Adolescent Development and the Regulation of Youth Crime
Elizabeth S. Scott
Laurence Steinberg


The approach towards juvenile justice has fluctuated from rehab to punishment as crime rises and falls. New science suggests a middle ground: treating teens as an intermediate legal category, considering both immaturity and fairness.


Adolescent Development and the Regulation of Youth Crime

Keywords Young adult offenders; juvenile justice system; rehabilitation; developmental differences; immaturity; juvenile death penalty; fairness; social welfare


Elizabeth Scott and Laurence Steinberg explore the dramatic changes in the law’s conception of young offenders between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty- first. At the dawn of the juvenile court era, they note, most youths were tried and punished as if they were adults. Early juvenile court reformers argued strongly against such a view, believing that the justice system should offer young offenders treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways. That rehabilitative model of juvenile justice held sway until a sharp upswing in youth violence at the end of the twentieth century led both public opinion and public policy to- ward a view that youths should be held to the same standard of criminal accountability as adults. Lawmakers seemed to lose sight of developmental differences between adolescents and adults. But Scott and Steinberg note that lawmakers and the public appear now to be rethinking their views once more. A justice system that operates on the principle of “adult time for adult crime” now seems to many to take too little note of age and immaturity in calculating criminal punish- ment. In 2005 the United States Supreme Court abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment, emphasizing that the immaturity of adolescents made them less cul- pable than adult criminals. In addition, state legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws they recently enacted. Meanwhile, observe the authors, public anger has abated and attitudes toward young offenders have softened somewhat. In response to these changes, Scott and Steinberg argue that it is appropriate to reexamine ju- venile justice policy and to devise a new model for the twenty-first century. In this article, they propose what they call a developmental model. They observe that substantial new scientific evi- dence about adolescence and criminal activity by adolescents provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. They put adolescent offenders into an intermediate legal category—neither children, as they were seen in the early juvenile court era, nor adults, as they often are seen today. They observe that such an approach is not only more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, but also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social cost of juvenile crime.


During the closing decades of the twentieth century, juvenile justice policy underwent major change. In less than a generation, a justice system that had viewed most young lawbreakers as youngsters whose crimes were the product of immaturity was transformed into one that stands ready to hold many youths to the same standard of criminal accountability it imposes on adults. These changes took place through far-reaching legal and policy reforms in almost every state that have facilitated adult prosecution and punishment of juveniles and expanded the use of incarceration in the juvenile system. As the reforms proceeded, often in a frenzy of public fear and anger about violent juvenile crime, lawmakers appeared to assume that any differences between adolescents and adults were immaterial when it comes to devising youth crime policies.

Today, lawmakers and the public appear to be having second thoughts about a justice system in which age and immaturity often are ignored in calculating criminal punishment. In 2005, the United States Supreme Court, in Roper v. Simmons, abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment in an opinion that emphasized that

the immaturity of adolescents made them less culpable than adult criminals.1 Further, legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws enacted with enthusiasm just a few years ago. Meanwhile, opinion polls show that public anger has abated and that more paternalistic attitudes toward young offenders have resurfaced.

At such a time, it seems appropriate to reexamine juvenile justice policy and, if the contemporary regime proves unsatisfactory, to devise a better model for the twenty-first century. In this article, we undertake this challenge, proposing what we call a developmental model of juvenile justice policy.2 Our thesis is that a substantial body of new scientific knowledge about adolescence and about criminal activity during this important developmental period provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. Under the developmental model, adolescent offenders constitute an intermediate legal category of persons who are neither children, as they were under the traditional rehabilitative model, nor adults, as they often are today. Not only is this approach more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, it is also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social costs of juvenile crime.

A Brief History of Juvenile Justice in America

The history of juvenile crime policy over the course of the twentieth century is a narrative about the transformation of the law’s conception of young offenders. At the dawn of the juvenile court era in the late nineteenth century, most youths were tried and punished as adults. Much had changed by 1909 when Judge Julian Mack famously proposed in a Harvard Law Review article that a juvenile offender should be treated “as a wise and merciful father handles his own child.”3 Like the other Progressive reformers who worked to establish the juvenile court, Judge Mack viewed youths involved in crime first and foremost as children; indeed, by his account, they were no different from children who were subject to parental abuse and neglect. The early reformers envisioned a regime in which young offenders would receive treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways—a system in which criminal responsibility and punishment had no place. Because of the juvenile court’s rehabilitative purpose, procedures were informal and dispositions were indeterminate.

The rehabilitative model of juvenile justice seemingly thrived during the first half of the twentieth century, but it began to unravel during the 1960s. Youth advocates challenged the constitutionality of informal delinquency proceedings, and, in 1967, the Supreme Court agreed, holding, in In re Gault, that youths in juvenile court have a right to an attorney and other protections that criminal defendants receive.4 But the sharpest attacks on the juvenile court came from another direction. As youth crime rates rose during the 1980s, conservative politicians ridiculed the juvenile system and pointed to high recidivism rates as evidence that rehabilitation was a failure. According to some observers, the juvenile court may have met the needs of a simpler time when juveniles got into school yard fights, but it was not up to the task of dealing with savvy young criminals who use guns to commit serious crimes. Although in truth, the juvenile justice system had evolved considerably since the early days, its paternalistic rhetoric persisted, obscuring the changes; even to a sympathetic ear, descriptions of young criminals as wayward children who would respond to the caring treatment of the juvenile court seemed to bear little relation to the reality of youth crime during the late twentieth century.

Proponents of more punitive policies cast the available options as either adult punishment or a “slap on the wrist,” suggesting that if teens are not held fully responsible for their crimes, they bear no criminal responsibility at all. Youth advocates often appeared to accept these constrained policy choices, so the debate pitted self-styled “child” advocates against those who favor “adult time for adult crime.” Thus, both sides implicitly accepted that youths charged with serious crimes would either be treated as children in juvenile court or tried and punished as adults. The new generation of reformers went beyond rejecting the paternalistic characterization of young offenders; some advocates for tough policies seemed to view juveniles involved in crime as more culpable and dangerous than adult criminals. John DiIulio’s description of “superpredators” in the mid-1990s captured the image of remorseless teenage criminals as a major threat to society and was invoked repeatedly in the media and in the political arena.5

As juvenile crime rates—particularly homicide—rose during the 1980s and early 1990s, politicians across the country rushed to enact tough policies through several legislative strategies.6 First, the age of judicial transfer was lowered in many states to allow the criminal prosecution of teens aged fourteen and younger. Some legislatures expanded the range of transferrable offenses to include a long laundry list of crimes. But perhaps the most dramatic changes came in the form of automatic transfer statutes, under which many youths are categorically treated as adults when they are charged with crimes— either generally (all sixteen-year-olds) or for specific crimes (all thirteen-year-olds charged with murder).7 These legal reforms resulted in the wholesale transfer of youths into the adult criminal system—more than 250,000 a year by most estimates. The new statutes avoid individualized transfer hearings, shifting discretion from juvenile court judges, who are seen as soft on crime, to prosecutors, who are assumed not to have this deficiency. At the same time, juvenile court dispositions today include more incarceration and for longer periods—extending well into adulthood under some statutes. Questions about whether juveniles should be subject to the same punishment as adults occasionally do get attention—usually when a very young juvenile commits a serious crime. Thus a national conversation was sparked by the case of Lionel Tate, the twelve-year-old Florida boy who was given a life sentence (later reversed) for killing a six-year-old neighbor girl.8 But the new policies play out in many more mundane cases involving drug sales and property crimes, which make up about half of the criminal court cases involving juveniles.

The upshot of this reform movement is that the mantra “adult time for adult crime” has become a reality for many young offenders. Through a variety of initiatives, the boundary of childhood has shifted dramatically in a relatively short time, so that youths who are legal minors for every other purpose are adults when it comes to their criminal conduct.

Supporters defend the recent reforms as a rational policy response to a new generation of dangerous young criminals that the juvenile court was unable to control. There is some truth to this claim. Young offenders today do cause more harm than their predecessors, largely because, with the ready availability of firearms, the injuries they inflict are more likely to be fatal. Moreover, the juvenile system’s failure to deter or incapacitate violent young criminals fueled outrage that sometimes was legitimate. But close inspection reveals that the process of legal reform has been deeply flawed and often has had the hallmarks of what sociologists call a moral panic, a form of irrational collective action in which politicians, the media, and the public reinforce each other in an escalating pattern of alarmed response to a perceived social threat.9 Other features of a moral panic are evident in the response to juvenile crime that has led to the reforms— intense public hostility toward young offenders (often identified as members of minority groups), exaggerated perceptions about the magnitude of the threat, and the conviction that drastic measures in response are urgently needed. Reform initiatives often have been triggered by a high-profile crime that stirs public fears. In Arkansas, for example, legislative reforms lowering the minimum age of criminal adjudication for juveniles followed the Jonesboro school shootings in which two youths, aged eleven and thirteen, killed four schoolmates and a teacher. In some states, racial biases and fears appear to have played a role in reform initiatives. In California, for example, enthusiasm for Proposition 21, a sweeping referendum expanding criminal court jurisdiction over juveniles, was generated by sensational television ads in which African American gang members killed innocent bystanders in drive-by shootings.10 But by the time that California voters approved Proposition 21, juvenile crime had been on the decline for several years.11

The politics of contemporary juvenile justice law reform leaves little reason to be confident about the soundness of the new regime—or even to believe that it reflects stable public desires for harsh policies. Although politicians claim that the public demands tough policies, moral panics tend to dissipate when the crisis passes. As we will show at the end of this article, the evidence suggests that the public may demand tough policies in the short term, but not support them in the long term.

The fact that the law reform process has been deeply flawed and that the policies themselves are anomalous as a form of legal regulation of minors does not answer the critical question of whether the criminalization of juvenile justice is substantively deficient as legal policy. We turn now to this question.

Adolescence and Culpability: The Case for Mitigation

A substantive assessment of contemporary youth crime regulation begins by examining the punitive reforms in the framework of criminal law doctrine and principles. The heart of the analysis is the principle of proportionality, which, as first-year law students learn in their criminal law class, is the foundation of fair and legitimate state punishment. Proportionality holds that criminal sanctions should be based on the culpability of the actor as well as the harm he causes. It recognizes that two defendants who cause the same harm (killing another person, for example) can vary in their blameworthiness and in the punishment that society thinks they deserve.12 Most criminals, of course, are held fully responsible for their crimes and receive whatever punishment the state deems appropriate for the harm they cause. But actors who are thought to be blameless (children, for example, or someone who kills in self-defense) deserve no punishment— and their crimes are excused. As we have seen, the history of youth crime policy during the twentieth century was an account of radical change in lawmakers’ conception of young offenders—from innocent children under the rehabilitative model to (often) fully responsible adults today.

