusses the connection between intergenerational trauma and increased rates of incarceration, aptly stating “the physical and mental anguish stemming from colonialism does not dissipate over time.”140 Jackson highlights the effects of the intergenerational trauma of colonialism on Indigenous people, stating “compounded by contemporary racism and an overarching loss of identity, the effect on aboriginal youth is all the more toxic and has lead to, in combination with other factors, the increased interaction with the criminal justice system.”141
The over-representation of Black and visible minority youth is similarly concerning and stems from a myriad of factors including systemic barriers and discrimination. For Black youth, despite representing only 3.5% of the population in Canada, they represent approximately 8% of youths in custody.142 This over-representation is a direct result of the historic and ongoing barriers and discrimination that have limited the opportunities available for Black youth in Canadian society. Furthermore, studies have shown there is over-policing of Black communities in Canada, a disproportionate systemic response by the child welfare system when dealing with Black families, and a disproportionate use of police to respond to mental health issues of Black youth, all of which lead to Black youth coming disproportionately into contact with the criminal justice system.143
To be abundantly clear, the reasons for the over-representation of Indigenous, Black or visible minority youth in court and custody is not the result of an inherent proclivity towards crime among youths of these backgrounds. In his 2015 article, “Changing Professional Culture by Reducing Use of Courts and Custody for Youth: The Youth Criminal Justice Act and Bill C-10”,144 Nicholas Bala notes that “the rates of offending behaviours are similar for aboriginal and nonaboriginal populations, provided the factors such as relative rates of unemployment, family background, academic difficulties, and alcohol or drug abuse are taken into account.”145 While the over-representation of Indigenous, Black and visible minority youth in court and in custody is effected by the systemic and personal barriers as outlined above, there is also evidence that this over-representation may, in some instances, be a result of discriminatory treatment and practices in the youth justice system.146 The source of discrimination may be from police, from Crown and defence lawyers, from probation officers, from corrections officers and even from the courts themselves.147
As youth courts consider and apply the principles from Gladue and Ipeelee, as well as section 3 of the YCJA, there must be a recognition of the unique ways that centuries of colonial policies have affected this current generation of young people. Courts and court participants cannot ignore the broader world in which today’s Indigenous and Black youth live and the impacts of colonialism and racial discrimination in Canada.148 In the context of Indigenous youth, as Raymond Corrado, Sarah Kuehn and Irina Margaritescu highlight in their article “Policy Issues Regarding the Over-representation of Incarcerated Aboriginal Young Offenders in a Canadian Context”149 the “destructive, intergenerational impact on Aboriginal people and their families included unresolved grief and trauma and a greater risk of mental illness, family conflict, child morality, suicide and self-harm, lack of educational achievement, poverty, unemployment and substance abuse.”150
For the young generation of Indigenous people in Canada today, the problem of overincarceration is a crisis. Furthermore, evidence suggests that when compared to their white contemporaries, Indigenous youth are more likely to receive longer sentences when sentenced for crimes of similar severity and with similar criminal history.151 The over-representation of indigenous youth in the youth justice system is most acute in Manitoba.152
3.3.9 Human Rights and International Standards
The preamble of the YCJA references Canada’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which recognizes the right of “every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child’s sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child’s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the child’s age.”153
While the preamble of the YCJA is not binding, as it does not form part of the body of the legislation, arguments rooted in international human rights standards “are increasingly influential on domestic and youth justice practice.”154 The SCC has also recognized the international consensusthat youthfulnessis a mitigating factor to be considered in the imposition of any criminal sanction on young people.155 Legal scholars have endorsed this principle, and some have called for even greater protections, particularly through section 12 of the Charter, than those afforded by parliament in the YCJA, arguing that the potential imposition of life sentences for children is not consistent with human rights.156 These authors cite the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child General Comment 10, which forbids cruel and unusual punishment for youth, noting that the definition of this concept includes the imposition of life imprisonment without possibility of release.157 While the YCJA has special provisions for the opportunity of earlier parole for youth sentenced to life sentences, there still remains the possibility that a young person may either not be granted parole or, once sentenced as an adult, could also be subjected to further sanctions by way of dangerous offender applications.158
3.3.10 Concluding Remarks on the General Principles of Adult Sentence Applications
While DB was groundbreaking from a rights perspective in its abolishment of the presumptive offence regime, it gave little insight into the procedural aspects of adult sentence applications. From the preceding sections of this chapter, it is clear that in the 15 years since DB, Parliament and appellate courts have filled in many of the procedural and legal gaps left in this area of the law. With this more fulsome understanding of the general principles of adult sentence applications, the remainder of this chapter will delve into the common and novel factors that have been considered by trial level courts in their assessment of both the first and second prong of the adult sentence test. The factors considered will be evaluated in conjunction with interdisciplinary academic literature that touches on the topics covered.
3.4 The Presumption of Diminished Moral Blameworthiness
3.4.1 Introduction
Throughout my practice and research, I have routinely revisited the Alberta Queen’s Bench decision R v DDT, 2009 ABQB 362,159 wherein Justice Germaine conducted a cross-Canada evaluation of the multitude of factors that courts have considered in assessing adult sentence applications.160 Justice Germaine’s thoughtful and thorough decision was praised by the Alberta Court of Appeal and the Crown’s leave to appeal to the SCC was denied.161
DDT has been frequently cited in the 14 years since it was decided. Even if not referred to directly in more recent decisions, DDT has continued to be a valuable roadmap for lawyers as they prepare their evidence and arguments for adult sentence applications. While DDT was decided under the pre-amendment section 72, its overall lessons are easily adapted to the new two-pronged test. Through the remainder of this Chapter, I have endeavoured to update and build upon Justice Germaine’s remarkable work.162
3.4.2 Factors Considered by Trial Level Courts in Assessing the First Prong Age
As chronological age advances through adolescence, so does the development of the brain. While some teens take on the physical appearance of an adult at a very young age, internally, their brain development is set to a different clock. Research into the development of the teen brain shows that the cerebral cortex develops slowest and later than other areas of the brain.163 This is important to understanding teen behaviour as the cerebral cortex is responsible for many of the functions relevant to assessing moral blameworthiness and culpability.
The cerebral cortex controls key functions such as decision making, response inhibition, holding attention, perspective taking and social skills. The underdevelopment of these functions as a result of chronological age alone means that teenagers may not reach the capacity for high executive functioning—skills needed to make good decisions, appreciate consequences, regulate their emotions—until the maturation of the cerebral cortex is more complete.164
When other factors, such as trauma are present in the life of a young person, cerebral development may fall even further behind. As a result, it is important for courts to have access to reports, expert evidence, and specialized knowledge relating to brain development in conjunction with a full social and medical history of a young person to assess a young person’s functional age in addition to their chronological age. Who is the ‘adult’ contemplated in ‘adult-like’?
As noted in Chapter One, all youths start from a presumed deficit of maturity and capacity, unless the Crown can satisfy the court of a more advanced, adult-like degree of moral blameworthiness. But who is the ‘adult’ contemplated in ‘adult-like’?
In R v ASD, 2019 BCSC 147, the Honourable Justice Schultes considered the characteristics of the ‘adult’ contemplated in the term ‘adult-like’ used in section 72(1).165 Justice Schultes described this adult not as a person of “especially advanced maturity, judgement or sophistication,” but of an adult that has matured to a “point that the deficits in those qualities that the YCJA presumes all young persons have are no longer present.”166 Ultimately, the Justice Schultes describes the comparator as “the average 18-year-old offender, who receives no benefit from the presumption.”167 The Court also found that holding the Crown to a higher standard by envisioning an adult at a more ideal level of maturity would require the Crown to prove that a youth facing a section 72 application would be even more mature than many of their adult counterparts.168 Proximity to Eighteenth Birthday
Even when a young person is on the eve of their 18th birthday, courts have been clear that proximity to one’s 18th birthday is not sufficient to negate or dilute the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness statutorily afforded to youth.169 The following cases involve young people who have committed their offence on the proverbial or actual eve of their 18th birthday.170
In a rather novel case, the adult sentence applications of two twin brothers were heard in R v CM, 2014 ABQB 701, and R v TM, 2015 ABQB 134.171 CM was found guilty of murder, and TM was found guilty of manslaughter for a killing that took place just 12 days before their 18th birthday. In discussing the biological age of the accused as a factor in the first prong analysis in the hearing for CM, the court considered the Alberta Court of Appeal’s statement in R v NLH, 2009 ABCA 168, that maturity should be considered from two perspectives, behaviourally as exhibited by “words, thoughts and actions” and chronologically by looking at an accused’s “actual state of development”.172
In R v Wong, 2016 BCCA 305, the British Columbia Court of Appeal was of the opinion that the moderating effect on sentencing under the YCJA may, in some circumstances, lessen the closer a young person is to their 18th birthday. However, while it may lessen the moderating effect of the YCJA, proximity to 18 alone is not determinative.173
In R v JD, 2020 PESC 33, the young person JD committed his offence 1 day, possibly within hours of his 18th birthday. This case highlights the statutory nature of a young person’s right to be sentenced pursuant to the YCJA, unless the Crown rebuts the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.174 While 18 is an arbitrary line, it is a hard and fast age-based threshold for presumed statutory protections.175 Despite a young person’s proximity to 18, the court must still respect the statutory line drawn by Parliament.
As articulated by Justice Loparco of the Alberta Court of Kings’ Bench in R v AM, 2023 ABKB 312, while age does play a role in the analysis of moral blameworthiness, age alone is not a determinative factor and that those who are very close to their 18th birthday are not necessarily to be treated differently or “somehow afforded less protection” under the YCJA as the “presumption afforded to young persons under the YCJA does not become increasingly diluted the closer one gets to the age of majority.”176 Adult-like Lifestyle
Evidence related to the young person living an adult-like lifestyle has shown to be the strongest source of evidence for the Crown to satisfy the court that the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness has been rebutted. However, the Crown must base their arguments in actual evidence and not on speculative inferences drawn from the seriousness of the offence (eg. arguments such as “only someone with an adult-like lifestyle will carry a gun” or “only someone with an adult-like lifestyle is capable of such violence”). Proper evidence of an adult-like lifestyle might include evidence of complex financial decisions, such as independently leasing apartments, or buying and insuring vehicles. The cases below outline instances where the court has considered evidence of a young person living an adult-like lifestyle.
