Brief of the European Union and Members of the International Community in Support of Respondent
Richard J. Wilson


There is wide agreement within the international community against the execution of offenders who were under the age of 18 at the time of their offenses.

2004 | Federal Juristiction

Brief of the European Union and Members of the International Community in Support of Respondent

Keywords international law; death penalty; under 18; minors; juveniles
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Summary of Argument

There is wide agreement within the international community against the execution of juveniles under the age of 18 at the time of their offenses. This consensus is evidenced by the practices of the overwhelming majority of nations; provisions of international law including treaties to which the United States is a party; and the positions of States before international bodies. The EU respectfully submits this brief so that the Court may take the existence of this consensus into account in its consideration of this case.

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Summary of Argument

The international community overwhelmingly opposes the execution of juveniles who were under the age of 18 at the time of their offenses. This consensus is supported by several factors: the practices of a vast majority of nations, provisions of international law including treaties to which the United States is a party, and the positions adopted by States before international bodies. The European Union respectfully submits this brief, urging the Court to consider this widespread consensus in its deliberations.

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Summary of Argument

The international community generally opposes the execution of individuals who were under 18 years old when they committed their crimes. This consensus is supported by the actions of most countries, international laws such as treaties the United States has signed, and statements made by nations to international organizations. The European Union submits this brief to emphasize this consensus to the Court.

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Summary of Argument

Most countries around the world agree that it's wrong to execute people who were under 18 years old when they committed a crime. This agreement is shown by the laws of most countries, international laws, and the statements made by countries to international organizations. The European Union is asking the court to consider this widespread agreement when deciding this case.

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Summary of Argument

Many countries agree that it's wrong to put to death people who were younger than 18 when they committed a crime. Many countries have laws that say this, and many organizations that work with countries around the world also think this is wrong. So, a group of countries in Europe is sending this brief to the United States Supreme Court to help them make a fair decision.

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Footnotes and Citation


Brief of Amici Curiae The European Union and Members of the International Community in Support of Respondent, No. 03-633 (U.S. Jul. 19, 2004).