But the criminal law does not view culpa- bility in such binary terms; the concept of mitigation plays an important role in the law’s calculation of blame and punishment and should be at the heart of youth crime policy. Mitigation applies to persons engaging in harmful conduct who are blameworthy enough to meet the minimum threshold of criminal responsibility, but who deserve less punishment than a typical offender would receive. Developmental research clarifies that adolescents, because of their immaturity, should not be deemed as culpable as adults. But they also are not innocent children whose crimes should be excused. The distinction between excuse and mitigation seems straightforward, but it is often misunderstood. In the political arena, as we have suggested, it is often assumed that unless young offenders are subject to adult punishment, they are off the hook—escaping all responsibility. Instead, under the developmental model, youths are held accountable for their crimes but presumptively are subject to more lenient punishment than adults. A justice system grounded in mitigation corresponds to the developmental reality of adolescence and is compatible with the law’s commitment to fair punishment.

Research in developmental psychology supports the view that several characteristics of adolescence distinguish young offenders from adults in ways that mitigate culpability. These adolescent traits include deficiencies in decision-making ability, greater vulnerability to external coercion, and the relatively unformed nature of adolescent character.

As we will show, each of these attributes of adolescence corresponds to a conventional source of mitigation in criminal law. Together they offer strong evidence that young offenders are not as culpable as adults.

Diminished Decision-Making Capacity

Under standard criminal law doctrine, actors whose decision-making capacities are im- paired—by mental illness or retardation, for example—are deemed less blameworthy than typical offenders. If the impairment is severe, their crimes are excused. Considerable evidence supports the conclusion that children and adolescents are less capable decision makers than adults in ways that are relevant to their criminal choices.

Although few would question this claim as applied to children, the picture is more com- plicated for sixteen- or seventeen-year-olds. The capacities for reasoning and understanding improve significantly from late childhood into adolescence, and by mid-adolescence, most teens are close to adults in their ability to reason and to process information (what might be called “pure” cognitive capacities)— at least in the abstract.13 The reality, however, is that adolescents are likely less capable than adults are in using these capacities in making real-world choices, partly because of lack of experience and partly because teens are less efficient than adults in processing information. In life, and particularly on the street, the ability to quickly marshal information may be essential to optimal decision making.

Other aspects of psychological maturation that affect decision making lag behind cognitive development and undermine adolescent competence. Research documents what most parents of adolescents already know—teenagers are subject to psychosocial and emotional influences that contribute to immature judgment that can lead them to make bad choices. Thus, even at ages sixteen and seventeen, adolescents’ developmental immaturity likely affects their decisions about involvement in crime in ways that distinguish them from adults.

First, teens tend to lack what developmental- ists call “future orientation.” That is, compared with adults, adolescents are more likely to focus on the here-and-now and less likely to think about the long-term consequences of their choices or actions—and when they do, they are inclined to assign less weight to future consequences than to immediate risks and benefits. Over a period of years between mid-adolescence and early adulthood, individuals become more future oriented.14

Substantial research evidence also supports the conventional wisdom that teens are more oriented toward peers and responsive to peer influence than are adults. Several studies show that susceptibility to peer influence, especially in situations involving pressure to engage in antisocial behavior, increases between childhood and mid-adolescence, peaks around age fourteen, and declines slowly during the late adolescent years.15 Increased susceptibility to peer pressure in early adolescence may reflect changes in individuals’ capacity for self-direction (as parental influence declines) as well as changes in the intensity of pressure that adolescents exert on each other. Some research evidence suggests that teens who engage in certain types of antisocial behavior may enjoy higher status among their peers as a consequence, perhaps because they appear to be independent of adult authority.16 The result is that adolescents are more likely than either children or adults to change their decisions and alter their behavior in response to peer pressure.

Peer influence affects adolescent judgment both directly and indirectly. In some contexts, adolescents might make choices in response to direct peer pressure, as when they are coerced to take risks that they might otherwise avoid. But desire for peer approval (and fear of rejection) affects adolescent choices indirectly as well. Teens appear to seek peer approval especially in group situations. Thus, perhaps it is not surprising that young offenders are far more likely than adults to commit crimes in groups.17

Consider the case of Timothy Kane, a fourteen-year-old junior high school student who never had any contact with the justice system until one Sunday afternoon in January 1992. Tim was hanging out with a group of friends when a couple of older youths suggested that they break into a neighbor’s house; Tim agreed to go along. On entering the house, the boys were surprised to find the elderly neighbor and her son at home— whereupon the two older boys killed them while Tim watched from under the dining room table. Interviewed years later as he served a life sentence under Florida’s draconian felony murder law, Tim explained that he went along because he didn’t want to stay behind alone—and he didn’t want to be called a “fraidy-cat.” Tim’s fatal decision to get involved in the break-in appears to be, more than anything else, the conduct of a fourteen-year-old worried about peer approval.18

Another psychosocial factor contributes to immature judgment: adolescents are both less likely to perceive risks and less risk-averse than adults. Thus, it is not surprising, perhaps, that they enjoy engaging in activities like speeding, unsafe sex, excessive drinking, and committing crimes more than adults do. The story is actually a bit more complicated. In the abstract, on paper and pencil tests, adolescents are capable of perceiving risks almost as well as adults. In the real world however, risk preference and other dimensions of psychosocial immaturity interact to encourage risky choices.19 Thus, a youth who might be able to identify the risks of stealing a car if presented with a hypothetical case in a psychology lab may simply never consider these risks when he is on the street with his friends planning the theft.

Another (compatible) account of why adolescents take more risks than adults is that they may evaluate the risks and benefits of risky activity differently. Psychologists refer to the outcome of weighing risks and rewards as the “risk-reward ratio.” The higher the ratio, the less likely an individual is to engage in the behavior in question. Studies suggest that in calculating the risk-reward ratio that guides decision making, adolescents may discount risks and calculate rewards differently from adults. In studies involving gambling games, teens tend to focus more on potential gains relative to losses than do adults.20 So, for example, in deciding whether to speed while driving a car, adolescents may weigh the potential rewards of the behavior (for example, the thrill of driving fast, peer approval, or getting to one’s destination quickly) more heavily than adults would. Indeed, sometimes adults may view as a risk—fast driving, for example—what adolescents see as a reward. What distinguishes adolescents from adults in this regard, then, is not the fact that teens are less knowledgeable about risks, but, rather, that they attach different value to the rewards that risk-taking provides.21

In addition to age differences in susceptibility to peer influence, future orientation, and risk assessment, adolescents and adults also differ with respect to their ability to control impulsive behavior and choices. Thus, the conventional wisdom that adolescents are more reckless than adults is supported by research on developmental changes in impulsivity and self-management. In general, studies show gradual but steady increases in the capacity for self-direction through adolescence, with gains continuing through the high school years. Research also indicates that adolescents are subject to more rapid and extreme mood swings, both positive and negative, than are adults.22 Although the connection between moodiness and impulsivity is not clear, it is likely that extreme levels of emotional arousal, either anger or elation, are associated with difficulties in self-control. More research is needed, but the available evidence indicates that adolescents may have more difficulty regulating their moods, impulses, and behaviors than do adults.

These psychosocial and emotional factors contribute to immature judgment in adolescence and probably play a role in decisions by teens to engage in criminal activity. It is easy to imagine how an individual whose choices are subject to these developmental influences —susceptibility to peer influence, poor risk assessment, sensation seeking, a tendency to give more weight to the short-term conse- quences of choices, and poor impulse control —might decide to engage in criminal conduct.

The following scenario is illustrative. A teen is hanging out with his buddies on the street, when, on the spur of the moment, someone suggests holding up a nearby convenience store. The youth does not go through a formal decision-making process, but he “chooses” to go along, even if he has mixed feelings. Why? First and most important, like Tim Kane, he may assume that his friends will reject him if he declines to participate— a negative consequence to which he attaches considerable weight in considering alternatives. He does not think of ways to extricate himself, as a more mature person might do. He may fail to consider possible options because he lacks experience, because the choice is made so quickly, or because he has difficulty projecting the course of events into the future. Also, the “adventure” of the holdup and the possibility of getting some money are exciting. These immediate rewards, together with peer approval, weigh more heavily in his decision than the (remote) possibility of apprehension by the police. He never even considers the long-term costs of conviction of a serious crime.

This account is consistent with the general developmental research on peer influence, risk preference, impulsivity, and future orientation, and it suggests how factors that are known to affect adolescent decision making in general are likely to operate in this setting. As a general proposition, it is uncontroversial that teens are inclined to engage in risky behaviors that reflect their immaturity of judgment. Although it is not possible to study directly the decisions of teens to get involved in criminal activity, it seems very likely that the psychosocial influences that shape adolescents’ decision making in other settings contribute to their choices about criminal activity as well. Not every teen gets involved in crime, of course. That depends on a lot of things, including social context. But these psychosocial and emotional influences on decision making are normative—as psychologists use this term—that is, typical of adolescents as a group and developmental in nature.

Research over the past few years has increased our understanding of the biological underpinnings of psychological development in adolescence. Very recent studies of adolescent brain development show that the frontal lobes undergo important structural change during this stage, especially in the prefrontal cortex.23 This region is central to what psychologists call “executive functions”— advanced thinking processes used in planning ahead, regulating emotions, controlling impulses, and weighing the costs and benefits of decisions before acting. Thus, the immature judgment of teens may to some extent be a function of hard wiring.

Mitigation on the Basis of Extraordinary Circumstances

Another source of mitigation in the criminal law also applies to adolescents—and reinforces the conclusion that young offenders are less blameworthy than their adult counterparts. This form of mitigation involves situations in which a person offends in response to extreme external pressures. For example, a person who robs a bank in response to a credible threat that otherwise he will be physically injured may qualify for the defense of duress. The criminal law does not require exceptional forbearance or bravery—a defense (or a reduced sentence) may be available if an ordinary (that is, “reasonable”) person might have responded to the unusual situation in the same way the defendant did. Because of the coercive circumstances, the actor is deemed less blameworthy than other offenders.

Ordinary adolescents are subject to peer pressure, including pressure to commit crimes, to a far greater extent than adults. As we have suggested, most juvenile crimes are committed in groups, while most adult criminals act alone. In some high-crime neighborhoods, peer pressure to commit crimes is so powerful that only exceptional youths escape. As Jeffrey Fagan and others have explained, in such settings, resisting this pressure can result in loss of status, ostracism, and even vulnerability to physical assault.24 The circumstances many teens face in these social contexts are similar to those involved in adult claims of mitigation due to duress, provocation, necessity, or domination by co-defendants—and appropriately are deemed mitigating of culpability. As the Supreme Court recognized in Roper v. Simmons, in holding that imposing the death penalty on juveniles was unconstitutional, the case for mitigation on this ground is all the more compelling because, unlike adults, teens as legal minors are not free to leave their schools, homes, and neighborhoods.25 When teens cross the line to legal adulthood, of course, the formal disabilities of youth are lifted. Young adults can avoid the pressure by removing themselves from social settings that make it difficult to avoid involvement in crime. Thus, adults have no claim to this kind of situational mitigation.