In R v TG, 2019 ONSC 3057, the court found that the 17 year old accused showed maturity, capacity and adult-like culpability within the execution of his offence as he conducted ransom negotiations, handled firearms, procured false IDs, rented and drove rental cars with those false IDs, leased luxury apartments, drank champagne and cognac and spent thousands of dollars every month, profits which came from selling drugs and spent to live a lavish lifestyle.177
In R v AM, 2023 ABKB 312, AM was found to be living an adult-like lifestyle. He had moved out of his mother’s home, rented an apartment of his own, was employed, and had bought and insured the vehicle involved in the manslaughter. Furthermore, he had no notable cognitive deficits or mental health issues and attained his grade 12 in custody while awaiting trial.178 Adultification Bias
Courts must be cautious not to attribute adult-like capacity to youths who have been forced to take on adult roles due to a lack of parental guidance or presence, or even by virtue of their adult-like physical appearance. This phenomenon has been referred to as “adultification bias”.179
For example, before being over-turned on appeal and sent back for a new trial, the Alberta Provincial Court commented on the ‘adultification’ of the young person in R v MM, 2012 ABPC 153. The court found that MM had a lack of parental guidance due to family instability, maternal depression and polysubstance abuse “which quickly forced [MM] into an adult-like existence at a very young age without the appropriate tools/skills and/or role model.” The court went on to include that “his early adultification/parentification coupled with a complete lack of structure/accountability ultimately led to his criminal lifestyle.”180
Furthermore, courts must be cautious not to attribute a greater maturity based on stereotypes and misperceptions of racialized youth. For example, studies have shown that:
Black youth are more likely to have their age over-estimated, be perceived as adults, deemed less innocent, treated more severely than White and Hispanic counterparts perceived as less emotionally expressive and misperceived as being angry a phenomenon known as “adultification bias” that negatively impacts Black youth. These misperceptions occur across the education and justice fields, necessitating particular attention being paid to the age of Black young people in court.181 Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse childhood experiences (commonly referred to with the acronym ACE) are identified instances in a young person’s life that have been traumatic in nature. Adverse childhood experience may include, but are not limited to, instances of child maltreatment, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, general violence, family violence, parental incarceration, incarceration of other family members under the age of 18, household substance abuse, living in poverty, parental separation or divorce, death of a care-giver or loved-one, household mental illness, and experiencing violence in one’s community.182
Adverse childhood experiences are tied to an increased likelihood of juvenile delinquency.183 In an American study conducted in 2004, it was found that 93% of individuals entering the youth justice system had at least one adverse childhood experience and over 50% of young people entering the youth justice system had 6 or more adverse childhood experiences.184
Not only is there a nexus between adverse childhood experiences and criminal offending, adverse childhood experiences are also linked to increased mental health challenges.185
The tally of adverse childhood experiences that a young person has faced in their life is often referred to as an ACE score. It is crucial for courts and court participants to understand the full and cumulative effect of a young person’s experiences. This can be done through measurement tools, such as an ACE score, and can be presented to the court through reports, testimony, and expert witnesses. Trauma and Complex Trauma
Beyond the proven differences in brain development between youths and adults, there is agreement among the scientific community that trauma in childhood may further impair a young person’s ability to make sound decisions, as well as their ability to self-regulate.186
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on young people is cumulative,187 and so for youths with various sources of trauma, the full effect of their lived experiences can be complex and multi-faceted. In some cases, these traumas are too much to imagine let alone bear for a young person.188
R v LTN, 2019 SKQB 337 is illustrative of how the accumulation of trauma in childhood plays a role in their development and growth through adolescence. LTN acquired a brain injury in utero as his mother drank alcohol to excess during her pregnancy. After his birth LTN, came into state care at 12 months old after being beaten by his step-father with a metal rod which broke his leg and perforated his bowel. LTN lived in 25 different foster homes in 16 years, where, in some homes, he suffered physical and sexual abuse and neglect. LTN’s girlfriend died two weeks before he came into custody, and his mother died while he was in custody and he was not informed of her death until after the funeral. LTN was the victim of violence having been stabbed on two separate occasions as a teen. LTN suffered from extreme longstanding depression and, while in custody, had multiple suicide attempts and hospitalizations after swallowing objects and lodging objects in his eyes. LTN’s cumulative experiences are truly devastating.189
Interestingly, LTN instructed counsel not to fight the Crown’s adultsentence application.190 LTN had an FASD diagnosis, numerous and tragic adverse childhood experiences and significant Gladue factors. Furthermore, LTN had already spent the equivalent of 1,199 days in custody, with a three year youth sentence available going forward for a global sentence of nearly 6 years. These factors could have presented a significant challenge to the success of the Crown’s application. It is clear that LTN suffered tremendously in his young life and one might speculate that LTN’s instructions to agree to the order may have, in part, reflected the very depression and hopelessness caused by his many adverse childhood experiences. Witnessing Horrors of War
In assessing the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, courts have considered evidence of the adversities faced by children who have witnessed the horrors of war. Canada is home to many young newcomer refugees whose development has been negatively affected by their experiences surviving war. Sadly, these youth are at high risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system, and should they face an adult sentence application, courts must be prepared to hear evidence regarding the ways in which their lived experiences as refugees have affected their moral capacity.
R v MS, 2022 ONCJ 56, involved a teenaged Syrian refugee charged with terrorism related offences. In the analysis of the first prong, MS’s offending behaviour was tied directly to trauma of living through war and was a relevant factor pointing to a further diminishment of his moral blameworthiness.191 Similarly, in R v HAQ, 2023 ONCJ 377, HAQ’s family came from Libya where the accused had witnessed and experienced horrific violence during that country’s armed conflict.192 Being a Victim of or Witness to Violence and Tragedy in the Community
Being a victim of or witness to violence can also impact a young person’s moral blameworthiness. In R v TJH and ADWC, 2023 MBKB 5, the young person TJH, who ultimately was sentenced as a youth, had been directly present during an officer involved shooting of an Indigenous teen girl in Winnipeg in April, 2020. The court took this into consideration, with numerous other factors and circumstances, as it assessed TJH’s moral blameworthiness. The Court summarized the events and the effect they had on TJH:
A few months before these crimes, [TJH] was running amok with other kids robbing liquor stores. During one robbery, he was a passenger in a car that was pursued by police. After crashing, the young female driver of the car, [TJH]’s friend, was shot by police. She died as [TJH] watched. Months later, another friend, also a passenger in the car chase, was killed by a sibling. All this haunts [TJH]. His existence was unstructured and chaotic. Leading up to the Canada Day shootings, this contributed to his spiraling down in a haze of depression, substance abuse and indifference to life. He was victimized, and in turn, he victimized.193 Victim of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Sexual Exploitation
The tragic case of R v SRM, 2018 MBQB 86 is illustrative of how the court may take into account an accused’s history as a survivor of sexual abuse and/or sexual exploitation within the first prong of the adult sentence test.194 SRM was 17 years old when she committed the two offences that brought her before the court to face an adult sentence application. In the first offence, SRM assisted the adult co-accused in luring the complainant through an online dating website. The complainant knew that SRM was underage and had made arrangements to pay SRM for sex, a fact that the group of accused ensured was documented in advance of the meeting, likely to diminish the chances of the complainant bringing the matter to police attention. The group lured the complainant to a residence where he was forcibly confined, assaulted and stabbed. The complainant was struck with a golf club, bound, injected with drugs, placed in the closet, while a co-accused left to take money from his bank account. Finally, the group took the complainant’s vehicle (with the complainant inside) to the outskirts of Winnipeg and left it there, with the complainant still drugged and unconscious in the car.195
SRM’s second offence also involved a complainant that had paid SRM for sex knowing she was underage. According to SRM’s evidence, the complainant had also sexually assaulted her in the past. In that case two co-accused and SRM went to the complainant’s home, SRM was armed with a bat, and the group assaulted and stole items from the complainant.196
Beyond the facts of the case, the sentencing judge also heard that SRM had a diagnosis of FASD, had an IQ below 70, and had led a life of trauma and neglect that left her vulnerable to exploitation. Justice McKelvey of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench ultimately concluded that what the Crown had argued to be adult-like behaviours may “cut both ways” in a case such as SRM.197 The Crown was not successful in rebutting the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
On the other end of the spectrum, in R v KOM, 2017 ONCA 106198 the Ontario Court of Appeal considered the appeal of an adult sentence application of a young female youth who was found to be sexually exploiting five teen girls. The lower court referred to her crimes as an “organized and vicious human trafficking enterprise”.199 KOM’s offences took place before the 2012 amendments, but the nature of her offending demonstrated calculated critical-thinking that was profit-motivated, factors which were be considered on the first prong of the adult sentence test. KOM’s adult sentence was upheld by the Ontario Court of Appeal. Neglect
Many young people involved in the youth criminal justice system have experienced neglect by caregivers. This neglect may take many forms including physical, medical, psychological, or educational, and is entirely relevant to the moral blameworthiness assessment as neglect significantly impacts a young person’s growth and development.
One extreme example of educational neglect was in R v HM, 2022 MBPC 42, wherein the Honourable Judge Devine included a verbatim portion of the testimony of a speech-language pathologist who was working with HM while he was awaiting sentencing. Just as Judge Devine let the testimony speak for itself by reproducing it in full in her judgement, I provide the full quote here:
When asked if he had liked drawing, he said he didn’t know what drawing was until a few months ago. The concept of drawing an object on a piece of paper appeared to be very foreign to [H.M.] and he was excited to explain this process to this examiner.200
This testimony speaks directly to one of many ways HM’s needs were not met. To be 17 years old and to have never experienced the basic joy of drawing shows just how far HM had fallen between the cracks. Gender
While gender is frequently considered in statistical research in general offending by young people, a young person’s gender does not necessarily speak to a diminishment of moral blameworthiness.201 However, there may be instances where a young person’s gender may play a greater role in assessing moral blameworthiness. For instance, this may arise if a young person has experienced trauma, discrimination or limited opportunities related to their gender. Another possible example of the relevance of the young person’s gender identity could be a scenario where a young person has experienced trauma and rejection in relation to external lack of acceptance of identifying as non-binary or transgender—such as being bullied or being abandoned by unsupportive caregivers. If and when such cases arise, it is imperative that courts and court participants seek out experts to address such factors. Furthermore, courts must assess such factors through a lens that respects the complex intersection between gender and the law. Family of Origin
Understanding the environment in which a young person was raised is a key component of the first prong of the adult sentence application test. If a young person is in the care of biological family, courts should be given information outlining any difficulties a young person’s family has faced such as intergenerational trauma, a history of residential schools, absence of positive and consistent adult role models, exposure to domestic violence, a history of limited opportunities for advancement, and/or poverty or disadvantage.
