Adolescent Maturity and the Brain: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience Research in Adolescent Health Policy
Sara B. Johnson
Robert W. Blum
Jay N. Giedd


Policymakers are interested in using brain science to set age limits, but there's little evidence yet. This study suggests a broader approach that considers both brain development risks and strengths to create policies.


Adolescent Maturity and the Brain: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience Research in Adolescent Health Policy

Keywords Adolescent; Health policy; Neuroscience; Neuroimaging; Judgment


Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s. This has prompted intense interest in linking neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. However, empirical evidence linking neurodevelopmental processes and adolescent real-world behavior remains sparse. Nonetheless, adolescent brain development research is already shaping public policy debates about when individuals should be considered mature for policy purposes. With this in mind, in this article we summarize what is known about adolescent brain development and what remains unknown, as well as what neuroscience can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We suggest that a conceptual framework that situates brain science in the broader context of adolescent developmental research would help to facilitate research-to-policy translation. Furthermore, although contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and the brain often use a deficit-based approach, there is enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the great strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that promote adolescent health and well-being.


In the last decade, a growing body of longitudinal neuroimaging research has demonstrated that adolescence is a period of continued brain growth and change, challenging longstanding assumptions that the brain was largely finished maturing by puberty [1–3]. The frontal lobes, home to key components of the neural circuitry underlying “executive functions” such as planning, working memory, and impulse control, are among the last areas of the brain to mature; they may not be fully developed until halfway through the third decade of life [2]. This finding has prompted interest in linking stage of neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Indeed, the promise of a biological explanation for often puzzling adolescent health risk behavior has captured the attention of the media, parents, policymakers, and clinicians alike. Although such research is currently underway, many neuroscientists argue that empirical support for a causal relationship between neuromaturational processes and real-world behavior is currently lacking [4].

Despite the lack of empirical evidence, there has been increasing pressure to bring adolescent brain research to bear on adolescent health-and-welfare policy. For example, in the policy process, adolescent brain immaturity has been used to make the case that teens should be considered less culpable for crimes they commit; however, parallel logic has been used to argue that teens are insufficiently mature to make autonomous choices about their reproductive health [5]. This apparently conflicting use of neuroscience research evidence highlights the need for brain scientists, neurocognitive psychologists, and adolescent health professionals to work together to ensure appropriate translation of science for policy. Failing to proactively define or engage in a discussion about the role of neuroimaging research in policy may catalyze a course of action many adolescent health professionals would not endorse.

In this review, we begin by outlining historical attempts to use developmental benchmarks as measures of adolescent maturity. (When we refer to “maturity” we do not intend to suggest the end of development, but rather use this as shorthand for the achievement of adult-like capacities and privileges.) We then briefly summarize what is known about adolescent brain development, and what is unknown. (For in-depth reviews of adolescent brain development, and more nuanced discussions of research findings, which are beyond the scope of this review, see [6] and [7]). We provide an overview of what neuroimaging research can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We then highlight the current use of the brain sciences in adolescent health policy debates. Finally, we outline a strategy for increasing the utility of brain science in public policy to promote adolescents’ well-being.

A Historical Perspective on Development and Maturity

Throughout history there have been biological benchmarks of maturity. For example, puberty has often been used as the transition point into adulthood. As societal needs have changed, so too have definitions of maturity. For example, in 13th century England, when feudal concerns were paramount, the age of majority was raised from 15 to 21 years, citing the strength needed to bear the weight of protective armor and the greater skill required for fighting on horseback [8]. More recently, in the United States the legal drinking age has been raised to 21, whereas the voting age has been reduced to 18 years so as to create parity with conscription [9]. Similarly, the minimum age to be elected varies by office in the U.S.: 25 years for the House of Representatives, 30 years for the Senate, and 35 years for President. However, individuals as young as 16 can be elected Mayor in some municipalities. The variation evident in age-based definitions of maturity illustrates that most are developmentally arbitrary [9]. Nonetheless, having achieved the legal age to participate in a given activity (e.g., driving, voting, marrying) often comes to be taken as synonymous with the developmental maturity required for it.

Age-based policies are not exceptional; policies are frequently enacted in the face of contradictory or nonexistent empirical support [10]. Although neuroscience has been called upon to determine adulthood, there is little empirical evidence to support age 18, the current legal age of majority, as an accurate marker of adult capacities. Less clear is whether neuroimaging, at present, helps to inform age-based determinations of maturity. If so, can generic guidelines be established, or is individual variation so great as to preclude establishing a biological benchmark for adult-like maturity of judgment?