Unformed Character as Mitigation

A third source of mitigation in the criminal law is evidence that a criminal act was out-of-character. At sentencing, offenders often can introduce evidence of their general good character to demonstrate that the offense was an aberrant act and not the product of bad character. Here mitigation applies to the crimes of young offenders as well—not because of their good character per se—but because their characters are unformed.

Beginning with Erik Erikson, psychologists have explained that a key developmental task of adolescence is the formation of personal identity—a process linked to psychosocial development, which for most teens extends over several years until a coherent “self” emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood.26 During adolescence, identity is fluid—values, plans, attitudes, and beliefs are likely to be tentative as teens struggle to figure out who they are. This process involves a lot of experimentation, which for many adolescents means engaging in the risky activities we have described, including involvement in crime. Self-report studies have found that 80–90 percent of teenage boys admit to committing crimes for which they could be incarcerated.27

But the typical teenage delinquent does not grow up to be an adult criminal. The statistics consistently show that seventeen-year-olds commit more crimes than any other age group—thereafter, the crime rate declines steeply.28 Most adolescents literally grow out of their antisocial tendencies as individual identity becomes settled. How many adults look back on their risky adventures or mishaps as teenagers with chagrin and amazement—and often with gratitude that they emerged relatively unscathed?

Researchers find that much juvenile crime stems from experimentation typical of this developmental stage rather than from moral deficiencies reflecting bad character. It is fair to assume that most adults who commit crimes act on subjectively defined values and preferences—and that their choices can be charged to deficient moral character. Thus an impulsive adult whose “adolescent” traits lead him to get involved in crime is quite different from a risk-taking teen. Adolescent traits are not typical of adulthood. The values and preferences that motivate the adult criminal are not transitory, but fixed elements of personal identity. This cannot be said of the crimes

of typical juvenile offenders, whose choices, while unfortunate, are shaped by developmental factors that are constitutive of adolescence. Like the adult who offers evidence of good character, most adolescent offenders lack a key component of culpability—the connection between the bad act and the offender’s bad character. In Roper v. Simmons, the Supreme Court recognized that adolescents’ unformed character mitigates culpability. The court observed that it is not possible to be confident that “even a heinous crime by an adolescent is the product of an irretrievably depraved character.”29

The reality, of course, is that not all young offenders grow up to be persons of good character. Some grow up to be criminals. Psychologist Terrie Moffitt, in a major longitudinal study, has placed adolescent offenders into two rough categories: a large group of what she calls “adolescence-limited” offenders—typical delinquents whose involvement in crime begins and ends in adolescence— and a much smaller group of youths that she labels “life-course-persistent offenders.” Many youths in this latter group are in the early stages of criminal careers: their antisocial conduct often begins in childhood and continues through adolescence into adulthood. In adolescence, the criminal conduct of youths in these two groups looks pretty similar, but the underlying causes and the prognosis are different.30

This insight raises an important issue. Even if adolescents generally are less mature than adults, should immaturity not be considered on an individualized basis, as is typical of most mitigating conditions? Not all juvenile offenders are unformed youths. Adolescents vary in the pace of psychological development and character formation, and some may not deserve lenient treatment on the basis of immaturity.

The problem with individualized assessments of immaturity is that practitioners lack diagnostic tools to evaluate psychosocial maturity and identity formation on an individualized basis. Recently, courts in some areas have begun to use a psychopathy checklist, a variation of an instrument developed for adults, in an effort to identify adolescent psychopaths for transfer or sentencing purposes. This practice, however, is fraught with the potential for error; it is simply not yet possible to distinguish incipient psychopaths from youths whose crimes reflect transient immaturity. For this reason, the American Psychiatric Association restricts the diagnosis of psychopathy to individuals aged eighteen and older. Evaluating antisocial traits and conduct in adolescence is just too uncertain.31

Other problems may arise if maturity is litigated on a case-by-case basis. Research evidence suggests that racial and ethnic biases influence attitudes about the punishment of young offenders; thus decision makers may be particularly inclined to discount the mitigating impact of immaturity in minority youths. The integrity of any individualized decision-making process is vulnerable to contamination from racist attitudes or from unconscious racial stereotyping that operates even among those who may lack overt prejudice.32

In sum, the developmental evidence indicates that the immaturity of adolescent offenders causes them to differ from their adult counterparts in ways that mitigate culpability. Scientific knowledge also supports recognizing this difference through categorical classification of young offenders. The presumption underlying the punitive reforms— that no substantial differences exist between adolescents and adults that are relevant to criminal responsibility—offends proportionality, a core principle of criminal law. The developmental psychology evidence does not support a justice system that treats young offenders as children whose crimes are excused, but it does support a mitigation-based model that places adolescents in an intermediate legal category of offenders who are less blameworthy and deserve less punishment than typical adult offenders. Under our developmental model, adolescence is a separate legal category for purposes of responding to youthful criminal conduct.33

Social Welfare and the Regulation of Youth Crime

In reality, although the scientific evidence of adolescent immaturity is substantial, principle alone will not dictate juvenile crime policy. Ultimately, the most compelling argument for a separate, less punitive, system for dealing with young criminals is utilitarian. An important lesson of the research on juvenile crime by Moffitt and others is that most delinquent youths, even those who commit serious crimes, are “adolescence-limited” offenders who are likely to mature out of their antisocial tendencies. These youths are not headed for careers in crime—unless correctional interventions push them in that direction. This lesson is reinforced by developmental research showing that social context is critically important to the successful completion of developmental tasks essential to the transition to conventional adult roles associated with desistance from crime.34 For youths in the justice system, the correctional setting is their social context. Youth crime policy should not lose sight of the impact of sanctions on the future life prospects of young offenders. Sanctions that effectively invest in the human capital of young offenders and facilitate their transition to adulthood are likely to promote the interests of society as well as those of young offenders—as long as they do not unduly compromise public safety.

Supporters of tough sanctions argue that contemporary policies promote society’s interest and point to the declining juvenile crime rates in the past decade as evidence of the effectiveness of the reforms. There is no question that reducing crime is a critical justification for more punitive sanctions, but evaluating the impact of the reforms on the recent crime rate trend is an uncertain business, with studies giving mixed reports. A few researchers have studied the effect of automatic transfer statutes, either by comparing two similar states with different laws, or by examining crime rates in a single state before and after a legislative reform. Their studies have found that punitive reforms have little effect on youth crime.35 Only one substantial study has found that crime rates appear to decline under harsh statutes, and the methodology of that study has been sharply criticized.36 Interview studies of incarcerated youths find that many express intentions to avoid harsh penalties in the future, but the extent to which these intentions affect behav- ior is unclear. Studies comparing recidivism rates of similar juveniles sentenced to adult and juvenile facilities have found higher rates of re-offending for youths sentenced to prison.37 In short, little evidence supports the claim that adolescents are deterred from criminal activity by the threat of harsh sanctions, either generally or because their experience in prison “taught them a lesson.”

If the recent reforms have reduced juvenile crime at all, it is mostly through incapacita- tion. Long periods of incarceration (or incarceration rather than community sanctions) keep youths off the streets where they might be committing crimes and do indeed reduce crime, at least in the short run—but the costs are high in several respects. The economic costs of the recent law reforms have been substantial, as many states have begun to realize. According to a careful analysis of the costs and benefits associated with one state’s policy reforms increasing juvenile sanctions, serious youth crime declined 50 percent between 1994 and 2001, while spending in the juvenile justice system increased 43 percent.38 The increased spending has opportunity costs as well; resources spent to build and staff correctional facilities to incarcerate more juveniles for longer periods are not available for other social uses. Economists explain that some amount of incarceration yields substantial benefits in terms of reducing crime, but that the benefits decrease (that is, fewer crimes are avoided) for each unit of increased incarceration.39 Thus, incarceration may be justified on social welfare grounds for youths who are at high risk of re-offending. But no social benefit is gained, in terms of crime reduction, when youths are confined who would not otherwise be on the streets committing crimes. Moreover, if less costly correctional dispositions effectively reduce recidivism in some juvenile offenders, incar- cerating those youths may not be justified on utilitarian grounds.

Harsh policies carry other social costs as well—particularly if incarceration itself contributes to re-offending or diminishes youths’ future prospects. Almost all young offenders will be released at some point to rejoin society. Thus the impact of incarceration on re-offending and generally on their future lives must be considered in calculating its costs and benefits. The research on the impact of adult incarceration on normative adolescent offenders is not yet extensive, but the available evidence suggests that imprisonment undermines social maturation and educational progress and likely contributes to recidivism. This finding is not surprising: adolescence is a critical developmental stage during which youths acquire competencies, skills, and experiences essential to success

in adult roles. If a youth’s experience in the correctional system disrupts educational and social development severely, it may irreversibly undermine prospects for gainful employ- ment, successful family formation, and engaged citizenship—and directly or indirectly contribute to re-offending.

The differences between the juvenile and adult systems have blurred a bit in recent years, but, even today, juvenile facilities and programs are far more likely to provide an adequate context for development than adult prison. Prisons are aversive developmental settings. They are generally large institutions, with staff whose function is custodial and who generally relate to prisoners as adversaries; programs are sparse, and older prisoners are often mentors in crime or abusive to incarcerated youths.40 The juvenile system, although far from optimal, operates in many states on the basis of policies that recognize that offenders are adolescents with developmental needs. Facilities are less institutional than prisons, staff-offender ratio is higher, staff attitudes are more therapeutic, and more programs are available.41

The effectiveness of juvenile correctional programs has been subject to debate for decades. Until the 1990s, most researchers concluded that the system had little to offer in the way of effective rehabilitative interventions; the dominant view of social scientists during the 1970s and 1980s was captured by the slogan “nothing works” to reduce recidivism with young offenders.42 Today the picture is considerably brighter. A substantial body of research over the past fifteen years has showed that many juvenile programs, in both community and institutional settings, can substantially reduce crime; the most promising programs cut crime by 20–30 percent.43 In general, successful programs are those that heed the lessons of developmental psychology. These programs seek to provide young offenders with supportive social contexts and authoritative adult figures and to help them acquire the skills necessary to change problem behavior and attain psychosocial maturity. Some effective programs focus directly on developing skills to avoid antisocial behavior, often through cognitive-behavioral therapy, a therapeutic approach with substantial empirical support.44 Other interventions that have been shown to reduce crime focus on strengthening family support. One of the most effective treatment programs with violent and aggressive youths is Multisystemic Therapy, the dual focus of which is to empower parents with skills and resources to help their children avoid problem behaviors and to give youths the tools to cope with family, peer, and school problems that can contribute to reinvolvement in criminal activity.45 Effective juvenile programs offer good value for taxpayers’ dollars, and the benefits in terms of crime reduction far exceed the costs.46

The success of rehabilitative programs does not mean that we should return to the traditional rehabilitative model of juvenile justice; punishment is an appropriate purpose when society responds to juvenile crime. Both adult prisons and juvenile correctional programs impose punishment, however, and the juvenile system is better situated to invest in the human capital of young offenders and facilitate the transition to conventional adult roles—a realistic goal for youths who are adolescence-- limited offenders. To be sure, the future prospects of juveniles in the justice system are not as bright as those of other adolescents. But developmental knowledge reinforces a growing body of empirical research indicating that juvenile offenders are more likely to desist from criminal activity and to make a successful transition to adulthood if they are sanctioned as juveniles in a separate system.