Conversely, where a young person has been raised in a life of privilege and opportunity, only to choose to lead a duplicitous criminal lifestyle, courts have used such evidence as a factor suggesting a higher degree of moral blameworthiness.202 Being in the Care of the Child Welfare System
Youths who are both in the care of the child-welfare system and involved with the youth criminal justice system have been referred to as “crossover youth” by academics and within the legal and social work professions.203 Crossover youth face complex and inter-connected challenges including higher rates of incarceration, higher rates of maltreatment, trauma, marginalization and instability, and are at higher risk of experiencing mental health issues.204 Youth in care have a higher rate of substance dependance, are disproportionately in need of special education resources and have often come from households experiencing poverty and as a result have often had fewer developmental opportunities compared to youth who have come from more advantaged backgrounds.205 Children in care have also disproportionately experienced abuse and neglect.206
Being a youth in care is associated with a disproportionate involvement in the youth criminal justice system and flaws within the child welfare system itself—including placement instability, anger and mistrust toward the child welfare system—further increase the risk of youths in care becoming criminally involved.207 Estimates show that between 40 to 50 per cent of youths incarcerated in Canada were in the child welfare system when they came into custody.208
If a young person has been taken from their biological family and placed in the child welfare system, courts must be provided with information about the young person’s experiences in state care as many young people face considerable hardships as they navigate being a ward of the state. For instance, children in care are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health concerns such as depression and youth in care have four times more suicide attempts than youth not in care.209
It is important for courts to acknowledge the pain of dislocation that many young people experience when they are not raised in their family and/or culture of origin. In HM, Judge Devine commented on HM’s loss of connection to his family and culture, how deeply that had impacted him, noting that he displayed a “hunger for connection with his culture and people.”210
In R v ZC, 2020 ONSC 5999 the court commented on the connection between being in state care to criminal involvement.211 ZC came to Canada from Grenada at age 3, became a ward of the state at age 7, and witnessed his mother’s suicide attempt. Following this tragic experience, his brother completed suicide. ZC lived in 8 foster homes in 9 years and attended 18 different schools before coming into custody. The judge in his case took a trauma-based understanding of his ability to self-regulate in light of all that he had experienced by age sixteen.212 Racial Identity
The legislative foundation for the consideration of race and culture is codified in section 3(1)(c)(iv) of the YCJA which calls on courts to impose sanctions that respect the ethnic and cultural differences of young people.213 While this concept has been predominantly operational in cases dealing with Indigenous accused, this provision applies to the unique cultural backgrounds of Black and visible minority youth that become involved in the criminal justice system.214
Young people who belong to groups that have been historically disadvantaged in Canadian society are more likely to have had harsher upbringings than their white contemporaries. In one American study, researchers found that scores related to adverse childhood experiences (ACE scores) varied across racial groups. This study found that 61% of Black children and 51% of Hispanic children have at least one instance of an adverse childhood experience, in comparison with 41% of white children.215 This study did not poll the experiences of Indigenous children. The differences in the ACE scores reflect the unequal opportunities and resources for these youths in their homes or neighbourhoods.216
It is important to acknowledge that the predominant narratives throughout Canadian history have centered the experience of white people. This default perspective, centered around the white experience, exists in the court system. While section 3(1)(c)(iv) is meant to address this issue, courts and court participants have struggled to account for the racial identities of the individuals who come before them.217 The failure of courts to fully appreciate the impact of an individual’s race and culture is a long-standing issue. In R v Parks (1993), 84 CCC (3d) 353 (Ont CA), a case involving the potential bias of jury members, the Ontario Court of Appeal held that anti-black racism was a very real consideration for the fairness of the proceedings. The ONCA commented:
Racism, and in particular anti-Black racism, is a part of our community’s psyche. A significant segment of our community holds overtly racist views. A much larger segment subconsciously operates on the basis of negative racial stereotypes. Furthermore, our institutions, including the criminal justice system, reflect and perpetuate those negative stereotypes.218
While Parks was decided 30 years ago, the bias shown towards people of colour persists in our criminal justice system. This is precisely why the inclusion of alternative narratives from Black, Indigenous and visible minority voices are crucial in the courtroom.219 Since Parks, the development and inclusion of Gladue and IRCA reports, at least at the sentencing phase of criminal proceedings, has created avenues for such voices to be heard to better contextualize the experiences of racialized individuals, but more must be done at all stages of criminal proceedings and in the wider community.
In the youth context, evidence of the impact of race and culture is vital to the adult sentence application process, particularly in the consideration of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness. Beyond simply giving passing mention to the racial identity of the young person, however, the best practice isto obtain expert evidence and give that evidence more than lip service. In his article, “Black Voices Matter Too: Counter-narrating Smithers v The Queen”, Professor Amar Khoday of the University of Manitoba states that “[t]elling counter-stories is important for challenging the myths and preconceptions in legal discourse.”220 In the context of adult sentence applications, such evidence is best presented by experts trained in the impact of race and culture which will be discussed at greater length later in this Chapter. Gladue and Ipeelee for Young People
When applying Gladue and Ipeelee in youth court matters, courts and court participants must recognize that the relevant Gladue factors necessarily vary from generation to generation and will be unique for Indigenous youth. Such considerations are vital within youth courts given the reality that Indigenous youth are over-represented in custody to an even greater degree than Indigenous adults.221 Furthermore, according to Jonathan Rudin and Liora Zimmerman, in their article “The Over-representation of Aboriginal Youth in Custody in Ontario from 2004-2010”, although “absolute numbers of youth receiving custodial sentence have decreased, the overrepresentation of Aboriginal youth has continued and indeed worsened.”222
In Anderson, the Manitoba Court of Appeal stated that Gladue factors must be considered on both the first and second prong of the adult sentence application test. Justice Mainella found that the sentencing judge erred by not properly considering Gladue on both the first and second prong of the test under section 72(1)(a) and (b) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.223 The Manitoba Court of Appeal conducted a fresh analysis of the Crown’s application and, despite the sentencing judge’s errors, reached the same conclusion and upheld the adult sentence. While the result remained the same for the Appellant, this case is an important reminder that to disregard Gladue factors on the first or second prong is a reversible error.224 Impact of Race and Culture Reports for Black Youth
In the context of adult sentence applications, several cases from Nova Scotia and Ontario highlight the importance of considering the unique circumstances and experiences of Black youth on both the first and second prong of the adult sentence application test. Given that many members of Canadian society, including members of the criminal justice system cannot and do not fully appreciate the lived experience of Black youth, “examining and advancing alternative narratives to mainstream accounts of the lives and experiences of racialized persons and communities is important.”225 Examples of the inclusion of such expert voices are explored below.
In X, Judge Derrick (now appointed to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal) found that evidence of race and culture, particularly, the unique experience of Black Nova Scotians was relevant to the determination on the first prong of the adult sentence test of whether the Crown had rebutted the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.226 Judge Derrick heard expert evidence on the social factors relating to where X lived and the effect those social factors had on X in relation to the adult sentence application X was facing. This expert evidence was contrary to evidence that was presented in the traditional section 34 report. Ultimately, Judge Derrick favoured the expert opinion that gave better context and analysis of the role that X’s race and cultural identity played in his offending behaviour over the section 34 report’s findings. As a result, the court did not impose an adult sentence on X.227
In NW, a 17 year old Black Nova Scotian youth shot the teenaged victim twice at close range in a pre-meditated killing. NW was found guilty of first degree murder after trial and the Crown sought to have him sentenced as an adult. Judge Buckle of the Nova Scotia Provincial Court heard expert evidence that shed light on the cultural context, background and systemic factors that impacted NW’s life and might have played a role in the offence.228 This evidence was pivotal to the court ultimately sentencing NW as a youth.
Following the decisions in X and NW, the burgeoning framework for presenting and considering evidence related to anti-Black racism and the evidence related to the lived experience for Black Canadians was solidified in two Ontario Superior Court decisions, R v Jackson, 2018 ONSC 2527229 and R v Morris, 2018 ONSC 51867.230 Justice Nakatsura of the Ontario Superior Court presided over each case and outlined a framework that has three parts: first, the court may take judicial notice of systemic racism; second, the court must acquire information and connect the historical and contextual elements of anti-Black racism to the circumstances of the offender; and third, treat all of the information, taken together, as a mitigating factor in the sentencing.231
Evidence of the lived experiences of Black youth is vital to a fair and fulsome adult sentence hearing. In R v MB, 2021 ONCJ 355,232 the court heard evidence that MB had come to Canada at age 13, fleeing war in his home country of Somalia. The court took into account systemic racism towards Black Canadians and was given considerable information within the pre-sentence report. MB moved to a new country at 13 with a new culture and a new language. MB lived below the poverty line. The Court found that MB was vulnerable and ripe for recruitment into gangs by older, negative peers, a factor that ultimately weighed against the imposition of an adult sentence.233
In R v TJT, 2018 ONSC 5280,234 TJT faced an adult sentence application for a conviction of second degree murder. TJT was 15 years old at the time of the offence, his family background included intergenerational criminal involvement, he had lost 2 childhood friends who were murdered, and both of his brothers had been victims of shootings. TJT was not gang affiliated but was promised a gun, ammunition, cash and a car in exchange for shooting the victim in the leg. When TJT did so, he not only shot the victim in the leg, but also in the chest, resulting in death. A formal IRCA report was provided by defence who argued that, for the first prong of the test, the court must look beyond the facts of the offence and look at the maturity of the accused at the time of the offence and how his age, race, including his community and family background, all affect his moral blameworthiness.235 Ultimately, the court found that the Crown had not rebutted the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.236
In these cases, IRCA reports assisted the sentencing judges to better understand the lives of Black youth in Canada and how their lived experiences shape their moral blameworthiness— directly informing the questions raised in the first prong of the adult sentence application test. IRCA reports “operate from the presumption that a person’s race and culture are important factors in crafting a fit sentence” and “they provide the court with necessary information about the effect of anti-Black racism on people of African descent,” explains Maria C Dugas in her article “Committing to Justice: The Case for Impact of Race and Culture Assessments in Sentencing African Canadian Offenders.”237
Similar to the intergenerational effects of colonization on Indigenous peoples, Dugas connects the prevalence of anti-Black racism to the enslavement and subjugation of Black people in Canada.238 It is important to highlight the reality that anti-Black racism, along with many other social factors that flow from systemic discrimination throughout Canadian history, has resulted in the over-representation of Black people in courts and in custody.239
While IRCA reports are considered in this section for their value to the first prong analysis, like Gladue reports, they are also relevant to the accountability and rehabilitation analysis in the second prong of the adult sentence application test.240 Being Raised in a Micro-Culture of Normalized Violence or Criminal Lifestyle
While the above terminology was used in X, the general consideration of what essentially can be described as a micro-culture of normalized violence or criminal lifestyle was a factor considered on the first prong in X, NW, and HM, and is relevant to the first prong of the adult sentence test.241 While this factor was first raised in X, it is not unique to Black youth. For example, in HM, the young person spent his early years in a home where his mother was operating a brothel with her children living in the home. When HM was apprehended by child and family services, he was found dirty and neglected in a home with used condoms on the floor.242 Cognitive Skills and Deficits and Mental Health Considerations
While cognitive disabilities and mental health diagnosis are always relevant to the first prong of the adult sentence test, some courts have found that they are not always determinative in assessing moral blameworthiness—a finding that I would argue allows for the erasure of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people, particularly disabled young people.