Brain Development in Adolescence

Current studies demonstrate that brain structures and processes change throughout adolescence and, indeed, across the life course [11]. These findings have been facilitated by imaging technologies such as structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI and fMRI, respectively). Much of the popular discussion about adolescent brain development has focused on the comparatively late maturation of the frontal lobes [12], although recent work has broadened to the increasing “connectivity” of the brain.

Throughout childhood and into adolescence, the cortical areas of the brain continue to thicken as neural connections proliferate. In the frontal cortex, gray matter volumes peak at approximately 11 years of age in girls and 12 years of age in boys, reflecting dendritic overproduction [7]. Subsequently, rarely used connections are selectively pruned [6] making the brain more efficient by allowing it to change structurally in response to the demands of the environment [13]. Pruning also results in increased specialization of brain regions [14]; however, the loss of gray matter that accompanies pruning may not be apparent in some parts of the brain until young adulthood [2,15,16]. In general, loss of gray matter progresses from the back to the front of the brain with the frontal lobes among the last to show these structural changes [3,6].

Neural connections that survive the pruning process become more adept at transmitting information through myelination. Myelin, a sheath of fatty cell material wrapped around neuronal axons, acts as “insulation” for neural connections. This allows nerve impulses to travel throughout the brain more quickly and efficiently and facilitates increased integration of brain activity [17]. Although myelin cannot be measured directly, it is inferred from volumes of cerebral white matter [18]. Evidence suggests that, in the prefrontal cortex, this does not occur until the early 20s or later [15,16].

The prefrontal cortex coordinates higher-order cognitive processes and executive functioning. Executive functions are a set of supervisory cognitive skills needed for goal-directed behavior, including planning, response inhibition, working memory, and attention [19]. These skills allow an individual to pause long enough to take stock of a situation, assess his or her options, plan a course of action, and execute it. Poor executive functioning leads to difficulty with planning, attention, using feedback, and mental inflexibility [19], all of which could undermine judgment and decision making.

Synaptic overproduction, pruning and myelination—the basic steps of neuromaturation—improve the brain’s ability to transfer information between different regions efficiently. This information integration undergirds the development of skills such as impulse control [20]. Although young children can demonstrate impulse control skills, with age and neuro-maturation (e.g., pruning and myelination), comes the ability to consistently use these skills [21].

Evidence from animal studies suggests that the neural connections between the amygdala (a limbic structure involved in emotional processing, especially of fear and vigilance) and the cortices that comprise the frontal lobes become denser during adolescence [22]. These connections integrate emotional and cognitive processes and result in what is often considered to be “emotional maturity” (e.g., the ability to regulate and to interpret emotions). The evidence suggests that this integration process continues to develop well into adulthood [23]. Steinberg, Dahl, and others have hypothesized that a temporal gap between the development of the socioemotional system of the brain (which experiences an early developmental surge around puberty) and the cognitive control system of the brain (which extends through late adolescence) underlies some aspects of risk-taking behavior [24,25]. This temporal gap has been compared with starting the engine of a car without the benefit of a skilled driver [25].

Adolescent Neuropsychology: Linking Brain and Behavior

As detailed above, across cultures and millennia, the teen years have been observed to be a time of dramatic changes in body and behavior. During adolescence, most people successfully navigate the transition from dependence upon caregivers to self-sufficient adult members of society. Where specifically, along the maturational path of cognitive and emotional development, individuals should be given certain societal rights and responsibilities continues to be a topic of intense interest. Increasingly, neuroscience has been called on to inform this question.

Impulse control, response inhibition, and sensation seeking

Among the many behavior changes that have been noted for teens, the three that are most robustly seen across cultures are: (1) increased novelty seeking; (2) increased risk taking; and (3) a social affiliation shift toward peer-based interactions [13]. This triad of behavior changes is seen not only in human beings but in nearly all social mammals [13]. Although the behaviors may lead to danger, they confer an evolutionary advantage by encouraging separation from the comfort and safety of the natal family, which decreases the chances of inbreeding. The behavior changes also foster the development and acquisition of independent survival skills [13].