Undera mitigation model, most young criminals would be dealt with in the juvenile system. From a developmental perspective, punishing a sixteen-year-old car thief or small-time drug dealer as an adult is likely to be short-sighted—because these are typical adolescent crimes. But a justice policy that takes mitigation seriously is viable only to the extent that it does not seriously compromise public protection. In our view, older violent recidivists should be tried and punished as adults. These youths cause a great deal of harm and are close to adults in their culpability. They are also less likely to be normative adolescents and more likely to be young career criminals than most young offenders.47 The authority to punish violent recidivists as adults constitutes a safety valve that is essential to the stability of the juvenile justice system. An important lesson learned from the collapse of the rehabilitative model is that juvenile justice policy must pay serious attention to the public’s legitimate concerns about safety.

Looking to the Future

This is a good time to reflect on youth crime policy. The alarm that fueled the punitive juvenile justice reforms of the past generation has subsided as juvenile crime rates have fallen for several years. Even supporters of tough policies have had second thoughts. John DiIulio recently expressed regret about characterizing young offenders as “super-predators” and acknowledged that his predictions about the threat of juvenile crime had not been realized.48

The public too may be less enthusiastic about punitive policies than politicians seem to believe. In 2006, with colleagues, we conducted what is called a “contingent valuation survey,” probing how much 1,500 Pennsylvania residents were willing to pay (from their tax dollars) for either an additional year of incarceration or a rehabilitation program for juveniles. The alternatives were described (accurately, according to the research) as offering a similar prospect for reducing crime. We found that participants were willing to pay more for rehabilitation than for punishment—a mean of $98.00 as against $81.00. Of course, this kind of survey is somewhat artificial, since the willingness-to-pay question is hypothetical. Nonetheless, these findings should be interesting to policymakers, particularly in light of a fact that we did not disclose to our participants—that a year of juvenile incarceration actually costs five times as much as a year-long rehabilitation program.49

Our study, together with other recent survey evidence, suggests that the public cares about safety but is quite open to rehabilitative programs as a way of reducing juvenile crime.50 Politicians claim that the public has demanded “get-tough” policies, but this demand may often be a transitory response to a highly publicized juvenile crime. The research suggests that the political risk that policymakers face in responding cautiously to public pressure in the wake of these incidents may not be as great as they might surmise.

Legislatures also appear to be having second thoughts about the punitive laws that they have enacted—partly because the juvenile crime rate has fallen and partly because adult prosecution and punishment of juveniles carry a high cost. In several states, punitive laws have been repealed or scaled back. For example, in 2005, Illinois repealed a statute mandating adult prosecution of fifteen-year-olds charged with selling drugs near schools or public housing projects, acknowledging that the statute had a substantial budgetary impact and was enforced disproportionately against minority youths.51 Other states have also changed course. Colorado abolished the sentence of life without parole for juveniles, and Connecticut recently raised the age of adult court jurisdiction from sixteen to eighteen.52 Lawmakers may be ready to approach juvenile justice policy more thoughtfully today than they have in a generation. If so, a large body of recent research that was not available twenty years ago offers insights about adolescence and about young offenders. Using this scientific knowledge to shape the direction of juvenile justice policy will promote both social welfare and fairness.

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Elizabeth Scott and Laurence Steinberg explore the dramatic changes in the law’s conception of young offenders between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty- first. At the dawn of the juvenile court era, they note, most youths were tried and punished as if they were adults. Early juvenile court reformers argued strongly against such a view, believing that the justice system should offer young offenders treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways. That rehabilitative model of juvenile justice held sway until a sharp upswing in youth violence at the end of the twentieth century led both public opinion and public policy to- ward a view that youths should be held to the same standard of criminal accountability as adults. Lawmakers seemed to lose sight of developmental differences between adolescents and adults. But Scott and Steinberg note that lawmakers and the public appear now to be rethinking their views once more. A justice system that operates on the principle of “adult time for adult crime” now seems to many to take too little note of age and immaturity in calculating criminal punish- ment. In 2005 the United States Supreme Court abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment, emphasizing that the immaturity of adolescents made them less cul- pable than adult criminals. In addition, state legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws they recently enacted. Meanwhile, observe the authors, public anger has abated and attitudes toward young offenders have softened somewhat. In response to these changes, Scott and Steinberg argue that it is appropriate to reexamine ju- venile justice policy and to devise a new model for the twenty-first century. In this article, they propose what they call a developmental model. They observe that substantial new scientific evi- dence about adolescence and criminal activity by adolescents provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. They put adolescent offenders into an intermediate legal category—neither children, as they were seen in the early juvenile court era, nor adults, as they often are seen today. They observe that such an approach is not only more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, but also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social cost of juvenile crime.

Adolescence and Criminal Law: A Developmental Perspective

During the closing decades of the twentieth century, the landscape of juvenile justice underwent a dramatic transformation. This period witnessed a shift from a system that primarily viewed young offenders as individuals requiring guidance due to their immaturity, to one that increasingly mirrored the adult criminal justice system in terms of accountability and punishment. This shift was realized through sweeping legal and policy changes across most states, facilitating the prosecution of juveniles in adult courts and expanding the use of incarceration within the juvenile justice system. Driven by public anxiety over violent juvenile crime, lawmakers seemed to disregard developmental differences between adolescents and adults when crafting these policies.

However, recent years have seen a potential shift in perspective regarding a justice system that often overlooks age and maturity in determining criminal culpability. In 2005, the landmark Roper v. Simmons case saw the Supreme Court declare the juvenile death penalty unconstitutional, citing the inherent diminished culpability of adolescents due to their immaturity. Moreover, legislative bodies have begun revisiting and amending some of the harsher policies enacted in previous years. This shift coincides with public opinion data revealing a decrease in punitive attitudes towards young offenders and a resurgence of a more paternalistic approach.

This period of reflection presents a crucial opportunity to re-evaluate juvenile justice policy and explore alternative models for the 21st century. This article proposes a developmental model of juvenile justice grounded in emerging scientific understanding of adolescence and criminal behavior within this developmental stage. This model posits adolescent offenders as occupying a distinct legal category, neither children requiring rehabilitation nor adults deserving of full adult punishment. This approach aligns more closely with fundamental legal principles of fairness and holds greater potential for reducing the societal impact of juvenile crime.

A Brief History of Juvenile Justice in America

The evolution of juvenile crime policy throughout the twentieth century reflects a significant transformation in the legal perception of young offenders. The inception of the juvenile court system in the late nineteenth century saw most youths tried and punished as adults. However, by 1909, figures like Judge Julian Mack advocated for a more nuanced approach, arguing in a Harvard Law Review article that juvenile offenders should be treated with the same care and understanding a parent would extend to their child. This perspective, shared by many Progressive reformers, underscored the inherent nature of young offenders as children, no different from those facing abuse or neglect. These reformers envisioned a system prioritizing treatment and rehabilitation over punishment and formal legal proceedings.

This rehabilitative model, while seemingly successful in the early twentieth century, faced increasing challenges during the 1960s. Youth advocates successfully challenged the constitutionality of informal delinquency proceedings, leading to the Supreme Court's decision in In re Gault (1967), which affirmed the right to legal counsel and other fundamental protections for juveniles within the juvenile court system. Further criticism arose in the 1980s, as rising youth crime rates prompted conservative voices to question the effectiveness of the rehabilitative approach, citing high recidivism rates as evidence. Critics argued that while the juvenile court system may have been suited to address less serious offenses, it was ill-equipped to handle a new generation of youth engaging in increasingly violent crimes. The paternalistic rhetoric of the system, often framing young criminals as misguided children in need of guidance, seemed increasingly incongruent with the reality of youth crime in the late twentieth century.

Proponents of stricter policies often framed the debate in stark terms, presenting only two options: adult punishment or a lenient "slap on the wrist." This binary framing implied that any deviation from full adult accountability equated to complete absolution from responsibility. Consequently, the discourse often devolved into a clash between "child advocates" and proponents of "adult time for adult crime," neglecting a more nuanced understanding of adolescent culpability. This new wave of reform went beyond simply rejecting the paternalistic portrayal of young offenders; some proponents of harsher policies appeared to view juvenile offenders as inherently more culpable and dangerous than their adult counterparts. John DiIulio's influential characterization of "super-predators" in the mid-1990s, depicting remorseless youth as a significant threat to society, gained considerable traction within media and political spheres.

Fueled by rising juvenile crime rates, particularly in violent offenses like homicide, legislatures across the country implemented stricter policies through various legislative strategies. These strategies included lowering the age of judicial transfer to adult courts, expanding the range of offenses eligible for transfer, and implementing automatic transfer statutes. These statutes categorically categorized certain youth offenders as adults, either based on age (e.g., all sixteen-year-olds) or specific offenses (e.g., all thirteen-year-olds charged with murder). The widespread implementation of these reforms led to a significant increase in the number of youths transferred to the adult criminal justice system, exceeding 250,000 annually by most estimates. These statutes often bypassed individual transfer hearings, shifting discretionary power from juvenile court judges (perceived as lenient) to prosecutors. Concurrently, sentencing practices within the juvenile justice system trended towards longer periods of incarceration, sometimes extending into adulthood.

While the question of whether juveniles should be subject to the same punishments as adults does arise, it often surfaces in response to highly publicized cases involving young offenders and serious crimes. The case of Lionel Tate, a twelve-year-old in Florida sentenced to life (later overturned) for the death of a six-year-old, sparked national dialogue. However, it is crucial to recognize that the impact of these new policies extends beyond these high-profile cases, affecting countless youth involved in less publicized offenses such as drug offenses and property crimes, which constitute a significant portion of juvenile criminal court cases.

The culmination of this reform movement is the widespread adoption of the "adult time for adult crime" principle, resulting in a significant shift in the boundary of childhood within the legal system. Youths who are considered minors in virtually all other legal contexts are increasingly subject to the full weight of the adult criminal justice system when it comes to criminal behavior.

Proponents of these reforms argue that they represent a necessary response to a new generation of dangerous young offenders deemed beyond the rehabilitative capacity of the juvenile justice system. While there is some validity to this argument, acknowledging the increase in harm caused by young offenders due in part to greater access to firearms, a closer examination reveals a more complex picture. The process of legal reform in this area often exhibits characteristics of a "moral panic," a sociological phenomenon characterized by a disproportionate and often irrational societal response to a perceived threat. This phenomenon is often characterized by heightened public fear and hostility towards the perceived threat (in this case, young offenders, often from minority groups), an exaggerated perception of the threat's magnitude, and a conviction that drastic measures are urgently required. The response to juvenile crime mirrors these characteristics, with reform efforts often triggered by highly publicized crimes that amplify public fear, and in some cases, appear driven by racial bias.