In R v Okemow, 2017 MBCA 59 the Manitoba Court of Appeal upheld the sentencing judge’s imposition of an adult sentence on a 14 year old boy with cognitive disabilities including FASD, ADHD and was assessed to have an IQ of below 75. The Manitoba Court of Appeal articulated 3 questions that a sentencing judge should ask themselves when assessing whether or not there is a causal link between a person’s cognitive disability or mental health and their moral blameworthiness in the commission of an offence. First, is there “cogent evidence that the offender suffers from a recognized illness or some other cognitive limitation?”; second, is there “evidence as to the nature and severity of the offender’s mental circumstances such that an informed decision can be made asto the relationship, if any, between those circumstances and the criminal conduct?”; and third, “assuming the record is adequate, the sentencing judge must decide the offender’s degree of responsibility for the offence taking into account whether, and if so, to what degree his or her mental illness or cognitive limitation played a role in the criminal conduct.”243 Ultimately, the Court of Appeal in Okemow states:
A reduction of moral blameworthiness for the purpose of sentencing, either for an adult or a young person, due to a recognized and properly diagnosed mental illness or other condition where the functioning of the human mind is impaired is a “fact-specific” caseby case determination as opposed to an automatic rule that the mental illness or cognitive limitation necessarily impacted the commission of the offence in question.244
As discussed in Chapter One, the difficulty with the approach in Okemow is the undue focus on evidence that reduces moral blameworthiness. In the context of assessing the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, if the offence was committed before the age of 18, the focus ought to be on what evidence exists that increases moral blameworthiness, as the starting point is an inherent diminished moral blameworthiness based on the age of the accused alone. That starting point of diminished moral blameworthiness by virtue of age alone is the core protection of the YCJA and must be respected unless the Crown can satisfy the court of a greater degree of maturity than the young person’s biological age. Mental Health
The intersection between youth criminal law and mental health is complex. As discussed in their article “Mental Health in the Context of Canada’s Youth Justice System” Michele Peterson-Badali et al. identified three pertinent questions about the interplay between mental health and youth offending.245 First, does having difficulties with mental health increase the likelihood of justice system involvement, and if yes, is it because the system criminalizes behaviour associated with mental illness? Second, is the likelihood of developing mental health issues in adolescence the same as the risk factors that might bring a young person into trouble with the law, such as poverty, school problems and discrimination? Third, could involvement in the justice system itself worsen existing mental health conditions, or even cause mental health issues that were not present before involvement in the justice system?246 Unfortunately, there is no Canadian data on these points, but American researchers have found that 90% of youths involved in the youth criminal justice system meet “minimal diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health disorder.”247 The same study found that rates of serious mental disorder (severe disorders that require immediate interventions) are found in 25% of the youth in the criminal justice system.248
The presence or absence of a psychiatric condition will be relevant for a sentencing judge presiding over an adult sentence application. Such evidence will be highly contextual and considered on a case-by-case basis but will always be relevant on the first prong of the adult sentence test. Depression and Suicide Attempts
A young person’s depression and intention to commit suicide was considered in AG after he drove 160km/hr going the wrong direction and caused a head on collision. AG’s intention was to commit suicide. AG survived the collision while one of the passengers from the oncoming vehicle was killed and the other seriously injured. AG had attempted suicide 12 days before. AG’s various mental health struggles including self-harm, suicide attempts, anger and aggression were all considered in evaluating his moral blameworthiness (and also on the second prong in planning for rehabilitation and reintegration). In AG, the court concluded that the IRCS plan proposed was best suited to address the antecedents to the crime.249 Behavioural Disorders
Behavioural disorders such as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),250 Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD),251 Conduct Disorder (CD),252 have all been considered by the courts on the first prong of the adult sentence test.253 The difficulties associated with behavioural disorders will vary from youth to youth and the court must determine how each individual’s diagnosis might have played a role in their offending behaviour and moral blameworthiness.
In Justice for Young Offenders: Their Needs, Our Responses, Clinical Psychologist Mary Vandergoot writes that, generally, young people with a diagnosis of ADHD will have difficulty sustaining attention, they may interrupt others, they may talk excessively, and act impulsively. Young people with ADHD may have impaired memory, impaired self-management, and an inability to work towards future goals. A person “suffering ADHD will have great difficulty with self-regulation and will likely need external guidance and support to function effectively.”254
For a young person diagnosed with ODD, their behaviour will include a pattern of negative and hostile behaviour, such as angry outbursts, arguing with others, defying rules, and casting blame on others.255
For a young person a diagnosis of CD, they may present with anti-social behaviour including “aggression towards animals or people, destruction of property, and serious violations of rules.”256
Less common disorders recognized within the body of case law for adult sentence applications includes narcissistic traits,257 anti-social traits and manipulative tendencies.258
While evidence of the presence of a behavioural disorder will likely have a major impact on the first prong of the adult sentence test, such diagnoses are also relevant on the second prong as behavioural disorders, unless properly treated and/or managed, may present a barrier to a young person’s rehabilitation. However, such barriers must be addressed with caution so as not to unjustly penalize a young person for the presence of a medical disorder. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The Canadian FASD Research Network encourages the use of the following paragraph as a standard definition to be used consistently by professionals when discussing FASD, and so will be reproduced here in full:
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term used to describe impacts on the brain and body of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. FASD is a lifelong disability. Individuals with FASD will experience some degree of challenges in their daily living, and need support with motor skills, physical health, learning, memory, attention, communication, emotional regulation, and social skills to reach their full potential. Each individual with FASD is unique and has areas of both strengths and challenges.259
FASD is a significant public health issue in Canada and can lead to permanent learning disabilities, emotional and sensory regulation challenges, and other health concerns. FASD is the most common known cause of developmental disability in Canada.260 Studies estimate that 4% of individuals in Canada have FASD, which amounts to over 1.4 million people.261
The diagnostic process for FASD is complex and expensive.262 There are significant barriers to receiving a diagnosis of FASD, which then affects an accused person’s ability to raise FASD as a mitigating factor on sentencing as courts have required a concrete diagnosis before the deficits that may be associated with FASD may be considered in sentencing.263
According to the Canada FASD Research Network, “A diagnosis of FASD is made only when there is evidence of pervasive brain dysfunction, which is defined by severe impairment in three or more of the following neurodevelopmental domains: motor skills; neuroanatomy/ neurophysiology; cognition; language; academic achievement; memory; attention; executive function, including impulse control and hyperactivity; affect regulation; and adaptive behaviour, social skills or social communication.”264
Individuals with FASD may experience difficulties with learning and remembering information, following or participating in conversation, reading and writing, understanding abstract concepts, inability to see another person’s perspective, inability to read social cues, sensitivity to stimuli, difficulties with impulsivity and distractibility, poor judgement, being easily overwhelmed, difficulty shifting from one thing to another, resistant to change, slow and inconsistent cognitive and auditory processing, decreased mental stamina, and an inability to predict outcomes of their own actions or the actions of others.265
Individuals with FASD may be in a state of “dysmaturity” as a result of problems with expressive language and language comprehension, social and self-care skills, and awareness and regulation of emotions.”266
Furthermore, individuals with FASD are more likely to be negatively impacted by imprisonment as they may struggle to fully understand the rules of the institution which may lead to discipline and solitary confinement. They are also at greater risk of experiencing physical, emotional and sexual abuse in custody.267
The individual difficulties stemming from FASD may inform the courts on the question of moral blameworthiness.268 In HM, the court found that HM’s ability to perceive and understand threats against him was impaired as a result of his challenges related to FASD. Ultimately, the combination of his personal circumstances, including impairments to executive functioning and his limited communication skills (that may have otherwise allowed him to verbally mediate through the encounter) as a result of FASD did “much to explain his impulsive decision to pull a knife and stab someone who might have been perceived as a threat or insulting”.269
While the sentencing of young people with FASD has presented a challenge for the courts as to how to best achieve the purposes of the YCJA and protect the public,270 courts must not use a diagnosis of FASD as a reason to blend the analysis within the adult sentence application test. In particular, Courts must not use evidence of the potentially more difficult path towards rehabilitation for a young person with FASD to infiltrate the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness analysis. Substance Use
Many youths come before the court with active addictions or a history of drug and alcohol abuse. These substances do damage to the young person’s social and physiological development. As well as having a profound negative impact on their own lives, the use of substance is often an insidious feature in the lives of their extended families and friends. How issues related to substance use are treated by the courts will vary, but may, in certain circumstances, be relevant on both the first and second prong.
For example, in R v TFD, 2019 ONSC 3389, the young person pleaded guilty to second degree murder following a shooting that took place when TFD was heavily intoxicated and high on cocaine. TFD started using drugs in grade 6 and had been drinking and doing drugs on a daily basis prior to the offence. He was diagnosed with substance use disorder which was considered on the first prong of the adult sentence application test, as well as on the second prong as one of the main areas of concern to be addressed in his IRCS treatment plan.271 Intergenerational Substance Use
Intergenerational substance use has a profound and negative impact on young people. Exposure to and normalization of substance use at a young age is a factor on the first prong of the adult sentence test as it gives insight into the stability of the environment in which the young person was raised.
In R v JM, 2020 MBPC 13, Judge Pullan considered the case of 15 year old JM who pleaded guilty to second degree murder following the prolonged and vicious stomping death of the 73 year old member of the Winnipeg community. Intergenerational substance use was highlighted in the decision as part of JM’s background. JM was addicted to alcohol and prescription drugs and the consumption of these drugs was normalized in JM’s world. JM’s father abused alcohol. JM’s stepfather was addicted to methamphetamine, alcohol and Xanax bars—even overdosing on Xanax and ending up in a four day coma when JM was 11 years old. JM’s mother was addicted to opiate pain medications following an injury she sustained in an accident when JM was 7 years old. The use of substances was entirely normalized among JM’s kin and he too developed addictions issues, overdosing on Xanax and spending three days in a coma at the age of 14.272 While JM was ultimately sentenced as an adult, the evidence related to intergenerational substance use was met with compassion, and given significant and appropriate consideration.
Similarly, in HM, it was noted that HM’s substance use issues were directly tied to the influence of his biological family. His brother was the first to give him alcohol and he would share methamphetamine with his mother in an attempt to form a bond between them.273
In certain circumstances, substance use at the time of the offence has been considered by the court but should be considered on the first prong only in so far as it gives insight into a young person’s moral blameworthiness.274 Criminal Record and History of Violence
A prior criminal record or history of violence must be carefully considered on the first prong as it is relevant only in so far as it assists the court in assessing moral blameworthiness and maturity. Furthermore, a criminal record must be considered contextually, as it is a factor that may ‘cut both ways’ in certain circumstances. A prior criminal record should be considered with caution as young people may not always be in a position to profit from their past behaviour, which is commensurate with the lesser maturity of adolescence. For example, in HM, Judge Devine commented on HM’sinability to profit from lessons and consequences stating, “If anything, [HM’s criminal record] may point to his limited ability up to this point, of learning from his past mistakes, which is a significant characteristic of impaired intellectual functioning.”275 Gang Involvement
Courts have, on numerous occasions, considered gang membership as a factor on the first and second prong of the adult sentence application test. On the first prong, this factor holds particular weight when the offence was motivated by or conducted for the benefit of a criminal organization and shows critical thinking to achieve that end.