Studying the link between behavioral changes and brain changes has been greatly facilitated by recent advances in neuroimaging technology and behavioral assessments. One challenge has been to identify the fundamental units of emotion and cognition and how they combine to determine more complicated “real-world” behaviors. For instance, younger adolescents are less likely than older adolescents to wait a given period of time to receive a larger reward [26]. This tendency can be studied using experiments in which the subject is asked questions such as whether they would rather receive $800 now or $1,000 in 12 months. By varying the amount of monetary difference and/or time between the transactions, an “indifference point” can be calculated to quantify an individual’s tendency to prefer the “here and now” to some future reward. There is an extensive literature characterizing effects of age, gender, intelligence quotient (IQ), and other variables on this phenomenon, which is termed “delay discounting” [26,27]. However, more recent work has demonstrated that delay discounting is determined in part by the more fundamental traits of impulse control and future orientation, each with their own neural representations and developmental trajectories [28]. Furthermore, future orientation itself is a multidimensional construct involving cognitive, affective, and motivational systems.

Studies using fMRI are beginning to contribute to this parsing of behavior into more fundamental units by characterizing different neural representations and maturational courses for separate but related concepts such as impulse control and sensation seeking. Whereas sensation seeking changes seem to reflect striatal dopamine changes related to the onset of puberty, impulse control, as discussed previously, is more protracted and related to maturational changes in the frontal lobe [21].

“Hot” and “cold” cognition

Perhaps because of the relative ease of quantifying hormonal levels in animal models, it is tempting to attribute all adolescent behavioral changes to “raging hormones.” More nuanced investigations of adolescent behavior seek to understand the specific mechanisms by which hormones affect neural circuitry and to discern these processes from nonhormonal developmental changes. An important aspect of this work is the distinction between “hot” and “cold” cognition. Hot cognition refers to conditions of high emotional arousal or conflict; this is often the case for the riskiest of adolescent behaviors [29]. Most research to date has captured information in conditions of “cold cognition” (e.g., low arousal, no peers, and hypothetical situations). Like impulse control and sensation seeking, hot and cold cognition are subserved by different neuronal circuits and have different developmental courses [30]. Thus, adolescent maturity of judgment and its putative biological determinants are difficult to disentangle from socioemotional context.

What We Do Not Know About Brain Development in Adolescence

In many respects, neuroimaging research is in its infancy; there is much to be learned about how changes in brain structure and function relate to adolescent behavior. As of yet, however, neuroimaging studies do not allow a chronologic cut-point for behavioral or cognitive maturity at either the individual or population level. The ability to designate an adolescent as “mature” or “immature” neurologically is complicated by the fact that neuroscientific data are continuous and highly variable from person to person; the bounds of “normal” development have not been well delineated [5].

Neuroimaging has captured the public interest, arguably because the resulting images are popularly seen as “hard” evidence whereas behavioral science data are seen as subjective. For example, in one study, subjects were asked to evaluate the credibility of a manufactured news story describing neuroimaging research findings. One version of the story included the text, another included an fMRI image, and a third summarized the fMRI results in a chart accompanying the text. Subjects who saw the brain image rated the story as more compelling than did subjects in other conditions [31]. More strikingly, simply referring verbally to neuroimaging data, even if logically irrelevant, increases an explanation’s persuasiveness [32].

Despite being popularly viewed as revealing the “objective truth,” neuroimaging techniques involve an element of subjectivity. Investigators make choices about thickness of brain slices, level of clarity and detail, techniques for filtering signal from noise, and choice of the individuals to be sampled [5]. Furthermore, the cognitive or behavioral implications of a given brain image or pattern of activation are not necessarily straightforward. Researchers generally take pains to highlight the correlative nature of the relationship; however, such statements are often misinterpreted as causal [5]. Establishing a causal relationship is more complicated than it might, at first, seem. For example, there is rarely a one-to-one correspondence between a particular brain region and its discrete function; a given brain region can be involved in many cognitive processes, and many types of cognitive processes may be subserved by a particular brain structure [33].