The often reactive and emotionally charged nature of juvenile justice reform raises concerns about the stability and efficacy of these policies. While politicians often justify these measures by claiming public demand, historical trends suggest that moral panics tend to dissipate once the perceived crisis recedes. As we will discuss later, research suggests that while the public might initially favor harsher policies in the short term, this sentiment may not translate into long-term support.

The flawed nature of the reform process and the anomalous nature of these policies as a form of legal regulation of minors necessitate a deeper examination of the inherent flaws within the criminalization of juvenile justice. It is crucial to analyze whether these policies are substantively deficient as a matter of legal policy, a question we now address.

Adolescence and Culpability: The Case for Mitigation

A substantive evaluation of contemporary youth crime policy must begin with an examination of the punitive reforms within the framework of criminal law doctrine and principles. Central to this analysis is the principle of proportionality, a foundational concept in criminal law that underscores the importance of aligning criminal sanctions with both the harm caused and the culpability of the offender. This principle acknowledges that individuals who commit the same crime can vary significantly in their blameworthiness and deserve varying degrees of punishment. While most criminals are held fully accountable for their actions and subject to the full range of legal consequences, the law recognizes that certain actors, due to factors that diminish their culpability (e.g., mental incapacity or self-defense), might be deserving of lesser or no punishment. The historical trajectory of youth crime policy, as we have seen, reflects a dramatic shift in the perceived culpability of young offenders, from completely blameless children under the rehabilitative model to, in many cases today, fully responsible adults.

However, the legal concept of culpability is not a binary construct; the principle of mitigation plays a critical role in determining blameworthiness and punishment, and should be central to any discussion of youth crime policy. Mitigation recognizes that while certain individuals may engage in harmful behavior that meets the threshold for criminal responsibility, their culpability, and therefore their deserved punishment, may be mitigated by specific factors. Developmental research provides compelling evidence that adolescents, due to their developmental immaturity, should not be deemed as culpable as adults for their actions, although they also cannot be absolved of all responsibility as blameless children. While seemingly straightforward, the distinction between excuse and mitigation is often misunderstood. Political discourse often conflates any deviation from full adult punishment with complete absolution from responsibility. Conversely, the developmental model advocates for holding youths accountable for their actions while acknowledging their diminished culpability, warranting a more lenient approach to punishment compared to adults. A justice system grounded in mitigation aligns more closely with the developmental realities of adolescence and upholds the legal principle of fair and proportionate punishment.

Research in developmental psychology underscores several key characteristics of adolescence that differentiate young offenders from adults in ways that mitigate culpability. These characteristics include developmental limitations in decision-making ability, heightened susceptibility to external coercion, and the fluid and still-forming nature of adolescent character. As we will illustrate, each of these adolescent attributes corresponds to established legal grounds for mitigation in criminal law, providing compelling evidence for a differentiated approach to juvenile offenders.

Diminished Decision-Making Capacity

Criminal law recognizes that individuals with compromised decision-making capacity, due to factors such as mental illness or intellectual disability, may be deemed less culpable than typical offenders. In cases of severe impairment, their actions may be entirely excused. Ample evidence supports the assertion that children and adolescents, compared to adults, possess underdeveloped decision-making capabilities that are relevant to their criminal choices.

While this assertion might be readily accepted when applied to younger children, it becomes more complex when considering older adolescents, particularly those in their late teens. While cognitive abilities, such as reasoning and information processing, see significant development from late childhood through adolescence, with most teenagers demonstrating near-adult capabilities in abstract reasoning by mid-adolescence, the reality is that adolescents are less adept at applying these abilities in real-world situations. This discrepancy is partly attributable to a lack of experience and partly due to less efficient information processing compared to adults. In real-life scenarios, particularly in high-stakes situations, the ability to swiftly process and act on information is crucial for sound decision-making.

Further complicating the picture is the asynchronous nature of psychological development, with other aspects of maturation that impact decision-making lagging behind cognitive development, contributing to immature judgment in adolescents. As any parent of a teenager can attest, adolescents are highly susceptible to psychosocial and emotional influences that can cloud their judgment and lead to poor choices. Therefore, even in late adolescence, developmental immaturity likely impacts decision-making related to criminal activity in ways that distinguish teenagers from adults.

Firstly, adolescents tend to exhibit a lack of "future orientation," meaning they are more likely to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term consequences compared to adults. During adolescence, individuals demonstrate a gradual increase in future orientation, with significant development occurring between mid-adolescence and early adulthood.

Extensive research also supports the common observation that adolescents are more susceptible to peer influence than both children and adults. This susceptibility, particularly in situations involving pressure to engage in antisocial behavior, peaks around age fourteen and gradually declines throughout the late adolescent years. This heightened vulnerability to peer pressure in early adolescence might be attributed to the evolving capacity for self-direction as parental influence wanes, coupled with the intensification of peer pressure during this stage. Additionally, research suggests that engaging in certain antisocial behaviors might elevate social status among peers, perhaps by projecting independence from adult authority, further incentivizing conformity. Consequently, adolescents are more likely than both children and adults to make decisions and engage in behaviors influenced by peer pressure.

Peer influence impacts adolescent judgment both directly and indirectly. While adolescents might make choices in direct response to peer pressure, such as engaging in risky behavior they would otherwise avoid, the desire for peer acceptance (and fear of rejection) also exerts a powerful indirect influence. Given the importance adolescents place on peer approval, particularly in group settings, it is not surprising that juvenile crimes are more likely to be committed in groups compared to adult offenses.

Consider the case of Timothy Kane, a fourteen-year-old with no prior involvement with the justice system, who was convicted of felony murder for his role in a crime initiated by older youths. Tim's decision to participate in a house burglary, motivated by a desire to avoid being labeled a "fraidy-cat" and left alone, highlights the significant influence of peer dynamics on adolescent decision-making. His tragic choice exemplifies how concerns about peer acceptance, particularly salient during adolescence, can override more rational considerations.

Further contributing to immature judgment is the adolescent proclivity for risk-taking behavior. Compared to adults, adolescents are less risk-averse and may perceive risks differently. Interestingly, research shows that adolescents can identify risks in hypothetical scenarios as well as adults. However, in real-world contexts, the interplay of risk preference and other aspects of psychosocial immaturity can lead to riskier choices. For instance, an adolescent who can readily identify the risks of stealing a car in a hypothetical scenario might completely disregard those same risks when faced with the opportunity in a real-life setting, influenced by peer dynamics and the thrill of the act.

Another explanation for this difference in risk-taking behavior lies in the way adolescents evaluate the risk-reward ratio compared to adults. Studies involving gambling have shown that teenagers tend to place greater emphasis on potential gains relative to potential losses when making decisions. Consequently, an adolescent might be more inclined to engage in risky behavior like speeding, influenced by the perceived rewards (e.g., excitement, peer approval, reaching a destination quicker), while downplaying the risks, compared to an adult. This suggests that adolescents are not necessarily less knowledgeable about risks, but rather, they assign different values to the potential rewards associated with risky behavior.

Adding to the complexity of adolescent decision-making are developmental differences in impulse control and self-regulation. Adolescents are known for their impulsivity and difficulty regulating emotions and behavior, confirming the common perception of teenagers as more reckless than adults. Research suggests a gradual but consistent development of self-control throughout adolescence, with ongoing improvement throughout the high school years. Notably, adolescents also experience more frequent and intense mood swings compared to adults. While the precise link between mood swings and impulsivity requires further research, it is plausible that heightened emotional arousal, whether positive or negative, can hinder self-control. This suggests that adolescents might face greater challenges regulating their moods, impulses, and behaviors compared to adults.

These psychosocial and emotional factors contribute to immature judgment in adolescence and likely play a significant role in decisions related to criminal activity. It's not difficult to imagine how an individual whose choices are influenced by heightened susceptibility to peer pressure, poor risk assessment, sensation-seeking behavior, short-term focus, and poor impulse control might be more likely to engage in criminal behavior.

To illustrate, consider a scenario where a teenager, while socializing with friends, is presented with an impromptu suggestion to rob a nearby store. It's plausible that this teenager, lacking a developed capacity for thoughtful decision-making, might readily agree to participate, driven by a fear of rejection by peers, a desire for approval, and a focus on the immediate thrill and potential reward, while neglecting the long-term consequences. This example highlights how factors known to impact adolescent decision-making in general can contribute to choices regarding criminal activity.

While not every teenager engages in criminal behavior, these psychosocial and emotional influences on decision-making are normative during adolescence, meaning they are typical of this developmental stage. The likelihood of involvement in crime is influenced by a myriad of factors, including social context. However, it is crucial to recognize that these developmental vulnerabilities play a significant role.

Recent advancements in neuroscience have shed light on the biological underpinnings of these developmental differences, further supporting the case for considering adolescent immaturity in the context of criminal justice. Studies on adolescent brain development reveal ongoing structural changes within the frontal lobes, particularly the prefrontal cortex, a region critical for executive functions such as planning, emotional regulation, impulse control, and weighing potential consequences. This ongoing development provides a neurological basis for the observed immaturity in adolescent judgment and underscores the need for a developmentally informed approach to juvenile justice.

Mitigation on the Basis of Extraordinary Circumstances

Further bolstering the argument for mitigating culpability in adolescent offenders is the legal principle of considering extraordinary circumstances that might compel an individual to engage in criminal behavior. This form of mitigation recognizes that individuals who commit offenses under duress or extreme external pressure may be deemed less culpable than those acting of their own volition. For instance, an individual who robs a bank under threat of harm might be afforded leniency under the defense of duress. The law does not demand extraordinary resilience or bravery; rather, it acknowledges that a reasonable person might react similarly under such compelling circumstances.

Adolescents, due to their developmental stage, are uniquely vulnerable to external pressures, particularly from peers, in ways that adults are not. As previously mentioned, juvenile crimes are more likely to be committed in groups, while adult offenders are more likely to act alone. In certain high-crime communities, the pressure to engage in criminal activity can be so intense that resisting it requires exceptional resilience, potentially resulting in social isolation, loss of status, and even physical harm. This pressure, as described by researchers like Jeffrey Fagan, mirrors the coercive circumstances that might afford an adult leniency under legal defenses such as duress, provocation, necessity, or domination by co-defendants. The Supreme Court, in Roper v. Simmons, acknowledged this heightened vulnerability of adolescents when it ruled against the juvenile death penalty, highlighting that unlike adults, minors are often limited in their ability to remove themselves from harmful environments. Consequently, the court recognized this diminished capacity for self-determination as a mitigating factor in assessing culpability. Importantly, once individuals reach adulthood and the legal protections afforded to minors are lifted, they are expected to exercise greater agency in removing themselves from situations that might lead to criminal behavior. Therefore, adults cannot claim this type of situational mitigation.