However, the presence of gang membership or gang affiliation may also lead to the conclusion that the accused is not operating with an adult-like mindset. This is seen in cases where the accused has been exposed to gang culture at a young age, has been socialized in such a way that normalizes gang activity, and where the young person’s membership in a gang is marked less by maturity and more by limited opportunities, being vulnerable to gang recruitment, living in poverty and being a product of their surrounding circumstances. This is particularly true in cases where the accused is vulnerable as a result of disability, where they are disconnected from their family of origin, have limited educational opportunities or positive ways to spend their time, are experiencing poverty and hunger, or if they are easily led astray by criminally minded peers. This issue was directly considered in R v BR, 2016 MBPC 74, where Judge Corrin commented Some social science researchers have concluded that street gangs are a kind of family, that they often perform a family-like role for members, in particular when the youths are vulnerably in need of emotional refuge, material support, physical protection and social belonging.276
Similarly, in R v HJM, 2019 MBPC 12, the sentencing judge commented that it was not acceptable, but not surprising that the 15 year old accused was gang involved. The judge found that HJM’s gravitation towards gangs was the result of dysfunction in his own family.277
Other factors in determining if a young person’s gang involvement is a marker of advanced maturity is whether they are recruiting others into criminal activities or into criminal organizations, engaging in criminal behaviour to benefit a gang, or if they are exercising control over others as a “ringleader.”278 Being a Follower or Easily Manipulated
Being a follower or easily manipulated is a factor courts have considered on the first prong of the adult sentence test. In R v TJT, 2018 ONSC 5280, 15 year old TJT carried out a shooting after being promised cash, a gun and a car. The plan was found to be unsophisticated, that TJT was not the mastermind behind the murder and that he was manipulated by others to carry out the shooting. The court considered this to be a display of “immaturity, vulnerability, short-sightedness and a lack of sophistication or appreciation for the consequences of his actions.”279 Street Smarts
Courts should be cautions not to equate maturity with what may colloquially be referred to as “street smarts” as such so-called intelligence may not reflect true maturity and may speak only to base survival instincts of youth who have slipped between the cracks.280 As Jamie Campbell noted, “street smarts and maturity are not the same thing.”281
However in Okemow, the Manitoba Court of Appeal relied on a probation officers description of Okemow as a “very street-wise young man”. Such pithy labels like “street smart” should be closely scrutinized, especially when the young person has formally diagnosed markers of intellectual disability.282 Evidence Related to the Commission of the Offence
Consideration of the facts of the offence on the first prong is the most controversial aspect of the two-pronged analysis and the point at which courts run the most risk of blending the moral blameworthiness and accountability prongs of the adult sentence test. Evidence related to the commission of the offence should be considered on the first prong with extreme caution and only in so far as it informs the analysis of the young person’s moral blameworthiness. What courts have focused on when looking to the facts of the offence when assessing the first prong has been indications that the young person’s actions show critical thinking, sophisticated planning and/or execution of the crime, measured attempts to cover their tracks, but only to the extent that they show the presence or absence of critical, adult-like, thinking and judgement.283
Furthermore, the execution of an otherwise grave and serious offence may show markers of juvenile thinking processes, such as impulsivity, invincibility, and poor judgement. In R v JFR, 2016 ABCA 340 the Alberta Court of Appeal commented that “invincibility, bravado and poor judgement are hallmarks of immaturity.”284
The court may also consider efforts to divert suspicion on to another person, particularly when those efforts show critical thinking. In R v AKB, 2023 MBKB 1,285 following the beating death of his mother as she slept in their home, AKB tried to divert suspicion on to an individual with whom his mother worked when he was interviewed by police.286
It is important to note that the average youth is able to plan, execute, and conceal criminal activity, but will often do so in a way that does not show adult sophistication. Evidence to support the imposition of an adult sentence must show a degree of adult-like critical thinking beyond the capacities of an adolescent.
3.4.3 Conclusion on the First Prong of the Adult Sentence Application Test
Courts and court participants must identify all possible facets of a young person’s life to fully gauge their moral blameworthiness at the time of the offence. Evaluating a young person’s circumstances and the circumstances of the offence must be done in a way that is directed towards the distinct underlying question of the first prong: in what way does the evidence presented to the court speak to the young person’s maturity and moral blameworthiness?
While it is well-advised for defence counsel to present evidence of a young person’s intellectual functioning, mental health diagnoses, and instances of adverse childhood experiences that affect and lessen their brain development, it is not proper in law to require the defence to satisfy the court of a diminished capacity below their client’s actual age, as their age alone is the basis for the presumption. Requiring defence to prove a further reduced moral blameworthiness is a de facto shift of the onus and a return to the impugned presumptive offence regime of the past. All youths, even those who have committed serious offences, are to be sentenced under the YCJA’s sentencing provisions, unless the Crown can satisfy the court of a maturity beyond their chronological age, by producing evidence sufficient to rebut the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
3.4.3 Considerations on the Second Prong: Accountability, Rehabilitation and Reintegration
3.5.1 Introduction
Given the focus of this thesis is primarily on the operational elements of the first prong of the adult sentence application test and the underlying philosophy of diminished moral blameworthiness of young people, the discussion of the second prong of the test will be relatively brief.
If the Crown successfully rebuts the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, the Crown must then satisfy the court that “a youth sentence imposed in accordance with the purposes and principlesset out in subparagraph 3(1)(b)(ii) and section 38 would not be ofsufficient length to hold the young person accountable for his or her offending behaviour.”287
If the Crown cannot satisfy the court on the first prong, the application fails without consideration of the second part of the test. As was made clear by the Manitoba Court of Appeal in Okemow, “the Crown’s application cannot be ‘saved’ by the fact that a youth sentence may not seemingly hold a young person accountable for a very serious offence.”288
Before addressing the common factors considered on the second prong, it is important to note that there is an unresolved debate between two linguistic approaches to addressing a young person’s potential for rehabilitation. In one approach, a sentence must be of sufficient length to ‘promote’ rehabilitation.289 The second approach, a sentence must be of a sufficient length to give ‘reasonable assurance’ of rehabilitation.290 While resolving this debate is beyond the scope of this thesis, what both approaches agree upon is that there need not be a ‘guarantee’ of rehabilitation nor that the sentence must eliminate future risk entirely.291 Ultimately, without further guidance from the SCC, the concepts ought to be interpreted in a way where they can be used interchangeably—one approach must not lead to a harsher standard than the other, which appears to be at the heart of the “reassure” versus “promote” rehabilitation debate.292
3.5.2 Factors Considered by Trial Level Courts in Assessing the Second Prong
The remainder of this Chapter will briefly address factors considered by the courts as they assess the second prong of the adult sentence test. Sentences Available Under Youth and Adult Systems
The ultimate decision a youth court judge must make on the second prong is entirely informed by the length and nature of sentencing options under the YCJA, including the availability of IRCS, which will be discussed later in this chapter. Courts and court participants must accurately assess the youth maximum sentence available under the YCJA, as well as identify any minimum sentences that would bind the court should the youth be sentenced as an adult. If an adult would generally receive less time that what is available through a youth maximum sentence, prong two will almost certainly be unsuccessful.293 Time Spent in Custody Before Sentencing
Section 38(3)(d) of the YCJA directs the court to “take into account the time spent in detention by the young person as a result of the offence.”294 The YCJA permits the court to both “consider” notionally—to effectively give the young person credit for time spent in detention— while also giving that time in custody a zero count on paper. The court may choose to not deduct any time in custody from the youth maximum sentence, which generally works to a young person’s advantage in the assessment of the second prong of the adult sentence application test.295
For example, in HAQ, the Crown sought a 6 to 7 year adult sentence. HAQ had spent twenty months in custody awaiting disposition and given his very good behaviour while awaiting sentencing was eligible to have that time credited at 2.5 years. The youth maximum for his offences were 3 years and so cumulatively the court had 5.5 years available to it under the YCJA. While the Judge agreed that the 6 to 7 year assessment was within a reasonable range for the offences, he also cited case law that suggested that a 5 to 6 year range would also suffice. While the court held that the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness had been rebutted, it ultimately found that the Crown failed to satisfy the court that the sentence available pursuant to the YCJA was of insufficient length to hold HAQ accountable.296
Similarly, in R v NA aka NTS, 2018 MBQB 93, the Crown sought 5 years custody or, in the alternative, 2 years custody less a day followed by probation.297 The maximum available under the YCJA was three years going forward.298 The three year maximum available above and beyond the time NA had already spent in custody awaiting sentencing brought the available sentence very close to the sentencing range the Crown had proposed if NA was to be sentenced as an adult. Interestingly, the Crown’s alternative position would have seen the accused in custody for less time than was available for a youth sentence. Both the primary and alternative position advanced by the Crown undermined their assertion that they had satisfied prong two of the adult sentence test.299
Even more concerning, in AG, the Crown sought an adult sentence “in name only” as their sentencing recommendation was shorter than what was available under the YCJA. The youth court judge admonished the Crown for requesting an adult sentence in such circumstances, calling it out of line with the purpose of the second prong of the adult sentence test.300 Availability and Operation of IRCS sentence
IRCS is a therapeutic sentencing option available to young persons who are suffering from “mental illness or disorder, psychological disorder, or an emotional disturbance, who have been convicted of a serious violent offence, and for whom a plan of treatment is likely to reduce the risk of committing a serious violent offence.”301 Courts have consistently taken a broad view of what disorders or disturbances are eligible for IRCS funding.302 IRCS sentences are funded through both the federal and provincial government with the goal of preventing future criminal offending through intensive and targeted interventions.303
IRCS treatment planning is individually tailored and involves the recruitment of professionals from across disciplines including, but not limited to, social workers, occupational therapists, action therapists, art or music therapists, tutors, and educational assistants. IRCS also may provide funding for pro-social recreational activities specifically intended to engage the youth with positive community connections. To qualify for an IRCS order, the young person must state their willingness to fully engage in IRCS programming in advance of the provincial director approving the availability of the order for the judge’s consideration.304 Once an IRCS sentence is ordered and the duration of the sentence is determined by the Court, the IRCS coordination team adjusts the plan to take into account the length of the youths time with the program.305
IRCS is a voluntary program. Should a youth, after sentencing, decide that they no longer wish to participate in the IRCS programming, they are brought back before the court to have their sentence converted to the standard youth custody and community supervision order.306 Even if the IRCS sentence was a mitigating factor during an adultsentence application, if a youth subsequently abandons the IRCS programming, it is not open to the Crown to have the adult sentence application revisited.
As will be shown in Chapter Four of this thesis, IRCS orders have been considered in numerous cases across Canada as an alternative to an adult sentence. In such circumstances, IRCS is advanced by the young person through counsel, to counter a Crown application for adult sentence on the second prong.307
Defence counsel must know and explore the potential of IRCS sentences long before the adult sentence hearing. For example, in AM, defence counsel suggested an IRCS sentence without laying the requisite foundation for the judge to consider such an order.308 As such, the court ruled that it was unable to consider IRCS as a viable sentencing option.
It is also important for counsel to be aware of the timing of the application in relation to the young person’s age at sentencing, as this may effect the long-term viability of IRCS. If the sentencing hearing is happening after the young person turns 18, in certain circumstances there may not be IRCS programming available if and when a young person is moved to an adult institution.309 Questions around the long-term viability of IRCS programming, should a young person move to an adult facility, should be answered prior to the hearing or within the adult sentence application hearing itself through testimony from local IRCS coordinators. The Gravity and Nature of the Violence Used in the Commission of the Offence
Given that all adult sentence applications likely involve violence or a threat of violence, courts must consider the gravity and nature of the violence used in the commission of the offence when assessing the second prong.