Some neuroscientists lament that the technology has been used too liberally to draw conclusions where there is little empirical basis for interpreting the results. For example, a 2007 New York Times Op-Ed piece reported the results of a study in which fMRI was used to view the brains of 20 undecided voters while they watched videos of presidential candidates; they had previously rated the candidates on a scale of 1 to 10 from “very unfavorable” to “very favorable” [34]. The results of the brain scans were interpreted as reflecting the inner thoughts of the participants. For instance, “[w]hen viewing images of [Senator Clinton], these voters exhibited significant activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, an emotional center of the brain that is aroused when a person feels compelled to act in two different ways but must choose one. It looked as if they were battling unacknowledged impulses to like [Senator] Clinton” [34]. The editorial drew a swift response from several neuroscientists who believed that, in addition to subverting the standard peer review process before presenting data to the public, the investigators did not address the issue of reverse inference [35]. In neuroimaging terms, reverse inference is using neuroimaging data to infer specific mental states, motivations, or cognitive processes. Because a given brain region may be activated by many different processes, careful study design and analysis are imperative to making valid inferences [36,37]. In symbolic logic terminology, reverse inference errors are related to the “fallacy of affirming the consequent” (e.g., “All dogs are mammals. Fred is a mammal. Therefore, Fred is a dog.”).

In sum, neuroimaging modalities involve an element of subjectivity, just as behavioral science modalities do. A concern is that high-profile media exposures may leave the mistaken impression that fMRI, in particular, is an infallible mind-reading technique that can be used to establish guilt or innocence, infer “true intentions,” detect lies, or establish competency to drive, vote, or consent to marriage.

The adolescent brain in context

Neuroimaging technologies have made more information available about the structure and function of the human brain than ever before. Nonetheless, there is still a dearth of empirical evidence that allows us to anticipate behavior in the real world based on performance in the scanner [5]. Linking brain scans to real-world functioning is hampered by the complex integration of brain networks involved in behavior and cognition. Further hindering extrapolation from the laboratory to the real world is the fact that it is virtually impossible to parse the role of the brain from other biological systems and contexts that shape human behavior [6]. Behavior in adolescence, and across the lifespan, is a function of multiple interactive influences including experience, parenting, socioeconomic status, individual agency and self-efficacy, nutrition, culture, psychological well-being, the physical and built environments, and social relationships and interactions [38–42]. When it comes to behavior, the relationships among these variables are complex, and they change over time and with development [43]. This causal complexity overwhelms many of our “one factor at a time” explanatory and analytic models and highlights the need to continually situate research from brain science in the broader context of interdisciplinary developmental science to advance our understandings of behavior across the lifespan [44].

Adolescent Maturity and Policy in the Real World: Scientific Complexity Meets Policy Reality

The most prominent use of neuroscience research in adolescent social policy was the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court Case, Roper vs. Simmons, which has been described as the “Brown v. Board of Education of ‘neurolaw,”’ recalling the case that ended racial segregation in American schools [45]. In that case, 17-year-old Christopher Simmons was convicted of murdering a woman during a robbery. Ultimately, he was sentenced to death for his crime. Simmons’ defense team argued that he did not have a specific, diagnosable brain condition, but rather that his still-developing adolescent brain made him less culpable for his crime and therefore not subject to the death penalty. Amicus briefs were filed by, among others, by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) summarizing the existing neuroscience evidence and suggesting that adolescents’ still-developing brains made them fundamentally different from adults in terms of culpability.

The AMA brief argued that: “[a]dolescents’ behavioral immaturity mirrors the anatomical immaturity of their brains. To a degree never before understood, scientists can now demonstrate that adolescents are immature not only to the observer’s naked eye, but in the very fibers of their brains”’ [46]. (Notably, the brief submitted by the AMA et al., implied a causal link among brain structure, function, and behavior in adolescence [5]). The neuroscientific evidence is thought to have carried significant weight in the Court’s decision to overturn the death penalty for juveniles [47].

In a dissenting opinion in that case, Justice Antonin Scalia reflected on a 1990 brief filed by the APA in support of adolescents’ right to seek an abortion without parental consent (Hodgson v. Minnesota). In this case, the APA argued that adolescent decision making was virtually indistinguishable from adult decision making by the age of 14 or 15. Scalia pointed out this seeming inconsistency: “[The APA] claims in this case that scientific evidence shows persons under 18 lack the ability to take moral responsibility for their decisions, [the APA] has previously taken precisely the opposite position before this very Court. Given the nuances of scientific methodology and conflicting views, courts—which can only consider the limited evidence on the record before them, are ill equipped to determine which view of science is the right one” [48]. Although one can make the case that the “cold cognitive” context in which abortion-related decisions are made encourages more mature judgment than the “hot cognitive” context of a murder, Scalia’s comments highlight the peril of leaving nonscientists to arbitrate and translate neuroscience for policy.