Unformed Character as Mitigation

Criminal law also recognizes the relevance of an individual's character in assessing culpability, allowing for mitigation in cases where the criminal act is deemed uncharacteristic of the individual's typical behavior. During sentencing, offenders often present evidence of good character to demonstrate that the offense was an isolated incident rather than a reflection of their moral compass. This principle of considering character is particularly relevant in the case of adolescent offenders, not necessarily because they possess inherently good character, but because their character is still under development.

Psychologists, beginning with Erik Erikson, have long recognized identity formation as a central developmental task of adolescence. This process, closely intertwined with psychosocial development, typically extends over several years, culminating in a more solidified sense of self in late adolescence or early adulthood. Throughout adolescence, identity remains fluid, with values, beliefs, aspirations, and attitudes subject to change as individuals navigate this period of self-discovery. This process often involves experimentation, which for many adolescents includes engaging in risky behaviors, including criminal activity. Studies indicate that a staggering 80-90% of teenage boys admit to engaging in illegal behavior for which they could face incarceration.

Importantly, the typical trajectory of delinquent behavior shows a sharp decline after age seventeen, with most adolescents "aging out" of their antisocial tendencies as their sense of self solidifies. Many adults look back on their teenage years, often marked by risky experimentation and poor choices, with a mix of embarrassment, regret, and relief, recognizing the transient nature of those behaviors. This underscores the important point that adolescent delinquency does not inevitably lead to a life of crime.

Research suggests that a significant portion of juvenile crime can be attributed to this developmental experimentation rather than deep-seated moral failings. While adult criminal behavior can often be linked to an individual's established values and beliefs, and therefore seen as a reflection of their character, the same cannot be said for most juvenile offenders. Their choices, however misguided, are often shaped by developmental factors inherent to adolescence. Similar to an adult who can cite good character as a mitigating factor, adolescent offenders often lack this link between criminal behavior and a firmly established negative character. The Supreme Court, in Roper v. Simmons, acknowledged this distinction, noting that it is impossible to definitively conclude that "even a heinous crime committed by an adolescent is irrefutable evidence of an irreparably corrupt character."

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that not all adolescent offenders follow this path of desistance from crime. A small but significant subset of youths do persist in their criminal behavior, transitioning from adolescence into adulthood with their antisocial tendencies intact. Developmental psychologist Terrie Moffitt, through extensive longitudinal research, has categorized adolescent offenders into two primary groups: "adolescence-limited" offenders, who make up the majority and whose involvement in crime is typically transient, and "life-course-persistent" offenders, a smaller group characterized by early onset of antisocial behavior that continues into adulthood. While these groups might exhibit similar behaviors during adolescence, their underlying motivations and future trajectories differ significantly.

This distinction raises an important question: if adolescents are generally less mature than adults, should this mitigating factor be assessed on a case-by-case basis, as is the case with other mitigating conditions? After all, not all juvenile offenders are equally immature. Adolescents progress through psychological development and character formation at different rates, and some might not warrant leniency based on immaturity.

The challenge lies in the lack of reliable diagnostic tools to assess psychosocial maturity and identity development on an individual level. While some jurisdictions have begun using psychopathy checklists, adapted from adult instruments, to identify potentially psychopathic youth for harsher sentencing or transfer to the adult system, this practice is prone to error. Distinguishing adolescents with true psychopathic tendencies from those whose behavior reflects transient immaturity remains a significant challenge. This is why organizations like the American Psychiatric Association advise against diagnosing psychopathy in individuals under eighteen, recognizing the inherent uncertainty in evaluating antisocial traits and behavior in adolescence.

Furthermore, individual assessments of maturity are susceptible to bias, potentially undermining fairness. Research suggests that racial and ethnic biases can influence perceptions of culpability in young offenders, increasing the likelihood that decision-makers might downplay the mitigating factor of immaturity in minority youths. This highlights how even well-intentioned individualized assessments can be influenced by implicit biases, potentially perpetuating disparities.

In summary, developmental evidence overwhelmingly suggests that adolescent offenders, due to their inherent immaturity, differ from adults in ways that mitigate culpability. Scientific understanding supports a categorical approach that recognizes these developmental differences. The assumption underpinning the recent trend towards harsher punishments – that adolescents and adults are essentially equivalent in their capacity for criminal responsibility – contradicts the established legal principle of proportionality. While the developmental perspective does not advocate for treating adolescent offenders as blameless children, it does support a mitigation-based model that recognizes their diminished culpability, placing them in a distinct legal category deserving of less severe punishments than typical adult offenders. This model acknowledges adolescence as a unique developmental stage with its own set of legal considerations when addressing youthful criminal behavior.

Social Welfare and the Regulation of Youth Crime

While the scientific evidence for acknowledging adolescent immaturity is robust, principle alone is insufficient to dictate effective juvenile crime policy. Ultimately, the most compelling argument for a separate and less punitive system for addressing youth crime rests on utilitarian grounds. A key insight from research on juvenile delinquency, particularly the work of Moffitt and others, is that most youth involved in crime, even those who commit serious offenses, belong to the "adolescence-limited" category, meaning their criminal behavior is likely to be transitory. These individuals are not destined for a life of crime unless interventions, ironically, push them in that direction. Developmental research further reinforces this notion by demonstrating the critical role of social context in facilitating successful transition to adulthood and desistance from crime. For youth entangled in the justice system, the correctional setting becomes their primary social context, underscoring the need to consider the long-term impact of sanctions on their life trajectories. Ideally, policies should prioritize investing in the human capital of young offenders and facilitating successful transition to adulthood without compromising public safety.

Proponents of harsher punishments often point to declining juvenile crime rates as evidence of the effectiveness of these policies. While reducing crime is a crucial goal, attributing these trends solely to these reforms is problematic. Research examining the impact of these policies on crime rates has produced mixed results. Studies specifically investigating the effects of automatic transfer laws have found little to no impact on youth crime rates. The limited evidence suggesting a correlation between harsher policies and reduced crime rates has been methodologically criticized. While interviews with incarcerated youth do reveal intentions to avoid future harsh punishments, the extent to which these intentions translate into actual behavior change remains unclear. Moreover, studies comparing recidivism rates among similar youth sentenced in adult versus juvenile systems have actually found higher re-offending rates for those sentenced as adults. This collective evidence challenges the notion that adolescents are effectively deterred from crime by the threat of harsh punishment, whether due to general deterrence or the perceived "lesson" learned through incarceration.

To the extent that these reforms have contributed to crime reduction, it is primarily through incapacitation, removing individuals from society and thereby limiting their opportunities to offend. While prolonged incarceration, particularly compared to community-based sanctions, can indeed reduce crime in the short term, this approach carries significant social and economic costs. States are increasingly recognizing the economic burden of these policies. A comprehensive analysis of one state's implementation of harsher juvenile sentencing policies found a 50% reduction in serious youth crime between 1994 and 2001, coupled with a staggering 43% increase in juvenile justice system expenditures. This increased spending represents not only a direct financial burden but also significant opportunity costs, diverting resources from other crucial social programs. Economists argue that while incarceration can be a valuable tool for crime reduction, its effectiveness plateaus beyond a certain point, meaning that each additional incarcerated individual yields diminishing returns in terms of crime prevented. This suggests that while incarceration might be justifiable for high-risk offenders, it offers no societal benefit, in terms of crime control, when applied to individuals who would not otherwise be offending. Furthermore, if less costly interventions within the juvenile justice system prove effective in reducing recidivism, incarcerating these youth might not be justifiable on utilitarian grounds.

The costs of harsh punishment extend beyond economics, potentially impacting social development and future prospects, particularly if incarceration itself contributes to re-offending. It's crucial to remember that the vast majority of incarcerated youth will eventually re-enter society, making the long-term impact of incarceration a critical consideration. While research on the impact of adult incarceration on "normative" adolescent offenders is still developing, the available data suggests that imprisonment can hinder social and educational development, potentially increasing the likelihood of recidivism. This finding is not surprising considering adolescence is a critical developmental period for acquiring skills, knowledge, and experiences essential for successful transition to adulthood. Disrupting this process through incarceration can have devastating and often irreversible consequences, undermining future employment prospects, healthy relationships, and civic engagement, all of which can contribute to future criminal behavior.

While the lines between juvenile and adult correctional systems have blurred in recent years, juvenile facilities and programs remain better equipped to address the developmental needs of young offenders compared to the often harsh environment of adult prisons. Adult prisons, characterized by their large size, custodial focus, limited programming, and potential for negative peer influence, represent developmentally detrimental environments for adolescents. Conversely, the juvenile justice system, although far from perfect, often operates under policies that acknowledge the developmental needs of young offenders. Juvenile facilities tend to be smaller, with lower staff-to-inmate ratios, more therapeutic approaches to rehabilitation, and a wider array of programs.

While the effectiveness of juvenile correctional programs has been debated for decades, recent years have seen a shift in perspective. The prevailing "nothing works" sentiment regarding rehabilitative efforts with young offenders, prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s, has given way to a more optimistic outlook. Extensive research over the past two decades has identified numerous effective juvenile justice programs, in both community and residential settings, that have demonstrated significant reductions in recidivism. Many of these programs, incorporating principles of developmental psychology, focus on providing supportive environments, positive adult role models, and skill-building opportunities to address problematic behaviors and foster psychosocial maturity. Effective programs often employ evidence-based approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, while others focus on strengthening family support systems. Multisystemic Therapy, for example, has shown remarkable success in reducing recidivism among violent and aggressive youth by equipping both parents and youth with the skills and resources to address problematic behaviors and navigate challenges. These effective programs not only offer valuable returns on taxpayer investment but also yield significant social benefits that far outweigh their costs.

The success of these rehabilitative programs does not necessitate a return to the traditional rehabilitative model of juvenile justice. Punishment, when appropriately administered, remains a valid component of a just response to criminal behavior. However, the juvenile justice system, compared to the adult system, is uniquely positioned to balance accountability with a focus on rehabilitation, investing in the human capital of young offenders and facilitating their successful transition into adulthood, a realistic goal for the majority of youth who fall under the "adolescence-limited" category. It is crucial to acknowledge that the life trajectories of youth who have come into contact with the justice system will inevitably differ from their peers. However, a growing body of research, grounded in developmental science, suggests that these youth have a greater chance of desisting from crime and successfully transitioning to adulthood when treated within the juvenile justice system.

A mitigation-based approach to juvenile justice would prioritize handling most young offenders within the juvenile justice system. From a developmental perspective, subjecting a sixteen-year-old convicted of car theft or drug possession to the full weight of the adult criminal justice system is shortsighted, particularly considering these offenses are often characteristic of adolescent experimentation. However, any policy emphasizing mitigation must also address legitimate public safety concerns. In cases involving older youth and repeat violent offenders, prosecution and punishment within the adult system might be warranted. These individuals pose a greater risk to public safety and are more likely to resemble adult offenders in their culpability and likelihood of persisting in criminal behavior. Therefore, the option to prosecute these individuals as adults serves as a necessary safeguard, ensuring the effectiveness and stability of a juvenile justice system grounded in developmental principles. A key lesson learned from the decline of the rehabilitative model is the importance of considering public safety concerns when crafting effective and publicly acceptable juvenile justice policies.