For instance, courts have considered evidence of the use of violence for violence's sake. In NW, and in TJH and ADWC, the young people each stated that their motivation was to “catch a body”—a slang term for committing murder for the sheer experience or for clout among peers, often through a random or unprovoked attack.310 In TJH and ADWC, the two young people went on a late-night shooting spree on Canada Day in and around Winnipeg’s city centre, with no apparent motivation other than to commit violence, scare people, and to “catch some bodies”.311
Courts have also considered instances where the offence involved gratuitous or unnecessary violence. In WM, the young person pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of a man who had went to great lengths to assist MW through his adolescent years. The killing was profit motivated as MW intended to carry out a sophisticated plan to rob the deceased of a $60,000 watch. The degree of violence used in the course of the beating death was significant, referred to by the sentencing judge as “an orgy of violence and blood”.312 This was a significant aggravating factor on the second prong.
Furthermore, courts have also considered whether the offences were part of a spree of other violent offences when considering the accountability aspect of the second prong of the adult sentence test.313
Courts have also considered the use of violence for the benefit of criminal organization or for monetary gain. In R v Bouctsis, the young person engaged in a sophisticated plan to lure the deceased to a convenience store for the purposes of a drug transaction, with the plan of robbing the individual instead of carrying out the exchange. As part of the plan, Bouctsis recruited others to assist in the robbery, and during the course of the interaction, Bouctsis shot the deceased point blank with a 9mm handgun. The court heard evidence of Bouctsis’s dealings with buying and selling weapons and drugs in the years leading up to the murder.314 While the court did not go so far as to conclude Bouctsis was a gang member, they noted his close connections to a criminal sub-culture.315 Bouctsis was ultimately sentenced as an adult.
Other factors considered relating to the way in which the offence was carried out have included whether the offence involved unnecessary humiliation or degradation of the victim,316 whether there was a series of offences where violence was used to finance substance abuse or obtain substances,317 whether the offending behaviour repeatedly targeted the same victim,318 whether weapons were used in the commission of the offence,319 and whether there was an escalation in violence over the course of the offending behaviour.320 Deliberate Risk-Taking
Deliberate risk-taking is a factor in the accountability analysis. The young person’s intellectual sophistication factors into the degree to which the risk a young person has taken in the course of their offending behaviour can be said to be deliberate or intentional. However, in HM, Judge Devine made an astute comment on the degree to which courts can truly consider risk-taking as a deliberate act when a young person’s cognitive deficits and diagnosis may prevent them from being capable of properly appreciating the risks associated with their actions.321 Remorse
Courts have considered expressions of remorse on the second prong of the adult sentence test to assess prospects for rehabilitation. In HM, despite extreme cognitive impairments (HM’s IQ may have been as low as 40) HM used a feelings chart to work through and identify how his actions would have made the family of the deceased feel fear, anger, sadness, concern, confusion, disappointment, discouragement, hurt, loneliness, alarm, shock and stress.322
Unlike HM’s ability to express remorse to the best of his abilities, in HAQ, the Court found it more difficult to truly assess HAQ’s remorse. HAQ had a significant criminal record and had been sentenced by Justice Ghosh on two previous occasions. On the third occasion—the adult sentence application—Justice Ghosh noted that HAQ had previously expressed remorse and stated a desire to change with no results. Justice Ghosh noted that HAQ’s current expressions of remorse and insight rang “somewhat hollow” at that late stage in his criminal career.323
Expressions of remorse, or lack of remorse, are highly contextual. In certain circumstances it may be unrealistic to expect expressions of remorse. For example, in the case of SRM, where one of her offences was carried out against an individual who is said to have sexually assaulted her, it would be unrealistic to expect an expression of remorse from a teen girl in those circumstances, particularly one with deficits resulting from FASD.324 Guilty Plea
A guilty plea is a mitigating factor that speaks to both accountability and rehabilitation. The guilty plea offered by TJH in TJH and ADWC, was a factor that set him apart from his coaccused. While the guilty plea was not the sole determinative factor for TJH’s ultimate youth sentence it was a mitigating factor considered by the court.325 Ultimately, TJH was sentenced as a youth, and ADWC (who did not plead guilty) was sentenced as an adult. Institutional Behaviour and the Use of Institutional Records
A young person’s behaviour in pre-sentence custody, both positive and negative, are relevant to the second prong of the adult sentence test as it may speak to the young person’s prospects for rehabilitation and reintegration. However, courts have been properly cautious with the admission of untested institutional records wholesale, as the Crown has the onus to prove aggravating factors in support of their adult sentence application.326
Whether or not the sentencing judge was entitled to rely on an young person’s jail misconduct records was one of the grounds for appeal in R v IM, 2023 ONCA 378.327 While not overturning the adult sentence, the ONCA agreed with the appellant’s submission that on their own, the misconduct reports “did not prove the occurrence of the underlying conduct beyond a reasonable doubt” and could not be relied upon as an aggravating factor. However, the Court of Appeal also held that the judge was entitled to use the records to find that the young person had “repeatedly contravened the rules and regulations of the institution” which properly raised concerns about the question of rehabilitation.328 The admission of IM’s misconduct reports will be considered by the SCC in the near future, as the Crown’s burden of proof for aggravating factors appears to be an issue on appeal for both IM and SB. Accumulating New Charges While Awaiting Sentencing
Courts have considered new allegations of criminal wrong-doing that have arisen while a young person is awaiting sentencing on the second prong of the adult sentence application test, both in an out of custody.
In one extreme case, Bouctsis, the young person accumulated a number of very serious allegations while in pre-sentence custody, including threatening witnesses to the offence, attempting to bribe institution staff to gather information about his case, and attempting to bring drugs into the institution where he was being held among other misdeeds.329
Behaviour in the community after an offence is also relevant when looking at the second prong of the adult sentence test. In RDM, the accused was 46 years old when he was convicted of an historical sexual assault. RDM had since amassed an extensive adult criminal record. The court put considerable weight on the subsequent record on the second prong of the section 72 test.330 Evidence of Rehabilitation While Awaiting Sentencing
Just as negative behaviour is a factor on the second prong, so is positive progress. Following through with schooling, medical treatment, and counselling while awaiting sentencing has been considered on numerous occasions when weighing a young person’s potential for rehabilitation.331
Conversely, a young person’s glorification of a gang lifestyle or their continued intentions to remain in their gang may also be relevant. In R v JM, 2020 MBPC 13, it was revealed through the IRCS planning process that JM was unwilling to leave his gang, even getting a fresh gang tattoo while awaiting sentencing. This factor weighed heavily in favour of an adult sentence on the second prong.332 Targeted Counselling to Reduce Risk and Promote Rehabilitation
To be in the best position to assess the second prong, courts should be provided with any available evidence of targeted counselling aimed at reducing risk and promoting rehabilitation.
In MS, the young person had created a powerpoint presentation detailing how to make a pressure cooker bomb and disseminated the instructions online. An undercover FBI agent from the United States conversed with MS online, pretending to want to further the cause of the Islamic State and carry out a terrorist attack in America. MS had also manufactured explosive substances, which were found in his room when he was arrested along with various other incriminating pieces of evidence including notes about jihad and killing infidels.333
MS was born in Syria and had lived a stable life until his home city of Aleppo became a war zone. MS witnessed the horrors of war and lost friends and family members, including his grandmother. MS’s family fled through Turkey where he had to work as a child labourer in a factory. MS’s motivations for his criminal charges were directly related to the trauma he experienced. With targeted counselling, MS made tremendous strides in custody.334 Given new information presented during the adult sentence hearing related to MS’s hard work towards rehabilitation while he awaited sentencing the Crown abandoned its application for adult sentence mid-hearing. The court agreed with this approach finding that a youth sentence would be sufficient to hold MS accountable for his actions and would promote and/or give reasonable assurance of his rehabilitation and reintegration in to society.335
Similarly, in MG, targeted counselling to de-program a radicalized youth was a major factor on the second prong of the adult sentence test. MG had become increasingly fascinated by white-nationalist propaganda, identified as a skinhead and considered himself to be part of the white power movement. MG spray-painted a swastika on the private residence of a Rabbi, white power symbols on a United Church, which was home to a predominantly Black congregation, and also a spray-painted a Mosque. The court found that the Crown had successfully rebutted the first prong of the adult sentence application test, but the Court concluded that the Crown’s application failed on the second prong, in part due to MG’s progress with targeted counselling in custody.336 Concerns About Penitentiary Time on Rehabilitation
Courts have raised concern about the social impact of a penitentiary sentence on the rehabilitation of an accused. In HM, the court included the verbatim concerns of defence counsel regarding the penitentiary:
“It is a place that does exactly what the Crown is concerned about—entrenches people in a criminal lifestyle, promotes violence, allows for negative influences to overtake and for glorification of such things as gang membership, if only for protection in the institution.”337 Criminal Record and Breaches of Court Orders
Just as in any sentencing, a criminal record will be a factor when considering both accountability and prospects for rehabilitation and reintegration. Previous convictions of violence, breaching court orders, or for breaching weapons prohibitions have ben particularly relevant on the second prong.338
However, a young person’s record may not be relied on too heavily so as to re-punish the accused for past behaviour.339 Furthermore, the absence of a criminal record is not determinative for either prong of the adult sentence test, but is frequently considered as a factor in favour of the young person.340 Consequences of an Adult Sentence and Adult Record
Beyond the lengthier sentence that comes with an adult sentence, one of the consequences of a successful adult sentence application is the permanent adult record it creates. Courts routinely consider the serious consequences of an adult sentence and adult criminal record on the second prong of the adult sentence test.341 In HAQ, the court acknowledged there to be a “legitimate” concern that an adult sentence could “unduly derail” HAQ, just as he was beginning to make positive prosocial changes in his life.342 Collateral Immigration Concerns
For young people without Canadian citizenship, the imposition of an adult sentence may trigger immigration proceedings. The court and court participants should be aware of and prepared to address potential collateral immigration issues that may arise if an adult sentence is imposed. In ZC, the Crown conceded that collateral immigration concerns maybe considered by the court,343 and the judge commented extensively on the collateral immigration concerns ZC would face if sentenced as an adult.344 Also, given that these applications deal with youths as young as 14 years old, the collateral immigration consequences are all the more serious, as the young person may have a limited connection to their country of birth, having come to a new country some time in their childhood, which has an even greater negative impact on the young person.345
3.5.3 Conclusion on the Second Prong of the Adult Sentence Test
While the focus of this thesis is not primarily on the second prong, it is an important aspect of the adult sentence test and should be assessed with the same care and attention as the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness to give full effect to Parliament’s intentions in their drafting of the two-pronged test.
4.1 Introduction
I have identified 161 reported decisions from courts of first instance across Canada since the inception of the YCJA in April 2003, 138 of which were decided after the SCC’s decision in DB.346 This number is an under-representation of the true number of adult sentence applications heard, as I have been unable to access and include decisions that have been delivered orally. Furthermore, I have excluded Quebec from my analysis given my own language limitations. Despite this, it is important to note that Quebec, like Manitoba, appears to have a high youth crime rate which is deserving of study beyond the scope of this thesis and beyond my own abilities.
This chapter examines two tables I have compiled from reported trial level decisions between 2003 and 2023 (Table One)347and 2018 and 2023 (Table Two).348 The first table tallies reported decisions from 2003 to 2023 by province/territory. The second table provides a more detailed analysis of reported decisions during a six year window from 2018 to 2023. This second table tracks, by province/territory, the number of applications, the nature of the charges subject to adult sentence applications, the age, gender, race of a young person, if they are in the care of the state, and if they face cognitive or mental health challenges. The second table also tracks when IRCS sentences have been considered and granted, as well as a tally of adult sentence applications outcomes in each region.