The Supreme Court used neuroimaging research to protect juveniles from the death penalty based on reduced capacity and consequently reduced culpability. A year after Roper vs. Simmons was decided, the same logic was extended to limit adolescent sexual behavior. In 2006, the State of Kansas used its interpretation of adolescent neuroscience research to expand the state’s child abuse statute to include any consensual touching between minors under the age of 16 years. Although scientists may be reticent to apply their research to policy, in some cases, policy makers are doing it for them.

Some argue that one must only look to the use of early-life brain science to anticipate what happens when brain science is overgeneralized [49]. In the early 1990s, there were several high-profile studies that suggested that there was rapid growth brain growth and plasticity in the first 3 years of life and, therefore, that “enriched” environments could hasten the achievement of some developmental milestones [50]. This research was used to perpetuate the idea that videos, classical music, and tailored preschool educational activities could give a child a cognitive advantage before the door of neural plasticity swung shut forever [49]. One could imagine that such a perspective would discourage the allocation of resources for school-aged children and adolescents because, if this were true, after early childhood it would simply be “too late.” The use of neuroscientific research to support “enriched” environments demonstrates that if neuroscientists do not direct the interpretation and application of their findings (or the lack of applicability), others will do it for them, perhaps without the benefit of their nuanced understanding. A proactive approach to research and research-to-policy translation that includes neuroscientists, adolescent health professionals, and policy makers is an important next step.

Toward a Policy-Relevant Neuroscientific Research Agenda

Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging [51]. In a rush to assign biological explanations for behavior, adolescents may be caught in the middle. Policy scholar Robert Blank comments, “We have not kept up in terms of policy mechanisms that anticipate the implications beyond the technologies. We have little evidence that there is any anticipatory policy. Most policies tend to be reactive” [51]. There is a need to situate research from the brain sciences in the broader context of adolescent developmental science, and to find ways to communicate the complex relationships among biology, behavior, and context in ways that resonate with policymakers and research consumers.

Furthermore, the time is right to advance collaborative, multidisciplinary research agendas that are explicit in the desire to link brain structure to function as well as adolescent behavior and implications for policy [52].

Ultimately, the goal is to be able to articulate the conditions under which adolescents’ competence, or demonstrated maturity, is most vulnerable and most resilient. Resilience, it seems, is often overlooked in contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and brain development. Indeed, the focus on pathologic conditions, deficits, reduced capacity, and age-based risks overshadows the enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the unique strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that help to reinforce and perpetuate opportunities for adolescents to thrive in this stage of development, not just survive.

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Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s. This has prompted intense interest in linking neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. However, empirical evidence linking neurodevelopmental processes and adolescent real-world behavior remains sparse. Nonetheless, adolescent brain development research is already shaping public policy debates about when individuals should be considered mature for policy purposes. With this in mind, in this article we summarize what is known about adolescent brain development and what remains unknown, as well as what neuroscience can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We suggest that a conceptual framework that situates brain science in the broader context of adolescent developmental research would help to facilitate research-to-policy translation. Furthermore, although contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and the brain often use a deficit-based approach, there is enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the great strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that promote adolescent health and well-being.

Adolescence: Brain Development and Policy

Recent advancements in neuroimaging techniques like MRI reveal the adolescent brain is still under construction, particularly the frontal lobes responsible for judgment and decision-making. These regions continue to develop well into the mid-twenties, challenging the assumption that adulthood is reached by puberty.

This new understanding has sparked interest in using brain science to inform policies like reduced penalties for teen crimes. However, there's currently no clear link between specific brain structures and real-world behaviors. Caution is necessary when using scans of immature brains to justify policy changes.

Historically, definitions of maturity have been based on societal needs, not biology. For example, the legal drinking age in the US is 21, while the voting age is 18. Can brain science help create more accurate, biology-based definitions of maturity?

The Adolescent Brain: A Work in Progress

Brain imaging shows the adolescent brain undergoes continuous changes. Gray matter volume, which reflects the number of connections, increases rapidly until around age 12 in girls and 13 in boys. This is followed by a period of "synaptic pruning," where unused connections are eliminated to improve efficiency. White matter, which insulates connections for faster communication, continues developing into the early twenties. The prefrontal cortex, crucial for skills like planning and impulse control, matures later than other brain regions.

These ongoing developments explain some characteristic adolescent behaviors. As the frontal lobes mature and impulse control improves, risky behaviors tend to decrease. However, emotional regulation may develop even later, potentially contributing to the tendency of adolescents to engage in risky decision-making.