Looking to the Future

The current climate, marked by declining juvenile crime rates and a decrease in the public alarm that fueled the punitive reforms of recent decades, presents a unique opportunity to re-evaluate and recalibrate juvenile justice policy. Even staunch supporters of these harsher approaches have expressed reservations, acknowledging the unintended consequences and limited effectiveness of these policies.

Public sentiment, often misrepresented by politicians as overwhelmingly supportive of "get-tough" approaches, might be more nuanced than previously assumed. Research suggests that while the public might initially favor harsher policies in response to high-profile cases or perceived increases in youth crime, this sentiment might not reflect a deep-seated preference for punitive approaches over rehabilitation. Recent public opinion data suggests that while public safety remains a top priority, there is a growing openness to exploring rehabilitative approaches as a means of reducing juvenile crime. This suggests that policymakers might have more leeway than they realize in resisting the urge to implement overly punitive measures in response to public pressure, particularly considering the transient nature of these sentiments.

Furthermore, legislative bodies, driven by declining crime rates and the economic realities of maintaining expensive adult correctional systems, have begun to reconsider the sustainability and efficacy of these punitive approaches. Several states have taken steps to repeal or amend previously enacted "get-tough" laws. For example, Illinois repealed a law mandating adult prosecution for fifteen-year-olds involved in drug offenses near schools, acknowledging its disproportionate impact on minority youth and its budgetary consequences. Other states have followed suit, with Colorado abolishing life without parole for juvenile offenders and Connecticut raising the age of adult court jurisdiction. These examples suggest a growing willingness to adopt a more nuanced and evidence-based approach to juvenile justice policy.

This current period of reflection presents a valuable opportunity to leverage decades of scientific research on adolescent development and juvenile delinquency to shape more effective and just policies. By incorporating this knowledge, we can move towards a system that balances accountability with rehabilitation, recognizing the unique developmental stage of adolescence and prioritizing interventions that promote successful transition to adulthood while ensuring public safety. This approach holds the greatest promise for reducing crime, promoting fairness, and fostering a more just and equitable society.

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Elizabeth Scott and Laurence Steinberg explore the dramatic changes in the law’s conception of young offenders between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty- first. At the dawn of the juvenile court era, they note, most youths were tried and punished as if they were adults. Early juvenile court reformers argued strongly against such a view, believing that the justice system should offer young offenders treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways. That rehabilitative model of juvenile justice held sway until a sharp upswing in youth violence at the end of the twentieth century led both public opinion and public policy to- ward a view that youths should be held to the same standard of criminal accountability as adults. Lawmakers seemed to lose sight of developmental differences between adolescents and adults. But Scott and Steinberg note that lawmakers and the public appear now to be rethinking their views once more. A justice system that operates on the principle of “adult time for adult crime” now seems to many to take too little note of age and immaturity in calculating criminal punish- ment. In 2005 the United States Supreme Court abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment, emphasizing that the immaturity of adolescents made them less cul- pable than adult criminals. In addition, state legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws they recently enacted. Meanwhile, observe the authors, public anger has abated and attitudes toward young offenders have softened somewhat. In response to these changes, Scott and Steinberg argue that it is appropriate to reexamine ju- venile justice policy and to devise a new model for the twenty-first century. In this article, they propose what they call a developmental model. They observe that substantial new scientific evi- dence about adolescence and criminal activity by adolescents provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. They put adolescent offenders into an intermediate legal category—neither children, as they were seen in the early juvenile court era, nor adults, as they often are seen today. They observe that such an approach is not only more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, but also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social cost of juvenile crime.

Rethinking Juvenile Justice in the 21st Century: A Developmental Approach

The End of the "Get Tough" Era?

The late 20th century saw a dramatic shift in how America dealt with young people who broke the law. What was once a system focused on rehabilitation, recognizing that young people are different from adults, became much harsher. Driven by fear of youth violence, almost every state adopted laws that made it easier to treat juveniles as adults in court, leading to longer sentences and more young people in prison. This "get tough" approach ignored the reality of adolescence and its impact on decision-making.

However, there are signs of a shift back towards a more nuanced view. In 2005, the landmark Supreme Court case Roper v. Simmons banned the death penalty for juveniles, stating that their immaturity makes them less culpable than adults. Since then, some states have rolled back their harshest laws, and public opinion polls show a renewed interest in approaches that consider the unique needs of young offenders.

This presents an opportunity to rethink juvenile justice for the 21st century. A possible solution is the developmental model, recognizing that adolescents are neither children nor adults, but occupy a unique category. This model, grounded in scientific understanding of adolescent development, offers a more just and effective approach to youth crime.

A Century of Shifting Perspectives

The history of juvenile justice in America is marked by changing views on young offenders. The early 20th century saw the rise of the rehabilitative model, with the establishment of juvenile courts intended to provide guidance and support rather than punishment. This approach viewed young offenders as children in need of guidance, not hardened criminals.

However, rising youth crime rates in the late 20th century led to the decline of the rehabilitative model. Critics argued that it was ineffective in dealing with a new generation of violent youth, while advocates for harsher penalties framed the choice as either "adult time" or a "slap on the wrist." This oversimplification ignored the possibility of a middle ground.

The "super-predator" myth of the 1990s, which portrayed young offenders as remorseless and dangerous, further fueled this shift towards a more punitive approach. Many states lowered the age at which juveniles could be tried as adults, expanded the types of offenses eligible for adult court, and implemented automatic transfer laws. This resulted in a massive increase in the number of youth prosecuted and sentenced as adults.

While some argued that these harsher policies were a necessary response to rising crime rates, the process was often driven by fear and misinformation, resembling what sociologists call a moral panic. The reality is that this approach ignores fundamental principles of justice and may actually harm young people and society in the long run.

Adolescence and Criminal Culpability

A key principle in criminal law is proportionality – the idea that punishment should fit the crime and the culpability of the offender. This means recognizing that not everyone who commits the same crime is equally blameworthy. While most adults are held fully responsible for their actions, the law recognizes that factors like mental illness or coercion can lessen culpability, leading to reduced sentences or even acquittal.

This concept of mitigation is central to understanding why adolescents should be treated differently in the justice system. Developmental psychology shows that adolescents are different from adults in ways that make them less blameworthy for their actions.

1. Immature Decision-Making

It's no secret that adolescents make riskier decisions than adults. This isn't just about a lack of experience, though that plays a role. Research suggests that several factors contribute to poor judgment in teenagers:

  • Limited Future Orientation: Teens are more focused on immediate rewards and less likely to consider the long-term consequences of their actions.

  • Susceptibility to Peer Influence: Adolescents are highly attuned to peer acceptance and may engage in risky behavior to fit in or avoid rejection, particularly in group settings.

  • Underdeveloped Risk Perception and Risk Aversion: While teens can understand risk in theory, they may not apply this knowledge in real-world situations. They also tend to weigh potential rewards more heavily than risks compared to adults.

  • Impulsivity and Emotional Reactivity: Adolescents are more prone to acting without thinking and have greater difficulty regulating their emotions, which can lead to impulsive decisions.

These developmental factors, along with ongoing changes in brain structure, particularly in areas responsible for planning and impulse control, mean that adolescents are less able than adults to make sound judgments, especially under pressure.

2. Vulnerability to External Pressure

Imagine being pressured into robbing a store by your friends in a neighborhood where refusing could mean ostracism or even violence. The criminal justice system recognizes that such extreme external pressure can mitigate culpability, as in cases of duress or coercion.

While adults can choose to leave such environments, adolescents, as legal minors, often cannot. They are more likely to face intense pressure to engage in criminal activity, particularly within peer groups, without the same ability to escape.

3. Unformed Character

A third factor in mitigation is the concept of character. In sentencing, evidence of good character can lead to leniency, as it suggests the crime was out of character for the individual. Adolescence is a period of identity formation, where values and beliefs are in flux. Most teenagers who engage in delinquency do not continue this behavior into adulthood. Their criminal activity is often a reflection of this developmental stage, not a fixed criminal personality.

While some young people do follow a "life-course persistent" path of criminal behavior, distinguishing these individuals from "adolescence-limited" offenders is difficult, especially in younger teens. This uncertainty further supports a default of leniency for young offenders.

The Social Costs of Punitive Policies

While the ethical argument for a more developmentally appropriate approach to juvenile justice is compelling, practicality matters too. The reality is that harsh punishment often fails to deter crime and can actually increase re-offending, undermining the very goals of the justice system.

Despite claims that the recent decline in juvenile crime is due to tougher laws, evidence suggests this is largely due to other factors. While incapacitation (removing offenders from society) through long sentences does reduce crime in the short term, it comes at a high cost.

First, there are the direct financial costs of incarceration, which far exceed the costs of community-based programs. This diverts resources from other important social services, with diminishing returns as incarceration rates increase.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, are the social costs of harsh punishment, especially for young people. Adolescence is a critical time for developing the skills and social connections needed for a successful adulthood. Incarcerating young people in adult facilities, with their often-toxic environments, disrupts this process and increases the likelihood of future criminal behavior.

Research shows that effective juvenile justice interventions are those that take adolescent development into account. Programs that provide support, build life skills, and address the root causes of delinquent behavior are more effective in reducing recidivism and promoting positive social outcomes for young people.

Rethinking Public Safety and Rehabilitation

While a more lenient approach is appropriate for most young offenders, public safety remains paramount. For a small number of violent, repeat offenders, especially those closer to adulthood, trying them as adults may be necessary. However, this should be the exception, not the rule.

Public opinion may be more open to this balanced approach than politicians assume. Our research suggests that while people value safety, they are also willing to invest in rehabilitation programs for youth.

A New Path Forward

As awareness of the limitations and costs of the "get tough" approach grows, a window of opportunity for reform is opening. By grounding juvenile justice policy in the realities of adolescent development, we can create a system that is both more just and more effective in promoting public safety and the well-being of young people.

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Elizabeth Scott and Laurence Steinberg explore the dramatic changes in the law’s conception of young offenders between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty- first. At the dawn of the juvenile court era, they note, most youths were tried and punished as if they were adults. Early juvenile court reformers argued strongly against such a view, believing that the justice system should offer young offenders treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways. That rehabilitative model of juvenile justice held sway until a sharp upswing in youth violence at the end of the twentieth century led both public opinion and public policy to- ward a view that youths should be held to the same standard of criminal accountability as adults. Lawmakers seemed to lose sight of developmental differences between adolescents and adults. But Scott and Steinberg note that lawmakers and the public appear now to be rethinking their views once more. A justice system that operates on the principle of “adult time for adult crime” now seems to many to take too little note of age and immaturity in calculating criminal punish- ment. In 2005 the United States Supreme Court abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment, emphasizing that the immaturity of adolescents made them less cul- pable than adult criminals. In addition, state legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws they recently enacted. Meanwhile, observe the authors, public anger has abated and attitudes toward young offenders have softened somewhat. In response to these changes, Scott and Steinberg argue that it is appropriate to reexamine ju- venile justice policy and to devise a new model for the twenty-first century. In this article, they propose what they call a developmental model. They observe that substantial new scientific evi- dence about adolescence and criminal activity by adolescents provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. They put adolescent offenders into an intermediate legal category—neither children, as they were seen in the early juvenile court era, nor adults, as they often are seen today. They observe that such an approach is not only more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, but also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social cost of juvenile crime.