Given my history as a practicing youth lawyers, the empirical research included in this Chapter (alongside the qualitative research found in Chapters Two and Three) was undertaken to help me address my own questions and worries on this profoundly important area of the law. I wanted to compile an inventory the entirety reported decisions for the ease of reference for my learned friends and respected adjudicators, so that they may gain insights into this very important area of youth criminal law in preparing for adult sentence hearings. However, more broadly, this research represents more than just a simple “practitioner’s guide”—it helps to identify trends and patterns in adult sentence hearings, to assess the impact of existing interventions (e.g. the 2012 amendments), identify regional differences and allow for cross-jurisdictional comparisons, to support and/or inspire future research in this very important area of youth criminal justice and to influence policy decisions related to the allocation of resources for youth in Canada and beyond.
4.2 Death-Related Convictions of Youth by Province/Territory
In the opening sections of this chapter, I will discuss regional disparities from region to region related to the frequency of sentences being sought and granted. While it is convenient to look at these regional disparities in the frequency of adult sentence applications from a per capita perspective, this approach ignores the very real differences in youth crime from region to region. According to Statistics Canada, from April 1, 2003, to April 1, 2022, there have been 595 convictions of young people for death-related offences (first and second degree murder, manslaughter and attempted murder) in Canada, including Quebec. Of those 595 death-related convictions, 145 were in Quebec, 111 were in Ontario, 76 in British Columbia, 69 in Alberta, 101 in Manitoba, 54 in Saskatchewan, 21 in Nova Scotia, 5 in New Brunswick, 2 in Newfoundland, zero in Prince Edward Island, 2 in the Yukon, 2 in the Northwest Territories, and 4 in Nunavut.349
Percentage of Death-Related Youth Convictions to Percentage of Population
Province | % of Population of Canada | % of Youth Death-Related Convictions (DRC) | Differential between Population & DRC |
Ontario | 38% | 19% | .5 |
Quebec | 23% | 26% | 1.1 |
British Colombia | 14% | 13% | .9 |
Alberta | 12% | 12% | 1 |
Manitoba | 4% | 17% | 4.3 |
Saskatchewan | 3% | 9% | 3 |
Nova Scotia | 3% | 4% | 1.3 |
New Brunswick | 2% | 1% | .5 |
Newfoundland | 1% | 0.3% | .3 |
Prince Edward Island | 0.4% | 0% | 0 |
Yukon | 0.1% | 0.3% | 3 |
Northwest Territories | 0.1% | 0.3% | 3 |
Nunavut | 0.1% | 0.6% | 6 |
The table above was calculated using the 2021 census.350 The number of death-related youth convictions is particularly concerning in Manitoba and Nunavut. Manitoba makes up just over 4% of Canada’s total population but accounts for 17% of youth death-related convictions.351 Therefore, Manitoba’s share of youth-death related convictions (representing 111 convictions between 2003 and 2021 and a provincial population of 1,342,153) is 4.3 times higher than that provinces share of the total population of Canada. Similarly concerning, Nunavut’sshare of death-related youth convictions (representing 4 convictions between 2003 and 2021 and a territorial population of 36,858) is 6 times higher than that territories share of the total population of Canada.
Ultimately, these figures show that measuring the frequency of adult sentence applications against death-related convictions is a more accurate metric than a per capita analysis to give insight into the frequency with which the Crown seeks adult sentences. While we know that adult sentence applications may be sought in cases that are not death-related, death-related convictions are the closest data point available from Statistics Canada that provides insight into the frequency of serious violent crimes in each region.
4.3 Analysis of Table One: Adult Sentence Applications—Reported Decisions: 2003 to 2023
Between 2003 and 2023 there have been a total of 161 reported adult sentence decisions, however 138 cases were decided after DB on May 16, 2008.352 Table one (particularly for the time period after DB was decided on May 16, 2008) is valuable as it shows that numerous applications have been heard in certain provinces, while others have seen very few in the 15 years since DB (and 20 years since the YCJA). Notably, New Brunswick has had zero reported adult sentence decisions while Manitoba has had 42.
4.2.1 Regional Differences in Frequency of Reported Adult Sentence Decisions
Of the 138 reported decisions since DB, 35 reported decisions came from Ontario, 16 from British Columbia, 16 from Alberta, 42 from Manitoba, 16 from Saskatchewan, 9 from Nova Scotia, zero from New Brunswick, zero from Newfoundland, 1 from Prince Edward Island, 1 from the Northwest Territories, 1 from the Yukon, and 1 from Nunavut.
Interestingly, Manitoba surpasses Ontario in the frequency of its pursuit of adult sentences, despite having just under 10% less death-related convictions in a similar time frame. Similarly, while Saskatchewan has fewer death-related convictions than British Columbia and Alberta, they have seen the same number of adult sentence applications since DB.
4.4 Analysis of Table Two: Adult Sentence Applications—Reported Decisions: 2018 to 2023
While the date range between 2018 to 2023 was a relatively arbitrary choice, 2018 marks a point at which courts across Canada had built a sufficient body of trial and appellate level decisions that a more consistent approach can be seen in the interpretation of section 72 of the Act itself.
While there were 39 individuals subjected to adult sentence applications between 2018 and 2023 (without reported decisions from Quebec due to language limitations), I have excluded three historical cases asthey did not use the current iteration of the adult sentence application process.353 Therefore, for the purposes of analyzing table two, 36 individual youths who faced adult sentence applications have been considered.
Of the 36 total cases 18 received adult sentences. Of the 36 reported cases where young people faced an adult sentence application, 12 of those youths were from Ontario (4 received an adult sentence), 5 from British Columbia (3 received an adult sentence), 1 from Alberta (1 received an adult sentence), 10 from Manitoba (4 received an adult sentence), 6 from Saskatchewan (6 received an adult sentence), 1 from Nova Scotia (0 received an adult sentence), and 1 in Prince Edward Island (0 received an adultsentence). No reported decisionsfor adultsentence applications were heard in New Brunswick, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut from 2018 to 2023.
4.4.1 Nature of Charge
Of the 36 cases represented in Table Two, 25 were death-related. Of the 25 cases with death-related convictions against a young person, 13 received adult sentences. Of the 11 cases that were not death-related, 3 received adult sentences. This data confirms that Crown attorneys do pursue adult sentence applications in non-death related cases but, naturally, at a lesser frequency than in death-related cases. Furthermore, their success rate is lower in non-death related cases.
4.4.2 Age
Of the 36 cases represented in Table Two, the average age of the accused was 16 and 10 months at the time of the offence. In Ontario, the average age was 17 years old at the time of the offence. In British Columbia, the average age was 17 and 2 months old. In Manitoba, the average age was 16 years and 4 months old. In Saskatchewan, the average age was 17 years old.
Of the 36 cases in Table two, 12 individuals were within six months of their 18th birthday at the time of their offence. One accused committed his offence just hours before his 18th birthday.354 Only one accused was 14 years old at the time of his offence, the lowest age a youth can be to face an adult sentence.355 The Crown was successful in their application and the 14 year old was sentenced to life in prison. This was in Manitoba.
4.4.4 Race
From Table Two, it appears as though Indigenous and Black, as well as visible minority youth disproportionately face adult sentence applications. However, what is unknown is the racial demographics of the youths who have been convicted of death-related offences in general, therefore the following analysis may only hint at the potential over-representation within the pursuit of adult sentences themselves. This issue requires more study and better data tracking to facilitate such research.
From Table Two we can see that across Canada the breakdown by race of the 36 reported adult sentence decisions: 14 were Indigenous, 6 were Black, one mixed race Métis-Sudanese youth, one Syrian youth, one Saudi Arabian youth, one youth of unstated middle eastern descent, and 12 had no race stated in the body of the decision.
Three provinces stand out in regards to the over-representation of Indigenous, Black and visible minority youth facing adult sentence applications. In Saskatchewan, every youth who faced an adult sentence application where a reported decision was generated were Indigenous. In Manitoba, 7 out of 10 of the youth represented in the reported decisions were Indigenous, and one of the three remaining youths was of mixed Métis and Sudanese descent. In Ontario, 5 of the 12 youth represented in reported decision were Black, 2 were visible minorities, and 5 had no race stated in the body of the decision. These numbers are troubling; however, firm conclusions cannot be drawn as these numbers only represent reported decisions. For instance, it is possible that the in-depth analysis required for Gladue or IRCA factors alone may lead more judges to write decisions for Indigenous and Black youth. Without access to transcripts for all decisions across Canada, these findings can only point to the potential of over-representation rather than draw definitive conclusions. More study is certainly warranted.
4.4.5 Gender
Of the 36 cases outlined in Table Two, only two of the youths facing adults sentence applications were female. Statistics Canada research reports that of the 76 death-related convictions across Canada, excluding Quebec, between April 1, 2018, and April 1, 2022, 6 of the youths convicted were female.
As stated in Chapter Three, gender has not yet played a pivotal role in the assessment of the adult sentence regime. However, courts and court participants should be prepared to critically examine gender related factors if and when they arise in future cases.
4.4.6 In State Care or with Biological Family
Of the 36 cases outlined in Table Two, 12 youth were in care of the state. This information is important, however, further study is necessary to compare this Table’s results to the broader picture of youth in care in Canada and the rate at which those youths become criminally involved to get the most benefit from the above data. However, I would argue that given my qualitative findings on this topic in Chapter Three, it is very likely that youths in state care are not only at a disadvantage in almost every area of their lives, but they are also at a disadvantage in adult sentence hearings given the myriad of traumas, barriers, and struggles they disproportionately face.
4.4.7 Cognitive Disability
Of the 36 cases recorded in Table Two approximately 14 of those youths had what could be considered a cognitive disability.356 Of the 14 youths who could be considered cognitively disabled, 8 received adult sentences.
This data, read in conjunction with the commentary on cognitive disabilities in Chapter Three, is concerning as it appears as though courts are sentencing cognitively impaired youth to adult sentences despite the protections in prong one of the adult sentence test. We must critically examine how courts can ever conclude that cognitively disabled youths are of an advanced maturity or capacity, so as to satisfy the first prong criteria. I would argue that this is the point at which courts are at most risk of endorsing a fiction of maturity that is in actuality inferred from the seriousness of the offence or other inappropriately blended factors.
4.4.8 Mental Health
Of the 36 cases recorded in Table Two, 21 of those youths were affected by mental health diagnoses. One youth was reported to have a physical disability, a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis, that would lead to physical and neurological degeneration.357 Of these 21 youth with mental health conditions, 10 received adult sentences.
Similar to the section above on cognitively disabled youth, we must critically examine when, if ever, youth with mental health concerns can be seen as operating with sophisticated adultlike capacity and judgement.
4.4.9 Availability and Consideration of IRCS Sentence
Of the 36 cases recorded in Table Two, IRCS was considered in 11 of those decisions, and in one additional case the court rejected IRCS outright, without consideration, as defence counsel had not sought the appropriate orders in advance of the hearing to screen for IRCS eligibility.358 Of the 11 instances were IRCS was considered by the court, it was ordered on 6 occasions. I would argue that it is heartening to see the intensive and supportive sentencing options under IRCS being engaged instead of adult sentences. It is imperative that courts and court participants avail themselves of such robust sentencing options whenever appropriate.