Brain and Behavior: Complex Connections

Adolescence is a time of increased novelty seeking, risk-taking, and social focus. These behaviors may have served an evolutionary purpose by encouraging exploration and independence, but they can also be dangerous.

Brain imaging helps us understand the connection between brain development and behavior. For instance, studies show that impulse control is linked to the maturation of the prefrontal cortex.

Uncertainties and Challenges

Brain imaging is a powerful tool, but it's still in its early stages. We can't definitively link brain scans to specific behaviors or predict maturity based on images alone. Interpreting brain scans is complex and subjective, as researchers make choices about how to analyze the data. Additionally, media often portrays brain scans as an objective measure of truth, but these techniques have limitations. We can't directly infer thoughts or feelings from brain activity.

The Adolescent Brain in Context

Brain scans offer valuable insights, but adolescent behavior is also influenced by a multitude of factors like experience, environment, and social interactions. Isolating the brain's role in behavior is a significant challenge.

A multidisciplinary approach that integrates brain science with developmental science is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of adolescent behavior.

Policy and the Adolescent Brain: Bridging the Gap

Policymakers are interested in the potential of brain science, but the science itself is complex and doesn't provide clear-cut answers for policy decisions. Better communication between scientists and policymakers is crucial.

Future research should focus on bridging the gap between brain development, behavior, and policy implications. We should also consider not just the limitations of the adolescent brain, but also its unique strengths and potential for positive development.

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Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s. This has prompted intense interest in linking neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. However, empirical evidence linking neurodevelopmental processes and adolescent real-world behavior remains sparse. Nonetheless, adolescent brain development research is already shaping public policy debates about when individuals should be considered mature for policy purposes. With this in mind, in this article we summarize what is known about adolescent brain development and what remains unknown, as well as what neuroscience can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We suggest that a conceptual framework that situates brain science in the broader context of adolescent developmental research would help to facilitate research-to-policy translation. Furthermore, although contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and the brain often use a deficit-based approach, there is enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the great strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that promote adolescent health and well-being.

The Adolescent Brain: A Nexus of Development, Behavior, and Policy Implications

Advancements in neuroimaging techniques like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have ushered in a new era of understanding the adolescent brain. These techniques offer unparalleled insights into the ongoing structural and functional changes that occur during this critical developmental period. This newfound knowledge regarding the maturation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its impact on behavior has significant implications for multiple disciplines, including neuroscience, psychology, law, and education.

Dynamic Structural and Functional Reorganization

Longitudinal neuroimaging studies reveal the adolescent brain as a dynamic landscape undergoing continuous structural and functional reorganization. Gray matter volume, reflecting the number of neuronal connections, exhibits a rapid increase until around puberty, followed by a period of "synaptic pruning" that optimizes efficiency. White matter, responsible for faster interregional communication, continues to develop well into the early twenties.

A particularly crucial region undergoing significant development during adolescence is the PFC. The PFC is a higher-order brain region responsible for executive functions such as decision-making, judgment, and impulse control. Unlike other brain regions, the PFC exhibits a protracted maturation trajectory, reaching full maturity only in the mid-twenties. This delayed maturation may partially explain characteristic adolescent risk-taking behavior.

Bridging the Gap Between Brain Development and Behavior

Brain imaging offers a powerful tool for investigating the neural correlates of adolescent behavior. Studies employing fMRI have established a robust link between impulse control and the maturation of the PFC. As the PFC matures and adolescents gain greater control over their impulses, risky behaviors tend to decrease. However, emotional regulation appears to develop even later than impulse control, potentially contributing to the observed phenomenon of adolescents engaging in impulsive decisions despite good intentions.

The Evolving Landscape of Legal and Social Policy

The burgeoning field of adolescent neuroscience has sparked discussions about potential applications in legal and social contexts. For instance, some propose utilizing brain scans as a tool to inform criminal justice policies for teenagers. However, establishing a definitive link between specific brain structures and real-world behavior remains a challenge. Further longitudinal research with robust methodologies is necessary before brain scans can be definitively used for such purposes.

Traditionally, legal and social definitions of maturity have relied on social considerations rather than biological factors. The differing legal ages for drinking and voting exemplify this distinction. Brain science may hold promise for creating more nuanced, biology-based definitions of maturity in the future.