Rethinking How We Treat Young Offenders: A More Understanding Approach to Juvenile Justice

Over the last part of the twentieth century, the way the legal system deals with young people who break the law changed a lot. In the earlier years of the 20th century, young people who broke the law were seen as kids making dumb mistakes who needed guidance. Later, they were treated like adults who should be punished harshly. This shift came from new laws and policies that made it easier to try and punish kids as adults, often locking them up for a long time. Driven by public fear of youth violence, these changes often ignored the fact that teenagers are different from adults.

But now, people are starting to rethink this harsh system. In 2005, the highest court in the US, the Supreme Court, decided in Roper v. Simmons that the death penalty for juveniles was too cruel because teens aren't as mature as adults. States have also been changing or getting rid of some of these tough laws, and public opinion seems to be shifting back to a more understanding view of young offenders.

This is the perfect time to rethink how we do juvenile justice. Based on what is now known about how teenagers develop and why they commit crimes, there could be a better way to handle juvenile offenders. This is called the "developmental model." It recognizes that teenagers are not quite children anymore, but they're not adults either. This approach is fairer and will likely make our communities safer by lowering crime rates among young people.

How America's Juvenile Justice System Has Changed

Throughout the 20th century, our ideas about young offenders changed drastically. In the early 1900s, most young people who broke the law were treated like adults. But in 1909, Judge Julian Mack argued that a young offender should be treated like a "wise and merciful father handles his own child." This idea of rehabilitation, of helping young offenders become better, formed the basis of the juvenile justice system.

However, in the 1960s, this model began to crumble. People questioned whether informal hearings were fair, and the Supreme Court agreed, ruling in In re Gault that kids deserve legal protections like the right to a lawyer. Then, as youth crime rose in the 1980s, the focus shifted to punishment. Critics pointed to kids committing serious, violent crimes and argued that rehabilitation wasn't working.

Fueled by fear, politicians pushed for harsher policies. They lowered the age at which kids could be tried as adults, broadened the types of crimes they could be tried for as adults, and created laws that automatically treated some young people as adults for certain crimes. This led to a massive increase in kids being sent to the adult system. The debate became about whether to treat young people like children or adults, with little room for middle ground.

This push for tougher laws was often driven by fear and prejudice, not logic. High-profile crimes involving young people, often exaggerated by the media, led to panicked demands for action. In many cases, racial bias played a role, with minorities disproportionately targeted by these harsher laws. This emotionally driven approach to lawmaking raises serious questions about the fairness and effectiveness of the current system.

Why Teenagers Deserve Some Understanding

To understand why the current system is flawed, it's important to look at basic principles of criminal law. One of the most important is proportionality, which means the punishment should fit the crime and the person. While most adults are fully responsible for their actions, kids aren't always. Developmental research shows that teenagers are less mature than adults, which means they shouldn't be punished as harshly.

This isn't saying teens should get a free pass. It's about understanding that they're not fully formed yet and deserve some leniency. They should still be held accountable, but the punishment should consider their developmental stage.

So how are teens different? Research shows they aren't as good at making decisions, are easily influenced by their peers, and their personalities are still developing. These factors all contribute to making bad choices, including criminal ones.

  • Trouble Thinking Ahead: Teens tend to focus on the here and now. They struggle to fully grasp the long-term consequences of their actions and often prioritize immediate rewards over potential risks.

  • Peer Pressure Is Real: Teenagers are highly susceptible to peer influence, especially during early and mid-adolescence. They crave acceptance and fear rejection, which can lead them to do things they wouldn't do on their own, including criminal activity.

  • Risk? What Risk?: Adolescents often underestimate risks and seek out thrills. While they can understand risks in theory, their brains aren’t as good at applying that knowledge in real-life situations, especially when excitement or peer pressure are involved.

  • Impulse Control? Still Developing: Teens are more impulsive than adults. Their brains are still developing the ability to control impulses and manage their emotions effectively. This can lead to rash decisions and actions they may later regret.

Imagine this: A group of friends is hanging out, and one suggests robbing a store. A teen in the group feels uneasy but goes along. Why? He's worried about being called a coward. He doesn't think through the consequences because it all happened so fast. The excitement of the moment outweighs any fear of getting caught. This is a typical scenario where immaturity and peer pressure can lead a teenager down the wrong path.

Importantly, recent research has shown that these differences are rooted in brain development. The part of the brain responsible for planning, controlling impulses, and making sound decisions is still under construction during adolescence. This means teenagers aren't just being difficult; their brains literally haven't developed the capacity for mature decision-making yet.

There are other reasons why teens deserve a break. Think about it: They're stuck in situations and environments they can't escape, like a rough neighborhood or school. They're pressured to do things they know are wrong because everyone else is doing it. This pressure, this feeling of being trapped, makes them less blameworthy than adults who have the freedom to walk away.

Finally, teenagers are still figuring themselves out. Their values, beliefs, and personalities are all in flux. What seems like a good idea one day might seem ridiculous the next. Most teens who get in trouble grow out of it. Their criminal behavior is often a phase, not a permanent fixture of their character. This is completely different from adults who commit crimes based on a solidified set of values and choices.

Of course, not all teenagers are the same. Some mature faster than others, and some young offenders will continue to commit crimes as adults. But without reliable ways to tell who's who, it’s unfair and potentially harmful to treat all young offenders as if they're hardened criminals.

A Better Way Forward: Investing in the Future

While fairness is important, the best argument for a separate justice system for youth is that it's better for everyone. Most teens who get in trouble are not destined for a life of crime. They need support and guidance to get back on track, not harsh punishment that can trap them in a cycle of crime.

Some argue that the current tough approach has led to lower youth crime rates, but the evidence is shaky. Studies show these laws haven't really deterred crime. While locking kids up does keep them off the streets, it's incredibly expensive and often counterproductive. We’re essentially paying a lot of money for a system that might be making the problem worse.

Think of it this way: Every dollar spent on locking up a teenager is a dollar that can't be used for schools, job training, or community programs. And what happens when these kids get out of prison? They often lack education, job skills, and positive social connections, making it harder to succeed and easier to fall back into crime.

The juvenile justice system, while not perfect, offers a better alternative. It's designed to address the unique needs of young people, offering education, counseling, and opportunities for growth. Research shows that programs focused on teaching kids how to make better choices, manage their anger, and build healthy relationships can significantly reduce their chances of re-offending.

This doesn't mean that all young offenders should be treated leniently. Teens who commit serious, violent crimes, especially repeat offenders, might need to be handled in the adult system for everyone’s safety. But for the majority of kids who make mistakes, a system focused on rehabilitation and second chances is the best way to ensure they become productive members of society.

The good news is that the tide seems to be turning. Public fear has subsided, and people are realizing that harsh punishment isn’t always the answer. States are reconsidering their tough laws, and there's growing support for programs that help young offenders turn their lives around.

There is now a real opportunity to create a system that is both fair and effective. By using what we know about adolescence, we can develop policies that hold young offenders accountable while giving them the support they need to make better choices and build a brighter future. It's time to choose understanding over punishment and invest in a system that benefits us all.

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Elizabeth Scott and Laurence Steinberg explore the dramatic changes in the law’s conception of young offenders between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty- first. At the dawn of the juvenile court era, they note, most youths were tried and punished as if they were adults. Early juvenile court reformers argued strongly against such a view, believing that the justice system should offer young offenders treatment that would cure them of their antisocial ways. That rehabilitative model of juvenile justice held sway until a sharp upswing in youth violence at the end of the twentieth century led both public opinion and public policy to- ward a view that youths should be held to the same standard of criminal accountability as adults. Lawmakers seemed to lose sight of developmental differences between adolescents and adults. But Scott and Steinberg note that lawmakers and the public appear now to be rethinking their views once more. A justice system that operates on the principle of “adult time for adult crime” now seems to many to take too little note of age and immaturity in calculating criminal punish- ment. In 2005 the United States Supreme Court abolished the juvenile death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment, emphasizing that the immaturity of adolescents made them less cul- pable than adult criminals. In addition, state legislatures recently have repealed or moderated some of the punitive laws they recently enacted. Meanwhile, observe the authors, public anger has abated and attitudes toward young offenders have softened somewhat. In response to these changes, Scott and Steinberg argue that it is appropriate to reexamine ju- venile justice policy and to devise a new model for the twenty-first century. In this article, they propose what they call a developmental model. They observe that substantial new scientific evi- dence about adolescence and criminal activity by adolescents provides the building blocks for a new legal regime superior to today’s policy. They put adolescent offenders into an intermediate legal category—neither children, as they were seen in the early juvenile court era, nor adults, as they often are seen today. They observe that such an approach is not only more compatible than the current regime with basic principles of fairness at the heart of the criminal law, but also more likely to promote social welfare by reducing the social cost of juvenile crime.

When Kids Break the Law: Are We Being Fair?

In the past, people thought kids who broke the law were just being kids. They believed these kids needed help, not punishment. But around the 1980s, things changed. People started seeing young lawbreakers as dangerous, just like adult criminals. States changed their laws so that kids, even young teenagers, could be punished just as harshly as adults. Many people were scared of youth crime and thought this was the only way to stay safe.

But now, it seems like people are starting to rethink these strict laws. The Supreme Court decided that it's wrong to give kids the death penalty because their brains aren't fully developed yet. They know teenagers are still learning right from wrong and can change their ways. Some states even changed their laws to make punishments for young people less harsh. It seems like people are remembering that kids are different from adults.

So, how should young people who break the law be treated? It's important to remember that teenagers are not fully grown up. Scientists who study the brain know that the part of the brain that helps us make good decisions is still developing in teenagers. This means teenagers might act impulsively or give in to peer pressure more easily than adults.

It’s also important to remember that people can change. Many kids who break the law as teenagers don’t continue this behavior as they get older. They learn from their mistakes and become responsible adults. Putting these kids in adult prisons with hardened criminals could actually make them more likely to commit crimes in the future.

The US needs a system that holds young people accountable for their actions but also gives them a chance to learn and grow. Instead of treating them like adults, the system should focus on helping them make better choices and build a positive future. This means providing them with support, counseling, and opportunities to learn new skills.

It’s time to use the science of teenage development to create a fairer and more effective system for dealing with youth crime. Kids are still learning, and everyone deserves a chance to turn their life around.

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Footnotes and Citation


Scott, E. S., & Steinberg, L. (2008). Adolescent development and the regulation of youth crime. The Future of Children, 18(2), 15-33.