4.4.10 Cases where Parties Agreed on Adult Sentence Application Outcome
Within the pool of reported decisions, there was one instance where the accused agreed to and adult sentence,359 and one case where the Crown agreed to abandon the adult sentence application in the course of the proceedings.360
Unfortunately, analyzing a pool of reported decisions does not give a complete picture of the true frequency of instances where the Crown and defence have agreed to an adult sentence— where the Crown has abandoned the adult sentence after a closer review of the evidence required to succeed in the application or where the Crown agrees to forego an adult sentence. These are the cases that are nearly impossible to track and study, as they are both less likely to lead to written decisions and less likely to be reported.
It should be noted that it is also impossible to track instances where adult sentence applications are abandoned in exchange for a plea bargain for the youth maximum sentence in order for an accused to avoid the risk associated with an adult sentence application hearing. This strategic phenomenon is deserving of further research and investigation from both a practical and ethical perspective.
5.1. Introduction
This thesis has taken a broad look at the adult sentence application process from a practicedriven point of view by examining the best practice standard. However, in doing so, this thesis has also engaged—and contributed to—various legal theories including Critical Legal Theory, Discourse Analysis Theory, Law and Emotion Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Disability Legal Theory. Furthermore, these theories have been engaged (in the respective areas in which each of these schools of thought have been of assistance) to ground and inform the more practical aspects of this work.
5.2 Giving Effect to the the Presumption of Diminished Moral Blameworthiness.
In Canada, youths as young as fourteen years old may, in exceptional circumstances, be sentenced as adults. In cases of first and second-degree murder, the jeopardy for these young teens is a life sentence. Section 72 of the YCJA requires the courts to adhere to a two-pronged approach. The Crown bears the onus to satisfy the court on both prongs.
From a constitutional perspective, the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness is at the core of the adult sentence application test and at the core of the YCJA itself. If the presumption is eroded, so is the rest of the Act. Unfortunately, significant confusion remains about the definition and operation of this fundamental tenet of youth criminal justice.
Through a survey of the trial and appellate level cases, I have encountered numerous instances where courts have struggled to give constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness by blending the two prongs of the adult sentence test; by reversing the onus on to the accused to prove reduced blameworthiness as opposed to requiring the Crown to satisfy the court of an advanced adult-like moral capacity; and/or by resorting to a de facto presumptive offence for the most serious offence. While these decisions are problematic, through my research I have found numerous decisions that embody ‘best practices’ in their approach to adult sentence applications.
5.3 Cases that Represent the Best Practices in their Consideration of the Presumption of Diminished Moral Blameworthiness.
At the outset of my research in preparation for this thesis, I hoped to identify cases that best respected both the letter and spirit of the YCJA as well as the principle of fundamental justice as expressed in DB—that all youth are presumed to have a lesser degree of moral blameworthiness by virtue of their age. In my reading of 20 years of adult sentence decisions, four judgements stand out as clear representations of overall ‘best practices’ in their consideration of the first prong of the adult sentence test: JFR, X, HM, and the dissenting opinion penned by Justice Jackson of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in RDF.361 These cases represent a clear roadmap for how the SCC should approach the upcoming appeals in IM and SB.
JFR was 17 years old when she attended a party to which she was not invited, with a group of other young people. JFR felt she had been insulted at the party, left and then returned with a kitchen knife. Upon her return, JFR came into contact with the deceased, who had already been stabbed 6 times by another assailant, and stabbed him once in the back. JFR was convicted of second degree murder.362
At sentencing, the youth court judge purported to use the two-pronged approach, however in their application of the first prong, the Alberta Court of Appeal found that the sentencing judge was not prepared to see JFR’s actions through a “lens of immaturity.”363 Instead, the sentencing judge discredited, disregarded and/or entirely rejected evidence that supported a finding of diminished moral blameworthiness.364
The sentencing judge properly identified three factors outlined in DB that speak to a young person’s diminished moral blameworthiness: heightened vulnerability, reduced maturity, and reduced capacity for moral judgement. However, in applying those three factors, the sentencing judge erred in their evaluation of the evidence. The Court of Appeal noted that the sentencing judge rejected all evidence that spoke to JFR’s heightened vulnerability;365 that the sentencing judge erroneously used the circumstances of the facts of the killing itself to conclude that JFR did not display “helplessness, powerlessness, dependency, or susceptibility to influence or intimidation;366 the sentencing judge erroneously disregarded the evidence that JFR’s “level of functioning was below that of her expected age;367 and that the sentencing judge erred in concluding that, by committing the offence itself, JFR was making adult decisions.368 The Alberta Court of Appeal noted that the sentencing judge placed significant emphasis on JFR’s conduct on the night of the offence in considering the first prong of the adult sentence test.369
Furthermore, the sentencing judge highlighted the immoral nature of JFR’s decision to stab as the evidence that proved JFR did not have the reduced capacity for moral judgement of a young person.370 In reaching this conclusion, the sentencing judge fell in to the very linguistic trap that I outlined in Chapter One of this thesis by conflating reduced moral judgement or reduced moral blameworthiness with an assessment of the general immorality of murder, an error which the Alberta Court of Appeal corrected by reversing the adult sentence decision. Ultimately, the Alberta Court of Appeal found that:
[F]or purposes of sentencing, Parliament has legislated a presumption of diminished moral responsibility for young persons. The events leading up to the offences can be explained by the appellant’s immaturity, lack of judgment, and sense of invincibility, all of which are common characteristics of many young persons. The Crown’s alternative explanation did not rebut the presumption and the sentencing judge erred in so finding.371
The Nova Scotia Provincial Court decision in X stands out for its thoughtful consideration of the first prong of the adult sentence test, particularly in relation to the Court’s analysis of the expert evidence related to the impact of race and culture on the young person. X was a 16 years and 4 months old when he shot and attempted to kill a 15 year old youth. Both young people were African Nova Scotian and grew up together in a close-knit community.372 I have referenced X on numerous occasions in this thesis to highlight the value of Judge Derrick’s approach to the very serious offence, as such I will not conduct a fresh case analysis here. However, when looking at the entirety of Judge Derrick’s reasons, it is clear that considerable effort was made by the court to follow the letter and spirit of the law, despite the tragic circumstances of the case. As a result, this judgement stands out as a case that represents an example of reaching an overall ‘best practice’ standard in light of its thorough and thoughtful analysis of the first prong of the adult sentence test.
Similarly in HM, Judge Devine of the Manitoba Provincial Court delivered a thoughtful and well reasoned judgement that aligned with both the letter and spirit of the YCJA’s sections 3, 38, and 72, as well as the Charter protected presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
The HM decision as a whole embodies the best practices in its conclusion, but also in the example set by counsel in preparing an array of helpful evidence. No stone was left unturned by the defence team, which best positioned Judge Devine to give full constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
Finally, I look to the dissenting opinion of Justice Jackson of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in RDF, which I have not yet addressed in this thesis as the dissent only speaks to what might come in future discourse around adult sentence applications. While Justice Jackson’s reasons did not carry the day, I nonetheless see her dissenting opinion as the roadmap the SCC must follow in their upcoming hearing of IM and SB if they are to give proper constitutional effect to the operational aspects of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, particularly for cases that stem from extreme and violent circumstances.
In the lower court decision in RDF,373 Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge McIvor imposed an adult sentence on a 17 year old Indigenous youth for two counts of first degree murder, two counts of second degree murder, and seven counts of attempted murder after carrying out a school shooting in La Loche, SK.374 Judge McIvor found that the Crown had rebutted the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness and that a youth sentence would not be of sufficient length to hold the young person accountable given the seriousness of the offence and rehabilitative needs.375 RDF was 15 days away from his 18th birthday and had no criminal record.376 Judge McIvor based the first prong decision mainly on the sophistication of the accused’s plan in carrying out the shooting.377
RDF appealed to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal where two of the three presiding Justices upheld the sentencing judge’s conclusion that the Crown had successfully rebutted the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness and that the IRCS sentence proposed by defence would not be of sufficient length to hold the young person accountable.378 The majority decision concluded that the sentencing judge had not engaged in a blended analysis and that the factors relating to the seriousness of the offence had not overshadowed factors relating to RDF’s maturity on the first prong of the adult sentence test.379
Justice Jackson of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal wrote a lengthy and well-reasoned dissent in RDF that is quite enlightening in regard to the common pitfalls in assessing the moral blameworthiness of young people charged with particularly heinous crimes. Justice Jackson’s dissent focused on the majority’s treatment of the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness and asked the very important question: in what circumstances will the Crown ever fail to overcome the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness using the approach taken by the sentencing judge in this case?380 Furthermore, Justice Jackson disagreed with the Majority’s conclusion that RDF did not suffer from cognitive impairments, noting that the only IQ testing showed:
[T]hat only 2% of the population would test lower than he does. With respect to decisionmaking, only a small percentage of the population would fare more poorly than he. The experts disagreed on how the data should be interpreted, but all of them agreed that the young person is intellectually challenged.381
Justice Jackson emphasized the constitutional considerations of DB and concluded that by letting the seriousness of the offence govern the first prong of their analysis and disregarding RDF’s cognitive impairments, neither the sentencing judge nor the majority gave proper effect to the constitutional presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.382
While I am of the view that the dissenting opinion in RDF best captures all that I have advanced in this thesis, I am not entirely confident that the SCC will follow Justice Jackson’s approach as leave to appeal to the SCC was not granted in RDF. 383
5.4 The De Facto Presumptive Offence Approach is Harmful to Young People—Especially for Indigenous, Black and Visible Minority Youth and Young People with Disabilities.
Allowing the gravity of the offence to infiltrate the first prong of the adult sentence test, deliberately or not, is harmful to young people and violates their section 7 rights. From the critical inquiries made through a survey of 20 years of adult sentence applications, particularly those decided after DB and the 2012 amendments, I have reached the conclusion that the use of the blended analysis, in any form, violates the section 7 rights of young people. However, the dangers posed by the blended approach has a disproportionately negative effect on young people with cognitive disabilities as well as a disproportionately negative effect on Indigenous, Black, and visible minority youth. It is critical that courts and court participants approach adult sentence applications in a way that respects the intentions of Parliament and the SCC decision in DB, by following the two-pronged approach. This is the only way to give full effect to the constitutionally protected presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness.
5.5 Looking Forward: Why the SCC Must Follow the Letter and Spirit of the YCJA and DB in Their Upcoming Hearing of IM and SB.
On November 23, 2023, the SCC announced that they will revisit the very issues that I have raised in this thesis. Given the disparate application of the two-pronged test in courts across Canada, the SCC’s decision to revisit the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness is welcome news for those who regularly work within the youth criminal justice system. It is imperative that the SCC give full constitutional effect to the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness, as it is vital to the proper functioning of the youth criminal justice system as it was envisioned with the implementation of the YCJA, the SCC’s ruling in DB, and the subsequent amendments to the YCJA in 2012.