It is important to acknowledge the limitations inherent in neuroimaging techniques. Brain scans cannot definitively predict behavior or pinpoint exact maturity levels. Interpreting scans remains a complex process, as researchers make critical choices regarding data analysis methods. Furthermore, media often portrays brain scans as an objective measure of truth; however, these techniques have limitations. Brain activity cannot directly reveal the subjective experiences of thoughts and feelings.

While brain scans offer valuable insights, adolescent behavior is also influenced by a multitude of factors, including experiences, environment, and social interactions. Isolating the brain's specific role in behavior remains a significant challenge. A comprehensive understanding necessitates a multidisciplinary approach that integrates brain science with developmental science.

Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach to Adolescent Development

A comprehensive understanding of adolescent behavior requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates brain science with developmental science. Brain science plays a crucial role in elucidating the biological underpinnings of behavior, while developmental science provides insights into the environmental and social factors that shape adolescent development. Collaboration between neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, legal scholars, and educators is essential to create evidence-based policies and interventions that support the healthy growth and development of all adolescents.

Future Directions: Bridging the Gap for Policy and Practice

Future research should focus on bridging the gap between brain development, behavior, and the implications for policy and practice. It is important to consider not only the limitations of the adolescent brain but also its unique strengths and potential for positive development. By fostering collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and educators, we can create a future that optimizes the unique developmental trajectory of the adolescent brain.

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Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s. This has prompted intense interest in linking neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. However, empirical evidence linking neurodevelopmental processes and adolescent real-world behavior remains sparse. Nonetheless, adolescent brain development research is already shaping public policy debates about when individuals should be considered mature for policy purposes. With this in mind, in this article we summarize what is known about adolescent brain development and what remains unknown, as well as what neuroscience can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We suggest that a conceptual framework that situates brain science in the broader context of adolescent developmental research would help to facilitate research-to-policy translation. Furthermore, although contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and the brain often use a deficit-based approach, there is enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the great strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that promote adolescent health and well-being.

The Adolescent Brain: What It Means for Development, Behavior, and Policy

Recent advancements in neuroimaging techniques like MRI have revolutionized our understanding of the adolescent brain. These techniques offer unprecedented insights into the ongoing structural and functional changes occurring within the brain during this critical developmental period. This newfound knowledge has significant implications for our understanding of adolescent behavior and has sparked discussions about potential applications in legal and social contexts.

Brain Development in Adolescence

Brain imaging studies reveal that the adolescent brain undergoes continuous change. Gray matter volume, reflecting the number of connections between neurons, increases rapidly until around age 12 for females and 13 for males. This is followed by a period of "synaptic pruning," where unused connections are eliminated to optimize efficiency. White matter, responsible for faster communication between brain regions, continues to develop into the early twenties.

A particularly important region undergoing significant development during adolescence is the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is crucial for executive functions such as decision-making, judgment, and impulse control. Unlike other brain regions, the PFC matures well into the mid-twenties. This delayed maturation may partially explain characteristic adolescent risk-taking behavior.

The Link Between Brain Development and Behavior

Brain imaging can be a valuable tool in helping us understand the connection between brain development and behavior. For instance, studies have linked impulse control to the maturation of the PFC. As the PFC matures and adolescents gain greater control over their impulses, risky behaviors tend to decrease. However, emotional regulation may develop even later than impulse control, potentially explaining the tendency of adolescents to engage in impulsive decisions even with good intentions.

Brain Scans and Policy: Challenges and Opportunities

The new knowledge about the developing adolescent brain has sparked discussions about utilizing brain science in legal and social contexts. For instance, some propose using brain scans to inform criminal justice policies for teenagers. However, a definitive link between specific brain structures and real-world behavior remains elusive. Further research is necessary before brain scans can be definitively used for such purposes.

Traditionally, maturity has been defined by social considerations rather than biological factors. The differing legal ages for drinking and voting exemplify this. Brain science may hold promise for creating more nuanced, biology-based definitions of maturity in the future.

It is important to remember that brain scans are powerful tools, but they are still in their early stages. Brain scans cannot definitively predict behavior or pinpoint exact maturity levels. Interpreting scans is complex, as researchers make choices regarding data analysis. Additionally, media often portrays brain scans as an objective measure of truth; however, these techniques have limitations. Brain activity cannot directly reveal thoughts or feelings.

While brain scans offer valuable insights, teenage behavior is also influenced by a multitude of factors, including experiences, environment, and social interactions. Isolating the brain's specific role in behavior remains a significant challenge.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Adolescence

An understanding of adolescent behavior requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines brain science with developmental science. Brain science plays an important role in explaining the biological underpinnings of behavior, while developmental science provides insights into the environmental and social factors that shape adolescent development.

Policymakers are increasingly interested in the potential of brain science. However, the science itself is complex and does not provide clear-cut answers for policy decisions. Improved communication between scientists and policymakers is crucial.

Future Directions: Bridging the Gap

Future research should focus on bridging the gap between brain development, behavior, and the implications for policy. It is important to consider not only the limitations of the adolescent brain but also its unique strengths and potential for positive development. By fostering collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and educators, we can create a future that supports the healthy growth and development of all adolescents.

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Longitudinal neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s. This has prompted intense interest in linking neuromaturation to maturity of judgment. Public policy is struggling to keep up with burgeoning interest in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. However, empirical evidence linking neurodevelopmental processes and adolescent real-world behavior remains sparse. Nonetheless, adolescent brain development research is already shaping public policy debates about when individuals should be considered mature for policy purposes. With this in mind, in this article we summarize what is known about adolescent brain development and what remains unknown, as well as what neuroscience can and cannot tell us about the adolescent brain and behavior. We suggest that a conceptual framework that situates brain science in the broader context of adolescent developmental research would help to facilitate research-to-policy translation. Furthermore, although contemporary discussions of adolescent maturity and the brain often use a deficit-based approach, there is enormous opportunity for brain science to illuminate the great strengths and potentialities of the adolescent brain. So, too, can this information inform policies that promote adolescent health and well-being.

The Teenage Brain: Growing Up

Scientists can now see inside teenage brains better than ever before. This helps them understand how these brains change as teenagers grow. They've learned that teenage brains are still developing, especially the part that helps them make good choices. This area, called the prefrontal cortex, keeps growing until about the mid-twenties. That's why teenagers might sometimes act without thinking or take risks that adults wouldn't.Some people wonder if this new knowledge about brains could affect laws and rules. For example, should teenagers get lighter punishments because their brains aren't fully developed yet? Well, scientists aren't sure exactly how brain scans connect to how teenagers act in real life. They need to do more studies before brain scans can be used to change laws. In the past, deciding if someone was mature enough for things like driving or voting depended on age, not science. But maybe brain science can help create better rules in the future.

The Teenage Brain: Under Construction

Imagine a teenage brain is like a building being built. During these years, lots of things are changing inside. The brain has tiny wires called connections that help it send messages. These connections keep growing quickly until around age 12 or 13 (girls a bit earlier than boys). Then the brain cleans itself up by getting rid of unused connections to work better. Another important part of the brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is like a boss that helps teenagers plan and control their impulses. This boss area matures later than other parts. So, as the brain finishes building itself, teenagers get better at thinking before acting and controlling their feelings. This might explain why teenagers sometimes make choices that seem risky or impulsive.

Why Teenagers Do the Things They Do

Teenagers naturally want to explore and be independent. This might make them take risks or seek out new experiences. These behaviors might have helped people survive way back in history, but they can also be dangerous today. Scientists can use brain scans to see how the developing brain connects to these behaviors. For instance, they've found that a well-developed prefrontal cortex is linked to good impulse control.

Brain Scans: Good Tool, But Not Perfect

Brain scans are amazing tools, but they're still new. We can't use them to perfectly predict how a teenager will act or say for sure if their brain is mature enough. Also, figuring out what brain scans mean can be tricky. Scientists have to make choices about how to analyze the information. Plus, brain scans can't directly tell us someone's thoughts or feelings.

Teenage Brains and the World Around Them

Brain scans are helpful, but there's more to why teenagers act the way they do. Things like experiences, their surroundings, and their friends all play a big role too. It's hard to separate the brain's influence from all these other factors. Scientists from different fields need to work together to fully understand teenagers. Brain science can be a piece of the puzzle, but it's important to consider the whole picture.

The Future of Teenage Brains and Rules

Lawmakers are interested in what brain science can tell them, but the science is complex and doesn't always give clear answers. Scientists and lawmakers need to talk more so they can understand each other better. Future research can help connect brain development, behavior, and the rules we live by. It's also important to remember that the teenage brain isn't just limited - it has unique strengths and a huge potential to learn and grow.

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Footnotes and Citation


Johnson, S. B., Blum, R. W., & Giedd, J. N. (2009). Adolescent maturity and the brain: the promise and pitfalls of neuroscience research in adolescent health policy. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(3), 216–221.
